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Crafting a thesis, especially one on the complexities of Lean Startup methodology, is no small feat.

demands meticulous research, critical analysis, and the ability to synthesize vast amounts of
information into a coherent argument. For many students and professionals alike, navigating the
intricate landscape of Lean Startup principles and practices can be overwhelming.

The journey of writing a Lean Startup thesis often begins with the daunting task of selecting a
compelling topic that not only aligns with personal interests but also contributes meaningfully to the
existing body of knowledge. From there, researchers must delve into the depths of academic
literature, industry reports, and real-world case studies to gather relevant data and insights.

As the research phase unfolds, challenges emerge in deciphering the nuances of Lean Startup
methodologies, understanding their applications across diverse industries, and grappling with
conflicting viewpoints from scholars and practitioners. Moreover, articulating original ideas and
hypotheses within the context of Lean Startup theory requires a keen analytical mind and a mastery
of theoretical frameworks.

Yet, perhaps the greatest hurdle lies in the process of translating research findings and theoretical
concepts into a coherent and persuasive thesis document. This demands not only impeccable writing
skills but also a knack for structuring arguments, presenting evidence, and drawing meaningful

Given the intricacies and challenges inherent in writing a thesis on Lean Startup methodology, it's no
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For a growing startup company or corporate project team, Lean Startup provides the framework to
maintain the entrepreneurial spirit in the face of rapid growth. Instead, in 2006 he published his
“master plan” for the company: So, in short, the master plan is: Build sports car Advertisement Use
that money to build an affordable car Use that money to build an even more affordable car While
doing above, also provide zero emission electric power generation options Don’t tell anyone. Given
the stated importance of related principles like “Question your assumptions”. The second challenge
associated with the creation of a minimum viable product was the difficulty of finding a common
minimum feature set to create the prototype. Like Wang, he was able to confirm, quickly and
cheaply, that he was onto something. Ries (2011) claims that the process of learning about the
customers starts when the customers has a prototype in their hands. Through discussions with InCorp
and the potential customers together with searches on Google the competitors to InCorp were
mapped. The fuse would blow again, and we’d replace it again, and so on. E-mails were sent out to
customers during the case study but none of the respondents answered. The complexity of an MVP
depends on the idea and industry. The price per page does NOT increase, no matter how many
features you choose. The challenge was thus to formulate a problem hypothesis that could be
applicable to a sufficiently large market without with a low degree of customization. High
uncertainty can be created when potential customers’ problems are difficult to understand or if it is
unclear how new solutions to a problem should be built. However, the majority of the owners utilize
the particular deck during the whole process. People may not be around or not accessible and
scheduled meetings can be moved or canceled with short notice. Although its trending to fail as fast
as often as possible its often true that a lot of bruises can be prevented by learning from other
successful entrepreneurs. The feature set is developed into the MVP and it is essential to have a MVP
to be able to scale up the production (Ries, 2011). If one of his users bought the shoes on, he returned to the store, bought the shoes himself, and mailed them. Because they
forgot the lessons of the lean startup. Then you build the minimal product to test that hypothesis, and
so on. But Stern’s point is that the focus on customers, markets, and product-market fit shifts a
startup’s focus outward, emphasizing external factors at the cost of internal ones. Subscribe To Our
Startup Insights Written by Meerat Qureshi How useful was this post. You’ve learned about the
entire Build-Measure-Learn loop. What do you believe about your customers that is vital to your
business. Conclusions generated from the single case study at InCorp were used to evaluate the
theories regarding the LSM. Secondly, we would like to extend our gratitude to InCorp for giving us
the opportunity to write this master thesis with them, and making us feel welcomed and appreciated
along the way. The question is, what, and who, will influence how the next generation of startups
chooses to scale. ?? Sign up for the Daily Brief Our free, fast, and fun briefing on the global
economy, delivered every weekday morning. Customer lifetime value and cost per acquisition are
important metrics. Instead, they teach their students to think about whether their actual
behaviors—from decisions around hiring, firing, and promotions to how meetings are run—match
the principles they’ve set for their culture. But it’s likely one of these will dominate the others.
