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Soft Skills

UNIT - 1
1.1 Skills in Listening and Writing
1.2 Skills in Reading and Understanding

1.1 Skills in Listening and Writing

To develop one’s language skills it is essential to practice, to excel in all the
four basic language skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
Listening and Reading are called Receptive skills, wherein one receives the
language and interprets the meaning to understand the message.
Speaking and Writing are called Productive skills, wherein one uses the
language acquired to construct a message through speech or a written text, for
others to understand.

Listening Skill
Listening is an art which requires patience and regular listening practice to
attain excellence.

The Difference between Hearing and Listening:

Hearing is a passive act that merely identifies the reception of some sort of
‘sound’. Listening on the other hand is concentrating on the sounds by focusing
with purposeful objectives and paying attention to what is being said.

Two kinds of listening situations:

1. Interactive Listening
2. Non-interactive Listening
In Interactive Listening, the listener plays an active role in a communicative
situation. The listener listens and gives replies, requests clarifications and offers
opinions. Interactive listening situations include face to face conversations,
telephonic conversations, video calls, etc.
In Non-interactive or Non-reciprocal Listening, the listener passively listens
to a speech or a conversation in the radio, television, laptop or an iPod.

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Listening skill involves the ability to:

 Differentiate between various sounds in the target language.
 Recognise stress and rhythm patterns, tone patterns and intonation
 Recognise and practice the short form of words.
 Recognise vocabulary.
 Identify grammatical grouping of words.
 Predict meaning from context, using background knowledge and
contextual knowledge.
 Recall important words.

The three steps of Active Listening:

1. Understanding
This is the first and most important step in the listening process. In this
stage, the listener should be able to comprehend, actively analyze and listen by
paying attention to what the speaker is saying without interaction or thoughts
about other topics.
2. Retaining
This is the second step in the listening process. Retaining requires the
listener to remember what the speaker has said. Remembering, recollecting and
taking notes are good practices to retain.
3. Responding
It is the third step and involves the skill of showing an accurate
understanding of what the speaker has said by reflecting on the speaker’s
messages, thoughts and meanings. It is otherwise known as ‘reflective listening’
whereby the listener responds to the thoughts and feelings communicated to him
or her by the speaker.

Barriers to effective listening

Many interferences can come in the way of effective listening which can be
classified into two types:
1. Physical
2. Psychological

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Physical distractions are barriers from the external environment that

prevent the listener from paying attention to the speaker’s message. They include
loud noise or music, people chatting close by, strong odours, time of the day, etc.
Psychological distractions may include being upset or angry, holding
prejudices, closed mindset, nervousness or anxiety.

Overcoming Listening Barriers

 Avoid excessive talking, practice self-control and avoid interrupting.
 Overcome prejudices. Respect the person speaking for his/her knowledge.
 Keep cell phones away and try to maintain eye contact with the person
 Try to avoid conversations in noisy surroundings.
Great leaders are good listeners. Effective listening is a valuable skill that
helps team members achieve their goals effectively and improves productivity.
This skill is necessary to stay competitive in the current global scenario.
Implementing the above mentioned tips will definitely help in improving one’s
Listening skills.

Answer briefly
1. What are the Receptive skills?
2. What are the Productive skills?
3. What is the difference between ‘Hearing’ and ‘Listening’?
4. Mention the two kinds of Listening situations.
5. State the three steps to Active Listening.

Answer in a paragraph
1. Describe the abilities a person should possess to master the skill of listening.
2. Explain the three steps to Active Listening.
3. Explain the barriers to effective Listening.
4. Elucidate the ways to overcome the Barriers to effective Listening.
5. State the importance of Listening Skill.

Answer in detail
1. Write in detail about the art of Listening and the barriers to effective Listening
explaining the ways to overcome them.

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Listening and Documenting.

The difference between the ability to Listen and the ability to Read:
Listening Reading
1 A person listens to a spoken text. A person reads a written text.
One can’t relisten in real life One can reread what is written as it
situations. is usually in print form.
Reading can be done in a more
Listening requires more intense relaxed manner, as even if a line is
and focused attention. missed there is an option to get
back to it.
Reading requires the understanding
4 Even an illiterate can listen.
of the written form of the language.
Listening is the first step to acquire Reading demands the learning of
a new language. the written form of the language.

Attentive listening
Focused and attentive listening will be purposeful. Observe the conservation
Saranya : Hello, is it Shakthi?
Shakthi’s mother : No, this is Shakthi’s mother.
Saranya : Aunty, can I talk to Shakthi?
Shakthi’s mother : She has gone out. Should I convey something to her?
Saranya : Aunty tell her that she has a special class tomorrow
morning at 8am.
Shakthi’s mother : Sure. I will convey it to her.
Saranya : Bye Aunty.
Shakthi’s mother : Bye.
The above conversation is long, but the bottom line of the information is
that there will be a special class, the next day morning. Shakthi’s mother would
have recorded the conversation as below:

Documented Message:
Saranya called to say that there will be a special class the next day at 8am.

Read this telephonic conversation between the receptionist and the caller and
observe the message documented in the text box.
Receptionist : Good Morning! This is Selvam Plaza. How may I help you?

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Caller : Can I talk to Raja Sekar, please?

Receptionist : He has gone out for lunch. Can I take a message?
Caller : I am Ravi and I would like to meet Raja Sekar. I also want to invite
him for my house warming ceremony.
Receptionist : Does Raja Sekar have your contact number?
Ravi : Yes indeed.
Receptionist : I will definitely place a note on his table.
Ravi : Thank you very much.
Receptionist : You are most welcome.

Documented Message:
Ravi called and informed me that he would like to meet you. He also wanted to
invite you to his house warming ceremony.

Work in pairs and write a dialogue between Maha and Ranga using the hints
given below.

Maha is a data entry operator and receptionist in Venkata Traders. She receives a
call from Ranga, an advertising agent. Ranga wants to meet Elango, the Executive
Manager regarding an advertisement presentation. Maha says Elango is out of
town and would return after three days. Ranga agrees to make a call after three
Maha : This is ………………………………........................................................…….
Ranga : Could I ……………………………...................................................................
Maha : Mr. Elango …………………………….............................................................
Ranga : I am Ranga………………...................................................................................
Maha : I will .....................................................................................................................
Ranga : Thank You ...........................................................................................................
Maha : ...............................................................................................................................

Maha writes a message and leaves it on Elango’s table. Can you document Maha’s
message to Elango?
Documented Message:
Ranga…...……………................................................................................… called up.
He called regarding ………….........................................................................................
He agreed to call ...............................................................................................................

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Writing Skills
Good writing skills are an important aspect of good communication. It
helps one to communicate one’s message with coherence and clarity to the reader.
Writing skills are effective persuasive skills that are useful while writing a report,
drafting a resume or a CV, communicating with a customer, or expressing one’s
thoughts through blogs or other media.

Writing skill involves the ability to:

 Use the correct form of words.
 Use vocabulary appropriately.
 Use the style suitable to the genre and audience.
 Make the central ideas distinct from the supporting ideas.
 Make the text coherent for any reader to follow the ideas easily.

Note-making is a progressive writing skill. It helps a person to make sense
of what one is reading or learning. Effective note-making skills enable one to not
only select the information one reads from written sources efficiently, but also
helps one to organise them into a coherent structure. Note-making helps in
keeping information available whenever it is required.

How to make notes:

 Read the passage or the extract provided carefully.
 While reading the extract, underline the important key sentences. It helps
in grouping the information under titles and subtitles.
 Make a rough note of all important and main points to be included and
then give them a logical sequence.
 Write down the summarization of the paragraph.

Points to remember while making notes

 It should be precise and to the point.
 It should have all the significant and key information of the given passage.
 All information should be systematically divided, and subdivided.
 Use universally appropriate symbols and abbreviations needed and provide
key to the abbreviations.
 The main title should be short and suitable to the passage and should reflect
the essence of the passage.

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 Notes must be written in points, listed one after another and numbered
 Avoid the usage of full sentences.
 Do not take extracts of the passage to form the notes.
 In order to give your note a visual sense of brevity, indenting (shifting from
the margin) sub points below points and sub headings below headings is
 Use Abbreviations as much as possible while making notes. Eg.: +ve, -ve, =.
 Brevity is vital. Universal symbols such as,
& for ‘and’
i.e. for ‘that is’
e.g. for example
viz. for namely etc., should be used appropriately.
 A Key should be used for own short forms.

Here is a passage on “Conversations” and sample notes based on it.

The art of Conversing is one of the easiest arts to be taught. All one needs to
find is an interesting subject that attracts both the listeners and the speaker.
There are countless hobbies to talk about but the secret of one’s popularity
lies in talking about the other person’s hobby rather than one’s own. Talking to
one’s friends about the topics that they like, will get one a reputation for good
relationship, delightful humour and a bright mind. There is nothing that pleases
and satisfies the other person so much as another person’s attention and interest
in their matters.
It is also very important to understand the subjects that need to be avoided
while conversing, as selection of the subject contents is very vital. In order not to
be called a bore, a person should avoid certain disagreeable subjects. Avoiding
talking about one’s own self, unless one is asked for is something to be kept in
mind. People are interested in their own problems and not in others. Sickness or
death bores everyone. The only one who would be willing to listen to such talk
could be a doctor as he gets paid for it.
Pondering on the words of Benjamin Franklin, “Remember not only to say
the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the
wrong thing at the tempting moment”.
A good conversationalist knows not only what to say but also how to say it.
Being mentally sharp and witty is essential but the most essential is not to hurt
others with one’s wit. Avoiding mannerism is another thing to be kept in mind.

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Clicking one’s tongue, biting the lips, rolling the eye, using the hands excessively
while speaking are to be kept under check.


