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The Journal of Infectious Diseases


The Effectiveness of Varicella Vaccine: 25 Years of

Postlicensure Experience in the United States
Eugene D. Shapiro1,2 and Mona Marin3
Department of Pediatrics, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA; 2Department of Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases, Yale School of Public Health, New Haven,
Connecticut, USA; and 3Division of Viral Diseases, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

We summarize studies of varicella vaccine’s effectiveness for prevention of varicella and lessons learned during the first 25 years of the

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varicella vaccination program in the United States. One dose of varicella vaccine provided moderate protection (82%–85%) against
varicella of any severity and high protection (100%) against severe varicella, with some waning of protection over time. The 1-dose
program (1995–2006) had a substantial impact on the incidence both of varicella and of severe outcomes (71%–90% decrease)
although it did not prevent low-level community transmission and some outbreaks continued to occur in highly vaccinated
populations. Two doses of varicella vaccine improved the vaccine’s effectiveness by at least 10% against varicella of any severity,
with further declines in the incidence both of varicella and of severe outcomes as well as in both number and size of outbreaks.
There is no evidence for waning of the effectiveness of 2 doses of the vaccine.
Keywords. varicella vaccine; effectiveness; varicella; epidemiology.

Prior to licensure, vaccines must be shown to be both safe and ef­ case definition. However, subjects who have underlying illness­
ficacious. This is achieved through phased, randomized, double- es that decrease the likelihood that they will respond adequately
blinded controlled clinical trials designed to minimize bias with to the vaccine (eg, immunocompromised patients) are often ex­
respect to both receipt of the vaccine and assessment of outcomes. cluded, even though such patients may be at highest risk of seri­
Clinical trials of the varicella vaccine were conducted in the ous disease from infection. This and other factors may impair the
United States in the 1980s and early 1990s using dosages of the generalizability of the results of a clinical trial to a larger target
Oka/Merck live attenuated varicella-zoster virus (VZV) that var­ population. In addition, such trials are generally of relatively
ied from <500 to 17 430 plaque-forming units (pfu)/dose [1]. The short duration and typically do not address questions such as
currently licensed vaccine contains a minimum of 1350 pfu/dose the duration of protection provided by the vaccine and its
at expiration [2] (range 3000–17 000 pfu/dose at release) [1]. The efficacy in specific subgroups of patients (eg, patients without a
double-blinded, placebo-controlled efficacy trial that was spleen) or in certain outbreak situations (eg, a school or a day
conducted in healthy children who had not had varicella care setting).
contained 17 430 pfu/dose [2, 3]. After 2 years of follow-up, the Varicella vaccine was first approved for use in the United
vaccine’s efficacy was 98% overall and 92% after household States in 1995, with 1 dose recommended for routine vaccina­
exposure [4]. tion of children aged 12–18 months and catch-up vaccination
After a vaccine is licensed, assessing the protective effective­ of children aged 19 months to 12 years who had not had vari­
ness of the vaccine under conditions of real word use is a critical cella [7]. Two doses, 4–8 weeks apart, were recommended for
component of monitoring a vaccine program and these data susceptible children ≥13 years of age and for susceptible adults
may inform revisions of vaccine policy [5, 6]. This is because with close contact with persons at high risk for severe disease
clinical trials are generally conducted under ideal conditions (eg, health care workers and family members of immunocom­
(eg, vaccine is stored properly and is administered correctly promised persons). In 2007, vaccine policy was revised and
with specifically designated timing, all of which may not occur 2 doses were recommended routinely for children, adminis­
in real world circumstances). In addition, cases typically are tered at age 12–15 months and at 4–6 years, with expansion
laboratory confirmed, which improves the specificity of the of recommendations for other subgroups [8]. There are 2 var­
icella vaccines currently available for use in the United States, a
single antigen varicella vaccine (VARIVAX [VAR], licensed in
Correspondence: E. Shapiro, MD, Yale Department of Pediatrics, PO Box 208064, New
1995), and a combination measles, mumps, rubella, and vari­
Haven, CT 06520-8064 (
The Journal of Infectious Diseases® 2022;226(S4):S425–30
cella vaccine (MMRV, licensed in 2005). Both contain the
© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Infectious Diseases Oka/Merck strain of live attenuated varicella-zoster virus [2,
Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions
9]. Seward et al and more recently Marin et al provided an in- depth summary and meta-analysis, respectively, of published

