Celis - Q3 W4 - Module 5 1

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Grades 7-12 School/Department Paaralang Sekundarya ng Lucban Grade Level Eight (8)

DAILY LESSON Integrated School

LOG (DLL) Teacher MAY ANN ROSE L. CELIS Learning Area English
Teaching Date and Time March 12-13, 2024 | 6:40-11:40 AM Quarter 3rd Quarter

The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage ; coping
strategies in processing textual information; strategies in examining features of a listening and viewing
A. Content Standards
material; structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and grammatical signals for opinion-
making, persuasion, and emphasis
The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive speech based on an informative
B. Performance Standards essay featuring use of properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making ,
persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
Appreciate literature as a mirror to a shared heritage (EN8LT-IIIe-10)
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
1. Identify the coordinating conjunctions.
(Write the LC code for each)
2. Supply appropriate coordinating conjunctions in a text; and
3. Appreciate the importance of coordinating conjunction through writing a paragraph about one’s own life.
(What is the lesson all about/Subject Using Cohesive Devices: Coordinating Conjunctions
(List of materials to be used)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages K to 12 Curriculum Guide English 8, K to 12 MELCs
2. Learner’s Materials Pages Alternative Delivery Mode, Quarter 3 – Module 5: Using Cohesive Devices, First Edition, 2020
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Routinary Activities:
a. Greeting Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am!

b. Prayer Please remain standing for our opening prayer. Let (Student leads the prayer)
us pray.

c. Classroom Management Before you take your seats, please pick up the pieces (The students pick the pieces of trash under the chair
of paper or any trash and arrange your chair properly. and arrange the chairs properly, before taking their
d. Checking of Attendance Secretary, do we have an absentee today? seats.)
Very good! None Ma’am. Everyone is present.

e. Checking of Assignment Do we have an assignment?

None, Ma’am
f. Classroom Reminders Okay, since there is no assignment, let me remind
you class with our classroom rule:
1. Come to class prepared for lecture.
2. Always take notes. Yes, Ma’am!
3. Comply to your missed activites.
Do you understand?
Now, let’s try to recall our previous lesson before we
proceed to our new lesson. Who among you still
remember the lesson that have been discussed last
meeting? It is about the Literature, Ma’am.

Okay, that’s right!

How about the two types of literature? The two types of literature are Fiction and Nonfiction.
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or
Presenting Very Good. Now, short story has different elements.
the New Lesson Give me one. Setting.
Point of View.
Very good! I am convinced that you really understand
our previous lesson.
This morning, we will have a new lesson, but before
that let’s have first a game. Do you want a game
class? Yes, Ma’am

This game is named “WORD MAZE”. The class will

be divided into 6 groups according to the word you
B. Establishing a Purpose for the
received (and, nor, but, or, yet, so). Each group are
tasked to continue the sentence and connect the
previous idea to their idea using the cohesive
devices. The maze presented on the board will be the
guide in making up scenarios, ideas or sentences.
Are we clear, class? Yes, ma’am
Go to your respective group in 10, 9 , 8, 7, 6, 5, ….
Everybody listen. I will start the idea, “ConCon and Their favorite snacks are apples and bananas.
Juncky gains more weight, for he eats too much
sweets.” They both doesn’t like soft drinks, nor hard liquors.

They used to eat vegetables, but I never eat junk


They also like bread or cookies with their coffee

They are still young, yet they already tall and big.

They are very hungry, so they ate the remaining

Based on our activity, what you have noticed? The idea is more comprehensive when we connect
ideas with the help of (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).
Excellent! Ideas are more comprehensive when we
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of have connectors. Any other idea? The sentences are organized that make it easy to
the New Lesson understand because of the conjunctions.
Very good! It becomes easy to understand and
connect ideas when we used those words (fanboys).
Do you understand? Yes, Ma’am!
D. Discussing New Concepts and These “fanboys” has something to do with our next
Practicing New Skills #1 lesson which is? Everybody please read. Using Cohesive Devices: Coordinating Conjunctions

So for you to grasp the idea of our topic I have here a

concept map.

Anyone from the class who can tell me what is Cohesion is how well parts of your text (words,
cohesion? Yes, Miss. sentences, paragraphs) fit together. It is important to
be able to get your point across clearly

Very well! To achieve coherence, we need to use Cohesive Device are words or phrases used to
cohesive devices, which is our topic for this connect ideas between different parts of text.
morning. And cohesive device is? Please read.
What comes into your mind when you hear the word
device? Anyone from the class? Ma’am, device is like a tool.

Indeed! Same in cohesive device. From the word

devices, they are like tools that help us to connect
ideas between different parts of text using words
or phrases. Do you understand? Yes, Ma’am.

So, cohesive devices have many types. What are The types of cohesive devices are conjunctions,
those? Everybody please read. pronouns, prepositions, adverbs, and ellipses.

Exactly! However, we will only focus on the Conjunctions are words or a group of words that are
conjunctions. And what is conjunctions? used to connect other words or phrases in the

Excellent! Conjunctions has three (3) types. What is The first type is coordinating conjunctions.
the first type? Coordinating conjunctions are words that connects
two, phrases and clauses of equal value. Clauses or
equal value are called independent clauses and can
stand on their own as separate sentence.
E. Discussing New Concepts and Very Good! In coordinating conjunction, we only must
Practicing New Skills #2 remember this mnemonic which is FANBOYS. What
does FANBOYS mean? For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so

Let us sing it. Repeat after me. For, and, nor, but, or,
yet so (in Bad romance tone) Students repeat.

Let’s see how each of them functions. Read the first Balmond gains more weight, for he eats too many
example. sweets.

From the example, what is the purpose of for? To explain why.

