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These are sample MCQs to indicate pattern, may or may

not appear in examination

Mahatma Education Society’s
Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology

Program: BE Computer Engineering

Curriculum Scheme: Revised 2016
Examination: BE SEM VIII
Course Code: CSC802 and Course Name: Distributed Computing
Time: 1hour Max. Marks: 50

Note to the students:- All the Questions are compulsory and carry equal marks .

Q The ability of distributed system to hide the fact is known as? M

A Openness 0
A Scalability 0
A transparency 1
A Homogeneity 0
Q What is RMI ? M
A Remote Message Invocation
A Remote Method Invocation
A Remote Method Information 1
A Remote Message Initialization
Q what is mean by MOS? M
A Multiprocessor operating system
A Multicomputer operating system
A Middleware operating system 1
Q which Layer is not part of Grid Computing M
A Fabric Layer
A Data link Layer 1
A Collective Layer
A Resource Layer
Q which is not type of Distributed computing system? M
A Grid Computing
A Cluster Computing
A Health Care System 1
A Cloud Computing
Q Which Distributed System Model deals with Communication? M
A Security Model
A Fault Model
A Interaction Model 1
A Architecture Model
Q IP packet is encapsulated in a M
A data link layer 1
A physical layer 0
A network layer 0
A transport layer 0
Q IPv6 address is M
A 32 bits 1
A 48 bits 0
A 128 bits 0
A 16 bits 0
Q The application layer packet is encapsulated in a M
A TCP or UDP packet 1
A IP packet 0
A Presentation packet 0
A data link layer 0
Q ISO OSI Model is invented by M
A Zimmerman 1
A Dennis Richie 0
A Lamport 0
A Zippy 0
Q Middleware is an application that logically lives (mostly) in the M
A application layer 1
A Transport layer 0
A IP packet 0
A Presentation packet 0
Q The example of persistent communication is M
A Email 1
A Network communication 0
A file transfer 0
A sending messages 0
Q CPU scheduling is the basis of ___________ M
A multiprocessor systems 0
A multiprogramming operating systems 1
A larger memory sized systems 0
A first-come, first-served scheduling 0
Q With multiprogramming ______ is used productively. M
A time 1
A space 0
A money 0
A ready 0
Q What are the two steps of a process execution? M
A I/O & OS Burst 0
A CPU & I/O Burst 1
A Memory & I/O Burst 0
A OS & Memory Burst 0
A process is selected from the ______ queue by the ________
scheduler, to be executed.
A blocked, short term 0
A wait, long term 0
A ready, short term 1
A ready, long term 0
Q In the following cases non – preemptive scheduling occurs? M
A When a process switches from the running state to the ready state 0
A When a process goes from the running state to the waiting state 1
A When a process switches from the waiting state to the ready state 0
A shortest job scheduling 0

Consider the following set of processes, the length of the CPU

Q burst time given in milliseconds. P1 - 6, p2 - 8, p3 -7, p4 - 3. M
Assuming the above process being scheduled with the SJF
scheduling algorithm.
A The waiting time for process P1 is 3ms 1
A The waiting time for process P1 is 0ms 0
A The waiting time for process P1 is 16ms 0
A The waiting time for process P1 is 9ms 0
Preemptive Shortest Job First scheduling is sometimes called ____________
A Fast SJF scheduling 0
A EDF scheduling – Earliest Deadline First 0
A HRRN scheduling – Highest Response Ratio Next 0
A SRTN scheduling – Shortest Remaining Time Next 1
Q What is ‘Aging’? M
A keeping track of cache contents 0
A keeping track of what pages are currently residing in memory 0
A keeping track of how many times a given page is referenced 0
A increasing the priority of jobs to ensure termination in a finite time 1
Q A semaphore is a shared integer variable that can not M
drop below zero
A 1
be more than zero
A 0
drop below one
A 0
A that cannot be more than one 0
Which of the following for Mutual exclusion can be provided by
mutex locks
A 0
binary semaphores
A 0
both mutex locks and binary semaphores
A 1
A none of the mentioned 0
When high priority task is indirectly preempted by medium
priority the scenario is called
priority inversion
A 1
priority removal
A 0
priority exchange
A 0
A priority modification 0
A monitor is a module and monitor which of the following can
shared data structures
A 0
procedures that operate on shared data structure
A 0
synchronization between concurrent procedure invocation
A 0