Varicella Vaccine Postlicensure • JID 2022:226 (Suppl 4) • S425

studies of varicella vaccine’s effectiveness (VE) [10, 11]. time [13, 14]. An active surveillance area for varicella also pro­
Because little new information has become available since the vided the opportunity to conduct a large household contact VE
last analysis, here we review and provide a commentary on study [17]. A review of 17 published studies from 1995 to 2006
the experiences and lessons learned during the first 25 years found that 1 dose of VAR was 84.5% effective (median range,
of the US vaccination program from assessments of the effec­ 44%–100%) in preventing varicella of any severity and 100% ef­
tiveness of 1 dose and of 2 doses of varicella vaccine for preven­ fective (median and mean) in preventing severe varicella [10].
tion of varicella. Most of these studies were outbreak investigations in either
childcare centers or schools. The case-control study (in which
METHODS TO ASSESS A VACCINE’S EFFECTIVENESS infection was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction [PCR]
assay of specimens from skin lesions in the cases) found that
Ultimately, the impact of a vaccine on a population will depend
1 dose of VAR was 85% effective (95% confidence interval
on the protective effectiveness of the vaccine, the proportion of
[CI], 78%–90%) in preventing any varicella and was highly ef­

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the population that has received the vaccine, and sometimes
fective (VE, 97%; 95% CI, 93%–99%) in preventing moderate/
other factors such as the vaccine’s effect on colonization and/
severe varicella [13]. A continuation of this study through June
or transmission of the targeted pathogen. The effectiveness of
2003 found that there was a substantial decrease in the effec­
a vaccine is measured by examining the reduction in the inci­
tiveness of 1 dose of the vaccine in the second year after immu­
dence of infection (which could be defined as any infection,
nization, but little change in its effectiveness for the subsequent
symptomatic infection, severe infection, etc.) that is attribut­
7 years [14]. The vaccine’s effectiveness against laboratory-
able to the vaccine [6, 12]. This can be achieved using observa­
confirmed varicella of any severity was 97% (95% CI,
tional studies and, for VE of VAR, a variety of study methods,
91%–99%; P < .001) in the first year after immunization but
including the screening method, case-control studies, and co­
fell to 84% (95% CI, 76%–89%; P < .001) in years 2 through 8
hort studies (prospective, retrospective, or a combination in­
after immunization (P = .003 for the difference). A household
cluding outbreak investigations and studies of secondary
contact study, which provides the best test of a vaccine’s effec­
attack rates in households) have been employed [10, 11].
tiveness under conditions of almost certain intense exposure,
Outcomes of studies of VE of VAR have included both
and with a high probability of equal opportunities for exposure
laboratory-confirmed and clinically diagnosed varicella.
for both vaccinated and unvaccinated household contacts,
Severity of varicella has most commonly been defined as
found that 1 VAR dose was 78.9% effective (95% CI,
mild, moderate, or severe according to the number of skin le­
69.7%–85.3%) in preventing varicella of any severity and was
sions (mild, <50 lesions; moderate, 50–499 lesions; and severe,
92% and 100% effective for prevention of moderate and severe
≥500 lesions or the occurrence of either complications or hos­
disease, respectively [17]. Finally, a recent meta-analysis found
pitalization) [10, 11]; some studies used a disease-severity score
a pooled VE of 24 studies of 1 dose of VAR of 82% (95% CI,
modified from the clinical trials [13, 14]. All observational
79%–85%) for prevention of varicella of any severity and of
study designs are potentially subject to both confounding and
98% (95% CI, 95%–99%) for prevention of moderate or severe
bias, but there are measures that can be taken in observational
disease [11]. All except 2 of these studies were conducted in the
studies to try to minimize confounding and bias and to assess
United States.
the degree to which confounding and bias might affect the re­
A large study in a varicella active surveillance area examined
sults [15, 16]. Case-control studies have an advantage in that
whether the severity and incidence of varicella among vaccinat­
they are statistically very powerful for rare outcomes compared
ed children (breakthrough varicella) increased with the time
with longitudinal cohort studies, but may have additional asso­
since vaccination [18]. The authors found that the annual
ciated biases (eg, selection bias or detection bias).
rate of breakthrough varicella was low and increased signifi­
cantly with the time since vaccination, from 1.6 cases per
1000 person-years (95% CI, 1.2–2.0) within 1 year after vacci­
During the first decade of the US varicella vaccination program nation to 9.0 per 1000 person-years (95% CI, 6.9–11.7) at
(1995–2006), 1 dose of VAR was routinely recommended for 5 years and 58.2 per 1000 person-years (95% CI, 36.0–94.0)
children ≤12 years of age. Assessments of VE of VAR occurred at 9 years. They also determined that children between the
as vaccine coverage increased and outbreaks in day care centers ages of 8 and 12 years who had been vaccinated at least 5 years
and in elementary schools provided opportunities to study how previously were significantly more likely to have moderate or
the vaccine was working in preventing clinically diagnosed var­ severe disease (based on the number of skin lesions) than
icella and its consequences [10, 11]. A postlicensure case- were those who had been vaccinated less than 5 years previous­
control study was also conducted in pediatric practices from ly (risk ratio, 2.6; 95% CI, 1.2–5.8).
1997 to 2003 and examined VE of VAR against laboratory- In addition to studying possible waning of vaccine-induced
confirmed disease and the effectiveness of the vaccine over immunity by analyzing VE or the rate of breakthrough varicella

