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A Thesis
Presented to the
Faculty of the School of Basic Education
Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for









Chapter I

The Problem and its Background


AI is one of the most rapidly improving fields of modern technology. It is coded to

replicate human intelligence and assist people in their work. AI has demonstrated
multiple remarkable capabilities across various areas of fields, from the ability to
understand different languages, to help drivers navigate vehicles, to create various pieces
of art, and to help students in their education. As AI continues to evolve, researchers
delve deeper into its multiple aspects to unlock its full potential and improve its data

AI growth in application has transformed industries, information handling, healthcare,

and changing the way of business functions. AI becoming a crucial instrument in the
modern world. In addition, AI assist daily task to advanced algorithms that help human to
optimize supply chains. Furthermore, AI overcome significant obstacle, ethical issues,
data privacy, and the work highlight the need for ethical AI development. Moreover, AI
models has increasing concerns about accountability, and transparency, to analyze
methods to create an AI system that is more comprehensible.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) transforms research scientific and methodology writing,

altering the methods researchers conduct and dissemination of research. For instance, AI
influence has increased in terms of ethics, authenticity, and quality of formal papers.
Secondly, tools of AI utilization increased, for example, Large Language models (LLM),
Chat generative pre-trained transformer, google bard, and etc. Research publications
discussed and raised concerns about the academic and research communities. (Rometty,

The ideal characteristic of artificial intelligence is its ability to rationalize and take
actions that have the best chance of achieving a specific goal. A subset of artificial
intelligence is machine learning, which refers to the concept that computer programs can
automatically learn from and adapt to new data without being assisted by humans. Deep
learning techniques enable this automatic learning through the absorption of huge
amounts of unstructured data such as text, images, or video. (Frankenfield, 2023)

Although AI technologies have a great deal of promise for good, their ability to
outperform human intellect and ability accounts for a significant portion of its power.
Artificial intelligence has the potential to significantly impact both daily life and world
While the opportunities for AI are promising, students and instructors may perceive
the impact of AI systems negatively. For instance, students may perceive indiscriminate
collection and analysis of their data through AI systems as a privacy breach, as illustrated
by the Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal (Chan, 2019; Luckin, 2017).It is
essential to find a balance between utilizing AI's transformational potential. and
addressing the ethical ramifications of its widespread adoption as it continues to advance

Background of the Study

The utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various fields has become

increasingly prevalent, revolutionizing traditional processes and methodologies. In the
field of education, Artificial Intelligence offers promising opportunities to enhance
learning experiences and academic outcomes. This research paper delve into the
Utilization of Artificial Intelligence specifically in research writing among senior high
school students, exploring its functions, beneficiaries, objectives, and methodologies.

The function of Artificial Intelligence in research writing encompasses various aspects,

including but not limited to generating topic ideas and research question based on
student’ interest and academic requirements, assisting in literature review by quickly
scanning and summarizing relevant articles, books, and scholar sources providing
guidance on structuring research paper, outlining key section and ensuring coherence and
clarity and offering grammar and style suggestions to enhance the overall quality of
writing and facilitating collaboration and peer feedback through online platforms and
tools integrated with ai capabilities.

The integration of AI in research writing stands to benefit multiple stakeholders,

including senior high school students, educators and instructors, educational institutions
and researchers and scholars

The primary objective of this research paper is to analyze the current usage of AI in
research writing among senior high school students. Specific objectives include assessing
the awareness and adoption of AI tools among students for research writing purposes,
identifying the perceived benefits and challenges associated with using AI in the research
writing process, exploring the preferences and attitudes of students towards AI-assisted
research writing compared to traditional methods, and investigating the impact of AI
integration on students' research skills development and academic performance.

