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Printer Administration :

The Printer Administration module may behave somewhat differently under different
operating systems, as printer driver details and configuration often varies between
systems, and even between Linux distributions. Nonetheless, Webmin minimizes the
differences between systems, and these directions work more or less unchanged.

Printer Administration:

When entering the Printer Administration page, you will see a list of currently
configured printers, a link to add a new printer and a button to Stop Scheduler or Start
Scheduler depending on the current status of the print scheduler.

Clicking the Add a new printer link opens a page where you can configure a new
printer. The Name field is an arbitrary name for the printer. Conventionally, lp or lp0 are
often used for the first printer, but you can name it anything. The Description can be a
longer description of the printer. Accepting requests simply sets whether the printer
should be available, and Printing enabled defines whether it is enabled for printing (the
queue can still receive requests with this turned off if the previous option is still on). Max
printe job size is the maximum size request that will be accepted. This shouldn't be too
small, as many postcript files are quite large.

The next section is Print Destination, where you define the device type (Local, file,
remote Unix, or remote Windows). Many standalone network printers support standard
Unix LP functionality in addition to Windows printer sharing. If your printer is local,
choose the port to use, and if it is a remote printer, enter the IP or Hostname for the host
where the print queue is located. If using a Windows shared printer, enter the User,
Password, and Workgroup for the printer share.

Adding a New Printer:

Finally, the third section of the page is for configuring the driver for your printer. If your
printer is a simple text printer, or a Postscript printer, the top selection is probably right
for you. The second option is for a program to handle printer control. This could be a
custom print driver for your printer, or one of a couple of competing commercial and
non-commercial printer packages. Finally, if your system provides them, there will be a
list of available drivers. This section, on Red Hat systems, is a frontend to the
GhostScript printer drivers that come standard with Red Hat. It's quite likely that your
system will have its own set of drivers, or a front end, much like that of Red Hat.

Figure 13-11. Adding a New Printer (cont'd)

The Send EOF option is for some printers that require an explicit EOF to be sent after
every page before they will print. If your printer acts as though it is preparing to print,
but never does (for example, if the busy light flashes), try turning this option on. Paper
size is just what it seems: the size of the paper you print from this printer. Keep in mind
that this doesn't limit programs to only print on this paper size. It merely configures the
standard system printing tools to print on whatever paper size is selected by default.

Pages per output page is the number of pages that will be printed per paper page. This
allows you to conserve paper by printing multiple pages on a single page of paper. This
option will arrange the text in rows and columns. These rows and columns can be further
configured, as well as numerous other options (too many to begin to discuss here), in the
next field, Additional GS options. You may wish to consult the manpagesfor
GhostScript, as well as those for lp, lpd, and lpr, to find out more about the printer
capabilties of your system. You can, of course, view these man pages in the Webmin
Manual Pages module. Another good source of information regarding printing includes
the Printing HOWTO at the Linux Documentation Project.

User management FAQ’s:

What is User Management? [top] provides the ability to share your statistics with other people. You can do this
by creating extra users within your account. After you create new users, you can manage them
by giving every user unique privileges in the form of access to individual site stats.

Why would I want to use User Management? [top]

As well as setting staff privileges, User Management allows you the possibility to give
temporary or permanent access to potential clients, consultants, colleagues who tele-commute,

Where can I find User Management? [top]

If you are logged-in as the account adminstrator, then you will see the user management button
on your "account" page.

I have created a new user, can she also create new users? [top]
There are three types of Opentracker user-status; Adminstrators, super users and normal
users. Adminstrators can create or delete users, create tracked sites and administer
priveledges on a per site basis. Super users can create or delete users for sites they have
priveledge to. Normal users can only view site statistics.

How many users can I create? [top]

At the moment there is no limit to how many users you can create, but
reserves the right to set a limit if we deem this necessary. If you are the owner of a major
sports club and you want to create used id's for all your fans, please ccontact us prior to doing

Profile is the set of changeble options. There are some profile hierarchy levels
available like

User lecel

Responsibility level

Application level

Site level

Site level: Site – level setting apply to all users at an installation site. To display the name
of your installation site, select about Oracle Application from the help manu.

Application level : Application – level setting apply to all users if the specified
application. For example, a profile could be set that applies to all Oracle general ledger
users. Profile options that can be set at the application – level override options set at the
site level.

Responsibility level : Resposibility level settings apply to all users currently signed on
under the responsibility. For example, a profile could be set that applies to all users of the
Oracle general ledger GL bedget supervisor responsibility . Profile options that can be set
at the responsibility level override options set at the site and application levels.

User level : User - level settings apply to individual users, identified by their application
username. For example, a user profile could be set that applies only to user JDOe.
Profile options set at the user level override all other options.

Auditing related profile options :

Two options are usefull to enable auditing within Oracle Appliaction.

Audit Trail: (Active):

This option enables auditing of changes to the database tables. Audit Trails tracks which
rows ina database table or table were updated, at what time, and which user was logged
in using the form or forms.

Sign – on – auditing level:

This options you to select a level at which to audit user signing on to oracle application.
Choose from four audit levels which incease in functionality.
None ---------------------- default value. No users will be audited.

User ---------------------- tracks who signs on to your system, the times the users
log on and off, and the terminals used.

Responsibility ---------------------- Performs the user-level audit as well as tracking the

responsibilities the users choose and how much time
spent as each responsibility.

