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of Jose Riz
Common Myths

Myth 1: Rizal opposed the revolution

Fact 1: He supported the revolutionaries like

KKK but thought that the Filipinos need
more preparation and the revolution (e.g.
proper education, responsible leadership) to
win the war and exercise liberty rights

Myth 2: The Philippine revolution on Rizal’s

time was purely against the Spaniards
Fact 2: Filipino-Spanish and Filipino-Filipino
wars occurred at this time as some Filipino
revolutionaries were blinded by their power,
José Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso and the war was segmented by different
Realonda social classes

Myth 3: Rizal was a womanizer and

Born on the 19th of June 1861 handsome.
in Calamba, Laguna Fact 3: He is neither. Women linked to him
fell not for his looks but his manners. He did
Nicknamed as "Pepe" or "Jose" not play around and sincerely expressed his
feelings towards them but still chose the
country above all.
He was a stingy "kuripot" man but
always allots money for books Myth 4: Rizal was a pure-blooded Filipino.
Fact 4: Rizal was of mixed ancestry, with
Chinese, Spanish, and Malay roots.
Was part of the organizations La
Solidaridad & La Liga Filipina Myth 5: Rizal was an atheist.
Fact 5: He was only critical of some aspects

from dawn
His famous works include of the Catholic Church, which led to his
Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
Myth 6: Rizal is the top of his class
Fact 6: He may be a genius but in his medical

to dusk
Was executed by firing squad on
December 30, 1896 (Manila, school, he was not the top of his class and
Philippines) only settled for just “passing grades.” He also
acknowledged that everyone has unique
inclinations and believed in not pressuring
especially the younger ones..
imeline of
T Jos
Life and e R i z a l' s Death and
Significance Journey Retraction Issue
A writer, a poet, and a polymath (a
person who excels in multiple fields,
and was known for his achievements in According to historical accounts,
José Rizal was born in
various fields such as writing, Calamba, Laguna, Rizal was executed on December
medicine, poetry, and politics) Philippines. 30, 1896, after being found guilty
1877 of rebellion and sedition.
Rizal was sporty - he was proficient in However, there are conflicting
fencing, boxing, wrestling, arnis, a He was sent to Manila to 1882 reports about his supposed
study at Ateneo
gunslinger, chess, and judo. Municipal de Manila
retraction, or the act of
renouncing his previous beliefs.
While studying abroad, he sometimes Rizal went to Spain to
did not eat meals and just looked at continue his studies at
Universidad Central de
people eating. He was stingy. Madrid
He wrote a book entitled
He is also known for his famous quote, Rizal retracted his opposition
"The youth is the hope of the
"Noli Me Tangere" which
exposed the corruption and
1887 against the Catholic church and
injustices in the Spanish
motherland." colonial government the friars. There were three
He wrote another book eyewitnesses: Father Balaguer,
entitled "El Filibusterismo"
While exiled in Dapitan, he built a which depicted the struggles Captain Rafael Dominguez, and
school, hospital, and water system. He of the Filipino people against
Father Viza, who have seen that
the Spanish colonial rule.
taught farming and had agricultural Rizal allegedly wrote and signed
projects. 1892 the retraction paper - Palma's
He returned to the
Philippines and founded La final verdict.
He is regarded as a symbol of Philippine Liga Filipina, a civic
organization that aimed to
nationalism, patriotism, and unite Filipinos against the
Spanish colonial rule. He was arrested and imprisoned in
intellectual excellence. Fort Santiago on charges of
rebellion. On December 30, Rizal
was executed by firing squad in
Bagumbayan (now Luneta) in

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