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10th Material Subject: Special Distribution of

Discrete Random Variable

Undergraduate of Telecommunication Engineering

Telkom University
Center of eLearning & Open Education Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi No.1, Bandung - Indonesia
1. If X is a random variable that represents an opportunity a student is absent from the course Probability
and Statistics, X are distributed with Bernoulli with the value p = 0.3, determine:
a. Probability Mass Function (PMF) of random variable X
b. Mean / Expected Value random variable X
c. Variance random variable X
d. Moment Generation Function random variable X

2. Given binomial random variable X with E(X) = 7 and Var(X) = 2.1, determine:
a. Probability Mass Function (PMF) of random variable X
b. Moment Generation Function random variable X
c. fx (0), fx (2), fx (4) and fx (8)
d. P(X ≤ 5), P(X < 5), P(X > 4) and P(X ≥ 5)

2/3 May 8, 2020

3. Of the 50 resistors produced by PT.ELECTRA, on average there will be 20% of resistors experiencing
defects. If 10 resistors will be taken randomly and Without Replacement, and variable random X
represents the selection of a defective resistor, specify:
a. Probability Mass Function (PMF) of random variable X
b. Moment Generation Function random variable X
c. fx (0), fx (2), fx (4) and fx (8)
d. P(X ≤ 5), P(X < 5), P(X > 4) and P(X ≥ 5)
4. Suppose X is a random variable with a Poisson distribution, where 3P(X = 2) = P(X = 3).
a. Probability Mass Function (PMF) of random variable X
b. Moment Generation Function random variable X
c. fx (0), fx (2), fx (4) and fx (8)
d. P(X ≤ 5), P(X < 5), P(X > 4) and P(X ≥ 5)

3/3 May 8, 2020

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