Early adopters are suspicious of something that’s too polished. The current solution with steam
heating caused problems with condensation in the cylinders that lowered the temperature of them
and thus forced the production speed to be lowered. The lean startup gave founders a set of tools to
make choices about products and customers. Instead of making a complex plan and then trying to
implement it, get into the Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop as quickly (and cheaply) as possible.
She's a news junky and loves to stay up to date on the latest marketing trends. The managers should
maximize the learning from customers by having an open- mind and not concentrating on selling in
the early stages, but learning. This should also hold for other manufacturing companies selling
physical products through physical distribution channels. Harvard Business School’s Eisenmann says
some founders suffer from what he calls a “Peter Pan problem.” They love the camaraderie of early-
stage companies, and bristle at the discipline and process that companies need as they scale. You
also discover customer concerns you couldn’t have predicted in a vacuum. The physical appearance
and interface was more or less similar to the current machine even though the internal technology
was radically different. The data from the measure-phase is then analyzed in the learning-phase and
used in the build-phase to move closer to the product the customers need. The book is full of
descriptive examples from Eric’s own experience as well as from the product teams he consulted.
More specifically, the following research question was formulated: What are the barriers to
implement LSM for InCorp and why is this the case. Many of the interviewed customers did not
perceived our assumed customer problem to be particularly troublesome but were nevertheless
interested in continuous improvements, such as lower energy consumption and opportunity to reduce
the manufacturing throughput time. When the build-measure-learn cycle is well applied, customer
needs and expectations will be better known. This contrasts with unsustainable one-time activities,
like a publicity stunt or Super Bowl ad. The first only considers the problem and is denoted the
monetizable pain hypothesis. These aspects increase in importance as the process goes on. When you
acquire the user, you want the user to stick around as much as possible. InCorp sell physical products
through physical distribution channels and simply do not have access to the channels of immediate
feedback that Internet provides. The model comprises a set of implicit and explicit assumption about
multiple variables (e.g. technology, demand and competition), which are all uncertain. Something
that was exemplified during the case study where some customers told us that induction heating had
been tried out before and did not work even though the induction heating provided by InCorp was a
new type of technology. Early-reference customers want others to follow their groundbreaking
efforts. The absence of a business plan or research and planning can in these cases be economically
reasonable due to economic constraints that limit the entrepreneur’s opportunity to afford much prior
research and analysis (Bhide, 1999). The hypotheses were iteratively reformulated depending on the
outcome of the customer conversations in subsequent phases, described further below. If you would
like a feature that is not listed at right, we will include that feature at your request. Finding the right
people to talk to was a barrier for the principle of getting out of the building in the case study at
InCorp. A fundamental activity of a startup is to turn ideas into products, measure how customers
respond, and learn if something needs to be changed or maintained. With this hacky test, Swinmurn
was able to validate his hypothesis without raising money, acquiring inventory, or striking
partnerships. Blank (2006) also use actual purchases as the validation of the solution.
