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CV of Professor Varsha Gejji

Designation: Emeritus Professor

Department of Scientific Computing Modeling and Simulation
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 411007
Former Head, Department of Mathematics,
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 411007

Education: M.Sc.; Ph D (Mathematics)

Area of Research: Fractional Calculus, Applied Analysis

Research Papers: (peer reviewed journals) 75, (H-index 38, Citations 6804)
Books Edited -2
Book Adapted - 1
Number of PhDs guided: 8; M. Phil :3
Ranked in Top 2% scientists in the world (list published by Stanford University, USA)
2021-22, 2022-23 lists

Post Grad Teaching Experience 30 years

Regular Reviewer International Journals: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,

Applied Mathematics and Computation, Applied Mathematics Letters,
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis,Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Pramana

National.Board for Higher Mathematics research fellowship, Common Wealth Scholarship, to
work in Imperial College, London (April 88 - June 89), Visiting scientist in Theoretical Physics
Department, Stockholm University, Sweden (Dec-1993).
V. K. Joag – Best Teacher Award

Ranked in Top 2% scientists in the world (list published by Stanford University, USA)

Research Projects completed UGC (2002-04), UGC (2006-09), SPPU (2006-2008), SPPU
(2009-2011), DST(2010-13)

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