Very good! it is like using “because” to explain

something. Anybody, who can give me an example of Juan gets good grades in English, for he loves
sentence using for to connect ideas? studying.

Very good! Why does Juan get good grades in Because he loves studying.

Now, let us look at the example for and. Lylia’s favorite snacks are apples and bananas.
It is very simple. We only have to connect things in
the sentence. What fruits did we connect here? We connected two nouns: apples and bananas.

Yes. We use conjunctions to connect all elements

together. It is either words, phrases, or sentences. Do
you understand? Yes, ma’am.

Anybody, who can give me an example?

I want to give an example ma’am. I love to read and
watch movies.
Very good! What things did you connect using and?
The words “read and watch.”
That’s good! Next is nor. Everybody please read the
definition. We use nor for two non-contrasting grammatically
negative items.
From the definition, we use it to connect two negative
items. Read this example. Jungkook doesn’t like division nor subtraction in
math computation.
What are the two negative conditions or items that
have been connected by nor? Those are division and subtraction.

Yes. Remember that nor presents negative idea that

complements another negative clause. Is that clear?
Yes, ma’am.
After nor, what do we have next?
Next is but. We use it to show contrast.
What do we mean by contrast?
This means difference.
Good! Look at this example (he loves to eat, but he
doesn’t know how to cook.) How do the thoughts The second part of the sentence differs or opposes
differ? the first part.

Very good! Here, we show exception. Who can give

me an example of a sentence using the conjunction, I can give one, ma’am. “Hylos is talented, but he
but? lacks discipline.”

Impressive! Among the FANBOYS, which among

them are already discussed? We are done with FOR, AND, NOR and BUT.

Next, O for or. We use this as an alternative. What

do you mean by alternative?
Alternative means choices or options, ma’am.
Yes. We use it to present options to choose from.
Everybody, please read the example.
Would you prefer sunrise or sunsets?
What are the options presented in the sentence?
The options are sunrise or sunsets.
Very good! is the coordinating conjunction, or, clear
to you?
Yes, ma’am.
What does Y stand for?
It stands for yet.
Let us analyze its example. (Miya is still young, yet
responsible). What do you notice? Does it share any
similarities to other fanboys? Yes, ma’am. It is like the coordinating conjunction,
but. Just like but, it shows contrast or difference.
Absolutely right! They may have some similarities,
but they are different in terms of use. When using
yet, there is still a potential for change. In this
example, what is something pleasant or positive
despite the contrast?
Despite Miya’s age, she is responsible.
Vey good! another example. Everybody please read.
Math problems are hard, yet grade 8 students gained
Despite the difficulty, what did the benefit grade 8
students get? Although math problems are hard, grade 8 students
can learn.
Very good! Remember that but and yet are like twins,
they connect opposites. Is this clear to you? Yes, ma’am.

Now, for the last coordinating conjunctions,

FANBOYS, we have so. What is it used for? It is used to show the consequence or effect of
Pay attention to the word, effect or result of something.It is meant to show cause and effect.
something. Look at this example (Atlas was very
hungry, so he ate the remaining fruits.) Which is the
cause in this sentence?
Atlas was very hungry.
What did he do because of hunger?
The result is, he ate the remaining fruits.
Very good! That is how so works. What does it
connect in the sentence?
It connects the cause and effect in the sentence.
Do you have any questions regarding the
coordinating conjunctions?
None, ma’am.
Let us practice testing your understanding. Directions: supply the appropriate coordinating
Everybody read the direction. conjunctions For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
(FANBOYS) in the following sentences.
In this exercise, you will be going to fill in the blanks
with coordinating conjunctions For, And, Nor, But, Or, 1. She loves art, _____ she does not know how to
Yet So (FANBOYS) correctly. draw.
2. Is Mathematics a hard _____ easy subject?
3. I do not like playing mobile games_____ eating
4. The science experiment was not successful,
_____it provided valuable lessons.
5. The floor was slippery, _____he slipped down.

Who wants to try number one. Read the sentence The answer for number 1 is BUT because the other
first before answering. Afterwards, explain briefly sentence contradicts the other one.
F. Developing Mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment)
Very good! How about number 2? The answer is OR because there are options in the
sentence such as “hard” and “easy.

Very impressive! Next number. The correct answer is NOR because there are two
negative items present in describing her hate in doing
bad habits.

Good job! It is time for number 4. The correct answer is YET because it may not be
successful, there is still a positive outcome.

Excellent! That is correct. Finally. What is the answer The correct cohesive device is SO because the
in number 5? sentence presents a cause-and-effect relationship.

All your answers are correct. Give yourselves a round

of applause for a good job well done.
G. Finding Practical Application of Now that you already know how the coordinating Directions: Write three to five sentences about your
Concepts conjunctions and how to use them in the sentence, it life using any of the coordinating conjunctions For,
and Skills in Daily Living is now time to write your own sentences or paragraph And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So (FANBOYS). You may
using FANBOYS. choose from the following topics:
•My hobbies
•My experiences
•My friends
•Things I love
Are there any questions about the task?
None, ma’am.
Let us check whether you understand the lesson. It Is about using cohesive devices and coordinating
What is our lesson for today? conjunctions.

Yes. What are the cohesive devices we use in We use coordinating conjunctions For, And, Nor, But,
H. Making Generalizations and coordinating conjunctions? Or, Yet So (FANBOYS)
Abstractions about the Lesson
What should we remember in using coordinating It helps us to connect ideas, link sentences and
conjunctions? promote coherence in writing a paragraph.

Very good!
I. Evaluation Learning
J. Additional Activities for Application
or Remediation


(Reflect on your teaching and assess
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation/assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation/enhancement
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal/head
teacher/master teacher/ coordinator
or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Pre-Service Teacher Resource Teacher Head Teacher III, English

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