A all of the mentioned 1

Which of the following process can be affected by other
processes during execution in the system?
init process
A 0
child process
A 0
parent process
A 0
A cooperating process 1
In which the access takes place when different processes try to
access the same data concurrently and the outcome of the
execution depends on the specific order, is called

dynamic condition
A 0
race condition
A 1
essential condition
A 0
A critical condition 0
You are synchronizing your clock from a time server using NTP
and observe the following times: [4 points] a. timestamp at
client when the message leaves the client: 6:22:15.100 b.
timestamp at which the server receives the message:
7:05:10.700 c. timestamp at which the server sends the reply:
7:05:10.710 d. timestamp at client when the message is
received at client: 6:22:15.250 To what value do you set the
client's clock?
A 07:05:10.780 1
A 08:05:10.780 0
A 09:05:10.780 0
A 10:05:10.780 0
Suppose that two processes detect the demise of the
Q coordinator simultaneously and both decide to hold an election M
using the bully algorithm. What happens?
Each of the higher-numbered processes will get two ELECTION
A messages, but will ignore the first one. The election will 1
proceed as usual
Each of the lower-numbered processes will get two ELECTION
A messages, but will ignore the first one. The election will 0
proceed as usual
Each of the lower-numbered processes will get two ELECTION
A messages, but will ignore the second one. The election will 0
proceed as usual
Each of the higher-numbered processes will get two ELECTION
A messages, but will ignore the second one. The election will 0
proceed as usual
What is the advantage of a vector clock over Lamport's logical
A Catch causality 1
A avoid deadlock 0
A avoid linear relationship 0
A set nonlinear relationship 0
___algorithm for coordinator election assumes that no process
Q can fail during the election procedure until the new M
coordinator has been selected.
bully algorithm
A 1
Ring algorithm
A 0
A Lamport algorithm 0
A Suzuki Kasami algorithm 0
A client's clock reads 3:20:00. The server's clock reads 3:10:00
when they synchronize using the Berkeley algorithm. Assume
message delays are negligible. What is the time at the client
Q after M

A 03:15 1
A 04:15 0
A 05:15 0
A 06:15 0
A client's clock reads 3:20:00. The server's clock reads 3:10:00
when they synchronize using Cristian's algorithm. Assume
delays are negligible. What is the time at the client after

A 03:20:00 0
A 03:05:00 0
A 03:15:00 0
A 03:10:00 1
Q The ring election algorithm works by: M
Having all nodes in a ring of processors send a message to a
coordinator who will elect the leader.
A 0

Sending a token around a set of nodes. Whoever has the token

is the coordinator.
A 0

Sending a message around all available nodes and choosing

A the 0
first one on the resultant list.
Building a list of all live nodes and choosing the largest
A 1
numbered node in the list.
Which event is concurrent with the vector clock (2, 8, 4)?
(3, 9, 5)
A 0
(3, 8, 4)
A 0
(1, 7, 3)
A 0

A (4, 8, 2) 1
Q The Ricart & Agrawala distributed mutual exclusion algorithm M
Less efficient and less fault tolerant than a centralized
A 1
More efficient and more fault tolerant than a centralized
A 0
More efficient but less fault tolerant than a centralized
A 0
Less efficient but more fault tolerant than a centralized
A 0
Q A bully election algorithm: M
picks the first process to respond to an
A election request. 0