S426 • JID 2022:226 (Suppl 4) • Shapiro and Marin

according to time since vaccination, the studies of the 1-dose pe­ the global meta-analysis study that summarized 8 VE esti­
riod also examined several other potential risk factors for vaccine mates (6 from studies conducted in the United States), the
failure, including age at time of vaccination, presence of an under­ pooled estimate of the effectiveness of 2 doses of VAR against
lying medical condition such as asthma or eczema, receipt of ste­ varicella of any severity was 92% (95% CI, 88%–95%) and
roids around the time either of vaccination or of exposure to again was not significantly different by study design [11]. A
disease, and problems with storage and handling of this heat-labile continuation of the previously described case-control study
vaccine [10]. There were no consistent risk factors identified and found that from July 2006 to January 2010, of 71 children
most did not have sufficient sample sizes for independent assess­ with PCR-documented varicella, none had received 2 doses
ment of risk factors that may be highly correlated, such as age at of VAR [33]. In the same study, the effectiveness of 1 dose
time of vaccination and time since vaccination [10]. Additionally, of VAR was similar to that found in the earlier case-control
there was evidence for failure to induce an immune response as a study (86%, although the 95% CI was very wide because of
cause of breakthrough varicella; 1 small study reported that up to the small number of subjects that had received only 1 dose