Form ---------------------- Performs the responsibility – level audit and also forms
the users choose and how long each form is used.

Currency- related – options:

Currency: (Nagative format)

This option enables the user to select the indicators for a negative amount.

Currency: (Thousands separator)

This option enables the user to request that a comma be inserted appropriately within a
number of a thousand or more.

Flexfield – related options:

Autoskip: As soon as you enter a valid value into a flexfield segment, Autoskip
automatically positions your cursor in the next segment.

Shorthand Entry: This option control the behaviour of shorthand entry has been defined.

Show full value: If both shorthand entry and a complete alies have been defined for a
flexfield, and this option is set to no, the complete flexfield window does not open when
the alies is entered. If this option is set to yes, the window always opens.

Validate on server: Set this option to yes to enable server – side velidation of key
flexfield. This improves performance when using key flexfields over a wide –area

BiDi Direction: This option control the appearance of the flexfields window in
Applications running in Semitic languages.

LOV Warninig limit: Sometimes an LOV can take a very long time to run if there is a
very significant amount of data in it. Set this option to the number of rows to be returned
before you are asked to continue retrieving the entire list.
Open Deser Window: This option allows you to control whether a descriptive flexfield
window automatically opens when you navigate to a customized descriptive flexfield.

Online – reporting – related options:

This option shows in the figure control output processing at the system level n

RRA: Enabled: Set this user profile to yes to use the report reiew agent to access files on
concurrent processing nodes.

RRA: Delete tempory files: When users use a custom editor to view a concurrent output
or log file, the report review agent makes a temporary copy of the file on the client.
Setting this option to yes automatically deletes theses files when the user exits Oracle

RRA: Maximum Transfer size: Specify, in bytes, the maximum allowable size of files
transferred by the report review agent. If you enter no value, there is no size limit.

RRA: URL: Specify a URL that points to the CGI scripts on your webserver to use the
report review agent to access files on concurrent processing nodes.

Concurrent: Attach URL: When a user submits a request and specifies people to be
notified in the completetion options region of the requests window, everyone is sent a
notification when the request is finished.when this option is set to yes. The recipient also
receive a URL that they can access to see the when this option is set to yes, the recipient
also receive a URL that can access to see the request results.

User – related – profile options:

Concurrent : report access level : This option determine the level of output and log files
that are available to a user for online viewing.

Concurrent: attach URL : Setting this option “ yes” cause a URL to be attached to
request completion notifications. When a user submits a request, and specifies people to
be notified in the defining completion options region,a URL is appended to the
notification that enables them to view the request on – line.

Concurrent save out-put : you can save your request output in a file if on eis genereted.
This allows you to reprint a request.

Concurrent active request limit: you can limit the number of request that can be run
simultaneously by each user. Or for every user at a site.

Concurrent sequential request: Setting this option to yes forces requests to run
sequentially in which thay were submitted.
How To Collect Apache and Jserv Debugging Details For Applications 11i

 Capturing debug information can impact system performance.

 Backup your current system configuration files before commencing with this procedure.
 Autoconfig customers are recommended to install the latest AutoConfig templates

How To Collect Apache and Jserv Debugging Information For Applications 11i

If a user experiences an error, request a screen shot of the error and any further error details
that they can report. If the error is reproducible, enable the following middle tier debug
settings following these steps:

1. Shut down iAS 10222 (Apache) using the (or script

2. Backup the existing files in the following files:


After making a copy of these files, please archive these files into a separate directory,
or remove them completely if not needed. This enables new log files to be created when
the applications server is restarted and will help you to focus on the current problem.

NOTE : In the following section AutoConfig users should modify the <CONTEXT>.xml file
as noted below then run AutoConfig to recreate the configuration files. If you are not using
AutoConfig you can manually update the configuration file directly
3. Enable debug logging for Apache

AutoConfig variable s_apache_loglevel Change to "debug” Default value is "warn"

Manual update
Modify $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf logLevel debug

4. Enable debug logging for mod_jserv
AutoConfig variable s_apjservloglevel Change to "debug” Default value is "warn"

Manual update
Modify $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/jserv.conf
ApJServLogLevel debug
5. Enable debug logging for Jserv

AutoConfig variable s_oacorelog Change to "true" Default value is "false"

Manual update Modify $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/


6. AutoConfig users should now run AutoConfig to update the configuration files
7. Restart iAS 10222 for these changes to take effect using the (or
8. Replicate the problem
9. Review the log files for errors and warning messages relevant to the reported issue

The following files from the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/logs directory

a) access_log.<ID Number>
by default rotatelogs is enabled, so there is a separate log file for every 24 hours.

b) access_log_pls.<ID Number>
PLSQL requests. By default rotatelogs is enabled, so there is a separate log file for
every 24 hours.

c) error_log

d) error_log_pls

The following files from the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/logs directory

d) mod_jserv.log
e) Jserv.log

f) All files from the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/logs/jvm directory

These will have filenames of the form <JVMGroupName>. <JVMInstance>. Stdout|stderr
For example OACoreGroup.0.stderr

g) $COMMON_TOP/rgf/<Instance>_<Hostname>/javacache.log

NOTE - if you have configured a Shared Application Tier File System as described in
Note 233428.1 "Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle E-Business Suite 11i" then
Log files will be located in directories below the
$COMMON_TOP/conf/<Instance>_<Hostname> directory

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