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Name : Geral Dien Stefanny S.

Class : PBI 2022 A /2288203060

The Role of Communication Skill To Increase Active Engagement of EFL

Students in English Activities at School


In the dynamic landscape of English language education, fostering effective communication skills
among students is recognized as a pivotal element for comprehensive language development.
Within the context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education, the ability to communicate
proficiently goes beyond linguistic competence; it extends to active engagement in various English
activities. This research endeavors to delve into “The Role of Communication Skills to Increase Active
Engagement of EFL Students in English Activities at School.”

English language proficiency is not Solely confined to the mastery of grammar rules and vocabulary;
rather, it manifests most tangibly in the students’ capacity to engage actively in real-life
communicative situations. The classroom, being the primary domain for language acquisition, serves
as an incubator for honing these skills. Active engagement, encompassing participation, interaction,
and effective communication, is a multifaceted construct that plays a fundamental role in enhancing
language acquisition and retention.

The significance of this research lies in Its pursuit to unravel the intricate relationship between
communication skills and active engagement among EFL students within the school environment.
While the importance of communication skills is widely acknowledged, the specific impact on active
participation in English activities warrants a focused investigation. Understanding this correlation is
essential for educators seeking to optimize language learning experiences

For their students.This study not only aims to contribute valuable insights into the interplay between
communication skills and active engagement but also endeavors to provide practical implications for
educators and curriculum developers. By identifying the key communication skills that significantly
influence students’ involvement in English activities, this research aspires to pave the way for more
targeted and effective language instruction strategies.

As we embark on this exploration, we anticipate that the findings will not only enrich our
understanding of the factors influencing active engagement in EFL contexts but will also provide a
foundation for informed pedagogical practices. The ensuing chapters will delve into the research
design, methodology, data analysis, and implications, as we seek to unravel the intricate dynamics
shaping the role of communication skills in enhancing the active involvement of EFL students in
English activities at school.

The role of communication skills in increasing active engagement of EFL students in English
activities at school can be analyzed through various strategies and techniques. Some key approaches
to enhance communication skills and active engagement include:
Practice opportunities: Providing students with opportunities to practice their oral skills in
virtual classrooms can lead to better communication and active engagement

Role plays and presentations: Assigning students to perform role plays or give presentations
can help them develop their communication skills and engage with their peers

Teacher’s immediacy behaviors: EFL teachers should focus on fostering interpersonal

communication abilities, such as immediacy, to create a positive learning environment and
encourage students’ willingness to communicate and academic engagement

Real-world content: Engaging students with authentic content can encourage

communication skills and better prepare learners for college and career opportunities

Culturally responsive teaching (CRT): CRT connects with students in meaningful ways,
increasing engagement and active participation in class activities

Teaching specific communication skills: Focusing on specific communication skills, such as

care, clarity, credibility, rapport with students, stroke, immediacy, confirmation, humor, and praise,
can help EFL learners develop effective interpersonal communication skills

Scaffolding in teacher-student interaction: The concept of scaffolding in teacher-student

interaction can help create a positive classroom climate, motivating and guiding students’
engagement in English activities

The findings of this research shed light on the intricate relationship between communication
skills and the active engagement of EFL students in English activities within a school setting. The
results of the pre and post-assessment provide insights into the impact of targeted interventions on
enhancing communication skills, while observational data contributes to our understanding of how
these skills manifest in real-time engagement.

 Communication Skills and Active Engagement:

The observed improvement in communication skills, as evidenced by thepostassessment,
aligns with the theoretical framework emphasizing the central role of communication in language
acquisition. The correlation between enhanced communication skills and increased active
engagement during English activities underscores the importance of fostering these skills for
effective language learning..

 Identified Communication Skills:

Analysis of the observational data reveals specific communication skills that significantly
contribute to active engagement. Clear articulation, active listening, and effective
collaboration emerge as key factors influencing students’ participation in English
activities. This information provides valuable guidance for educators seeking to tailor
their instructional strategies to cultivate these essential skills.

 Pedagogical Implications:
The study’s outcomes have practical implications for EFL educators. By recognizing the pivotal role
of communication skills in promoting active engagement, educators can design instructional
activities that explicitly target the development of these skills. Incorporating interactive and
collaborative elements into the curriculum can create an environment conducive to language
acquisition and meaningful communication.

 Limitations and Future Research:

Despite the valuable insights gained, it is crucial to acknowledge the limitations of this study.
The sample size, while diverse, may not fully capture the heterogeneity within EFL student
populations. Additionally, the study’s focus on a single school setting may limit the
generalizability of the findings. Future research could explore these dynamics across various
educational contexts and demographic groups to enrich the understanding of communication
skills in EFL education.

In conclusion, this research emphasizes the pivotal role that communication skills play in fostering
active engagement among EFL students in English activities at school. The findings underscore the
significance of targeted interventions aimed at enhancing these skills to address challenges related
to student participation and enthusiasm. As communication proficiency improves, students are likely
to demonstrate increased involvement in language-based activities, leading to a more dynamic and
effective learning environment. This study contributes valuable insights for educators, policymakers,
and curriculum developers seeking to optimize EFL education by prioritizing the development of
communication skills to elevate student engagement levels. Further research and continuous
pedagogical adjustments are recommended to sustain and build upon the positive outcomes
identified in this study. Summarize the research design and restate the importance of investigating
communication skills and active engagement in EFL students. Remember to adapt the design based
on your specific research context and available resources.


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