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Servings Calories Total Fat (g) Saturated Fat (g) Cholesterol (mg) Sodium (mg) Potassium Carbohydrates (g)

arbohydrates (g) Fiber (g) Sugar (g) Protein (g) Vit A % Vit C % Calcium % Iron % Food Groups Comments:
Breakfast dairy
smoothie 1 250 100 6 35 194 24 1 19 16 10 2 25 2 protein

cashews 1 160 14 2.5 0 0 180 8 1 2 5 0 8

pizza 2 679 27.6 12 66.4 1554.8 423.2 73.8 3.6 9.4 30.4 0 5.4
orange juice 2 120 0 0 0 0 248 13 0 12 1 45 2 0

broccoli 1 30 0 0 0 30 270 6 2 1 2 4 4
chicken 1 120 1.5 0 75 70 223 0 0 0 27 0 0 8 2
beans 1 80 0.5 0 0 15 280 19 6 1 6 0 4 10
tortillas 1 150 1 0 0 5 92 32 3 0 3 15 1

TOTAL CALORIC INTAKE 1589 144.6 20.5 176.4 1868.8 1716.2 175.8 16.6 44.4 90.4 10 47 58 32.4
DAILY VALUE (you fill in!) 1342 78 20 300 2300 2300 325 25 25 80 63 90 20 19

Subtract Calorie exercise

NET CALORIC INTAKE 1589 Reflection notes:
Notate sickness, stay up late, etc.
Amount of water (Ounces) 78 no exercise

Amount of sleep (hours) 7

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