The research will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys

and qualitative interviews. A sample of senior high school students will be selected
through purposive sampling to gather data regarding their usage of AI in research writing.
Survey questionnaires will be distributed to collect quantitative data, while semi-
structured interviews will be conducted to obtain in-depth insights and perspectives. Data
analysis will involve descriptive statistics, thematic analysis, and triangulation to ensure
the validity and reliability of findings.

theoretical Framework

plagiarism & data

fabrication AIsearch engines

Verify statistical

John McCarthy coined the phrase "artificial intelligence" during a 1956

meeting at Dartmouth. A few of the fundamental fields of AI study that underpin
speech recognition, machine translation, information extraction and retrieval, and
robotics are natural language processing, expert systems, and neuralnetworks.
AI and machine learning have revolutionized multiple sectors in the last ten
years. Numerous processes can now be automated more quickly and easily
thanks to AI's revolutionary technologies. AI-based solutions are being developed
and deployed in the academic publishing sector to help publishers and authors
with tasks including finding published content, detecting plagiarism, and spotting
data fabrication. Thus, AI can lessen human biases in addition to facilitating
scientific communication.
Similar to this, the use of AI in research has expanded greatly, with a
focus on automating research procedures from formulating hypotheses to
carrying out studies. In reality, scientists are now able to use AI to solve
challenging issues in the biomedical sciences, medication combinations, and
illness prediction.

According to Cyranoki 2019; UKRI 2021, Major funders of academic

research have begun to explore how AI could transform our world and the role
they can play in utilizing AI as an enabler of new methods, processes,
management, and evaluation in research. Within current debates about the
future of AI and human society, AI is considered in education (Aiken and
Epstein 2000; Serholt et al. 2017) and digital learning (Cope et al. 2020) but less
is understood about the effects on research more broadly. Indeed, few have
explored AI as an enabler of new research methods and processes, and forms of
management and evaluation and there is little empirical investigation of the
academic response. The role AI could play in research adds a level of complexity
to a system and the academics entrenched in its habits (Bourdieu 1988). AI
potentially relieves researchers and institutions from mundane tasks, which
saves time (AJE 2018) and arguably boosts the speed and efficiency required in
a (contested) market-driven university. In addition to debates concerning the role
of AI in productivity and the future of work, the use of tools to assist with other
aspects of academic life is gaining traction. Publishers have piloted AI tools to
select reviewers, check the efficacy of papers, summarize findings, and flag
plagiarism (Heaven 2018).

SHS Artificial AI POWERED Tools

StudentsAI- Intelligence


AI Tools for


AI Tools for

AI Tools for
These theories support what is shown in the illustration. AI tools can help you
save time and find relevant publications. AI-powered technologies are also
intended to arrange studies, collect data, and analyze it objectively.

AI tools can assist researchers in writing and editing articles, citing important
sources, and determining which journals are most suited to the scope of their

AI-powered research tools for reading, annotating, and taking notes can
significantly improve the efficiency with which people acquire knowledge. Such
systems can present users with extracts from literature sources, with the most
essential material highlighted, to assist them decide whether an item is worth

Conceptual Framework

The following paradigm illustrates the conceptual framework in which the factors applied
in Perceptions on the Usage of Artificial Intelligence in Research Writing among Senior
High School Students.


Factors of affecting the
individual teaching of senior high
school students:

Individual teaching of senior high

school students
A .Student Learning Styles
B. Individual Needs
C. Motivation Levels
The Researchers viewed these factors can influence the effectiveness of
instruction and student understanding Curriculum Design: The inclusion of AI-related
topics in the curriculum, such as machine learning, neural networks, and ethics in AI, can
provide students with foundational knowledge about AI concepts and applications.
Teacher Training and Expertise: Teachers need adequate training and expertise in AI
concepts and teaching methodologies to effectively convey complex topics to students
and address their questions and concerns. Access to Resources:
Availability of resources such as textbooks, online courses, educational software,
and hands-on learning

opportunities can enhance students' understanding of AI and support their

exploration of the subject. Classroom Environment: Creating a conducive learning
environment that fosters curiosity, critical thinking, and collaboration can encourage
students to actively engage with AI concepts and develop their skills.
Furthermore one of the factors include the Student Motivation and Interest: Student
motivation and interest in AI can influence their level of engagement and willingness to
learn. Integrating real-world examples and applications of AI can help spark students'
curiosity and enthusiasm for the subject.Inclusive Education: Ensuring that AI education
is inclusive and accessible to all students, regardless of their background or prior
knowledge, is essential for promoting equity and diversity in STEM fields. Assessment
and Feedback: Effective assessment strategies, such as quizzes, projects, and
presentations, can gauge students' comprehension of AI concepts and provide
constructive feedback to support their learning progress. Ethical and Social Implications:
Incorporating discussions about the ethical and social implications of AI, such as bias,
privacy, and job automation, can help students develop a well-rounded understanding of
the broader implications of AI technologies. Integration with Other Subjects: Integrating
AI education across various subjects, such as mathematics, computer science, and ethics,
can reinforce learning and demonstrate the interdisciplinary nature of AI. Community
Engagement: Engaging with industry factors can influence the effectiveness of
instruction and student understanding:

