Affidavit of Kris Zaldivar

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I, KRIS P ZALDIVAR, Filipino, 36 years old, male, single and a

resident of Barangay Bulwang, Numancia, Aklan Philippines after having
been duly sworn to an oath in accordance with law, do hereby depose and

That I am the roommate of JOHN MICHAEL S RECTO (Michael for

brevity) during the 2019 Bar Examination in November 2019 at Park Royal
Condotel, Laong Laan, Sampaloc, Manila.

On November 9, 2019, at around 11:00 o’clock in the evening,

Michael received a call from his wife in the person of Jacquelyn C. Recto
(Jac for brevity) and had an argument with the former. Their argument
continued and at around 2:00 o’clock in the morning of November 10, 2019,
the 2nd Sunday of the Bar Exams, Michael went down from the upper deck
of our double-deck bed and proceeded to the hallway to prevent me from
overhearing their conversations.

Concerned with the welfare of Michael, I discreetly followed him to

the hallway and when I was about to approach him, I overheard Jac, since
the phonecall was in a loudspeaker mode, saying that Michael was not the
father of their children, and the real father was her businessman boyfriend.
Right then and there, I witnessed Michael sobbing from the statements of
Jac and slowly lying on the ground due to the sadness from the revelation
of his wife.

I then told Michael to hang up their call and go to sleep for we will be
taking an exam in the morning of the same day to which the latter agreed.
After several minutes, Michael, who did not stop crying, uttered suicidal
remarks stating that he could not bear the declaration of his wife and that
he was now hopeless and had no more reason to live.

In response, I told him not to give up on life and continue with the Bar
Examination and offered him to take an antihistamine tablet to help him
sleep. At around 4:00 o’clock in the morning of November 10, 2019, after
the said incident, we went to the Bar Site located at University of Sto.
Thomas, España Blvd, Sampaloc, Manila, 1008 Metro Manila and went our
separate ways.

At around 6:00 o’clock in the afternoon of November 10, 2019 after

the exams, I went back to Park Royal to rest, and there, saw Michael lying
on the upper deck with a blank stare. After several moments, got up and
said that he wanted to go home because he was not able to answer all the

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questions and submitted his test booklets blank. According to him, he fell
asleep during the examination due to the fatigue he acquired from the
argument with his wife.

From November 11-14, 2019, I, together with Ma. Khristianie

Refendor and Mary Joy Palo, kept comforting and convincing him to
continue the bar exams and not to dwell on his problem with his wife.

On November 15, 2019, Michael asked me a favor to send money to

his wife’s sister in the person of Jehmari Mar Chu to be used as his wife’s
plane ticket to Park Royal for them to talk about their misunderstandings.

(Picture of the receipt is attached herewith as annex “A”)

That during the entire duration of the bar exams after the incident,
Jacquelyn did show herself to Michael.

That sometime in January of 2020 right after he came back from

Sagay City, I met Michael in Kalibo and asked about the status of their wife.
Michael then responded that they had been separated in fact and that he
took custody of their children and that he could not ascertain the
whereabouts of his wife.

That I execute this affidavit to attest to the truthfulness of the

foregoing facts and for whatever legal purpose it may serve.

IN TRUTH WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my signature this 31 st day

of January 2024 at __________________, Aklan, Philippines.

Kris P Zaldivar

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 31 stday of January

2024 at Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines. Affiant exhibited to me his ID with
number _________ and I hereby certify that I have personally examined
the Affiant and that I am satisfied that he voluntarily executed and
understood the contents of his Affidavit because it was explained to him in
the dialect and language known to them.

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