relies on majority vote to pick the winning

A process. 0

assigns the role of coordinator to the

processs holding the token at the time of
A 0

A picks the process with the largest ID. 1

Q Which mutual exclusion algorithm works when the M
membership of the group is unknown?
A 1
A 0
A 0
A Token Ring. 0
Q Which set of events is concurrent (all events are concurrent M
with each other)?
A (3, 1, 5, 7), (3, 2, 6, 7), (2, 1, 6, 8) 0
A (2, 1, 3, 4), (2, 2, 3, 3), (3, 3, 2, 5) 1
A (1, 2, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4, 5), (3, 4, 5, 6) 0
A (1, 5, 6, 7), (1, 4, 5, 7), (1, 3, 2, 2) 0
Q stream oriented communication is suitable for applications like M
A All the mentioned 1
A audio 0
A video 0
A movie 0
Q What is interprocess communication? M
A communication between two process 0
A communication within the process 1
A communication between two threads of same process 0
Q Which one is the disadvantage of Remote Procedure Call M
A There is no flexibility in RPC for hardware architecture. 1
A support process oriented and thread oriented models. 0
A The effort to re-write and re-develop the code is minimum 0
Many of the protocol layers are omitted by RPC to improve
A 0
Q What is DGC? M
A Distributed Garbage Collection 1
A Digital Garbage Collection 0
A Distributed Garbage Connection 0
A Digital Garbage Connection 0
Q An RMI Server is responsible for _______ M
A All mentioned above 1
A Creating an instance of the remote object 0
A Exporting the remote object 0
A Binding the instance of the remote object to the RMI registry 0
Q RMI stands for? M
A Remote Mail Invocation 0
A Remote Message Invocation 0
A Remaining Method Invocation 1
A Remote Method Invocation 0
A typical _________ program creates some remote objects, makes
Q references to these objects accessible, and waits for clients to M
invoke methods on these objects.
A Server 1
A Client 0
A Thread 0
A Concurrent 0
A typical __________ program obtains a remote reference to one
Q or more remote objects on a server and then invokes methods M
on them.
A a) Server 0
A b) Client 1
A c) Thread 0
A d) Concurrent 0