Curriculum Design: The inclusion of AI-related topics in the curriculum, such as

machine learning, neural networks, and ethics in AI, can provide students with
foundational knowledge about AI concepts and applications. Teacher Training and
Expertise: Teachers need adequate training and expertise in AI concepts and teaching
methodologies to effectively convey complex topics to students and address their
questions and concerns. Access to Resources: Availability of resources such as textbooks,
online courses, educational software, and hands-on learning opportunities can enhance
students' understanding of AI and support their exploration of the subject. Classroom
Environment: Creating a conducive learning environment that fosters curiosity, critical
thinking, and collaboration can encourage students to actively engage with AI concepts
and develop their skills
Student Motivation and Interest: Student motivation and interest in AI can influence their
level of engagement and willingness to learn. Integrating real-world examples and
applications of AI can help spark students' curiosity and enthusiasm for the subject.
Inclusive Education: Ensuring that AI education is inclusive and accessible to all
students, regardless of their background or prior knowledge, is essential for promoting
equity and diversity in STEM fields.

Assessment and Feedback: Effective assessment strategies, such as quizzes, projects, and
presentations, can gauge students' comprehension of AI concepts and provide
constructive feedback to support their learning progress.

Finally the last factor of the study refers to Ethical and Social Implications:
Incorporating discussions about the ethical and social implications of AI, such as bias,
privacy, and job automation, can help students develop a well-rounded understanding of
the broader implications of AI technologies. Integration with Other Subjects: Integrating
AI education across various subjects, such as mathematics, computer science, and ethics,
can reinforce learning and demonstrate the interdisciplinary nature of AI. Community
Engagement: Engaging with industry professionals, researchers, and community
organizations working in the field of AI can provide students with real-world insights and
opportunities to explore career pathways in AI-related fields. professionals, researchers,
and community organizations working in the field of AI can provide students with real-
world insights and opportunities to explore career pathways in AI-related fields.

Statement of the Problem

The problem revolves around the understanding of senior highschool student’

regarding the utilization of artificial intelligence in research writing. Key aspects include
gauging their awareness, attitude, and potential challenges they may associate with
incorporating AI tools in the research process.

More specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. How do senior high school students perceive the usage of artificial intelligence in
terms of:
a. Authenticity
b. Validity
2. What are the influences of AI to the research writing abilities of senior high
school students
3. Is there a significant relationship between the usage of artificial intelligence and
the research writing abilities of senior high school students

Statement of the Hypothesis

Based from the problem statement, the following hypothesis is hereby drawn:

1. There is a significant relationship between the usage of

artificial intelligence and the research writing.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study focuses on what is the usage of artificial intelligence in research writing
among senior high school student. The participants of this study will be the senior high
school student at school year 2023-2024 in Divine Word College of Calapan.

This study will be conducted on the second semester of School Year 2023-2024 in senior
high school only. Its main purpose is to determine the average opinion and response of
the participants to know the impact of artificial intelligence in research writing in student
of Divine Word College of Calapan. And determine how the senior high school will
conduct research. Therefore, the researchers surveyed varying amounts of respondents
from each section from senior high school.

Significance of the Study

This research paper has significance to the following beneficiaries who are
affected by the problem being studied:

Students. To gain access to advance research tools that can streamline the research
process, improve the quality their work, academic performance.
Parents. To have insight into their child’s learning experiences and support their
academic endeavours by understanding the benefit of AI tools in research writing

Teacher. To gain valuable information about the use of AI in student research writing,
allowing them to adapt teaching strategies and provide relevant guidance and support.

School Administration. To receive data-driven insights into the effectiveness of AI

integration in the curriculum, informing decisions about educational technology
investments and resource allocation.

Future Researchers. Benefit from understanding the implications of AI in research

writing at an early stage of their academic journey, preparing them for future scholarly
endeavours in higher education and beyond.

Definition of Terms

The following terms used in the study were conceptually and operationally
defined to give the reader a better understanding of the research:

Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes

by machines, especially computer systems. These processes include learning (the
acquisition of information and rules for using the information), reasoning (using rules to
reach approximate or definite conclusions), and self-correction.

