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 Perusahaan legal yang telah memenuhi ketentuan sesuai peraturan perundang-

undangan yang berlaku.
 Berdomisili di Indonesia


 Penyampaian pendapat/ masukan terkait isu dunia usaha guna advokasi kebijakan yang
mendukung pengusaha
 Mendapatkan informasi terbaru mengenai peraturan perundangan terkait
ketenagakerjaan dan dunia usaha secama umum
 Konsultasi & pendampingan penyelesaian Ketenagakerjaan dan Hubungan
 Temu rutin anggota APINDO melalui CEOs Gathering, Members’ Gathering, Government
Relations Gathering
 Workshop, Seminar & Pelatihan baik di Indonesia maupun luar negeri bekerjasama
dengan mitra APINDO
 Partisipasi Business Matching bersama delegasi perusahaan/ pengusaha mitra APINDO
atau Kedutaan Besar Negara Sahabat dan Kamar Dagang negara lain
 Monthly Report yang berisi intisari kegiatan Sekretariat DPN APINDO


 Menjaga nama baik organisasi Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (APINDO)

 Membayar iuran anggota sesuai dengan ketentuan
Tentang ISPC Indonesia
In January 1952, a group of Indonesian entrepreneurs and industrialists undertook
the establishment of an association under the name of PUSPI (Indonesian
Employers’ Council on Socio-Economic Affairs) as a forum of employers, workers
and the government. After more than three decades, in 1985, the name transformed
into APINDO (Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia or The Employers' Association of

Recognizing the importance of collaboration and partnership for international

business success, APINDO launched the Indonesia’s International Strategic
Partnership Centre (ISPC Indonesia) that accelerates strategic business cooperation
among foreign and Indonesian enterprises.

The Indonesia’s ISPC is supported by APINDO's members (Indonesian industrialists

and enterprises) in 34 respective provincial and 269 district boards that actively
creates new investments and trade opportunities for sustainable markets. The
organization’s strategies are to match up the foreign and local businesses by
investing the business in Indonesia and/or by creating global market for Indonesian
products/services, and also to create more Indonesian global entrepreneurs.

Our activities aim to facilitate, encourage, and support business cooperation

between foreign and Indonesian companies for strategic business development and
accelerating trade and investment process by intensively working with private
corporations, government entities, academicians, and other organizations to achieve
one of APINDO’s mission of enhancing Indonesia’s investment and global trade

Visi & Misi

 ISPC Vision is to become a significant contributor of Indonesia's foreign
investment and international trade for its sustainable global competitive

 Our mission is to escalate the level of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and
international trade through strategic partnerships
Mengapa Kami?
 Competitive Budget

 Execution Plan Excellence

 Client service Excellence - Highly Responsive

 High Profile Experts (in terms of commercial expertise and networks)

 Highly Qualified Technical Expertise

Our Cooperation

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