Title - The Art of Conversing

1. Convers. – most easily teachable art.
a) The Requirement
-an interesting sub. that interests both
b) The secret of Convers.
-Talk about the other person’s

Results in winning a
reputation as,

i) a good relationship holder

ii) a delightful humourist
iii) having a sharp mind
2. Subs. to be avoided:
a) Unpleasant Subs.
i) Sickness
ii) Death
3. Qualities of a good conversationalist:
a) What to say & how to say it
b) Mentally sharp & witty
c) Pleasant & unhurting
d) Avoid mannerisms

Abbreviations used:
Convers. - Conversation
Sub. - Subject

Sometimes you may be asked to write a summary of the passage based on the
notes. Here is a summary of the passage on ‘Conversations’.
The Art of Conversing is one that can be learnt easily. The secret of a
successful conversation lies in taking interest in other person’s interests. Being a
good conversationalist involves the ability to be mentally sharp and witty to know
what to say and how to say it. Avoid mannerisms. Being pleasant and courteous is
much required.

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Answer briefly
1. Why is Writing skill an important aspect of communication?
2. What type of Listening will be purposeful?
3. What is Note-making?
Answer in a paragraph
1. Explain the difference between the ability to listen and the ability to read.
2. Explain with example the skill of listening and documenting a message.
3. Why is writing skill an effective persuasive skill? Bring out the abilities
involved in writing skill?
Answer in detail
1. What is note-making? List out the points to remember while making notes.

Unit -1.2 Skills in Reading and Understanding

Reading is a process which involves one’s eyes and brain. Reading first
involves getting data or information through one’s eyes and then decoding the
same in the mind meaningfully. Reading thus is a cognitive capability. But when
we answer questions based on what we have read we display our understanding
of the textual content. Thus, Reading is an ability while understanding is a skill. A
simple example will elucidate this point.

While I was taking my regular walk, I saw a thief chasing a man.

Based on your reading of the sentence above, answer the following question:
What time of the day was it?
Night / evening / morning / afternoon
The answer is morning or evening. It has to be deduced from the words ‘taking
my regular walk’ where we infer information using the word, ‘walking’ which is
an activity that people do soon after they wake up or before going to bed.

Activity -1
A. Read the following tit-bits and answer the questions that follow:
As I was returning from my office, I decided to buy a pack of biscuits for my tea.
1. The person likes to take
a. Tea and chips
b. Biscuits for the child and make tea to drink
c. Tea and biscuits as it always makes a good combination
d. There is no relationship between biscuits and making tea
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2. What time of day was it?


B. Say whether the following statements about the passage below are true or false.
Give reasons in support of your answer.
Raja is a leading actor. He refused a movie offer as he was currently caught up in
another movie in Japan.
1. Raja is a successful actor.
2. Raja is currently in Japan.
....... ....................................................................................................................................
3. Raja is a lazy man.
4. The movie offer demands Raja’s exit from Japan.

Activity -2
C. Read the passage and do the activities which follow:
Sheela is the leader of her class. She has a science test on Monday. While
leaving the school on Saturday, she leaves behind her science book in the school
shelf. She notices the missing book after reaching home. Monday morning she
reaches the school a little earlier and does a last minute reading and writes the test
and gets good marks. In the process of preparing for the test, she misplaces the
attendance register of her class.

What kind of person is Sheela?

1. Evaluation : Do you like Sheela?

2. Opinion : Should Sheela be appointed as leader of the class?

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3. Judgment : Is Sheela a responsible person?
Answer each question in about 30 words. The hints below will help you draft your
a) What kind of girl is Sheela?
Hints : Sheela – intelligent – absent minded
She-does not-home to check. She is careless.
b) Do you like Sheela. Give reasons.
Hints : I like Sheela. She-me. I-absent minded. I-check everywhere. What’s
wrong if – is like Sheela.
c) Should students like Sheela be office bearers in schools/colleges?
Hints : No doubt, Sheela-good at-studies. But, it is doubtful-people can be
employed-. Absent mindedness and - are not suitable for-leaders.

Answer in detail

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1. Explain in detail about the skill of reading and understanding. Illustrate with

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UNIT – 2
2.1 Skills to Read and Respond to Instructions
2.2 Skills of Interpretation and Transcoding Information

2.1 Skills to Read and Respond to Instructions

Skills to Read
Understanding what one reads is the main aim of any reading activity.
Active Reading involves an active mind throughout the reading process. This
includes Pre-reading, Skimming, Scanning, Extracting and constructing meaning.
Before starting on the reading process, the purpose of reading should be
determined. Whether one is reading for pleasure or reading to be introduced to
something new or reading something quickly to get a gist or reading something in
detail determines the outcome of the reading process.

An instruction is a guide which provides detailed information on how
something should be done or used or operated. Instructions are a part of one’s life.
We give and are being given instructions almost daily. We see sign boards with
instructions everywhere around us. The goods that we purchase contain
instructions on how to use and maintain them. Our day-to-day instructions may
include, “Be Careful”, “Listen”, “Do not touch”, “Do not expose to heat”,
“Danger”, etc.
Instructions are given for the reader to execute or follow them. There is a
difference between executing an instruction and following an instruction.

Look at the following instruction given by the Principal of a College to the

Transport Manager.
‘Ensure that the college buses are in their respective stops an hour earlier as
there is a political procession expected in our route by 8am.’
The instruction asks the Transport Manager to ensure that the buses take
off an hour earlier to avoid traffic. He may follow it up with several pieces of
instruction to his staff such as:
 Bus drivers are asked to start at 5 am from the campus.
 The staff and students are to be sent circulars to reach their respective stops
an hour earlier.

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These are instructions to be followed by the bus manager who in turn will
supervise the staff and ensure that the buses reach the campus on time.

Executive instructions are directive, non-detailed, general and non-specific.

Instructions to be followed are detailed, clearly defined and demand completion.

Observe the following sample instructions:

1. Ensure ten percent increase in the pass percentage of your class.
Ans: This is an instruction to be followed because it is clearly defined and
demands completion of a specific task.
2. At least one poem has to be memorised every day.
Ans: This is an instruction to be followed because it clearly defines that one
poem has to be memorised each day and demands the completion of the
3. Turn off all the lights and fans before you leave.
Ans: This is an instruction to be followed because it clearly defines that
whoever leaves should turn off all the lights and fans.
4. Ensure that the food quality is maintained.
Ans: This is an executive instruction because it is general and non-specific.
It doesn’t define how the food quality is to be maintained.
5. Being punctual to the college is very important.
Ans: This is an executive instruction because it is general and non-specific.

Activity -1
Here are some instructions. Say whether they are executive instructions (EI) or
instructions to be followed (IF). Give reasons for your choice.
1. Bring down the electricity bill.
2. Ensure that the project is ready by Monday.
3. Ensure that the students don’t waste water.
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4. Finish the building construction in the next three months.

5. Learn to use this computer application by the end of next month.
6. Ensure that the water quality is good.
Giving Written Instructions:
 Written instructions can be followed easily if each and every procedure is
explained in a step by step manner.
 Each step of the instruction should be simple and easy to follow.
 The language used should be simple and user friendly.
 Even minute details should be given importance.

Observe the following instructions given:

Sample -1
Instructions on how to search the internet:
1. Ensure that your laptop, PC or phone is connected to a reliable Internet
2. Click and enter a browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.
3. Type the name of any useful search engine in the space provided with key
words such as Google, Yahoo, Bing,, etc. and enter search.
4. Click the search engine you prefer.
5. Type the words you want to search for and press the enter key on the
keyboard after typing.
6. The key words you type should be very specific and appropriate to get the
best results.
7. Results will be displayed along with the needed links.
8. Click and open the one which is relevant.
9. If the opened site is not adequate or inappropriate, press the back button
and open the other results displayed.
10.Repeat the search again with relevant key terms whenever necessary.

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Sample -2
You are in your college and you need to access a word document from your
computer. Your younger sister is the only one who can help you at this moment.
What are the instructions you will give to your sister to switch on the computer.
 Connect the power chord of the UPS to a switch board.
 Press the silver button on the CPU. The indication is a clicking sound and
small lights of green and red will start flickering.
 After a few seconds you will hear the fan rotating and the monitor will turn
on showing a process and will stop with the display ‘Enter password’.
 Just click enter and the computer will be ready for use.

Activity -2
1. Write down instructions on how to make lemon juice. Your instructions can
begin like below:
i) Take 500ml of water in a vessel.
ii) Cut a large lemon and add the lemon juice to the water after removing the
Write down the other instructions using the example given above.
2. There is a sudden thunder storm and lightning with rain in your city and you
are stuck up in the shopping mall. Give instructions to your little brother to
shut down the computer that you had forgotten to turn off.
The following points may help you in drafting your instructions.
(i) The ‘Windows’ button is at the bottom left-hand corner of your screen.
(ii) The option ‘ Shut down’ is available here.
(iii) If there are any programs running or documents open. You have two
options now: Cancel or Force shut down.
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Answer briefly
1. What does the reading process involve?
2. What is an Instruction?
3. What are the things to be kept in mind while giving written instructions?

Unit - 2.2 Skills of Interpretation and Transcoding Information

Interpretation is the action of understanding and explaining the meaning of
something. It is the presentation of the facts in a more defined and detailed
Transcoding is the conversion or creative illustration of the information in
the language from one form of coded representation to another.

