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One can live without reading

As time passes we tend to rely more and more on technology. Many of us couldn’t imagine a
day without their mobile phones. We can access so many forums and acquire tons of useful
(and useless) information through our little devices. Back in the day -when phones weren’t
even an idea- the majority of the population had to find other ways to get this type of
knowledge. Where did they go? To the library. Beside the newspaper books were the source
of everything that one needed to know. And unfortunately I’m correct when I say that
nowadays people only read on rare occasions, but I wish I wasn’t.
I mentioned that tech became an everyday part of our lives. Some might get the idea that
eBooks could replace regular ones, but I don’t think that will be the case. People didn’t stop
buying books because of the feeling of the item you’re holding in your hand while reading. In
our fast world, most of them think they don’t have time or they have never read a gripping
story ever and it might have out them off reading. I met tons who don’t enjoy this activity
because they find it hard to focus or they get bored really quick. We as a species have become
so impatient that we can’t even go through a whole book.
I believe that reading can be an utterly boring (as some mention) or a wonderful experience. It
really depends on what you choose to buy and sit down to consume. Reading doesn’t only
expand your knowledge, vocabulary, it also moves your imagination. You are the one creating
the characters in your mind and thinking about how they might look or act after a certain
situation. You can think of it as a sport for your brain.
Although I’ve mentioned many reasons why reading is good for you or enjoyable, I can still
accept the fact that someone isn’t fond of reading. It is time consuming, and after a long day
of work or anything in that manner, concentrating on something else is the last thing you want
to do. It is much more relaxing to lay down on the sofa and watch something on Netflix.
I wouldn’t say that I’m an avid reader, but I try to do so as many times as possible, since it is
a strangely healthy activity. I have found entertaining books for myself which I try to read at
least 3-4 times a week. And to sum up, anybody can live without reading, I just think that they
miss out in a lot of fun and opportunities.

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