Conducting action research did also provide us with the ability to change the process if considered
necessary. Advertisement But it had two problems. The first was that it wasn’t prepared to manage
such rapid growth. He has received a lot of attention with this book and it was therefore natural to
include him in the framework. Customers were interviewed about their problems and advantages
with the new solution as well as about their buying process. The different kind of persons at the
targeted customers that the entrepreneur needs to meet with should be identified. Further, different
literature about the approach have been synthesized and compared in order to increase the
understanding of the relatively disparate Lean Startup literature. Page 73. Though even in this
segment, there were differences in both products and the processes in connection to the frying
machine. The most pressing problem was instead the carrier belt on which the food is heated. It is of
course possible to conduct some part of the conversations by telephone (especially in early phases)
but to really understand customers’ processes and everyday work life, it is often necessary to meet
the customer face-to-face. This hypothesis included features that potentially would solve the
companies’ problem with broken carrier belts and an uneven temperature distribution throughout the
heating plates. There were relatively few customers in the segments, which made it hard to visit
them, as it was both long physical distances and a challenge to schedule them. In the initial call, if
the name of a person had not been given, the operator was consulted about the correct person to talk
to. You can ignore all the other advice.” Uber certainly tested that theory. A special thanks goes to
the business area manager and sales manager who always were available to answer questions and
provide support. The next step is to listen to the customer and get as much input as possible about
e.g. the problem, features, influencers and positioning of the product. The core values are rather
vague, e.g. maximizing the profit in a sustainable way, meanwhile a company’s basic mission is more
specific and is based on the first thoughts about the market and the product (Blank, 2006). Further,
McGrath and MacMillan (1995) argue that conventional planning approaches, commonly applied in
more mature and ongoing businesses, that tend to focus on fulfilling the plan is counter-productive
since insistence on meeting the plan prevents learning. Blank was the pioneer in the field and the one
who introduced the concept customer development describing the process for how entrepreneurs
should test and refine business hypotheses through customer conversations. Searches for e-books
were performed on Chalmers library’s database. A good design is one that changes customer behavior
for the better. The former customers of InCorp have, almost without any exceptions, got a
customized solution to fit their particular need. Build The lean startup methodology begins with the
creation of a minimum viable product, which refers to a service or product that has enough features
to keep customers satisfied while you test your theory that the product can be successful on the
market. Planning is a tool that only works in the presence of a long and stable operating history. An
important reflection during this work was the fact that the actors asked for relatively few features
described above. The correct person was described as the employee responsible for the specific
process that was investigated. There should also exist software-companies that, like InCorp, spend
large amount of time and money to create a prototype. Complex hypotheses demand several
interviews, where the first one is focused on the most important questions, while the latter more
about understand the customer’s ordinary day and also investigate the market. Being able to use the
machine manufacturer’s brand name would probable ease the way into corporations. Investors can
just work on some deals at one point in time. Often, during that transition process, such founder ex-
CEOs also launch a new startup or start exploring new business opportunities.
The markets approached with InCorp’s technology were characterized by few and large actors.
Though, according to Ried et al. (2008) it is not used by entrepreneurs. This way, you have feedback
on how customers react to different product models. For example, analyzing sections of your
customers (cohort analysis) to better target marketing to segments rather than wasting time on
marketing campaigns on people who won’t be drawn in by them. But it’s hard not to see the pivot as
an abandonment of the initial idea. Hal ini membawa perspektif customer ke jantung proses inovasi.
Through discussions with InCorp and the potential customers together with searches on Google the
competitors to InCorp were mapped. AN MVP deck should be put together and you must ask for
feedback from advisors and mentors. That sounds suspiciously like traditional management, which
lots of founders ignore and some actively disavow. There were also discussions with InCorp whether
a model of the solution should be included in the presentation. In their course at MIT, she and Scott
“try to get founders to think less in sweeping statements,” she says. Depending on what you learn,
Ries says, you either “pivot” or “persevere.” The goal of the build-measure-learn process is for
startups to find the elusive “product-market fit,” a concept that originated with venture capitalist
Marc Andreessen. The potential customers validated the modified hypotheses. He is not perceived to
bring anything new to LSM and is therefore not included in the framework. First and foremost,
entrepreneurs should engage in early customer interaction in order to test vital assumptions
concerning the business model in accordance with recommendations given by the LSM authors. Also
try to understand the players between your company and the customers and exploit them to succeed.