Observe the example below:

Sample -1
Read the following extract about the female literacy rate in India.
In India women’s education was given less importance till the turn of the
20 century. The female literacy rate was less than 10% till 1950 and moved up
steadily to reach 25% in 1970. As a result of the awareness created and the special
facilities provided it increased to 35% in 1980. The female literacy rate touched
55% at the turn of the millennium. The female literacy rate in 2010 stands as
Sl. No. Year Female literacy rate
1 1950 10%
2 1970 25%
3 1980 35%
4 2000 55%
5 2010 65%

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The above table can be converted into a bar graph as below.

Graphs, tables and Pie-charts are visual representations. They are used to
organise data to demonstrate patterns and relationships. The above written
passage became more effective when illustrated through a table and graph. Tables,
graphs and figures can present certain types of information more clearly and in
less space than the same material would need in sentence form.
A pie chart is a kind of graph in which a circle is divided into segments in
which each part denotes a proportion of the whole. An appropriate key is an
essential element of any visual representation.

The following is based on a private survey on what function of the mobile is
used the most by users. 40% of the mobile is used for social media like Facebook,
Twitter, WhatsApp, etc. 35% of the mobile is used as a source of entertainment
which may include Music and movies. 20% of the mobile is used primarily for
gaming applications. Productivity is the least used function with only 5% using
their phones for Email or work type functions.

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Mobile Function Used most

40% Social Media (Facebook,
Twitter, Watsapp,etc)

35% Entertainment (Music,

Movies, etc)

20% Games (Candycrush,

racing, dressing, etc)

5% Productivity (Email,
Calculator, Dictionary, books,

1. Read this extract and do the activity which follows:
In 2013, Ramu a young hardworking shoemaker with the little money he
had, opened a small shop earning a profit of 10 % per year. In 2014 he was
luckily visited by a kind rich man who liked the perfection in his shoes and his
profit increased to 30%. In 2015 he got a few good customers and his profit
increased to 50%. In 2016, Ramu expanded his shop and got a bulky school order
and his profit increased to 70%. In 2017, his profit further increased to 80%. Now
Ramu is a fortunate man running a successful shoe company with a profit of 90%.

A. Tabulate the information of Ramu’s profits in his shoe business.

S. No. Year Ramu’s Profit

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B. Convert the table into a bar graph.

2. In a college of 1000 students 5% of them come by car, 35% come by walk, 10%
come by Auto, 20% come by the college bus and the rest use Public transport to
reach the college.
A. Tabulate the information regarding the various means of Transport used by the
college students to reach the college.
Transport Used Percentage of Students using it.

B. Convert the table into a Pie Chart.

Answer briefly
1. What does the process of Interpretation involve?
2. How do we transcode information?
3. What is a Pie-Chart?
4. What is the importance of a Visual representation?

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UNIT – 3
3.1 Skills in Seeking and Responding to Information
3.2 Skills of Day-to-Day Communication

3.1 Skills in Seeking and Responding to Information

The role of Information
Information is defined as knowledge about a particular subject. It is the
communication or reception of knowledge. One can get information by asking
questions, by reading books, notices, display boards and so on. This is the age of
Information. A person’s success depends upon gathering the correct information
from the right person.
Seeking information can be as simple as asking for the time or as
complicated as asking for details. When a person asks information from his/her
friend, colloquial form of expression should be used. When a person is asking
information officially in his work place or to a fellow employee, appropriate form
of formal expression should be used.

Informal Structures
A direct question can be used to ask a friend or family member.
Question Type: ‘Wh’ word + helping verb + subject + verb.
Where does he come from?
How much is this mobile?
Formal Structures
Can you tell me when the college reopens?
Pardon me, could you tell me the way to the bus stand?
Would you mind telling me a little more about this savings plan?

Activity -1
You need money urgently. Talk to a friend on the telephone asking for help. Fill in
the blanks.
Mani : Hello Kumar, how are you?
Kumar : Hi Mani, I’m fine how are you?
Mani : Fine. Thank you. I need your help. _________________
some money I need it urgently.
Kumar : How much?
Mani : Five Hundred Rupees.

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Kumar : Oh, Certainly. ________________________________

and collect the money now.
Mani : Yes, I’ll come myself. I’ll come there in an hour. Thank You.
Kumar : Bye.

Responding to a request plays a vital role in communication skills. When a person

seeks for information by asking questions one has to respond properly and
The reply can be in the form of one of the following phrases:
No Problem.
Let me see.
It would be a pleasure to assist you.
I am happy to answer your question.
I should be able to give some tips.

If we are unable to help a person, one of the expressions given below can be used.
Sometimes it is necessary to say no.
Sorry, I can’t help you out.
Sorry, I don’t know that.
I’m afraid I don’t have the answer to your question.
I’d like to help you but unfortunately I don’t have the information.

Seeking information is asking something from somebody. It can be done in two

ways. You can ask a question or make a request to someone to give you the

Read the following:

 How can I reach the railway station?
 Would you please tell me the way to the railway station?
The second question is a request but it seeks information from somebody.
The first sentence also gathers information. The first sentence is a little impolite
but the second one is very courteous. However, both the sentences seek the same
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information. Both the questions above are requests seeking information. Let us
observe here how to seek and respond to information by studying some samples of
verbal communication.

Read the following sentences and mark (Q) if they are questions and (R) if they
are request.
1. Would you tell me where the diary is? _________
2. What does CPU do in a computer? _________
3. Would you please tell me the way to the temple? _________
4. Where is the bus terminus? _________
5. Would you tell me the meaning of the word ‘Panacea’? _________
6. What does an adjective mean? _________
7. Would you please tell me how to use these tools? _________

All requests do not seek information. Some requests have to be responded with

Example: Would you please give me your pen?

In the example mentioned above the speaker does not seek information, but asks
for a pen. So the receiver has to get into action and give his pen to the speaker.

Thus we understand that there are requests that seek information and requests
that seek action.

Look at the following requests and mark (I) if the request seeks information or (A)
if the request seeks action.
1. Would you give me your cycle please? _________
2. Can you tell me the way to the river? _________
3. Could I borrow your eraser for a moment? _________
4. Would you tell me how to open the box? _________
5. What is the role of Television in our daily life? _________

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Seeking information does not essentially end with the opening question. There
could be a negotiation and re-negotiation of the information given if the receiver
of the information needs more clarification.

Look at these examples between two strangers on the road.

A : Would you tell me the way to the nearest shopping mall?
B : (Hurriedly) Keep left, and take the second left. Then walk straight, after
you pass a hospital, you will come across a signal. Turn right from the
signal and you will find the Living Style Mall on the left.
A : Would you please tell me again? I caught you saying, that I should keep
to the left and take the first left….
B : No the second left!
A : Thank You. Thank God I double-checked with you. Then I have to go
straight. After crossing the hospital I have to take a right from the signal
to the Living Style Mall.
B : You are right.
A : Thank you.

Analysing the conversation we understand that A doesn’t get the message

correctly when B tells it for the first time, but he negotiates and re-negotiates the
way to the Mall. So seeking information includes asking the questions and then
negotiating and re-negotiating the message if the communication is too long to be

Giving information can be in the form of a reply or it could also be a suggestion

from which the speaker could select one or all.

Observe the conversation between Mala and Nala

Mala : Which is the best mobile in the market?
Nalan : Unquestionably, Nokia.
Here Mala gives a direct reply to Nalan’s question.

Observe the conversation between Needhi and Mohan

Needhi : Which mobile is the best?
Mohan : Nokia Mobiles used to be very popular, but other companies like
Samsung and Jio are now becoming popular and reliable.

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Mohan does not direct reply to Needhi’s question, but gives a range of available
choices to choose from. Mohan’s reply cannot be termed as giving information. He
offers suggestions.
It is also essential to give information in a way that the speaker can understand.
We may have to simplify our information so that the speaker understands it
Observe the conversation between Sheela and Mala.
Sheela : Which mobile is the best?
Mala : There is a Duos model, 15 megapixel mobile from Nokia. This
should certainly be the best option for you.
Sheela : What is a Duos model and what does 15 megapixel mean?
Mala : It just means that we can use two SIM cards and the photos we take
in this mobile will be very realistic and clear.
Sheela : Oh! I see.
It is clear that Mala’s use of terminology is difficult for Sheela to
understand. Therefore, she simplifies her information in terms of the print quality
of the product.

Activity - 4
Work in pairs and write dialogues on the following situations. Practice the
dialogues with your friend and present it to the class.
1. The way to reach the bank from your residence.

2. The way to reach the bus stand from the school.


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3. The way to reach the nearest hotel from your college.


4. The way to reach the Children’s park from your residence.


5. Your friend is interested in purchasing a festival dress. Give him or her

information about the range of choices.

Fill in the blanks based on your understanding of the text
1. Giving information can be in the form of a _________________or
2. While giving information a person has to ____________ the information for
the speaker to understand it better.
3. While seeking information there can be a _______________ and
_____________ of the information for more clarification.
Answer the following:
1. What is the role of information in our daily life?
2. What are the two ways in which a person can seek information?
3. What are the ways in which information can be given? Illustrate with

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Unit - 3.2 Skills of Day-to-Day communication

Communication is a process where a person shares his or her state of mind,
feelings, experience, ideas, suggestions, feedback etc. Communication skills are
essential to enhance one’s ability to build relationships with other people.
Whether it be a business, friendship, or even a romantic relationship,
communication skills are inevitable.

Importance of Communication in our day-to-day Life

Communication plays a dynamic role in human life. It is not only a process
of sharing our information and knowledge, but also helps in maintaining a good
relationship with the people around us.
Communication is the basis of all human relationships. Communication
helps people to express their concepts and feelings. It also helps us to understand
the emotions and thoughts of others.
An excellent persuasive conversation can make people change their
opinion, get convinced and make worse situations better at home as well as our
work place.
As The Book of Proverbs states, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in
pictures of silver,” a word rightly spoken can bring down a situation which is
uncontrollable. Such is the power of communication over our lives.
Everyday we communicate with a lot of people including our families,
friends, colleagues or even strangers. We should learn to communicate effectively
to make our lives better.

