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Grade Level 11 Quarter 4TH QUARTER


Learning Area Date JUNE 14, 2023

Teacher MS. MARY GRACE C. GUEVARRA Signature


Principal MR. CLAY A. BALGUA Signature


A.Content Standards The learner understands the principles and uses of a position paper.

B. Performance The learner presents a convincing position paper based on properly cited factual
evidence produces an insightful statement of principles and reasons for establishing a
student organization, coming up with a group exhibit of creative works, etc.

After going through this module, the learners are expected to:
C.Learning 1. analyzes situations in which a position paper may be effectively used in our
Competencies/ present society;
Objectives 2. gathers manifestoes and analyzes the arguments used by the writer/s; and
3. defends a stand on an issue by presenting reasonable arguments supported by
properly cited factual evidence.
II.CONTENT Preparing a Position Paper
1.Teacher’s Guide
2.Learner’s Manual 4th Quarter Learner’s Module 7
4. Additional
Materials from (LR)
B.Other Learning
Prayer, Attendance, Classroom Management, House Rules (Indicator 4: Classroom set-
Daily Routine up/Seating arrangement; and Indicator no. 5: Managed learner behavior constructively
by doing all the daily routine)
 Let’s recall how much you’ve learned in the previous lesson.
 Before you begin, answer the pre-assessment activity below to find out what
A.Reviewing previous you already know about the lesson. Always keep in mind to read the directions
lesson or presenting carefully.
the new lesson
Activity 1. Direction: Thumbs Up! Thumbs Down!
The learners will express their feelings toward the statements by the show of thumbs.
Thumbs Up if they agree, and down if otherwise.

1. Students should get a reward if they stay out of trouble and do well in school.
2. Mining companies that destroy the environment must be closed even if it
would mean job loss to many.
3. Death penalty must be approved.
4. Oplan Tukhang is an effective method to stop drug-related crimes.
5. Schools should exercise rigid security measures during field trips.

B. Establishing a Share, Share, Share!

purpose for the lesson (Indicator 3: Develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher order
thinking skills through these learning objectives that is evident in the activities

Look at the picture and identify what the advertisement claims.

The claim is the most important part of the text. The quality and complexity of the
C. Presenting instances
reading depend on the claim, because the claim defines the paper’s direction and
of the new lesson
scope. The claim is a sentence that summarizes the most important thing that the
writer wants to say because of his/her thinking, reading, or writing.

D. Discussing new (Indicator 1: Integration of lesson to Grade 10 types of claims and Social Studies 10:
concepts and Contemporary Issues; Indicator 2: Enhancing literary skills through pictures and guide
practicing new skills questions; and Indicator 3: Applied a range of teaching strategies by presenting picture
#1 and asking guide questions)

Claims must be supported by evidence. The evidence can be in the form of research,
data, quotes, or textual evidence.
How do you support your claim?
Indicator 2: Enhancing numeracy skill through providing numeric data to support the
Statistics convey information in numerical form, often referred to as data. Statistics
are most accessible and convincing when they are used sparingly and in combination
with an explanation of why the numbers are significant.

E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills

Indicator 2: Enhancing literary skills by providing textual evidence to support their

Textual Evidence takes many forms. It can be a direct quote, paraphrase, or summary
of the author’s original literary text. This depends on how students present the
evidence in the essay, but it serves the same purpose: to defend the claim.

 "An article in an education journal says that the progressive movement

failed because most teachers never adopted it."
 "An article in The Harvard Education Review reports that the progressive
movement failed because most teachers never adopted it."
 "Richard Elmore, a professor at Harvard's Graduate School of Education,
concludes that the progressive movement failed because most teachers
never adopted it."

F. Developing mastery (Indicator 1: Integration of lesson to Grade 10 Types of claims; Indicator 2: Enhancing
literary skills through expressing their opinion; Indicator 3: Applied a range of teaching
strategies by asking guide questions and assessing their standpoint; Indicator 8: used
appropriate learning material including ICT through

Group Activity: PICK A SIDE

Each group will be asked to bring out one gadget that they use for the activity. They
will pick a side in each issue and post their answers through for each of the
issue that the teacher will post to the screen.
They will have to access the link that will be sent through the classroom group chat.

Issue no. 1
Should high school students be allowed to have cell phones in school?

Issue no. 2
Is it appropriate for students and teachers to be friends on Facebook?

Issue no. 3
Should boys and girls be in separate classes?

G. Finding practical (Indicator 9: Designed, selected, organized, and used formative assessment strategies)
applications of
concepts and skills in Given the same issue, each group will choose one issue to defend on. Three minutes
daily living will be given to each group to brainstorm and come up with evidence / reasons to
support their side. Finally, one minute will be given to every group leader to tell the
class of the group’s output.

Issue no. 1
Should high school students be allowed to have cell phones in school?

Issue no. 2
Is it appropriate for students and teachers to be friends on Facebook?

Issue no. 3
Should boys and girls be in separate classes?

H. Making
We always give our opinions on a lot of things, but we need to know how to
properly present them to avoid conflicts with other people.

I.Evaluating learning (Indicator 9: Designed, selected, organized, and used formative assessment strategies)

The teacher will let the students go to their group. You are given only 10 minutes to
create, make and practice for your presentation.