Q The ___________ layer, which provides the interface that client M

and server application objects use to interact with each other.
A Increasing 0
A Count 0
A Bit 0
A Stub/skeleton 1
Q A layer which is the binary data protocol layer. M
A stub layer 0
A skeleton layer 0
A remote layer 0
A transport protocol 1
Q A middleware layer between the stub skeleton and transport. M
A remote layer 0
A instruction layer 0
A reference layer 0
A remote reference layer 1
Q An object acting as a gateway for the client side. M
A skeleton 0
A stub 1
A remote 0
A server 0
Q A gateway for the server side object. M
A skeleton 1
A stub 0
A remote 0
A server 0
Q RMI uses stub and skeleton for communication with the ________ object.M
A client 0
A remote 1
A server 0
A any 0
Q Brain of computer is ____________ M
A Control unit 0
A Arithmetic and Logic unit 0
A Central Processing Unit 1
A Memory 0
Q What does MBR stand for? M
A Main Buffer Register 0
A Memory Buffer Routine 0
A Main Buffer Routine 0
A Memory Buffer Register 1
Any electronic holding place where data can be stored and
retrieved later whenever required is ____________
A memory 1
A drive 0
A disk 0
A circuit 0
Q Which of the following is the fastest means of memory access for CPU? M
A Registers 1
A Cache 0
A Main memory 0
A Virtual Memory 0
Q In the instruction ADD A, B, the answer gets stored in ___________ M
A B 0
A A 1
A Buffer 0
A C 0
Q What is Inter process communication? M
allows processes to communicate and synchronize their
A 0
actions when using the same address space
allows processes to communicate and synchronize their
A 1
actions without using the same address space
A allows the processes to only synchronize their actions without communication
A communicate with one another without resorting to shared data 0
Q Message passing system allows processes to __________ M
A communicate with one another without resorting to shared data 1
A communicate with one another by resorting to shared data 0
A share data 0
A name the recipient or sender of the message 0
Q Which of the following two operations are provided by the IPC facility?M
A write & delete message 0
A delete & receive message 0
A send & delete message 0
A receive & send message 1
Q The link between two processes P and Q to send and receive messages M is called ___
A communication link 0
A message-passing link 1
A synchronization link 0
A share data 0
Q Which of the following do not belong to queues for processes? M
A Job Queue 1
A PCB queue 0
A Device Queue 0
A Ready Queue 0
Q When the process issues an I/O request __________ M
A It is placed in an I/O queue 1
A It is placed in a waiting queue 0
A It is placed in the ready queue 0
A It is placed in the Job queue 0
Q What will happen when a process terminates? M
A It is removed from all queues 1
A It is removed from all, but the job queue 0
A Its process control block is de-allocated 0
A Its process control block is never de-allocated 0
Which of the following are models of middleware that are
belong to distributed object technology.
Which transparency deals with providing efficient access to the
system by hiding the implementation details.
A Location Tranparency
A Access Tranparency 1
A Network Tranparency
A Failure Tarnsparency
The main disadvantage of P2P model are _______________________
& _______________________.
A lack of scalability, high complexity 1
A support for scalability, low complexity
A lact of scalability, high simplycity
A support for scalability, high simplycity
In which model, there is no distinction between the client &
server process.
A clent-server model
A Master-slave model
A P2P Model 1
A fault model
which of the service offered by middleware is used to do query
on the distributed objects?
A Messaging service
A Persistance service
A Concurrency service
A Querying service 1
which of the service offered by middleware is allows to share &
access the resources Concurrently?
A Querying service
A Persistance service
A Concurrency service 1
A Naming service
Q Which of the service is not offered by middleware ? M
A Persistance service
A Translation service 1
A Querying service
A Concurrency service
The ______________ is always a controller in the client-server
A Client
A Slave
A Server 1
A User
Q The Stub & Skeleton is used in__________________ Middleware. M
A web service
which of the service offered by middleware is used to provide
Q security to the various shared resources provided by the M
A Persistance service
A Querying service
A Naming service
A Security service 1
The ___________________ fault describes the worst possible fault
semantics where any type of error may occur.
A Timing
A Arbitrary 1
A Omission
A Non-timing
The capabiliy of a system to detcet & recover from failure is
known as _____________________.
A fault tolerant & portable 1
A scalable & robust
A fault tolerant & robust
A potable & scalable
__________________ transparency makes sure that even if the
Q servers are migrated from one location to to the other, they M
will not affect the performance of system.
A Location
A Migration 1
A Network
A Concurrent
The high availability & load balancing are the key features of
A Cluster computing 1
A Grid computing
A Centralized computing
A Single Computing
Two clocks are said to be synchronized at a particular instance
of time if the difference in time values of the two clocks is less
than some specified constant. The difference in time values of
two clocks is called ___________
Clock Frequency
A 0
Clock drift
A 0
Clock skew
A 1
A Clock Ticks 0
Q What is common problem found in distributed system ? M
Process Synchronization
A 0
Communication synchronization
A 0
Deadlock problem
A 1
A Power failure 0
If timestamps of two events are same, then the events are ____
A 1
A 0
A 0
A non-monotonic 0
Q If a process is executing in its critical section, ________ M
any other process can also execute in its critical section
A 0
no other process can execute in its critical section
A 1
one more process can execute in its critical section
A 0
A none of the mentioned 0
Q A process can enter into its critical section _______ M
A 0

when it receives a reply message from its parent process

A 0
when it receives a reply message from all other processes in
A the system 1

A none of the mentioned 0

Q For proper synchronization in distributed systems _____ M
prevention from the deadlock is must
A 0
prevention from the starvation is must
A 0
prevention from the deadlock & starvation is must
A 1
A none of the mentioned 0
In the token passing approach of distributed systems,
processes are organized in a ring structure _____
A 1
A 0
both logically and physically
A 0
A none of the mentioned 0
In case of failure, a new transaction coordinator can be elected
by _____
Cristian's Algorithm
A 0
Bully algorithm
A 1
Both bully and Cristian's algorithm
A 0
A None of the mentioned 0
In distributed systems, election algorithms assumes that _____
a unique priority number is associated with each active process
A in system 1

there is no priority number associated with any process

A 0
priority of the processes is not required
A 0
A none of the mentioned 0
According to the ring algorithm, links between processes are
A 0
A 1
Both bidirectional and unidirectional
A 0
A None of the mentioned 0
What are the characteristics of mutual exclusion using
centralized approach ?
One processor as coordinator which handles all requests
A 0

It requires request,reply and release per critical section entry

A 0

The method is free from starvation

A 0
A All of the mentioned 1
What are the characteristics of fully distributed approach ? I.
When responses are received from all processes, then process
can enter its Critical Section II. When process exits its critical
section, the process sends reply messages to all its deferred
requests. III. It requires request, reply and release per critical
section entry IV. One processor as coordinator which handles
all requests