Essentials needed to build Communication skills

 Communication skills can be developed by enriching one’s vocabulary.
 Reading books is very much demanded.
 Communication skills can be built by listening to the conversations and
audio recordings of inspirational and fluent speakers.
 Practising the new vocabulary learnt helps a lot in enhancing a person’s
communicating ability. Practising the new phrases and sentences read from
books and listened through audio recordings, in a person’s day-to-day
conversation will boost up his/her communication skill.
 Body language matters a lot in effective communication. Practising before
the mirror can be helpful. Eye contact is a very important factor in face to
face communication.
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 While emailing or messaging especially in a formal setup, checking the

spelling and grammar are extremely essential. Double checking what has
been written and making sure that the words are communicating the
intended message is greatly required.
 Being brief and specific in our communication is essential.
 Writing things down or taking notes while talking to a person or while in a
meeting is very vital as memory can fail a person easily.
 Always having a positive attitude and a smile goes a long way in
establishing an effective communication.

Communication skills needed while addressing the Public

 The members of the audience are addressed as a single unit.
 It may involve giving orders in a polite manner.

The organiser of a show goes on stage and makes an announcement.
“You may maintain silence, while the program is going on.”
‘You’ here refers to one and all in the auditorium.
The same announcement could be made in a different way.
“All the audience may remain silent.”
“All the audience are requested to be silent.”
“It would be of immense help if you could remain silent.”
Here the use of polite language does not suggest a request but a firm order by the

Answer the following: - 1

1. What are the things to be kept in mind while addressing the public?
2. What are the polite terms that can be used while communicating with the
3. What is the role of a polite term in public communication?

Communication skills needed while speaking to Fellow Employees

 Words of intimacy can be used.
 Absence of Formality.
 Negotiating and Re-negotiating messages can be done for more
 Long conversations are possible due to negotiation and re-discussion.

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Observe the following phone conversation between Priya and Pooja.

Priya : What are your plans for today?
Pooja : I have no idea. Shall we go out?
Priya : Yes indeed. We shall go to watch the new movie.
Pooja : That’s a great idea, but I thought we could eat beforehand.
Priya : That’s fine for me. Do you have any restaurant in mind?
Pooja : Yes, let’s meet at my favourite restaurant, at Snow House.
Priya : Right now I am caught up in the traffic.
Pooja : How long will it take?
Priya : Fifteen to twenty minutes.
Pooja : Okay I shall wait.

The above conversation does not use formal phrases such as, Would you like, Shall
we, Could I, Can I, Would you please, etc.
 Informal Conversations with our friends uses direct language.
 Messages are negotiated and re-negotiated as given in the example.
Priya is not only interested to go out with Pooja but also suggests having food with
her. Pooja decides to wait after re-discussing how long she should wait.

Answer the following: - 2

1. What are the things to be kept in mind while talking to fellow employees?
2. What are the informal terms that can be used while communicating?
3. Draft a conversation between you and your friend discussing about your
festival shopping plans with him or her.

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Communication skills needed while speaking to Superiors

 Polite language should be used.
 Use of language that is required.
 Indirect language could be used.
 Decision is taken by the Superior.

Manager : Finish the printing today.
Varun : I’ll try my best Sir. We have only two printers in working condition
and we have just two hours left.
Manager : Can you stay for a few more hours and finish the work?
Varun : Sir, I would gladly do that but the printer will be overloaded and
the papers will be jammed.
Manager : Okay, then you can take my printer and finish the work.
Varun : Sure Sir. Thank you

Observing the above conversation we understand that Varun is very polite.

He chooses to disagree with his superior yet gives clear reasons of why he would
not be able to finish the work on time.
The superior on his role is very reasonable and agrees to give his printer.
The language of both are direct but there are phrases like, “I would gladly do
that”, which show politeness in the conservation.

Communication skills needed while dealing with customers

Communication with customers have to be very polite yet firm as well. Firmness is
much needed as the Company policy will not permit negotiation and re-
negotiation with the customers. In case a customer persists, we need to listen to
him or her and give a polite response, yet we have to remain firm in our decision.
However, if there is a mistake on our part, we need to rectify it immediately.

Observe the example below:

Customer : I have come to make a complaint about a defective laptop I
bought in your shop last month.
Salesman : Do you have the receipt with you?
Customer : Yes I do. Here it is.
Salesman : There is a one year warranty for the laptop, so you need not pay for
today’s service. If we are unable to identify the defect we will
exchange it for a new one.

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Customer : Thank you. I would appreciate that.

Salesman : May I know the problem with the laptop?
Customer : The laptop gets overheated whenever I use it.
Salesman : This is so strange for a brand new laptop. Could I take a look?
(After examining)
Salesman : The good news is that there doesn’t seem to be any defect.
Customer : So, what could the problem be?
Salesman : Where do you use your laptop? Is it exposed to direct heat?
Customer No I keep it on the bed and use it in the bed room.
Salesman : That’s probably why it’s overheating. The cloth and the cover may
block the ventilation.
Customer : Well that sounds sensible, I shall change the way I use it.
Salesman : Just remember whenever you use it allow air to freely flow through
the vents.

It is clear that the Customer talks and re-discusses the problem. The salesman tries
to find a solution politely and firmly.

Answer the following: - 3

1. What is Communication?
2. Bring out the importance of communication in our day-to-day life.
3. How can a person develop his communication skills? What are the essential
skills needed to attain this?
4. What are the communication skills needed while speaking to superiors?
5. What are the communication skills needed while dealing with customers?
Illustrate with example.

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UNIT – 4
4.1 Grammatical Skills and Spelling rules
4.2 Career Skills

4.1 Grammatical Skills and Spelling rules

There are twenty-six alphabets in the English language but forty-four
different sounds. This unique quality of the English language makes it challenging
for the learners of the language.
In English there is a lack of correspondence between the letters and sounds
of the alphabets. There is indeed no link between a sound and a letter of the
English alphabet.

Spelling Rules
Rules for adding ‘ed’ and ‘ing’
Basically, ‘ed’ is added to denote the past tense and
‘ing’ is added to denote the present continuous.

Example: walk + ed = walked, walk + ing = walking.

jump + ed = jumped, jump + ing = jumping.
kick + ed = kicked, kick + ing = kicking.

There are some examples that do not follow this rule and the final consonant
repeats itself before ‘ed’ or ‘ing’.
Example: bat + ed = batted, bat + ing = batting.
commit + ed = Committed, commit + ing = Committing.

 Spelling rule for the Doubling of Consonants

If the last three letters of the word are made up of consonant + vowel +
consonant, then the last letter will double itself, if – ed or –ing is added to it. But, if
the last three letters of the word are made up of vowel + consonant + consonant,
then the last letter will not double itself.

Example: PLAN - Planned PREFER - Preferred

Planning Preferring

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Use these rules and add ‘ed’ and ‘ing’ in the following words, doubling
consonants where necessary. The first one is done for you.
1. chat chatted chatting
2. stunt ______ed ______ing
3. link ______ed ______ing
4. finish ______ed ______ing
5. drop ______ed ______ing
6. toil ______ed ______ing
7. train ______ed ______ing
8. toast ______ed ______ing
9. talk ______ed ______ing
10. knit ______ed ______ing

Some Pronunciation Rules

Here is a list of ten letters of the alphabet (b, d, f, k, l, m, p, t, v, z) with
appropriate examples of their sounds in initial, medial and final positions.
Letters of the
Initial position Medial position Final position
b bat about lab
d dine noodle pad
f fence prefer thief
k kind acknowledge mask
l lesson soldier till
m minister remain alarm
p pant April cop
t test maintain dart
v vase prevent crave ( e is silent)
z zip bazaar frizz

 The Letter ‘c’

The alphabet ‘c’ produces /k/ and /s/ sounds. It takes the sound /k/ when
‘c’ is followed by ‘a’, ‘o’, ‘u’ or a consonant.
Eg. Cafe, cough, cult and class.
It gets the /s/ sound when it is followed by ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘y’.
Eg. Cycle, central and circle.
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 The Letter ‘g’

The alphabet ‘g’ produces /g/ and /ʤ/ sounds.
When ‘g’ is followed by ‘a’, ‘o’, ‘u’ or a consonant, the sound it takes is /g/.
Eg. Gave, gone, gulp, gland.
The letter ‘g’ takes the sound /ʤ/, when it is followed by e, i, y.
Eg. Gerund, gist, giant
Exceptions: Get, give, girl.

 The Letter ‘h’

The letter ‘h’ in the initial position takes the sound /h/ or remains silent.
Eg. Hand, halt. – the sound here is /h/
The muted sound is applicable to the words – honest, honour, hour.
The letter ‘h’ in the medial position entirely changes its sound.
The alphabet ‘ch’ is pronounced either as /k/ or /ʧ/.
Eg. /k/ as in chemistry, character.
/ʧ/ as in church, chin, chef, cheek.
Likewise, medial ‘h’ that occurs after ‘p’ changes its sound to /f/.
Eg. photo, phone, prophet.

 The Letter ‘s’

The letter‘s’ at the initial position is always pronounced as /s/.
Eg. stress, send, sick, sing and such.
Exceptions: sugar, sure.

Grammatical Skills
The core of modern English grammar lies in the understanding of the
structure of a basic sentence or kernel sentence of English.
A Basic Sentence or Kernel sentence is a simple, declarative sentence with
only one verb. A Kernel sentence is always in the active voice and may contain a
direct object. It is a positive sentence and does not contain any optional
expressions, modifiers or connectives to make it elaborate.

