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|Analysis of a shell and tube heat exchanger

Heat exchangers are devices that are widely used in the industry. What happens in these
devices is that they are two fluid streams that move interchanging heat without mixing.
There is a hot and a cold stream. There are different types of heat exchangers, but some
examples are finned tube heat exchangers, shell and tube heat exchangers, plate heat
exchangers, etc.
The principle of conservation of mass for a heat exchanger that operates in a
stationary manner requires that the sum of the input mass flows is equal to the sum of the
output mass flow. Heat exchangers typically don’t involve work interactions, so work is
equal to 0. In addition, the changes in kinetic and potential energy are insignificant (Δec ≅
0, Δep ≅ 0) for each fluid stream. If we choose the whole system as the control volume, the
heat is equal to 0 (Q̇=0). This is because the border for this case is just below the insulation
and little or no heat crosses it. If only the fluid is chosen as the volume control, Q̇ is equal
to the heat transfer rate between the two fluids (Cengel,2019).
As mentioned, a heat exchanger needs a hot and cold stream to work. When
working with a heat exchanger, normally one of the streams is fixed and our work as
Chemical Engineers is to determine what is the best component to use in the other streams.
When choosing the component, a minimum of two factors needs to be taken into
consideration. The economic factor is very important to evaluate. Therefore, it is important
to evaluate all the options available to check what is the cheapest component we could use.
Another very important point is the environmental factor. We could choose a cheap
component, but the component chosen could be very bad for the environment. It is our
work as engineers to evaluate and choose the best option thinking on both economic and
environmental factors.
The problem presented to us is the following: we are presented with an isobar heat
exchanger where oxygen in the gas phase enters at 3 MPa and 950 K, with a flow of 1.5
kg/min. This stream leaves the heat exchanger at 315K in a gaseous state. We need to
identify the heat loss from the hot steam, but what is the best option to use? The cold
stream could be of air, CO2, CO, H2, N2, or O2 from 400K to 700K respectively. In this
work, it is shown the analysis that was done concerning the system, and the analysis of
each of the proposed streams is presented. Also including a cost and environmental
- Determine the heat loss from the hot stream.
- Determine the mass flows for all the cases.
- Analyze which is the best component to use talking from an economical and
environmental point of view.

Solution methodology
The first step is to understand the problem and what is required. Next, the system, frontiers,
and surroundings of the heat exchanger were determined. Once this was determined, the
energy balances were posed as follows:
- General energy balance
( ⅆmU )
=∑ ṁout ( U + PV + Ek + EP )−∑ ṁ¿ ( U + PV + Ek + Ep ) ± ∑ Q̇ ± ∑ Ẇ (eq .1)
ⅆt out ¿

From this general energy balance, we obtain a particular energy balance.

0=ṁout ( H out )− ṁ¿ ( H ¿ )+ ( Ek out −Ek ¿ ) ∑ Q̇( eq .2)

We can simplify this balance as following:

ṁ ( H out −H ¿ ) + ( U out −U ¿ ) =± Q̇(eq . 3)

Where the heat is positive for the hot stream and negative for the cold stream. Once
the balances were established, the heat transfer from the hot stream was found and the mass
flows of each of the streams were proposed. This was calculated through three different
methods: temperature of 300K, average temperature, and polynomic method.
Temperature of 300K
For this method the first step was to obtain the heat transfer from the hot stream. The Cp of
the component, in this case oxygen, at 300K was found on Appendix 1 table A-2 a)
(Cengel,2019). Once having the Cp for oxygen, the enthalpy change was calculated with
the following equation:
Δ H =C p∗ΔT (eq .4)

where Δ H is the change of enthalpy in the system (kJ/Kg), Cp is the specific heat (kJ/kg ·
K), and Δ T is the change of temperature in the system (K). Once having the change of
enthalpy, the heat transferred in the system was calculated. This was obtained with the
following equation:
Q̇= Δ H∗ṁ∗(−1 ) (eq .5)
where Q̇ is the heat transferred (kW), ṁ is the mass flow of the hot stream (kg/s). The
equation is multiplied by minus one because the hot stream must be positive. When the heat
transfer was established, the mass flow of the cold stream was determined. To obtain this
value, first, the change of enthalpy was established with equation 4. This was done for each
of the components proposed using their corresponding specific heat at 300K found in the

same table. The next step was to calculate the mass flow of each of the streams with the
next equation:
ṁ= (eq . 6)

The Cp is the specific heat of the components analyzed, and Q̇ is heat transfer
obtained from the hot stream. This was done for all the cold streams that were proposed.