A 0
A I and III 0
III and IV
A 0
A I and II 1
What are the advantages of token(with rings) passing
approach ? I. One processor as coordinator which handles all
requests II. No starvation if the ring is unidirectional III. There
are many messages passed per section entered if few users
want to get in section IV. One processor as coordinator which
handles all requests V. Only one message/entry if everyone
wants to get in

I, II and V
A 0
I, II and IV
A 1
II, III and IV
A 0
A II, IV and V 0
Single coordinator approach has the following advantages :
Simple implementation
A 0
Simple deadlock handling
A 0
A 0
A All of the mentioned 1
Which are the two complementary deadlock-prevention
schemes using time stamps ?
The wait-die & wound-wait scheme
A 1
The wait-n-watch scheme
A 0
The wound-wait scheme
A 0
A The wait-wound & wound-wait scheme 0
If an old process wants a resource held by a young process, the
old one will wait happens in _______
A 0
A 1
A 0
A None of the mentioned 0
In wound-wait If a young process wants a resource held by an
old process, the young process will _____
A 0
A 1
A 0
A Restarts and wait 0
Q Election message is always sent to the process with _____ M
Lower numbers
A 0

Waiting processes
A 0
Higher numbers
A 1
A Requesting Lower number of resources 0
Which algorithms are used to handle mutual exclusion in
distributed systems?
A 0
A 0
Token ring
A 0
A All of the mentioned 1
Which algorithms are used for selecting a process to act as
coordinator or sequencer? I. Centralized algorithm II. Election
algorithm III. Ring algorithm IV. Chandy-Misra-Haas algorithm

II and IV
A 0
A 0
II and III
A 1
A II 0
Q What is UTC ? M
Universal Centralized Time
A 0
Unique Coordinated Time
A 0
Universal Coordinated Time
A 1
A Unique Centralized Time 0
Q In Cristian algorithm the time sever is ____ M
A 1
A 0
Some internal passive some interval active
A 0
A None of the mentioned 0
What are the problems of clock synchronization in distributed
operating systems ? I. Processses make decision based only on
local information II. The relevent information is scattered
Q among multiple machines III. A single point of failure in the M
system should be avoided IV. No common clock or other
precise global time source exists

II, III and IV

A 0
I, II and IV
A 0
I, III and IV
A 0
A I, II, III, IV 1
A ____________is a quartz crystal that oscillates at a well-defined
Counter register
A 0
Quartz crystal
A 1
Constant register
A 0
A None of the mentioned 0
The ______________ is used to store a constant value that is
Q decided based on the frequency of oscillation of the quartz M
Counter register
A 0
Quartz crystal
A 0
Constant register
A 1
A None of the mentioned 0
The ____________ is used to keep track of the oscillations of the
quartz crystal.
Counter register
A 1
Quartz crystal
A 0
Constant register
A 0
A None of the mentioned 0
The value in the counter register is ____________ by 1 for each
oscillation of the quartz crystal.
A 1
A Incremented 0
A Doubled 0
A None of the mentioned 0
An external time source that is often used as a reference for
Q synchronizing computer clocks with real time is the __________ M

Universal Centralized Time

A 0
Unique Coordinated Time
A 0
Unique Centralized Time
A 0
A Universal Coordinated Time 1
The computer clock differs from the real time clock is known as
Quartz crystal
A 0

Clock drift
A 1
Clock skew
A 0
A None of the mentioned 0
In ________________________ each node periodically sends a
message to the time server.
Passive Time Server Centralized Algorithm
A 1
Active Time Server Centralized Algorithm
A 0
Global Averaging Distributed Algorithms
A 0
A Localized Averaging Distributed Algorithms 0
Q Cristian’s Algorithm is _____ M
Passive Time Server Algorithm
A 1
Active Time Server Algorithm
A 0
both (a) and (b)
A 0
A None of the mentioned 0
Q Berkeley Algorithm is ________ M
Passive Time Server Algorithm
A 0
Active Time Server Algorithm
A 1
both (a) and (b)
A 0