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Eg: Ripe Apples are sweet

This is made from two kernel sentences:
(a) Apples are ripe. (b) Apples are sweet.
The simple rule is that Kernel sentences should be active, affirmative, declarative
and simple sentences.

Observe the following examples:

1. I love ice-cream.
This is a kernel sentence because it is affirmative, active, simple and
2. I don’t like ice-cream.
It is not a kernel sentence as it is negative.
3. Don’t you like ice-creams?
It is not a kernel sentence because it is not declarative, but it is an
interrogative sentence.
4. Ice-creams are loved by all.
It is not a kernel sentence. The sentence is in passive voice and not in active
5. I like ice-cream and so I bought one for you.
This sentence is not a kernel sentence as it is not in simple form and is a
compound sentence.

Read the following sentences and mark (K) if they are kernel sentences and (NK) if
they are not kernel sentences. Give reasons for your answers.
1. He goes home.
2. Geetha gave me a pen.
3. An award was given to me by the committee.
4. He is very handsome.

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5. It looks bright.
6. There wasn’t even a drop of rain in the village.
7. Are you coming with me?
8. Being fit, he took to volleyball.
9. I like chips.
10. I worked hard yesterday.

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

A verb can be called as transitive or intransitive based on whether the verb
needs an object to express a complete thought or not.
A transitive verb is one that makes sense only if it directs its action on an
object. This verb transfers its action to something or someone.
An intransitive verb makes sense without an object.

Ways to Identify Transitive and Intransitive Verbs:

Transitive verbs are followed by a direct object and without the object the
sentence will remain incomplete.
Eg. Please bring tea. Here ‘tea’ is the direct object of the verb ‘bring’ so
the verb here is a transitive verb.
Please bring Bring what or who? The sentence remains
incomplete without the object.
If a sentence can be converted into the passive voice, then the verb in that
sentence will be transitive.
Eg. Compelled by others she sang. Here the verb ‘sang’ is intransitive
as it is not followed by a direct

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She sang the college song. Here the same verb ‘sang’ is
transitive as it is followed by the
direct object ‘college song’.

Write whether the verbs in the following sentences are transitive or intransitive.
Mark (vt) for verb transitive and (vi) for verb intransitive.
1. I like Dhoni. __________
2. Kala walks often. __________
3. I saw Nandhu crossing the bridge. __________
4. I won a lottery ticket. __________
5. Chased by a bull, I ran. __________

Answer briefly
1. What makes the spellings in English language challenging to the learners?
2. What is a kernel Sentence?
3. What is a transitive verb?
4. What is an intransitive verb?
Answer in a paragraph
1. What is the spelling rule for the doubling of consonants while adding ‘ed’
and ‘ing’? Support your answer with examples.
2. Bring out a list of ten letters of the alphabet with appropriate examples of
their sounds in initial, medial and final positions.
3. What are the pronunciation rules connected with the letter ‘c’?
4. What are the pronunciation rules connected with the letter ‘g’?
5. What are the pronunciation rules connected with the letter ‘h’?
6. What are the pronunciation rules connected with the letter ‘s’?
7. What are the ways to identify transitive and intransitive verbs?
Answer in detail
1. What are the spelling rules connected with adding ‘ed’ and ‘ing’? Illustrate
with examples.
2. Write in detail about the pronunciation rules with examples.
3. Write in detail about kernel sentences with examples.

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Unit 4.2 Career Skills

Skills required to fill a Job Application Form

The ability to prepare a Curriculum Vitae or (CV) is different from the skill
to required fill a job application form. A Curriculum Vitae is the best presentation
of one’s achievement, experience, qualification and strengths in a powerful
language to obtain a job opportunity. While preparing your CV you have to give
all important facts about your curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular
activities. The Job Application form requires stating only the relevant points about
that specific job. So, there is a need to fill out a prescribed application form. Such
applications demand a neat handwriting, and our judgement and adjustment to fit
the relevant information in the given space.
While filling the Job Application one should keep in mind not to give
unnecessary details that are not applicable and asked. A person should fill in only
the relevant details as per the requirement.

Activity -1
The following is a model Job Application Form. Fill it up clearly with your relevant
Job Application Form
Name in block letters : …………………………………………………………..
Present address : …………………………………………………………..
Residential address : …………………………………………………………..
Phone : ……………………. Mobile : ………………
Email ID : …………………………………………………………..
Additional Information
Date of birth : …………………………………………………………..
Height : ……………………. Weight : ………………
Marital status : …………………………………………………………..
Number of children : ……………………. Ages : ………………
Expected Salary : …………………………………………………………..
Other job interests : …………………………………………………………..
Are of interest in your :
subject …………………………………………………………..

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Educational Name of the Month and Year Percentage

Qualification School/ College of Passing Obtained
10th / SSLC/ 11th
Any other:

State the National level and International level, Conferences, Workshops and
Seminars attended in the last two years:

Achievements in extra-curricular activities/ Hobbies/ Area of interests:


Awards / Distinctions: ....................................................................................................


Work Experience :
Date of Address of the Duties/ Name of the
Employment Institution responsibilities Supervisor

Membership in Professional, Union, Social Institutions:

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Explain if you have any personal responsibilities or health issues that should
prevent you from coming to work.

A. Reference-1
Name :....................................................................................................................
Address :....................................................................................................................
Email Id :....................................................................................................................
Phone No :....................................................................................................................

B. Reference-2
Name :....................................................................................................................
Address :....................................................................................................................
Email Id :....................................................................................................................
Phone No :....................................................................................................................

I certify that the information provided by me in this application is true. I

understand that false information may be identified for not hiring me or for
immediate termination of the job. I authorize the verification of all information
listed above.

Signature : ..........................................
Date : ..........................................

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Imagine you are a receptionist in a hotel called Indian Coffee House. You have
worked more than ten years in this hotel. You also have experience of working in
Anandha Groups for five years. You are interested in the Receptionist post in Bells
Group of Hotels. How would you fill in your job profile in the column on previous
Previous Experience
Date of Address of the Duties/
Designation Reason for leaving
Employment Institution responsibilities held

Activity- 3
The following are the details of S. Sujeetha. She is thirty seven years old. She has a
five year old daughter. Sujeetha was born on the New Year’s Eve of 1981. She
graduated from Muthuram College, Vellore with first class in B.A., and M.A.,
English, from the Thiruvalluvar University. She also finished her B.Ed. in first class
from Teacher’s Education University. She finished her 12th and 10th standard from
the same School in Vellore and secured sixty and sixty five percentage in 10 th and
12th respectively. Then she was selected immediately by St. John’s Group of
Schools, where she served as a Class Teacher and Magazine Editor for three years
before joining the Times of India as a Journalist. She served there for seven years

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before shifting to a school in New Delhi, where she became the Vice-Principal.
Use the information given and fill in the job application form of Sujeetha.
Job Application Form
Name in block letters : …………………………………………………………..
Present address : …………………………………………………………..
Residential address : …………………………………………………………..
Phone : ……………………. Mobile : ………………
Email ID : …………………………………………………………..
Additional Information
Date of birth : …………………………………………………………..
Height : ……………………. Weight : ………………
Marital status : …………………………………………………………..
Number of children : ……………………. Ages : ………………
Expected Salary : …………………………………………………………..
Other job interests : …………………………………………………………..
Are of interest in your :
subject …………………………………………………………..

Name of the Month and Year Percentage

S.No. Qualification
School/ College of Passing Obtained
1 10th / SSLC/ 11th
3 UG
4 PG
5 Any other:

State the Conferences, Workshops, Symposium and Seminars attended with year:

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Previous Experience:
S. Name of the Duties / Reason for
Year Designation
No. Institution Responsibilities Leaving
Membership in Professional, Union, Social Institutions:
Explain if you have any personal responsibilities or health issues that should
prevent you from coming to work.
A. Reference-1
Name :....................................................................................................................
Address :....................................................................................................................
Email Id :....................................................................................................................
Phone No :....................................................................................................................

B. Reference-2
Name :....................................................................................................................
Address :....................................................................................................................
Email Id :....................................................................................................................
Phone No :....................................................................................................................

I certify that the information provided by me in this application is true. I

understand that false information may be identified for not hiring me or for
immediate termination of the job. I authorize the verification of all information
listed above.

Signature : ..........................................
Date : ..........................................

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Activity - 4
Here is the resume of a job aspirant. But he has mixed up the contents. Develop a
job application form and arrange the contents in order.

Saratha Vidya
150, Green Flats, Chennai.

Proficient in MS Office Suite
Typing Speed : 80 wpm
Dr. Seth, CEO, Green Leaf Groups
Email ID:
Technical Skills
B.A., English and communications, 2009
University of Madras.
Diploma in Marketing, 2008.
University of Madras.
Outstanding Team Leader.
 Committed and Hard Working
Excellent verbal and Written Communication Skills (Tamil & English)
Multitasking Ability
Green Leaf Groups,
Administrative Assistant (2009 - 2012)
Skyline Financial,
Executive Assistant (2012- Present)

Answer in detail
1. Design a general Job Application Form filled in with all the details required for
the post of Teacher in a subject of your choice.

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UNIT – 5
5.1 Skills of Formal and Informal Expressions
5.2 Skills of non-verbal communication

5.1 Skills of Formal and Informal Expressions

Language is a very influential tool. The words used to express one’s
thoughts and concepts can have a strong effect on the manner in which, a subject
is assumed and understood. So, the need to use the right kind of writing style,
based on the context is very much essential.