Machine Learning (ML): Machine learning is a subset of AI that enables systems to

learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. It focuses on
the development of algorithms and models that allow computers to perform tasks based
on data.

Deep Learning: Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses artificial neural
networks with many layers (hence "deep") to learn representations of data. Deep learning
algorithms are particularly effective for tasks such as image and speech recognition.

Neural Networks: Neural networks are computational models inspired by the structure
and function of the human brain. They consist of interconnected nodes, or "neurons," that
process information and learn patterns from data.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): Natural language processing is a branch of AI

focused on the interaction between computers and humans through natural language. It
enables computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language.
Computer Vision: Computer vision is a field of AI that enables computers to interpret
and understand visual information from the real world, such as images and videos. It
involves tasks like object recognition, image classification, and object detection.

Reinforcement Learning: Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning where

an agent learns to make decisions by interacting with an environment. It receives
feedback in the form of rewards or penalties, which helps it improve its decision-making
process over time.

Student learning: Student learning refers to the process by which students acquire
knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values through various educational experiences.

Research writing: Research writing refers to the process of conducting scholarly inquiry
and communicating the findings in a written format.

Artificial intelligence tools: AI tools refer to software applications or platforms that

leverage artificial intelligence techniques to perform specific tasks or automate various
Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Artificial Intelligence

According to Nielsen, N.R. (1991)Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being

considered in the development and application of simulation models, playing various
roles in the simulation process.

For instance, based on the Chinese Ministry of Education introducing a high school
artificial intelligence textbook that integrates computational thinking into teaching. The
textbook, under the Ministry of Education's standard, focuses on the thinking mode and
skill cultivation of the intelligent era, focusing on its connotation, value, training strategy,
and course design. However, implementing this basic education requires research and
supporting facilities, such as the cultivation of artificial intelligence education teaching
teams, the connection of computational thinking education at different stages, and how to
face rapid knowledge updates. The rapid development of knowledge in the intelligent era
requires continuous updating of knowledge and thinking, which is particularly
challenging for improving the quality of teaching teams. In the era of intelligence,
education is not just about teaching AI technology but also about cultivating thinking
patterns and skills. (Yanfang Y, et al.,2018)

Additionally, to investigate the impacts of cross-domain deep learning courses in

artificial intelligence on students' learning outcomes in senior high school vocational
programs. In order to create a cross-domain SPOC-AIoT course with SPOC (small
private online courses) and the Double Diamond 4D model in vocational senior high
schools, it first implemented a literature review. After that, it used a questionnaire survey
and participatory action research (PAR) to analyze several facets of SmartPLS's
technological adoption model. This study also investigated the effects of 16 weeks of
course instruction on the knowledge-ability and deep learning of artificial intelligence in
36 Grade I students from the electrical and electronic group of a vocational senior high
school. The results of this study showed that (1) students may be successfully guided to
acquire AIoT knowledge and abilities by using the four stages of the Double Diamond
4D model's SPOC-AIoT Teaching Mode. The analysis of learning and engagement in
SmartPLS, based on the technology acceptance model, revealed that this model complied
with the overall model's requirements for academic fitness. (3) Students' learning
outcomes in AIoT have considerably improved to a favorable aspect after using the
SPOC-AIoT Teaching Mode. Lastly, a few recommendations were made to encourage
future development of the SPOC-AIoT Teaching Mode Course. (Tsai C-C, et al.,2022)
For example, Speed Dating with storyboards to analyze the perspectives of 12 students
and 11 instructors on the use of AI systems in online learning. The findings reveal that
while AI systems can improve communication, provide just-in-time support, and enhance
the connection between students and instructors, they also raise concerns about
responsibility, agency, and surveillance. These findings have implications for the design
of AI systems, emphasizing explainability, human-in-the-loop, and careful data collection
and presentation. The study contributes to the development of technically feasible AI
system storyboards that support learner-instructor interaction, captures students' and
instructors' concerns through Speed Dating, and suggests practical implications for
maximizing the positive impact of AI systems while minimizing the negative ones. (Seo
K. et al., 2021)

