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Reactivity 1: What drives chemical reactions?

R.1.2 Energy cycles in reactions

R.1.2.2 Hess's law

Objective Investigation Tools used Process

Apply Hess’s law Thermochemical Experimental Tools: Inquiry 1: Exploring and
to calculate Cycle for the • Weighing Scale Designing
enthalpy changes Formation of • Styrofoam Cup How can we determine the
in multistep Magnesium or Calorimeter heat of formation of
reactions. Oxide • Thermometer/ magnesium oxide (MgO) using
temperature a thermochemical cycle and
sensor Hess's Law?
• Reactants that Hypothesis: The heat of
provide the formation of magnesium oxide
necessary can be calculated by using
chemical known reactions and applying
reactions. Hess's Law.
• Safety Background: Explain the
Equipment principles of Hess's Law,
thermochemical cycles, and the
significance of heat of
Technological and formation.
Experimental Design: Outline
mathematical tools
the plan for using magnesium
• Graphing ribbon, magnesium oxide
powder, and acids. Describe the
calculator reactions and the reasoning
behind the chosen reactions.
Variables: Identify the
independent (reactants),
dependent (temperature
change), and controlled
Procedure: Provide step-by-
step instructions for the
experiment setup, including
reaction mixtures and
Inquiry 2: Collecting and

Data Collection: Record the

initial and maximum
temperatures for each reaction
involving magnesium and
magnesium oxide.
Reaction 1: Mg + HCl
Initial Temperature: [Value] °C
Maximum Temperature: [Value]
Calculations: Calculate the
temperature change (ΔT) for
each reaction by subtracting
the initial temperature from
the maximum temperature.
Heat Calculations: Use the
formula q = m × c × ΔT to
calculate the heat transferred
(q) for each reaction, where m
is mass and c is specific heat
Inquiry 3: Concluding and
Results: Present the calculated
values of heat transferred (q)
for each reaction.
Hess's Law Application: Show
how Hess's Law is applied to
calculate the heat of formation
of magnesium oxide (MgO)
using the calculated heats of
Comparison to Literature
Value: Compare the calculated
heat of formation with the
accepted literature value.
Discuss any discrepancies and
possible sources of error.
Conclusion: Summarize the
findings and their significance.
Discuss the success of the
experiment in achieving the
research question's goal.
Evaluation: Reflect on the
experiment's strengths and
limitations. Consider
improvements that could
enhance the accuracy and
reliability of the results

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