Average Temperature method

This method is like the one presented above. For this method, first equation 4 was used to
find the enthalpy change of the hot stream. The specific heat used is the one of the average
temperature of the stream. This average temperature was calculated considering the input
and output temperature in Kelvin. The value of the specific heat was obtained from found
in Appendix 1 table A-2 b) (Cengel,2019). If the value of the average temperature was not
reported in the table, interpolation was used. Once having the enthalpy change, the heat
transferred was calculated with equation 5.
After having the heat transfer of the hot stream, the mass flow of the proposed cold
streams was calculated with equation 6. The specific heat used was also the one of the
average temperatures found on the same table. Some average temperatures weren’t found
on the table, so interpolation was used. This last step was one for all the cold streams
Enthalpy change as a function of temperature.
For this method, the enthalpy change was calculated with equation 4 as well, but in this
case the specific heat was calculated as a function of the temperature. To obtain tis value
the following equation was used:
2 3
C p=a+ bT + c T + d T (eq .7)

Equation 7 was simplified as follows:

2 2 3 3 4 4
C p=a (T out −T ¿ )+ b(T out −T ¿ )+ c (T out −T ¿ )+d (T out −T ¿ )(eq .8)

where a, b, c, and d are constants reported in Appendix 1 table A-2 c)

(Cengel,2019), Tin is the temperature in the input (K) and Tout is the temperature at the
output(K). Once having the specific heat for the hot streams, the enthalpy change was
calculated with the next equation:
ΔH= (eq .9)
where Cp is the specific heat found through equation 8, and MW is the molecular
weight (g/mol). The next step was to calculate the heat transfer of the hot stream with
equation 5. Finally, the mass flow of all proposed cold streams was obtained with equation
6 calculating the specific heat with equation 8 and the change of enthalpy with equation 9.

Once having all the data of the three methods, the results were summarized in
Economic and environmental analysis
To develop a solution and choose the best component for the cold stream, an economic and
environmental analysis was done. To do this analysis, the mass flow selected was the one
obtained with the enthalpy change as a function of the temperature method. For the
economic analysis, the mass flow per day was calculated. Once having this value, the price
of the component per kilogram was researched. This price was multiplied by the mass flow
per day for each component.
From the results obtained, the cheapest two streams were selected, and the
environmental analysis was done for each of the components. The factors analyzed were
the following: toxicity, corrosion, flammability, explosiveness, and radioactivity. Once
analyzing these factors, the stream that had the least amount of these factors was selected.
Results and analysis
Below is the system diagram in which the system, border, and surroundings were identified.

Image 1. System diagram

The system is the shell and tube heat exchanger, but more specifically the cold (CS)
and hot (HS) streams. The border is the outer shell of the exchanger, and the surroundings
are everything outside the heat exchanger.
Temperature at 300K method
After the results of this method were obtained the data was resumed in the following table:

Table 1. Temperature at 300K

Hot stream Cold stream
in out In out in out in out in out in out in out
i Oxygen Air CO 2 CO H2 N2 O2
T(°C) 950 315 400 700 400 700 400 700 400 700 400 700 400 700
P (MPa) 3 3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Phase Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas
x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ṁ (kg/s)
0.025 0.048 0.057 0.164 0.003 0.047 0.053
ΔH (kJ/kg) -582.93 301.5 253.8 89.04 4292.1 311.7 275.4
Ḣ (kW) -14.57 14.57 14.57 14.57 14.57 14.57 14.57
Q̇(kW ) 14.57 14.57 14.57 14.57 14.57 14.57 14.57