Your output should: give accurate facts; convey your position clearly; catchy and use
appropriate language use appropriate dialogue to help aid in understanding of

Post It Ad

The group will decide on their claim about their chosen proposition. Then, they must
come up with a poster expressing their standpoint about the issue.

Criteria 3 2 1
Usage of claims The claim assigned The claim assigned The claim assigned
is perfectly is clearly observed. is vaguely observed.
Appeal of the The images and text The images and text The images and text
advertisement present the message present the message do not present the
perfectly. clearly. message at all.

Mechanics The work is concise The work has few The work has a lot
and free of errors. errors in spelling of errors in spelling
and punctuation. and punctuation.

Slogan Making
The group must choose a claim on the suggested proposition and express it through
creating a slogan.

Criteria 3 2 1
Usage of claims The claim assigned The claim assigned The claim assigned
is perfectly is clearly observed. is vaguely observed.

Appeal of the Exceptional use of Good use of new No use of new ideas
slogan new ideas and ideas and originality and originality to
originality to create to create slogan create slogan.

Mechanics The work is concise The work has few The work has a lot
and free of errors. errors in spelling of errors in spelling
and punctuation. and punctuation.

Lights, Camera, Claim!

The group will decide on their claim about their chosen proposition. They will have to
come up with a short commercial/skit about their standpoint.

Criteria 3 2 1
Usage of claims The claim assigned The claim assigned The claim assigned
is perfectly is clearly observed. is vaguely observed.

Appeal of the The images and text The images and text The images and text
advertisement present the present the do not present the
message perfectly. message clearly. message at all.

Mechanics The work is concise The work has few The work has a lot
and free of errors. errors in spelling of errors in spelling
and punctuation. and punctuation.

(Indicator 9: Designed, selected, organized, and used formative assessment strategies)

Test I. Directions: Identify the statement which supports the following claims. Write
the letter of your choice.
1. Kids are super spreaders of Covid 19 virus.
A. Kids love chatting with friends.
B. A US study published in the Journal of Pediatrics shows that children have higher
level of virus compared to adults.
C. Children are required to wear masks.
D. Children needs not to be vaccinated.
2. Pollution is seen as a major world problem.
A. Some of the lands disappearing beneath rising seas.
B. The earth is considered the only planet in the universe that supports life.
C. The word Environment is derived from the French word “Environ” which means
D. People get water, power, and oxygen from the environment.
3.Reforestation is a long ranges answer to massive flooding.
A. The effects of tropical cycles include heavy rain, strong wind, and large storm
B. Strong typhoons can disrupt the power supply.
C. Forest serves to keep the water in the mountains.
D. Health facilities have been damaged due to heavy flooding.
4.Mental health is not just a millennial’s issues or senior citizens, but of
A. A healthy lifestyle is not achieved overnight, but we must be consistent.
B. Fats are important for good health and proper functioning of the body.
C. A high salt intake can result in high blood pressure and increase the risk of
cardiovascular disease.
D. Being far from family alone, not knowing where to get the family’s next meal,
and other nasty things on social media can trigger one’s anxiety.
5. Digital technology played a key role as the economy started reopening.
A. Developments in biotechnology could allow anyone even amateur biologist, to
develop a tool that kill millions.
B. Employees began working remotely and use work collaboration tools to ensure
C. Data security is risky as digital technology can be hacked, transmitted by
several ways.
D. People are now more into virtual communication rather than cherishing what have
in real life.

1. Read “Should Homework be Mandatory?” and answer the question below.

Should Homework be Mandatory?

J. Additional activities I can almost see many students nodding along with me as I ask this question.
for application or Youngergenerations overloaded with home tasks and numerous assignments have already
remediation raised this issue many times. Yet, homework remains mandatory.Is it fair or should it be
cancelled? I believe that homework should not be viewed as a mandatory part of
education forseveral reasons. First, children spend seven hours every single workday at
school. That is a huge chunk of life, and with homework added on top of these hours, a
child is left with no time to live his life to the fullest, socialize, or grow in other areas.
Second, sitting at your desk solving problems does no good to your health. Kids needtime
to get outside and have some fun, join a football league, or ride their bikes with friends
around the block. Otherwise, children will be very smart but surprisingly weakphysically.
Another argument against this position is that homework is not always the best way
toobtain knowledge quality-wise. Students tend to ask their parents or siblings for help
whenever facing difficulties. Busy parents not always willing to spend extra time explaining
school material to their little one solve the problems themselves aiming to have more time
for family, not lessons. As a result, the child will have the homework done. But that’s really
not his work. So, the whole idea of dedicating time to self- education is lost here. Finally,
knowing that after classes you would still have to work at home makes a kid less
concentrated at school. This results in short attention spans and difficulty to concentrate
on something for too long. All in all, homework should rather be an option. Students
understanding that they areleft behind at some subjects will take their time to go over the
material at home. However, in other cases, they should have time after school for other

Guide Questions:
1. What is the position paper about?
2. What is/are the claim/s of the writer?
3. If you were the writer, what will be your stand? Defend your answer.

(Indicator 7: Planned, managed, and implemented developmentally sequenced teaching

and learning process to meet curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts.)



A.No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
Formative Assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial work?
No. Of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:

Mary Grace C. Guevarra

Teacher II

Checked by:

Bernarda T. Cudal
SHS Coordinator

Noted by:

Clay A. Balgua
School Head

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