Also, the use of AI chatbots, specifically ChatGPT, in scientific writing. OpenAI's GPT
language model helps researchers organize material, generate drafts, and proofread.
However, there's no critical care medicine publication yet. ChatGPT should not replace
human judgment, and output should be reviewed by experts. Ethical concerns include
plagiarism, inaccuracies, and potential disparities in accessibility between high- and low-
income countries. (Salvagno, et al.,2023)

Furthermore, The metaverse, a shared virtual world fueled by emerging technologies like
artificial intelligence (AI), has become a significant aspect of the internet's growth. This
survey explores the role of AI in the metaverse's foundation and development, focusing
on machine learning algorithms and deep learning architectures. It explores AI-based
methods in technical aspects like natural language processing, machine vision,
blockchain, networking, digital twin, and neural interface, and highlights potential
applications in healthcare, manufacturing, smart cities, and gaming. (Thien Huynh-The,
et al.,2023)

On the other hand, the effectiveness of ChatGPT in writing credible, peer-reviewed

scientific review articles on three key topics in musculoskeletal research: the intersection
of Alzheimer's disease and bone, neural regulation of fracture healing, and COVID-19
and musculoskeletal health. Three approaches were used: human-only, ChatGPT-only,
and a combination of these approaches. The final manuscripts were thoroughly fact-
checked and edited to ensure scientific quality. The study found that the use of AI
reduced the time spent on writing the review article but required more extensive fact-
checking. The AI-only approach resulted in up to 70% of references being inaccurate,
while the AI-assisted approach had the highest similarity indices, suggesting a higher
likelihood of plagiarism. The study also noted that ChatGPT 4.0 had a cutoff date of
September 2021, making it impossible to identify recent articles. Therefore, all literature
published past this date was manually provided to ChatGPT, making approaches #2 and
#3 identical for contemporary citations. (Kacena M. et al., 2024)
Moreover, One of the primary information sources for human intelligence activities is
picture, since it is the primary medium through which humans communicate and
comprehend the world. The need for image processing technology is growing daily due to
the advancement of society. The application of image processing is made possible by the
quick advancement of computer technology. This research focuses on the application of
artificial intelligence algorithm in image processing to produce better image processing
effect. With the use of image segmentation technology, meaningful targets can be
extracted by breaking down images into sections with distinct characteristics. One way to
think of it is as a combinatorial optimization issue. Applying artificial intelligence
algorithms to optimization problems is entirely possible. First, the ant colony algorithm is
introduced in this paper in The ant colony algorithm's mathematical model and
fundamental idea are elaborated by the artificial intelligence algorithm. Second, this
paper incorporates the crowding degree function of fish into the ant colony method to
enhance its global search capability. Lastly, to increase the effectiveness of image
segmentation, the refined ant colony method is applied. The simulation's findings
demonstrate that segmenting images using the ant colony technique is doable. And the
ant colony algorithm's optimization improvement works well. The performance of image
segmentation can be greatly enhanced by using an enhanced ant colony method. (Zhang
& Dahu.,2019)

Finally, scientific study's primary goal was to determine whether artificial

intelligence (AI) might be applied to academics in a way that would enhance the process
of writing scientific papers. While AI did shorten writing times, it was far from perfect.
Due to the latter, AI cannot be employed alone at this time, although it may be used to
help write scientific review articles under human supervision. (Kacena M. et al., 2024)

Research Writing

According to Jack Caulfield, 2022, The introduction to a research paper is where you set
up your topic and approach for the reader. It has several key goals: (1)Present your topic
and get the reader interested (2) Provide background or summarize existing research (3)
Position your own approach (4) Detail your specific research problem and problem
statement (5) Give an overview of the paper’s structure. The introduction looks slightly
different depending on whether your paper presents the results of original empirical
research or constructs an argument by engaging with a variety of sources. Don’t feel that
your hook necessarily has to be deeply impressive or creative. Clarity and relevance are
still more important than catchiness. The key thing is to guide the reader into your topic
and situate your ideas. Provide only the most relevant background information. The
introduction isn’t the place to get too in-depth; if more background is essential to your
paper, it can appear in the body.
To begin with, A lot of times, instructors and students tend to separate “thinking,”
“researching,” and “writing” into different categories that aren’t necessarily very well
connected. First you think, then you research, and then you write. The reality is though
that the possibilities and process of research writing are more complicated and much
richer than that. We think about what it is we want to research and write about, but at the
same time, we learn what to think based on our research and our writing. The goal of this
article is to guide you through this process of research writing by emphasizing a series of
exercises that touch on different and related parts of the research process. Research
writing is writing that uses evidence (from journals, books, magazines, the Internet,
experts, etc.) to persuade or inform an audience about a particular point. Research writing
exists in a variety of different forms. For example, academics, journalists, or other
researchers write articles for journals or magazines; academics, professional writers and
almost anyone create web pages that both use research to make some sort of point and
that show readers how to find more research on a particular topic. All of these types of
writing projects can be done by a single writer who seeks advice from others, or by a
number of writers who collaborate on the project.(Krause, 2007)