Informal Writing Style

Things to be kept in mind while writing informally,
• Conversational – Informal writing is similar to a spoken colloquial
conversation. Informal text can include vernacular slangs, figures of
speech, broken sentence structures and so on. In informal writing one can
use the first person point of view (I and we), and we can address the reader
using the second person (you and your) point of view.
• Subjective – A personal tone and words which express emotions and
feelings can be used.
• Plain, Uncomplicated and Simple – Short sentences are good enough and
sometimes essential to make a point easy and clear to understand in
informal writing. It could also include incomplete sentences or ellipsis (…)
to indicate the tone of the message.
• Reduction and Abbreviations – Words can be simplified by using their short
form or by using contractions such as I’m, doesn’t, couldn’t, it’s or by using
abbreviations such as TV, AC, CV, etc.

Formal Writing Style

Things to be kept in mind while writing formally:
• Complex – Longer sentences are more common in formal writing. Each
point in formal style needs to be introduced in a detailed and clear manner,
elaborately described and concluded effectively.
• Objective – A formal writing style should be very objective in tone and
should avoid personal references. Formal Writing should keep away from
emotive punctuations such as exclamations and ellipsis, unless they are
being quoted from another source.

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• Full Words – No contractions should be used to shorten and simplify words.

For example, use ‘It is’ rather than ‘It’s’. Abbreviations should be spelt out
in full form when used for the first time in a sentence. The only exception
here is, if the acronym is better known than the full name such as BBC,
ATM or NATO, the acronym is directly used.
• Third Person – Formal writing is an impersonal writing style. Formal
writing should be detached from the topic and does not use the first person
point of view (I or we) or second person (you).

The three types of Formality in English:

There are three main types of formality in English, which is Formal, Semi-
Formal and Informal English. All three forms have their distinct features and style.
Understanding this will help a person to improve the fluency of his/her spoken

1. Informal English
Informal English is used when you are a personal friend to the listener. We
use Informal English to a person known for a long time. This format is commonly
used among families and friends. The majority of the usage is routine and used
while chatting. This may be the format that we use in our daily English
Joe is John’s friend and both work in the same company. Joe invites John for his
daughter’s birthday Party.
Joe : Hey John, are you free this weekend?
John : Absolutely. What’s up?
Joe : Saturday is my daughter’s birthday and we are putting together a Party.
John : Sure, I shall be there. Where are you going to have it?
Joe : At our Residence.

2. Formal English
This form of English is used in official negotiations, interactions and
interviews and also for conversing with strangers. Official reports, business
letters, academic articles, contracts, and official speeches are the places in which
the written medium of Formal English is practised.

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Joe wants to invite his company’s boss for his daughter’s Birthday Party. Observe
the formal conversation below.
Joe : Sir, I was wondering if you and your wife had any plans for this
Kathir : I think we might be free. What do you have in mind?
Joe : Sir, Saturday is my daughter’s Birthday. I would like to ask you to
do the honour of visiting our House and gracing the Birthday party
with your blessings.
Kathir : That sounds wonderful. When you have figured out the details,
drop me an e-mail.

3. Semi-Formal English
Semi-formal is the fine line between formal and informal. It signifies that
you know the person, but not on a personal level. It is used occasionally and the
majority of the usage comes from the corporate environment. Day-to-day
interaction with colleagues is one instance.
Next day, Joe meets Sreedhar, the peon and invites him for his daughter’s birthday
Joe : Can you join us tomorrow in our Residence to attend my daughter’s
birthday party?
Sreedhar : Sure Sir. I will be thankful for it.
Joe : Come with me, I will give you my address.

Read the following dialogues and mark (FO) for formal, (IN) for informal and (SF)
for Semi- Formal suggestions.
1. Vijaj : Could I use your bathroom please?
Anand : You may use it.
2. Muthu : Would you please lend me your book?
Sethu : No, No.
3. Sindhu : Can you bring me a cup of tea?
Kala : Sure madam.
4. Baby : Want to join for a stroll?

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Vinitha : I am so tired.
5. Teacher : Can you carry these books for me?
Student : My pleasure Sir.
6. Jenifer : What about a cup of juice?
Jayamala : That is better.
7. Karthika : Would you like to have some snacks?
Krithika : No, thanks.
8. Student : May I come in Sir?
Teacher : Yes Come in.
9. Ravi : Do you want a cup of tea?
Peon : I will be grateful for it.
10. Malini : How about a cinema tonight?
Mohini : That would be fantastic!

Expressing Courtesy
Expressing courtesy is showing civility, good manners, respectfulness and
politeness in one’s behaviour and attitude towards others. Be it a formal or a
friendly conversation being courteous is very vital for one’s life, as it decides the
quality of the relationship we will have with the people around us. Courteous
people are loved and respected by everyone.
Being curt is the opposite of being courteous. Curt means being rude and
sharp in one’s reply and attitude towards others. People who are curt are not a
pleasure to be around and will be avoided by everyone. As the age old saying goes,
people who give respect to others will be given respect by others.

Observe the example below:

A : Shall we go out this weekend?
B : No, I can’t come.
A : Are you free to go out this weekend?
C : I am sorry. I would have gladly come with you but unfortunately I have
a project to complete.

Speaker A and B have both answered the same request yet, we can absolutely be
sure that B is curt but C is courteous.
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Activity -2
Write whether the replies in the following dialogues express curt or courtesy.

1. Rani : Would you need Sumathi’s phone number?

Vani : I don’t want hers. ____________
2. Bindhu : Could I borrow your mobile to make a call?
Ramya : You are welcome. ____________
3. Anu : Do I give you the application number?
Banu : Yes please. ____________
4. Nalini : Would you send the post immediately?
Sona : Yes. ____________
5. Bhuvana : Will you come with me to the park?
Mohana : I am busy. ____________
6. Rekha : Will you join me to go to the theatre now?
Seetha : Yes, with great pleasure. ____________
7. Rubi : Shall we play Kabadi?
Mini : No I don’t want to. ____________
8. Anju : Would you take out the file for me?
Manju : No I have work. ____________
9. Ramani : Could you lend me your pencil for a moment?
Roobini : You are most welcome to use my new pencil. ____________
10. Kalai : Would you switch on the fridge?
Kodhai : Sorry. I am in a hurry please. ____________

Answer briefly
1. What is the need to use the right kind of writing style?
2. What do you mean by courtesy?
3. Why should we avoid being curt?

Answer in a paragraph
1. What are the things to be kept in mind while writing informally?
2. What are the things to be kept in mind while writing formally?

Answer in detail
1. Describe the three types of Formality in English with examples.

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Unit 5.2 Skills of Non-Verbal Communication

Non-Verbal Communication
When a person interacts with others, he constantly gives and receives
wordless gestures and indicators. All of one’s non-verbal behaviours—the
movements one make, the way one sits, how fast or how loud one speaks, how
close one stands, how much eye contact one makes—send strong messages. Even
when a person is silent, he is still communicating non-verbally.

Non-verbal Communication signals can play five important roles:

• Reassurance : Non-verbal signals can repeat or confirm the message an
individual is making verbally.
• Contradiction : Non-verbal signals can deny or contradict a message the
individual is trying to convey.
• Replacement : Non-verbal signals can substitute for a verbal message. For
example, a person's face and eyes can express a clearer message than
• Complementing : Non-verbal signals may add to or complement a verbal
message. A teacher who pats a student on the back in addition to giving
appreciation can increase the impact of the message.
• Highlighting : Non-verbal signals may emphasise or highlight a verbal

Types of Non-Verbal communication

The different types of Non-verbal communication include:
Facial expressions
The human face is exceptionally communicative, able to express
immeasurable sensations and feelings without saying a word. The facial
expressions of a person can convey a myriad of expressions such as, happiness,
sorrow, rage, wonder, distress, disgust, fear, disappointment, pride, love, etc.,
Body movements and posture
The way a person sits, walks, stands, or holds his or her head speaks a lot
about his mood, status, personality and outlook towards life. The way one moves
and carries oneself communicates a wealth of information about him or her to the
world. This type of non-verbal communication includes one’s posture, bearing,
stance, and subtle movements.

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Gestures are a part and parcel of a person’s daily life. We wave, point,
beckon, and use our hands when we’re arguing or speaking animatedly—a
person expresses his self with gestures often without thinking. However, the
meaning of gestures can be very different across cultures and regions, so it’s
important to be careful to avoid misinterpretation.

Eye contact
Eye contact is a special and important type of non-verbal communication as
the visual sense is dominant in most individuals. The way a person looks at
someone can communicate many things, such as curiosity, concern, attention,
interest, affection, opposition, or attraction. Here are a few reasons why a person
might avoid an Eye contact:
• A Person avoids a direct look when he hides something. Police use this to
detect the truth.
• Shyness could be a reason to avoid eye contact.
• A short attention span or disinterest could make a person take his or her
eyes off the speaker.
• Dislike, discomfort or negative feelings towards a person can be a reason
for avoiding eye contact.
Importance of Eye contact
• Eye contact is also vital in sustaining the flow of a conversation and plays a
great role in judging the other person’s interest and response.
• Practising a good eye contact is a sign that you are a good listener.
• A good eye contact is a sign that we respect a person. It is very effective in
conveying the message that the speaker and his message to us is very
important to us.

Haptics or Touch
We communicate a lot through touch. In our everyday life we exchange a
great deal of feelings and emotions through touch.
Various means in which we communicate through touch,
• A Handshake is a non-verbal means of communication. There are different
types of handshake. A weak handshake would mean fear and lack of
confidence. An aggressive handshake could mean dominance and

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• A tap on the shoulder could mean reassurance, a display of friendship or an

expression of attention.
• A warm hug could mean comfort and love.