A None of the mentioned 0

Q The difference between logical and physical clocks ? M
Logical clocks measure the time of day and Physical clocks are
used to mark relationships among events in a distributed
A 0

Both are the same

A 0
Physical clocks measure the time of day and Logical clocks are
used to mark relationships among events in a distributed
A 1

A None of the mentioned 0

__________ is a process that prevents multiple threads or
Q processes from accessing shared resources at the same time M

Critical section
A 0
A 0
Message passing
A 0
A Mutual Exclusion 1
In which algorithm, One process is elected as the coordinator.
Distributed mutual exclusion algorithm
A 0
Centralized mutual exclusion algorithm
A 1
Token ring algorithm
A 0
A None of the mentioned 0
When resources have multiple instances ________ is used for
deadlock Avoidance.
Bankers algorithm
A 1
Resource Allocation Graph
A 0
A 0
A All of these 0
Q The Bankers algorithm is used ______ M
to prevent deadlock
A 1
to rectify deadlock
A 0
to detect deadlock
A 0
A to solve deadlock 0
In ____ only one process at a time is allowed into its critical
Q section, among all processes that have critical sections for the M
same resource.
Mutual Exclusion
A 1
A 0
A 0
A Starvation 0
____are useful for the enforcement of mutual exclusion and also
Q provide an effective means of inter-process communication. M

A 0
A 1
A 0
A Addressing 0
A ___ is a software module consisting of one or more
procedures, an initialization sequence, and local data.
A 1
message passing
A 0

strong semaphore
A 0
A binary semaphore 0
____lends itself to implementation in distributed systems as
Q well as in shared-memory multiprocessor and uni-processor M
A 0
message passing
A 1
strong semaphore
A 0
A binary semaphore 0
State whether the following statements are correct for the
characteristics of monitor
i) The local data variables are accessible not only by the
monitors’ procedures but also by the external procedure.
Q ii) A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its M
iii) Only one process may be excluded in the monitor at a time.

i and ii only
A 0
ii and iii only
A 1
i and iii only
A 0
A All i, ii and iii 0
____are used for signaling among processes and can be readily
used to enforce a mutual exclusion discipline.
A 1
A 0
A 0
A Addressing 0
In distributed systems, a logical clock is associated with
each instruction
A 0
each process
A 1
each register
A 0
A none of the mentioned 0
In distributed systems, what will the transaction coordinator
starts the execution of transaction
A 0
breaks the transaction into number of sub transactions
A 0
coordinates the termination of the transaction
A 0
A all of the mentioned 1
Q In distributed systems, transaction coordinator M
starts the execution of transaction
A 0
breaks the transaction into number of sub transactions
A 0
coordinates the termination of the transaction
A 0
A all of the mentioned 1
What are the characteristics of tightly coupled system ? i)
Different clock
Q ii) Use communication links M
iii) Same clock
iv) Distributed systems
A 0
i and iv
A 0
i, ii and iii
A 0
A ii, iii and iv 1
Which of the following variable wait within the to enable a
a condition is defined by a condition variable
A 1
objects Boolean objects can be used by condition variables
A 0

semaphore must be used

A 0
A all of the mentioned 0
Q Synchronization tool is? M
A 0
A 0
A 1
A socket 0
Process synchronization can be done on which of the following
A 0
A 0
both hardware and software
A 1
A one of the mentioned 0
Q How can we avoid deadlock M
resource allocation must be done at once
A 0
there must be a fixed number of resources to allocate
A 1
all deadlock process must be aborted
A 0
A inversion technique can be used 0
What are the advantages of token(with rings) passing
approach ?

i) One processor as coordinator which handles all requests

ii) No starvation if the ring is unidirectional
Q iii) There are many messages passed per section entered if few M
users want to get in section
iv) One processor as coordinator which handles all requests
v) Only one message/entry if everyone wants to get in