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24% of vaccinated healthy young children (median age at vaccina­ of the vaccine). However, 2 doses of the vaccine were 98% ef­
tion 12.5 months) did not have protective levels of antibodies an fective (95% CI, 84%–100%) in preventing varicella of any se­
average of 4 months after vaccination [19]. verity and were statistically significantly more effective than
The impact of an effective vaccine depends on how many 1 dose of the vaccine (P < .001). To minimize bias in the case-
susceptible people in a population are vaccinated as well as control study, the authors used matching and conditional lo­
its effects on transmission of varicella in the community. In gistic regression to control for potential confounders. Even
the United States, vaccine coverage among children aged though there was a substantial difference in the proportions
19–35 months increased steadily to reach 90% by 2007 [20]. of cases and of controls that had received VAR (from which
The impact of the vaccine was readily apparent within the first the VE estimates were derived), there was virtually no differ­
5 years of the program, with substantial declines in the inci­ ence in the proportions of cases and of controls that had re­
dence of varicella and in the frequency of severe disease (hos­ ceived measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, a vaccine that is
pitalizations and deaths) [21–23]. The incidence of varicella recommended to be administered at the same ages as varicella
declined in all age groups, including in infants who were too vaccine, which suggested that selection bias did not affect the
young to be vaccinated and in adults, which reflects indirect results. One study published after the meta-analysis study also
protection from the vaccine because of decreased frequency reported a VE of 2 doses of VAR that was similar to the pooled
of exposure to disease [21, 24]. Over the entire duration of estimate, with 94% effectiveness (95% CI, 76%–98%) against
the 1-dose program, incidence, hospitalization, and deaths varicella of any severity and 98% effectiveness (95% CI,
from varicella declined by 71%–90% [24–26]. However, even 83%–100%) against moderate or severe varicella, while the ef­
when uptake of the vaccine among toddlers exceeded 90% fectiveness of 1 dose of VAR was 76% (95% CI, 39%–90%) in
and the incidence of varicella had decreased by about 90%, preventing any clinically-diagnosed varicella [34]. Two stud­
the virus continued to circulate at low levels in the community, ies examined protection of 2 VAR doses by time since vacci­
with the number of reported cases leveling off [8, 27]. nation and reported either no difference in VE [35] or no
Moreover, some varicella outbreaks continued to occur in association with breakthrough varicella [34] through 5 years
highly vaccinated populations, primarily in school settings after the second dose.
[28–30]; the outbreaks were smaller and less frequent than in The 2-dose vaccine program in the United States has had a
the prevaccine era [31], but nevertheless required control mea­ substantial impact on further reducing the incidence both of
sures to prevent further transmission. Vaccinated children with varicella and of severe outcomes (≥94% during the entire vac­
breakthrough varicella, although less contagious than unvacci­ cination program, 1995–2019), with a substantial decrease in
nated persons with varicella, could still transmit the virus to breakthrough varicella and in the number of outbreaks report­
susceptible persons [8, 17, 28, 30, 32] including, in 1 document­ ed in congregate settings [36–38]. Declines were seen during
ed instance, to an adult who died [8]. These findings provided the first 5 years of the 2-dose program when the reported inci­
key epidemiologic evidence for revising vaccine policy recom­ dence of varicella declined to the lowest level since 1995, with
mendations, and a change to a routine 2-dose program for all additional declines in varicella hospitalizations as well [39].
children was recommended in 2007 [8, 27]. The greatest declines in incidence occurred in the age groups
for which the second dose was recommended.



Assessment of the effectiveness of 2 doses of VAR continued Experience with monitoring VAR VE in the United States from
after initiation of the routine 2-dose program for children. In 1996 to 2020 has demonstrated that 1 dose of VAR provided

Varicella Vaccine Postlicensure • JID 2022:226 (Suppl 4) • S427

moderate protection (82%–85%) against varicella of any se­ decline over the 25 years of the varicella vaccination program
verity and high protection (100%) against severe varicella in [37, 38]. Assessment of the VE for prevention of varicella
children, with some waning of vaccine-induced protection should continue as vaccinated children age into adulthood.
over time [10, 11]. The 1-dose program had a substantial im­
pact on reducing the incidence both of varicella and of severe Notes
outcomes [22, 24–27] in all age groups, although it did not in­ Acknowledgment. We thank Dr Jane Seward for feedback on
duce sufficient population immunity to prevent low-level manuscript concept and review.
community transmission, and some outbreaks continued to Disclaimer. The findings and conclusions in this report are
occur in highly vaccinated elementary school populations those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official
[28–30, 32]. These outbreaks were disruptive for both congre­ position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
gate settings and parents and efforts to control outbreaks Financial support. No financial support was received for this
placed both a financial burden and a strain on resources on work.

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both state and local health departments. In addition, transmis­ Supplement sponsorship. This supplement is sponsored
sion could occur from children with breakthrough varicella to by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta,
susceptible high-risk close contacts. These and other data on GA, USA.
the improved immune response to a second dose of VAR in Potential conflicts of interest. All authors: No reported con­
children [40] informed a change in vaccine policy in 2007 to flicts. All authors have submitted the ICMJE Form for
a 2-dose program [8, 27]. There is some controversy about Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. Conflicts that the
whether the decreased effectiveness of varicella over time was editors consider relevant to the content of the manuscript
due to secondary vaccine failure (waning of immunity over have been disclosed.
time) or to primary vaccine failure (failure to induce a sus­
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