Space or Proxemics
The term Proxemics was coined by an American Anthropologist, Edward T.
Hall. Proxemics is the amount of space we maintain between ourselves and the
person with whom we are communicating. This space is determined by the
relationship we share with that person and the way we feel while communicating
with that person. Personal space is the region surrounding a person which they
regard as psychologically theirs. Entering somebody’s personal space is normally
an indication of familiarity and sometimes intimacy. However in today’s modern
society, especially in crowded urban communities and places such as trains,
elevator and streets, it can be difficult to maintain personal space.

Hall defines four primary Distance zones based on the American Culture.
1. Intimate Distance (Touching – 18 inches)
This distance is suitable for familiar relationships and indicates closeness
and trust. This sector is reserved for close friends, lovers, children and close
family members.

2. Personal Distance (18 inches – 4 feet)

This distance keeps one at arm’s length. This is considered the most
comfortable distance for our interpersonal contact. Interactions between
good friends and family belong to this zone. This distance is used for
conversation with friends, to chat with associates and also in group

3. Social Distance (4-12 feet)

This distance is suitable for business relationships and sometimes in the
classroom. This distance is also used for strangers and new acquaintances.

4. Public Distance (more than 12 feet)

This distance is suitable for Public speaking. This distance is reserved for a
large audience. This is used for speeches, lectures and in theatres.

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Answer briefly
1. What is non-verbal communication?
2. State the five important roles played by Non-verbal communication signals.
3. Face is the index of the mind — explain with reference to Non-verbal
4. What are the various occasions in which a person avoids eye contact?
5. How can we communicate our feelings and emotions through touch?
6. What are the four primary Distance zones as defined by Edward T Hall?

Answer in a paragraph
1. Explain the five important roles played by Non-verbal communication
2. Bring out the importance of Eye contact in non-verbal communication.
3. What is Proxemics? Bring out the importance of space in non-verbal

Answer in detail
1. Describe the different types of Non-verbal communication with examples.

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Answer Key
Unit 1.1
Activity -1
Maha : This is Venkata Traders
How may I help you?
Ranga Could I speak to Mr. Elango please?
Maha Mr. Elango is out of Town and will return after three days. Can I
take a message?
Ranga I am Ranga, an advertising agent. I would like to meet Mr. Elango
regarding an advertisement presentation.
Maha I will definitely inform him.
Ranga Thank you very much.
Maha You are most welcome.

Documented Message
Ranga, an advertising agent called up. He called regarding an
advertisement presentation. He agreed to call back after three days.

Unit 1.2
Activity -1
A 1. C
2. The speaker says he is returning from Office, so it should be an evening.
B 1. True, because the passage says he is a leading actor.
2. True, because he is taking a movie in Japan.
3. False, Raja is very busy working on a movie that is why he declines
another offer.
4. True, Raja is presently in Japan working on a movie. If he accepts the other
movie naturally he will have to stop the work in Japan.

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Activity – 2
B 1. Yes, I Like Sheela she resembles me. /
No, I don’t like Sheela, she is careless.
2. Yes, she can be given a good orientation and redirected. /
No, She is irresponsible.
3. No, Sheela is not a responsible person.
a. Sheela is an absent - minded girl. She is also careless as she doesn’t
care much about the test. She seems to be an intelligent girl as she gets
good marks.
b. I like Sheela, she is so much like me. Her carelessness can change with
a sound advice and guidance. /
I don’t like Sheela as she is an absent-minded and irresponsible
person. She is very careless and doesn’t care much about the test.
c. No doubt Sheela is good at studies. But it is doubtful if people like
Sheela can be given responsible posts. Absent mindedness is not very
much appreciated and suitable for leaders.

Activity -1
1. This is an EI as it is general and non-specific.
2. This is an IF as it clearly states that the project should be ready by Monday.
3. This is an EI. It just states in general that students should not waste water.
But it does not specify the way to do it or sets a time frame.
4. This is an IF because it demands the building construction to be completed
in the next three months.
5. This is an IF because it specifically states that the particular computer
application should be learnt by the end of the next month.
6. This is an EI as it is general and non-specific.

1. iii) Add four tablespoons of sugar or add sugar as per your taste.
iv) Add a pinch of salt to enhance the taste.

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v) Stir well until the contents dissolve.

vi) Chill and serve.
2. i. Close all the documents that are open.
ii. If any program is running, press save and then close the application.
iii. Go to the bottom left hand corner of your screen.
iv. Click it, the option “shut down” will be available here.
v. Press shut down. The computer will shut down.
vi. If any application is still open the option “Force shut down or cancel”
will appear.
vii. Press “cancel” and close any application that is open.
viii. Repeat the process. The computer will shut down.
ix. Switch off the power switches and disconnect the plug.
Unit - 2.2
1. A. S.No Year Ramu’s Profit
1 2013 10%
2 2014 30%
3 2016 70%
4 2017 80%
5 2018 90%

B. Bar Graph

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Percentage of Students
2. A. S.No. Transport Used
using it
1 Car 5%
2 Walk 35%
3 Auto 10%
4 College Bus 20%
5 Public Transport 30%

B. Pie Chart

5% Car 20% College Bus
 10% Auto 30% Public Transport
 35% Walk

Unit - 3.1
Mani : Lend me some money I need it urgently.
Kumar : Oh, Certainly. I have the money with me now. Come and collect
the money now.

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Activity - 2
1. R (Request)
2. Q (Question)
3. R (Request)
4. Q (Question)
5. R (Request)
6. Q (Question)
7. R (Request)

Activity - 3
1. A (Action)
2. I (Information)
3. A (Action)
4. A (Action)
5. I (Information)

Activity - 4
1. A: Could you please tell me the way to reach the bank from your house?
B: There are two ways. One is a short cut and the other is the main road.
A: Tell me the short cut please.
B: Walk straight through the field. Take a right at the end of the field. The
Bank is right there

2. A: Kamala, do you know the way to reach the bus stand?

B: Yes, you have to take the first left from our school. Walk straight the bus
stand will be there on your right.
A: Can you tell me a landmark?
B: The Bus stand will be opposite to the Saravana Bhavan.
A: Thank you, Kamala.

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3. A: I am very hungry, Durai. Can you tell me the way to the nearest hotel
from our college.
B: Sure, There are two famous restaurants nearby. One is a vegetarian and
other is a non-vegetarian hotel.
A: I would prefer a vegetarian hotel.
B: Go to the backside gate of our college. Walk straight. You will reach a
signal. Take a right from the signal, Sangeetha Bhavan will be there on
your right.
A: Thank you, Raju. Would you like to join me?
B: Sure. I would be delighted to.

4. A: Hi, I am Suresh, I am new to this colony. Do you know the way to the
children’s park here?
B: Welcome to our colony. I am Rajesh. The children’s park is right behind
my house.
A: Oh! Is it? Would you like to join me?
B: Why not? We shall go together. I shall show you the way.
A: Thank you Rajesh.

5. A: What dress are you going to purchase this Diwali?

B: I have already purchased a green choli.
A: Oh really! From which shop did you buy it?
B: From Pothys. There are a wide range of different choli collections and also
you have different stylish new arrivals.
A: Well, I too shall visit Pothys today and share my shopping experience.
B: Good. Do visit the new fancy saree collection floor.
A: Thank you for the information Sheela.

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Unit- 3.2
Answer the following: - 2
3. A: Shiny, what are your shopping plans for this Christmas?
B: I am planning to visit Spenser’s Plaza. I would be delighted if you could
join me.
A: Sure. I am planning to buy a Party dress and a pair of party shoes.
B: Sounds good. I know the best place in town where you can find a good
party wear of your choice.
A: Thank you Shiny. When shall we go?
B: Shall we go this Saturday?
A: Certainly, Bye.

Unit - 4.1
Activity - 1
1. Chatted, Chatting
2. Stunted, Stunting
3. Linked, Linking
4. Finished, Finishing
5. Dropped, Dropping
6. Toiled, Toiling
7. Trained, Training
8. Toasted, Toasting
9. Talked, Talking
10. Knitted, Knitting

Activity - 2
1. Kernel. It is simple and declarative.
2. Non-kernel. It has an indirect object.
3. Non-kernel. It is in passive voice.
4. Non-kernel. It contains a modifying adverb(very).

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5. Kernel. It is simple and declarative.

6. Non-kernel. It is a negative sentence.
7. Non-kernel. It is a question.
8. Non-kernel. It contains two sentences.
9. Kernel. It is simple and declarative.
10. Non-kernel. It has an adverb(yesterday).

Activity - 3
1. Transitive (vt)
2. Intransitive (vi)
3. Transitive (vt)
4. Transitive (vt)
5. Intransitive (vi)
Unit- 4.2
Activity - 2
Previous Experience:
Date of Address of the Duties/ Reason for
Employment Institution Responsibilities leaving
2003-2008 Anandha Groups, Program
Receptionist Transfer
(5 Years) Chennai Organiser
Indian Coffee Customer Currently
2008-Present Receptionist
House, Puducherry Service Dealer Working

Activity - 3
Present Address : No.1, New Street, Vellore.
Phone : 99945-81981
Email ID :
Additional Information
Date of Birth : 01-01-1981

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Height : 5.6 inches Weight: 75kg

Marital Status : Married
Number of Children : 1 Age: 5
Expected Salary : Rs.50,000.
Other Job Interests : Editing
Area of Interest in your
Subject : Children’s Literature
Educational Qualification :
Name of the School/ Month/ Year of Percentage
College Passing Obtained
Govt. Girls Hr.Sec. School,
X Std/SSLC/XI Std May, 1996 60%
PUC/ HSC/ Govt. Girls Hr.Sec. School,
May, 1998 65%
Intermediate Vellore
UG Muthuram College, Vellore April, 2001 77%
PG Muthuram College, Vellore April, 2003 73%
Any other: B.Ed Teacher Education University April, 2004 79%

Work Experience :
Duties/ Reason for
Year Name of the Institution Designation
Responsibilities leaving
Class Teacher
2004- St.John’s Group of
PGT and Magazine Marriage
2007 Schools, Chennai
2007- Times of India, Chennai Journalist Content Editor Transfer
2014- Good Shepherd CBSE
PGT Vice-Principal -
Present School,Chennai

Membership : Nil
Health Issues : Nil
A. Name : Dr. ABC
Email ID :
B. Name : Dr. DEF
Email ID :
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Saratha Vidya
150, Green Flats, Chennai.