With this method, it can be observed that carbon monoxide has the biggest mass
flow with 0.164 kg/s. Focusing on the enthalpy change, the hydrogen cold stream has the
biggest change with 4292.1 kJ/kg. The heat transfer in the system found with this method
was 14.57 kW. This method is not the most effective because the specific heat is considered
at 300K below our temperature. We can say that this method doesn’t give the most accurate
results, but it gives a pretty good approximation.
Average Temperature method
The results of this method are presented in table 2. The next data was omitted in this table
because is the same as the data presented in table 1: phase, temperature, pressure, and vapor
Table 2. Average Temperature method
Hot stream Cold stream
In out In out in out in out In out in out in out
i Oxygen Air CO 2 CO H2 N2 O2

(kg/s) 0.025 0.0515 0.0498 0.0512 0.0037 0.0503 0.0542
ΔH (kJ/kg) -642.68 312 322.5 313.8 4359 319.5 296.4
Ḣ (kW) -16.07 16.07 16.07 16.07 16.07 16.07 16.07
Q̇(kW ) 16.07 16.07 16.07 16.07 16.07 16.07 16.07

With this method what we found is a heat transfer of 16.07 kW. This value is bigger
than the one found with the previous method. This is because if we use the average

temperature, the specifications of the system are taken more into consideration. Despite
this, this method isn’t the best because is a generalization of the system. In the case of this
method, the cold stream with the biggest mass flow is oxygen with 0.0542 (kg/s). the
biggest enthalpy change can be observed.
Enthalpy change as a function of temperature.
This last method is the best method to use when calculating heat transfer and enthalpy
changes when analyzing a heat exchanger. This is because these values are calculated based
on the temperature which is one of the biggest indicators of a heat exchange. This method
considers the whole system, from the input to the output.
The results found with this method are presented in table 3. As was previously done
with Table 2, the values of pressure, temperature, phase, and vapor fraction are not
mentioned because they are the ones mentioned in table 1.
Table 3. Enthalpy change as a function of temperature
Hot stream Cold stream
In out In out in out in out In out in out in out
i Oxygen Air CO 2 CO H2 N2 O2
ṁ (kg/s) 0.025 0.039 0.52 0.049 0.004 0.05 0.054
ΔH (kJ/kg) 643.09 414.9 311.09 325.04 4336.54 321.57 298.66
Ḣ (kW) -16.08 16.08 16.08 16.08 16.08 16.08 16.08
Q̇(kW ) 16.08 16.08 16.08 16.08 16.08 16.08 16.08

With this method, the heat transferred in the system is of 16.08 kW. As an
observation, this value is very similar to the value found with the previous method. The
stream with the bigger mass flow is the oxygen with 0.054 kg/s. The stream with the
biggest enthalpy change is the hydrogen with 4336.64 kW.
Economic and environmental analysis
This data gives us a good idea of what is happening in the system, but when dealing with
real-life situations, this information is not enough. When working in the industry is very
important to identify, analyze, and develop solutions that benefit the process. For a
process to be successful it must be sustainable. There are many aspects to analyze when
trying to see what the most sustainable scenario for our process is, such as economic and
environmental aspects. For this problem, these two aspects were analyzed.
The first aspect analyzed was the economic factor. This factor is very important to
see how much money is required for our plant to work, and what is the cheapest option for
our process. If our process is expensive, probably, it won’t run for a long time. In the
following table (table 4), the mass flow per day is presented taking into consideration the
mass flow found with the function of the temperature method. This is because is the more

accurate method. It is also shown the cost of the component per kilogram in dollars and
finally, what is the cost of operation per day.
Table 4. Price of the cold stream (USD/day)
Mass Flow Mass Flow per Price per day
Stream Component Price per Kg (USD) Reference
(kg/s) day (Kg/day) (USD)
HS O2 0.0250 2160 $21.60 $ 46,656.00 [2]
AIR 0.0387 3347.97 $0.03 $92.40 [3]
CO2 0.0517 4465.15 $111.30 $496,970.88 [4]
CO 0.0495 4273.51 $7.58 $32,393.21 [5]
H2 0.0037 320.32 $5.00 $1,601.60 [6]
N2 0.0500 4319.63 $720.50 $3,112,292.25 [7]
O2 0.0538 4650.98 $21.60 $100,461.26 [2]