Secondly, Research writing is a complex practice that is under-theorized in university

research degree programs. This article highlights the need for a social, situated approach
to research writing, addressing policy, theory, and pedagogy issues. Recent research
writing groups have emphasized pedagogical principles like identification, peer review,
community, and writing as 'normal business', promoting a broader conceptualization of
research writing requirements.Likewise, Olivia Valdes (2019) defined research paper as a
common form of academic writing. Research papers require students and academics to
locate information about a topic (that is, to conduct research), take a stand on that topic,
and provide support (or evidence) for that position in an organized report. The
term research paper may also refer to a scholarly article that contains the results of
original research or an evaluation of research conducted by others. Most scholarly
articles must undergo a process of peer review before they can be accepted for
publication in an academic journal. Writing a research paper is a crash course in the
stylistic conventions of scholarly writing. During the research and writing process, you'll
learn how to document your research, cite sources appropriately, format an academic
paper, maintain an academic tone, and more. Research papers put your time
management skills to the test. Every step of the research and writing process takes time,
and it's up to you to set aside the time you'll need to complete each step of the task.
Maximize your efficiency by creating a research schedule and inserting blocks of
"research time" into your calendar as soon as you receive the assignment. The best
research papers are the result of genuine interest and a thorough research process.
(Aitchison & Lee, 2006)

Furthermore, research is a remarkable characteristic of any degree course because it

provides students with an amount of control and independence on what they learn.
Research also offers students a chance to approve, explain, follow and find out new
features of a topic they are keen on. Pandey and Mishra (2015, p. 7) suggest that the
“word “Research” is comprised of two words = Re+Search. It means to search again. So,
research means a systematic investigation or activity to gain new knowledge of the
already existing facts.” Research can also be defined as rational and methodical search
for new and beneficial information about a certain topic (Rajasekar, Philominathan, &
Chinnathambi, 2013). Neville (2007, p. 1) defines research as “a process of enquiry and
investigation; it is systematic, methodical and ethical; research can help solve practical
problems and increase knowledge.”(Neville, 2007)

However, the key challenges in research writing that include the intellectual challenges
faced by students such as problems with time management, how to choose and then
narrow down a research topic. The most challenging problem that students might face is
time management. Students tend to allocate everything to the last stage where they find it
difficult to accomplish their research on time. Time management skills boil down to
organization, commitment and awareness and may be applied to a number of tasks in life
one might decide to take on. In the context of student researchers, this might mean that
they have to become conscious to write down everything, to stay focused especially when
something more momentarily interesting occurs, and to be committed to keeping to a set
schedule.(Dombeck & Wells-Moran, 2006)

Moreover, students who are writing their research papers often raise questions about
plagiarism, how many words we need to change in a sentence to avoid plagiarism, the
answer is that there is no great words are phrases to add in a sentence to make the idea
your own and real word needs real opinions. The great and chief principle to avoid
plagiarism is giving the references at the end of the research paper, you need to write the
last name author, publish year and the title of the research paper. The most important
thing to discuss is the most students do not check their papers after completing it. There
are lots of ways to check plagiarism such as Quetext and WriteChecker, before
submitting your paper to your teacher in order to check plagiarism, don’t miss to first
check plagiarism yours.(Ozturk, 2011)