A 0
ii and iii
A 0
i, ii and iii
A 0
A i, ii and iv 1
In which the access takes place when different processes try to
access the same data concurrently and the outcome of the
execution depends on the specific order, is called

dynamic condition
A 0
race condition
A 1
essential condition
A 0
A critical condition 0
Q A semaphore is a shared integer variable that can not M
drop below zero
A 1
be more than zero
A 0
drop below one
A 0
A that cannot be more than one 0
Which of the following for Mutual exclusion can be provided by
mutex locks
A 0
binary semaphores
A 0
both mutex locks and binary semaphores
A 1
A none of the mentioned 0
When high priority task is indirectly preempted by medium
priority the scenario is called
priority inversion
A 1
priority removal
A 0
priority exchange
A 0
A priority modification 0
A monitor is a module and monitor which of the following can
shared data structures
A 0
procedures that operate on shared data structure
A 0
synchronization between concurrent procedure invocation
A 0

A all of the mentioned 1

Which of the following process can be affected by other
processes during execution in the system?
init process
A 0
child process
A 0
parent process
A 0
A cooperating process 1
In which the access takes place when different processes try to
access the same data concurrently and the outcome of the
execution depends on the specific order, is called

dynamic condition
A 0
race condition
A 1
essential condition
A 0
A critical condition 0
You are synchronizing your clock from a time server using NTP
and observe the following times: [4 points] a. timestamp at
client when the message leaves the client: 6:22:15.100 b.
timestamp at which the server receives the message:
7:05:10.700 c. timestamp at which the server sends the reply:
7:05:10.710 d. timestamp at client when the message is
received at client: 6:22:15.250 To what value do you set the
client's clock?
A 07:05:10.780 1
A 08:05:10.780 0
A 09:05:10.780 0
A 10:05:10.780 0
Suppose that two processes detect the demise of the
Q coordinator simultaneously and both decide to hold an election M
using the bully algorithm. What happens?
Each of the higher-numbered processes will get two ELECTION
A messages, but will ignore the first one. The election will 1
proceed as usual
Each of the lower-numbered processes will get two ELECTION
A messages, but will ignore the first one. The election will 0
proceed as usual
Each of the lower-numbered processes will get two ELECTION
A messages, but will ignore the second one. The election will 0
proceed as usual
Each of the higher-numbered processes will get two ELECTION
A messages, but will ignore the second one. The election will 0
proceed as usual
What is the advantage of a vector clock over Lamport's logical
A Catch causality 1
A avoid deadlock 0
A avoid linear relationship 0
A set nonlinear relationship 0
___algorithm for coordinator election assumes that no process
Q can fail during the election procedure until the new M
coordinator has been selected.
bully algorithm
A 1
Ring algorithm
A 0
A Lamport algorithm 0
A Suzuki Kasami algorithm 0
A client's clock reads 3:20:00. The server's clock reads 3:10:00
when they synchronize using the Berkeley algorithm. Assume
message delays are negligible. What is the time at the client
Q after M

A 03:15 1
A 04:15 0
A 05:15 0
A 06:15 0
A client's clock reads 3:20:00. The server's clock reads 3:10:00
when they synchronize using Cristian's algorithm. Assume
delays are negligible. What is the time at the client after

A 03:20:00 0
A 03:05:00 0
A 03:15:00 0
A 03:10:00 1
Q The ring election algorithm works by: M
Having all nodes in a ring of processors send a message to a
coordinator who will elect the leader.
A 0
Sending a token around a set of nodes. Whoever has the token
is the coordinator.
A 0

Sending a message around all available nodes and choosing

A the 0
first one on the resultant list.
Building a list of all live nodes and choosing the largest
A 1
numbered node in the list.
Which event is concurrent with the vector clock (2, 8, 4)?
(3, 9, 5)
A 0
(3, 8, 4)
A 0
(1, 7, 3)
A 0

A (4, 8, 2) 1
The Ricart & Agrawala distributed mutual exclusion algorithm
Less efficient and less fault tolerant than a centralized
A 1
More efficient and more fault tolerant than a centralized
A 0
More efficient but less fault tolerant than a centralized
A 0
Less efficient but more fault tolerant than a centralized
A 0
Q A bully election algorithm: M
picks the first process to respond to an
A election request. 0

relies on majority vote to pick the winning

A process. 0

assigns the role of coordinator to the

processs holding the token at the time of
A 0

A picks the process with the largest ID. 1

Which mutual exclusion algorithm works when the
membership of the group is unknown?
A 1
A 0
A 0

A Token Ring. 0

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