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Uraian Tugas Tutorial Tatap Muka BB03-RK17a-RII.

10 Juli 2017

Kode dan Nama Matakuliah : PDGK4304 BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK GURU SD

Nama Pengembang : ANA ZUYYINAH, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Masa Tutorial : 2023.1 Ganjil
Nomer Soal/Tugas *) : 1
Skor Maks : 10 - 100

Kompetensi Khusus
Tutee diharapkan dapat:
∼ Menggunakan ungkapan–ungkapan untuk memberi salam dan memperkenalkan diri sendri dan orang
∼ Menulis kalimat sederhana tentang pekerjaan dan rutinitas sehari-hari dalam bentuk present
∼ Tutee diharapkan dapat menggunakan fungsi bahasa yang digunaka nuntuk menjelaskan hubungan

Uraian Tugas
Part1.Complete the dialogue below with greeting !
Mr. Hidayat: Good Morning
Anna : (1 ) ……………………Excuse me, sir, Could I meet my Father?
Mr. Hidayat: your Father(2)
Anna : Anang is , is he the Principle here.
Mr. Hidayat: That’s all right are you her..... ? (3)
Anna : Yes,............. (4)
Part 2.Rearrange the following letters to form the correct word and make a sentence !
1. r -h-e -a-t- f = .........
2. n-a -t-u= .........
3. c -e -n-l- u =.........
4. i-s-s-r -e -t = .........
5. h-o-t-r -e-b-r = ........

Part3.Complete the sentences by using the words in the paranthese.Use the simple present or present
1. The baby (sleep) Baby (Sleep).......ten hours everynight.
2. I’m in class now.I (sit) my desk.I usually(sit) the same desk everyday.
3. Amran (speak).....Arabic.Arabic is his native language,but right now,he (speak)....english.
4. Ourteacher(standup,not).....right now.She(sit).....on the corner of the desk.
5. At six p.m.Mary is at home.She (eat)............dinner.She always (eat)........dinner with her family
around six o’clock.
Part4.Read the text,then answer the following questions correctly!
His name is Johan.He comes to school to study english.He is from west Sumatra.He is astudent.At
school,he meets many students.He is not married.He is single.He lives with her cousin.Now,he is very busy not

1. What is his name?

2. Where is he from?
3. What does he study?
4. Whom does he live with?
5. How does he feel now?

Part 5. Make the following dialogue based on the following situation!

1. Ana is Zuyyin’s Friend. Vito is also Zuyyin’s friend. But Zuyyin and vito do not know each other. That is
why Zuyyin wants to introduce Ana to Vito.

2. Hidayat is a new student in UT Surabaya. He wants to introduce himself in front of his new friends.
He would like to tell his personal identification to his new friends.

3. Make a diagram about your extended family and make a paragraph based on the diagram of your

Ana Zuyyinah,S.Pd, M.Pd
e is very busy not

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