Further, Furr and Ahlstrom has gained a lot of attention in the field recently for their book “Nail It
Then Scale It” from 2011. The basic mission statement is likely to be changed over time, while the
core values most likely remain the same. But it’s likely one of these will dominate the others. The
reflections were documented in one shared journal after discussions about the day’s events and
experiences including both the two authors. McGrath and MacMillan (1995) argue that the use of a
reverse income statement can help entrepreneurs to, early in the process, decide if the opportunity is
worth pursuing. Ries is a former student of Blank and has popularized the concept Lean Startup in
his blog and subsequent book “The Lean Startup” from 2008. The requirements were that the heater
had to be close to the products and therefore the geometry had to be rather flat with low variations.
Should gather a vast amount of knowledge about the market. Startups are worried management will
squash energy and creativity. As a result, the experimentation cost is too high, and the time you
might have spent on more promising assumptions is irretrievably lost. The current solution with
steam heating caused problems with condensation in the cylinders that lowered the temperature of
them and thus forced the production speed to be lowered. These aspects increase in importance as
the process goes on. Searches for e-books were performed on Chalmers library’s database. Further,
the startup may not have the capabilities and resources necessary to solve the customer problem and
provide the customer with the needed solution.
Based on these problems, as well as about the earlier conversations about the customers’ everyday, a
hypothesis about the minimum feature set could be developed. I would compare an MVP with a
concept car: you can see it, like it, and probably wish to buy it, but you cannot drive it right away. It
is important to base the changes on a sufficient amount of data to be certain that the changes are
correct (Blank, 2006). Apart from that, if a startup team starts spending more time on fixing bugs
rather than delivering business value, you are heading towards nothing but trouble. Though in some
cases there were challenging to reach the correct person, demanding hours and tens of tries to finally
reach them. One of the main challenges encountered during this part of the process was the decision
to pivot and preserve. Lastly, there was a problem with too much resources being put in before a
market sizing was undertaken. The potential customers validated the modified hypotheses. Startups
building physical products face different challenges since raw materials and components needs to get
procured, prototype needs to get designed and built and finally, the physical products needs to get in
front of customer in order to obtain feedback and assess the test results. Their first product was a
social network where voters could unite around causes and mobilize action. The leadership team had
“no patience for bureaucracy,” reported The Verge. Many entrepreneurs were in the “right place at
the right time” but still failed. From Social Networks to Social Medicine: Exploring the role of online
interve. There are a lot of things you know that you don’t know, and a lot of things you don’t know
that you don’t know. Beginners should stick to the basic bets, but experienced players should try out
different betting strategies. Baroo’s board decided that it was time to “expand aggressively and to
replicate the model in another city, provided that the proof of concept could attract venture capital,”
according to a case study Eisenmann wrote on the company. It is therefore of interest for startups
targeting continuous processes where customers try to avoid stoppages by all means necessary. Given
the stated importance of related principles like “Question your assumptions”. Further, the market
should be evaluated before the startup can move on in the LSM process, this will be discussed in the
following section. 5.3.4 Importance of early market sizing After finding a segment to target LSM
proposes the entrepreneurs to go straight to the potential customers. Furthermore, it was more
difficult than anticipated to access the potential customers. Many new ventures fail because they
invest significant time and resources in building a product or service that ultimately doesn't meet the
needs of their customers. There are several different forms of validity that are relevant for this
research study. The startup must be faster and better than the competitors to succeed, according to
Ries (2011). Neither did WeWork, according to Hoffman and Yeh, but the company scaled rapidly
anyway, with predictable results. The investigated segments in which the technology potentially
could be applicable were characterized by relatively few companies active in Sweden. Can you
validate your hypothesis without building anything. Another common concern for case studies is the
rather Page 35. High uncertainty can be created when potential customers’ problems are difficult to
understand or if it is unclear how new solutions to a problem should be built. Action researchers are
thus not only observing something happing, instead researchers take an active role in making
something happen. Applications through Internet make it possible to effectively modify and test the
product and use real-time data in order to optimize and fine-tune the features of the product.

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