As we can observe in the table, the cheapest two options are air and hydrogen. Their
price per kg is of $0.03 for air and $5 for hydrogen. Air has a price because we are
considering compressed air. If we considered using air from the environment, we would
need to quote a filter for the air to go through the heat exchanger and the replacement cost
for this filter. This would probably elevate the cost of the use of air. Hydrogen is the
component that has the lowest mass flow per day. This contributes to its price power day
being low, but also its cost is low in comparison to the other components. If only based our
decision on the cost of the component, the best option is air.
When deciding on the sustainability of any process, there should be more aspects
involved in the analysis. Based on the current situation of the planet, the environmental
factor is fundamental for choosing a chemical or component to use in any process. It is also
important to check the properties of the component that is wanted to be used because it can
create a risk to the people involved in the process.
In table 5, the risk and environmental risk properties of air and hydrogen are listed.
These two components were the ones chosen to analyze because the economic analysis
presented this was the cheapest.
Table 5. Environmental factors
Component Toxicity Corrosion Explosiveness Radioactivity
Air No No No No No
No No Yes Yes No

This is a small summary of some of the risk factor properties of hydrogen and air.
As we can see, hydrogen is flammable and can be explosive, generating a risk to the people
involved in the process. It can also generate big risks to the integrity of the process. A
hydrogen fire can be a risk to the natural environment surrounding the process. Air, on the

other hand, does not present a big risk to the environment, as it doesn’t have any of the risk
factors analyzed. However, it is important to mention that any chemical process presents
possible risks of accidents and the environment.
After evaluating the results presented by both factors, we can say that the best
option for the cold stream is air. Air, using the specific heat as a function of temperature,
has an enthalpy change of 414.9 kJ/kg and a mass flow of 0.039 kg/s. If we consider this
per day the mass flow is 3347.97 kg/day and a cost of $92.40 per day.
After solving this problem, we can observe that there are different elements involved in the
solution of a process problem. We should consider the equipment and how it works, in this
case, a shell and tube heat exchanger, what happens during the process, how to analyze
what happens, and choose the best scenario considering sustainability.
After solving this problem numerically and doing a simple sustainability analysis,
we can conclude that the best option for the operation of this shell and tube heat exchanger
is to we use air for the cold stream. This steam would have a mass flow of 3347.97 kg/day
and a cost of $92.40 per day. It is important to mention that this is a recommendation based
on the results obtained in this work. You should evaluate whether it is the best option or do
an analysis again to choose another of the proposed options. It would be interesting to do
the same analysis with air but with the use of ambient air and a filter.
To conclude, this problem was a challenge that made us show our ability to apply
engineering design to produce a solution that met the needs of environmental and economic
factors. For future problems, it would be interesting to analyze other factors and how they
would change the decision made.
[1] Cengel, Y. A. (2019). Termodinámica.

[2] API Reference Price for Oxygen. (n.d.). Pharmacompass.
[3] Romero, M. (n.d.). ¿Cuánto cuesta el aire comprimido?
[4] CARGA DE GAS CO2 ( DIOXIDO DE CARBONO) x KG. (n.d.). Grupo Oxicas.
[5] Compre Monóxido De Carbono Industrial Precio De Gas Monóxido De Carbono Precio
Co Por Kg y Co De Gas de China por 7.58 USD | Global Sources. (n.d.). Global Sources.

[6] García, J. a. R. (2023, August 13). The price of the future: How much does a liter or a
kilogram of hydrogen cost?
[7] Pharmacompass. (n.d.). API reference price for nitrogen.
[8] Linde. (2020). SAFETY DATA SHEET hydrogen, compressed.

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