 B.A. English and Communications, 2009
University of Madras
 Diploma in Marketing, 2008.
University of Madras

 Outstanding Team Leader
 Committed and Hardworking
 Excellent verbal and written Communication Skills (Tamil and English)
 Multitasking Ability

Technical Skills
 Proficient in MS Office Suite
 Typing Speed : 80 WPM

Green Leaf Groups.
Administrative Assistant (2009-2012)
Skyline Financial
Executive Assistant (2012-Present)

Dr. Seth, CEO, Green Leaf Groups,

Page No.52 Activity-2

1. Curt (CT) 6. Courtesy (CY)
2. Courtesy (CY) 7. Curt (CT)
3. Courtesy (CY) 8. Curt (CT)
4. Curt (CT) 9. Courtesy (CY)
5. Curt (CT) 10. Courtesy (CY)

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Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks
SECTION A - (10 x 2 = 20 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
Each answer not to exceed 50 words.

1. How is the ability to read different from the ability to listen?

2. What does the process of reading involve?
3. What is expected when instructions are given in writing?
4. What does transcoding information involve?
5. How can we seek information?
6. How do you treat the members of the audience when communicating with public?
7. Add ‘ed’ and ‘ing’ to the following words : GUN, FUND.
8. What is a Cv?
9. What is expressing courtesy?
10. What is Eye contact?

SECTION B - (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

Answer ALL questions.
Each answer not to exceed 200 words.
11. (a) Write down the differences between the ability to listen and the ability to read.
(b) Write a dialogue between Shalini and Rupa using the hints given below:
Shalini is a data entry operator and receptionist in Surat Computers. She
receives a call from Rupa, the General Manager of Shaft Telecom. Rupa wants to
meet Edward, the General Manager regarding a product presentation. Shalini says
Edward is out of town and would, return only after three days. Rupa agrees to
make a call after three days.
Shalini : This is ___________________________________________
Rupa : Could I __________________________________________
Shalini : Edward __________________________________________
Rupa : _________________________________________________

12. (a) Here are some instructions of companies. Say whether they are executive
instructions (El) or instructions to be followed (IF). Give reasons for your choice.
(i) Ensure 10% cut down in the cost of production.
(ii) At least 50 pages should be proof read every day.
(iii) Ensure that the camera ready copy (CRC) is available by the weekend.
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(b) You have now decided to turn off the computer. Your first instruction is :
Save the documents and reach the safety mode to shut down the computer.
Write down the other instructions using the example given above.

13. (a) Read the following sentences and mark (Q) if they are questions and (R) if they
are request.
(i) Would you tell me where the file is?
(ii) What does a mouse do in a computer?
(iii) Would you please tell me the way to the sales department?
(iv) Where is the post office?
(v) Would you tell me the meaning of the word ‘scarlet’?
(b) Look at the following request and mark (I) if the request seeks information or (A)
if the request seeks action.
(i) Would you give me your pen please?
(ii) Can you tell me the way to the post office?
(iii) Could I borrow your pencil for a moment?

14. (a) Read the following sentence and write whether they are kernel. Mark (K) if they
are kernel sentences and (NK) if they are not kernel sentences. Give reasons for
your answer.
(i) I ran home.
(ii) Uma gave me a doll.
(iii) Prem made me the president of the club.

(b) Write whether the verbs in the following sentences are transitive or intransitive.
Mark (vt) for verb transitive and (vi) for verb intransitive.
(i) Money always talks loudly.
(ii) Uma travels often.
(iii) I like Sachin.

15 (a) Read the following dialogues and mark (FR) for friendly, (F0) for formal and (IN)
for Informal suggestions in the interrogative sentences.
(i) Vyas : Could I use the rest room?
Anshu : You may do so with pleasure.

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(ii) Raji :
Would you please lend me your writing pad?
Rakesh :
No, No.
(iii) Sita :
Do you want a slip of paper to write the telephone number?
Vinod :
Yes, indeed.
(b) How does eye contact help in understanding the person you are dealing with

SECTION C - (3 x 10 = 30 marks)
Answer THREE questions.
Each answer not to exceed 500 words.
16. Read the following passage and answer the questions:
Reena carried her latest mobile to the company. On the way she got down to purchase
some pens for her personal use. When she reached the office she noticed her mobile
was missing. She ran back to the stores and discovered, that her mobile was not there,
Then she went to the police station, filled a FIR and returned to her office. When her
colleague, Seema wished her good morning she was so upset that she poured out
whatever had happened and then said it was a bad morning for her.
(a) Do you like Reena? Give reasons.
(b) Should workers like Reena be employed in an office?
(c) Is Reena a responsible person?

17 Read the following extract about the population in Gellore and transcode the
information into a table.
Gellore remained a small town till the turn of the 20th century. The population was
less than a lakh' till 1950 and it moved up steadily to reach 2 lakhs in 1970. As a result
of increase in road and rail transport, it increased to 3 lakhs in 1980 and touched 0.5
million at the turn of the millennium. Now the population in 2010 stands at 1 million.

18. Write a dialogue between you and your friend on the following situation : The way to
reach railway station from your college.

19. Here is the resume of a job aspirant. But the content is mixed up. Arrange the contents
under the right headings and rewrite the resume :
Vijay Shetty
184 South Apts, Trivandrum
University of Kerala
Editor, University Year Book
Transcription and proofreading experience (70wpm., 10-key).
Windows 95/98/2000/MT envrionments.

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Soft Skills

Detail Oriented.
Strong written and verbal communication skills,
BA., English & Communication, 2000
Diploma in French
University of Kerala
Manager, Office of University Yearbook, 1998-2000
Available upon request.
Sabka Savings Banks, Kollam
Seasonal Teller (Summers & Winters), 1996-1999
Excellent verbal communication skills, both written and oral
Self-motivated, hard working
Comfortable working alone or as part of a team.

20. Write whether the replies in the following dialogue express curt (CT) or courtesy (CY).
(a) Beena : Would you need Lakshmi’s telephone number?
Rati : Yes.
(b) Renuka : Could I borrow your mobile to make a call?
Susan : You’re most welcome.
(c) Anand : Do I give you the application number and my marks?
Krish : Yes, Yes.
(d) Uma : Would you send the letter immediately?
Soma : Yes, I would.
(e) Prem : Will you come with me to the railway station?
Shyam : I’m sorry, I am busy doing something else.
(f) Raja : Will you join me to go to the movie now?
Ramesh : Yes, with pleasure.

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Answer Key for the University Question Paper

Section -A
1. Page No.4
2. Page No.10
3. Page No.16
4. Page No.19 & 20
5. Page No.23
6. Page No.30 & 31
7. Gunned, Gunning
Funded, Funding
8. Page No.41
9. Page No.51
10. Page No.54
Section – B
11. a) Page No.4
b) Shalini : This is Surat Computers.
How may I help you?
Rupa : Could I speak to Edward, the General Manager regarding a product
presentation. I am Rupa, the General Manager of Shaft Telecom.
Shalini : Edward is out of town and will return only after three days.
Rupa : Okay. Thank you. I will call back after three days.

12. a) (i) IF. It is clearly defined and states the percentage to cut down in the cost
(ii) IF. It is specific and demands completion of task.
(iii) IF. It is specific, give a time frame and demands completion of task.
b) Page No.59

13. a) (i) R (Request)

(ii) Q (Question)
(iii) R (Request)
(iv) Q (Question)
(v) R (Request)

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Soft Skills

(b) (i) A (Action)

(ii) I (Information)
(iii) A (Action)

14. (a) (i) It is a kernel sentence as it is affirmative, declarative, active and a simple
(ii) NK. It has an Indirect object ‘me’.
(iii) NK. It has an Indirect object ‘me’.
(b) (i) Intransitive (vi)
(ii) Intransitive (vi)
(iii) Transitive (vt)

15. (a) (i)

Formal (F)
(ii) Formal (F)
(iii) Informal (IF)
(b) Page No.54

Section – C
16. Page No.58

17. S.No. Year The increase in the population of Gellore

1. 1950 Less than a Lakh
2. 1970 2 Lakhs
3. 1980 3 Lakhs
4. 2000 0.5 Million
5. 2010 1 Million

18. Page No.62

Page 70
Soft Skills

19. Vijay Shetty

184, South Apts, Trivandrum.

 B.A. English and Communications, 2000.
University of Kerala.
 Diploma in French.
University of Kerala.

 Detail Oriented.
 Excellent verbal communication skills both written and oral.
 Self-motivated, Hardworking
 Comfortable working alone or as part of a team.

 Strong written and verbal communication skills.
 Transcription and proofreading experience (70wpm, 10-key)
 Windows 95/98/2000/NT environments.

 Sabka Savings Banks, Kollam
Seasonal Teller (Summer & Winter), 1996-1999
 Manager, Office of University Year Book, 1998-2000

Editor, University Year Book
Available upon request.

20. a) Curt (CT) d) Courtesy (CY)

b) Courtesy (CY) e) Courtesy (CY)
c) Courtesy (CY) f) Courtesy (CY)

Page 71

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