However, people are feeling conflicted over the rise of generative artificial intelligence
(ChatGPT), and disagreements are prevalent among academics, educators, researchers,
and the general public. Although research methodology and research paper writing could
be revolutionized by artificial intelligence, several ethical issues are raised. Particularly
with regard to academic writing, the academic community is dubious about whether this
language model will be more beneficial than detrimental. This study makes the case that
cutting-edge technology is here to stay and that the real decision is not whether to accept
it or not, but rather how to use it most wisely, carefully, and responsibly to uphold
academic transparency and integrity while improving research performance.(Base from
Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia, 2023)
Futhermore, The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has sparked intense interest
among educational technologists in how to incorporate such advancements into teaching
and learning. One area that has gained a lot of attention is research writing, which
involves developing AI-based tools to help researchers with their writing process.
Machine learning and natural language processing, for example, have been integrated
into apps that attempt to not only simplify the process of research writing but also
improve the quality of critical analysis, notably in the areas of literature review and
language style. Despite the increasing use of AI components in research writing, efforts
to examine their implementation, benefits, and weaknesses remain restricted. This
chapter summarizes some of the main studies on AI in research writing.(Adams &
Chuah, 2022)

However, in order to examine an area where voice is believed to play only a little role—
academic writing—I wish to somewhat alter the meaning of the idea of voice, which has
become important to studies of discourse, composition, and literature. By concentrating
on the interpersonal aspects of academic writing and explaining how authors position
themselves and their readers, I hope to further investigate the concept of "disciplinary
voice" in this context. Essentially, I think the concept of voice can illuminate some
disciplinary argument details, and I'm curious to know what these details reveal about
writers' perceptions of proper relationships and how this relates to writing across
disciplines.(Hyland, 2019)
Chapter III

Research Methodologies

This chapter presents the research design used by the researchers, the respondents
and sampling procedures, the instruments, and the statistical treatment of the collected

Research Design

Researchers will use a descriptive correlational research design with a

survey questionnaire, utilizing all collected data for the study's development.

According to Lappe (2016) A descriptive correlational design is a research

method used to observe and describe relationships between variables without
manipulating them. It involves collecting data on two or more variables and examining
how they relate to each other.
Research Locale

Figure 1. Map showing the locale of Divine Word College of Calapan

Freinademetz Campus

The study was taken out by the researchers at the Basic Education department of Divine
Word College of Calapan. Calapan City, brgy, Tibag. The institution is made up of (0)
officially enrolled students and (0) teachers. Students connect with each other through
one of the three (3) offered modalities—online, offline, or blended learning—under the
cover of flexible learning. To further develop their abilities even outside of their natural
learning environment, the school now uses a curriculum that consists of the Department
of Education's most important learning characteristics

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the Senior High School Students of Divine Word
College of Calapan. The researchers will use simple random sampling technique to select
thirty (30) respondents from each strand. These students selected are one of those many
individuals who are using artificial intelligence in research writing. By this factor, the
researchers consider them as the most suitable respondents for the study.

Research Instruments

The research instrument utilized in this study consists of a standardized survey

questionnaire administered via Google Forms, employing the Likert scale to gauge
respondents' attitudes and perceptions regarding their interaction with artificial
intelligence (AI) within an educational context. This close-ended, force-choice format
ensures consistency in data collection and facilitates systematic analysis. In addition to
the Likert scale questions, a bespoke set of inquiries tailored to the study's focus on AI
integration in teaching methodologies was included. These questions aimed to elicit
detailed insights into participants' satisfaction, perceptions, and recommendations
concerning AI technology in education. Each response option within the Likert scale was
assigned a numerical value, enabling the systematic measurement of individual attitudes
and enhancing the granularity of responses. Employing a four-category Likert scale
(ranging from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree"), respondents were able to
articulate varying degrees of agreement or disagreement, thus enriching the depth of their
responses. Overall, the research instrument provided a robust means of capturing
participants' perspectives on the impact of AI interaction on their learning experiences,
thereby informing further inquiry into this evolving field.

Data Collection Procedure

The research will include the use of a standardized survey questionnaire. Then,
simple random sampling respondents of the study will have a direct link for the Google
Forms application in order to have an authority to answer the questions. Afterwards, the
data gathered by the researchers will be encoded, organized, deduced, interpreted, and

The researchers observed the personal safety of the respondents by ensuring and treating
all the information gathered with utmost confidentiality.

Data Analysis Procedure

The researchers will analyze all of the gathered data carefully in order to arrive
with a conclusion without any bias. A independent sample t-test will be used in the study
to test if there is a significant relationship between the usage of artificial intellegence and
the research writing abilities of senior highschool students.Note that, the level of
significance is set as p < 0.05.
Followed by this, the researchers will also consider the use of scientific method.

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