Competition Notes Megh Raj

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1ncnuluction ,rn,I lh·\'l'l1111111L·11f nf Ct1111pdilio11 Law

Suh-loph- 1

lh�n'l01unrn1 of ompcritinn Lnw

1\I ·ti1i, n l:n i� a pnrt , r · · nnmi la\\'. in l11<li11. ·1 I i i lnw r •11la1 • ni 1�. 111 ,d
k. mp titi ,11 am 11 1 v, ri His cnlcrprisc. i 111 prc c the c n Ill}.
1 lJ ·tili, ll i. en in
rr�. .
f I\ my. 111 India lhc ompcliti II Act. 00� i th Ii t
, J li it pi c f I l!i Inti, n 11 thb d rn nnin.

1. ndcrst:1nding th Ila. ic on cpt. of ompclition Law

A. d of nmpctition

u ing the I I cntury. b th law and 1.:c,1nomi · began t dcvelup thcori f

a n cinl g d. mpeliti 11 i the engine or frc mar�ct. Mark t
n my p rfi nn ttcr when th re i compctilion n the market. Economy i th t
rating market will r ult in the mo t efficient allocati n of nation c re
and will brine. c n umers th \\ ;dcst ariety of mo t choice and the lowe t
rice . mpctition wa defined as a proces that rcquir d num rou
pani i ant and dccentralizati n. Co1npetition law forces the market player t e r h
r en r p miutati 11 and comhinalion for providing great r pr fits thr ugh •re t r
, ien y. Th go d and s rv ic are thus provided at ch ape t pric with ptim
qu lity. Apan fr m fn.:e market ystem competition la\ al o ha ial purpo

8. Economic Rationale for Compccition

• on rnic analy i of c mpctition hO\ that p rf ct mpctiti 11 an b t mn th

market and ben fit mi ·umer . ompctiti n pr mote dynami 1.:rti i \;1 1 '� b�
tirnulating inve tment and inn vat ion. mpctition promote trnn. a ·ti n_ I efli ·i ·n -�,
mp tit ion, firm will :\I . e k ut tlw lca ·t exp n "' . means Lt

In a perfect c 111pc1i1ion market, tht e nrc n11111b ·r < f buyers nn I .,die "herdn i

m n p Ii tic mark t, th r are barri rt l ntl')'.

'-' '-' \.A I I I I '-' '-A YYll,h

lhl' 'l'" fi1i1,11 < r 'lHI IJ1 •1i1it111 h1 uld h · �amc i11 th· rclc ant •c g ra phi
111:tl f..l�
,u pt n ca ·c 99/2016
'. Ill(,) (lk Shri Vin, t Kumar

' t' Asso ·i 11io11 ,. • DU· & I I DA ,ur tno , a

lfl' 11
� ,· 11·1 1 1• ·
1 - it f n .
I.'.' t1$i l •r�·cl a. l llC separate rel '\'Bill ucogrn phical mnrkc

-·. I, mrs r }.: 1 wi 1 v. J/011cla i ·

I ars India Lid 20l4com pL R (C 1) - Wh l
Ind i was n idcrcd a, one scpHrat rclc ant g,eogrnphical marke
�. R • Bhani Airtel lid . R �!iauc" J11dus rie.,· Ltd r Jio lnfol' Ltd 201 7 - 22 India
L divid d into 2... z n . cnch z ne was considered a one separa te rcle an
ge graphical marke


'-I yyl
I I I '-'
'-A I
'-' '-'
Within J ·ilit I timl' p ·ri
• 11 mit n111e11dmcn1 t 11tc m
dificati 11 10
I [ . 0 ( )]

• rry 0111 u h
m difi ti n
foi I d I c:irry out
m diticotion
+ ·,
I agree wu 1 i
I does not o re
propo cd amendment propo ed am ndment
Within time
within time to modi fir.ati n to modification
Approved Deemed to cau e AA
E Approve the ombination Next 30 days given
[ · 3 1 ( 5) )
[S.31 7)] to accept modification [ . 3 t (8)]

Deemed total cA E [ .31 ( )]

Shall ni gi c effect [S.31 (IO J

On expiry of210 from date of noti e Combination
hall be deemed to have been approved

Eitluu/ Airways rmd Jet Airways omb


CCJ order dated 12/11/2013

1. Fact
Etihad Airwa PJ C). is nati nal airline of AE base
d in Abu Dhabi mad
in estment agreement [ ). a har holder·
agr ement H and a ommercial
p ration gr 111 nt C exc ut d on _4 pril _Q 13. with Jet irwa . Etihad
jet A in a given notic u/ .6 (-) t
I. On 1 1 ma_. _QI 3. Th proposed combination
rela.t to acqui it ion of _4% quity har and other right in
jet by Etihad.
Etiha<l wh II , , n d vemm nl f Abu Dhabi and is primaril engaged in the
bu in f
I. Int rnati nal air pa enger transp rtation erv,ce .
Etihad Holiday ffcring holiday package to the airline' pa enger
d tinati n . in ludin� it horn bas . Abu Dhabi


'-' '-' '-I I I I I ""' '-.41 YYl\.11 J

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