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BRAND NAME; Prescribed and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
GENERIC NAME; Recommended dosage;
CLASSIFICATION frequency; route of

Generic: Prescribed: Action Binds to -opioid Moderate to moderately severe Hypersensitivity: CV: vasodilation Baseline assessment:
----- receptors. Inhibits reuptake of pain (extended-release Cross-sensitivity with  Assess type,
Tramadol serotonin and norepinephrine formulations indicated for opioids may occur; EENT: visual location, and
Recommended: in the CNS. Therapeutic patients who require around- Patients who are disturbances intensity of pain
Brand: 50-100 mg PO q 4-6 hr; Effects: Decreased pain. the-clock pain management) acutely intoxicated before and 2– 3 hr
ConZip do not exceed 400 with alcohol, CNS: dizziness, (peak) after
mg/day sedatives/hypnotics, headache, somnolence administration.
centrally acting  Assess BP and
Classification: analgesics, opioid GI: constipation, nausea respiratory rate
analgesics, or before and
Therapeutic: psychotropic agents; periodically
Analgesics Patients who are during
physically dependent administration.
on opioid analgesics Respiratory
(may precipitate depression has not
withdrawal). occurred with
 Assess bowel
function routinely.
Prevention of
should be
instituted with
increased intake of
fluids and bulk
and with laxatives
to minimize
 Prolonged use
may lead to
physical and
dependence and
although these
may be milder
than with opioids.
This should not
prevent patient
from receiving
analgesia. Most
patients who
receive tramadol
for pain do not
dependence. If
tolerance develop

BRAND NAME; Prescribed and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
GENERIC NAME; Recommended dosage;
CLASSIFICATION frequency; route of

Generic: Prescribed: A hemostatic agent and is a For treatment of cyclic Contraindicated in Headache, backpain,  Monitor blood
synthetic derivative of the menorrhagia (heavy menstrual patients with a known abdominal pain, myalgia, pressure, pulse, and
Tranexamic Acid amino acid lysine. Binds to bleeding), treatment of hypersensitivity to muscle cramps, dizziness, respiratory status as
Recommended: the lysine binding site for symptomatic intracranial bleeding tranexamic acid or any sinusitis, migraine, indicated by
Brand: fibrin on the plasmonigen/ occurring within 24 hrs after of the ingredients. anemia, dyspnea, severity of
Lysteda PO: (Postsurgical) 25mg plasmin molecule. administration of IV alteplase for Contraindicated with hypotension, bleeding.
per kg of body weight Tranexamic acid is about 10× treatment of acute ischemic patients with active  Monitor for overt
Classification: every 6 to 8 hrs for two more potent in vitro than stroke, and treatment of active intravascular clotting, bleeding every 15-
anaphylactic shock,
to eight days after aminocaproic acid, binding hemorrhage in trauma patients. thromboembolic 30 min.
Therapeutic: hemostatic surgery more strongly to both the Also treatment of hereditary disease, embolism, thrombosis,
 Monitor neurologic
agents high and low affinity binding angioedema. subarachnoid thromboembolism
status (pupils, level
sites of plasminogen. hemorrhage. of consciousness,
Pharmacologic: motor activity) in
Synthetic patients with
Antifibrinolytics or subarachnoid
fibrinolysis inhibitors hemorrhage.
 Assess for
Notify physician of
positive Homan’s
sign, leg pain,
edema, hemoptysis,
dyspnea, or chest
 Monitor platelet
count and clotting
factors prior to and
throughout therapy
in patients with
 Stabilize IV
catheter to
Monitor site
 Instruct patient to
notify the nurse
immediately if
bleeding recurs or
if thromboembolic
symptoms develop.
 Caution patient to
make position
changes slowly to
avoid orthostatic

BRAND NAME; Prescribed and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
GENERIC NAME; Recommended dosage;
CLASSIFICATION frequency; route of

Generic: Prescribed: Inhibits prostaglandin Short-term management of pain Contraindications/ CNS: drowsiness,  Assess for rash
synthesis, producing (not to exceed 5 days total for all Precautions abnormal thinking, periodically during
Ketorolac Recommended: peripherally mediated routes combined). Contraindicated in: dizziness, euphoria, therapy. May cause
analgesia. Also has Hypersensitivity; headache. Stevens-Johnson
Brand: PO (Adults ≤ 65 yr): 20 antipyretic and anti- Cross-sensitivity with EENT:qlacrimation syndrome or toxic
mg initially, followed by inflammatory properties. other NSAIDs may (spray), nasal discomfort epidermal
Toradol 10 mg q 4– 6 hr (not to exist; Preoperative (spray), throat irritation necrolysis.
exceed 40 mg/day). use; Active or history (spray). Resp: asthma, Discontinue
Classification: PO (Children 2– 16 yr, ≤ of peptic ulcer disease dyspnea. CV: HF, therapy if severe or
50 kg): 1 mg/kg as a single or GI bleeding; MYOCARDIAL if accompanied
Therapeutic: dose. No data available for Known alcohol INFARCTION, with fever, general
nonsteroidal anti- multiple doses. IM (Adults intolerance (injection STROKE, edema, pallor, malaise, fatigue,
inflammatory agents, 65 yr): Single dose—60 only); Coronary artery vasodilation. muscle or joint
nonopioid analgesics mg. Multiple dosing—30 bypass graft (CABG) GI: GI BLEEDING, aches, blisters, oral
Pharmacologic: mg q 6 hr (not to exceed surgery; abnormal taste, diarrhea, lesions,
pyrroziline carboxylic 120 mg/day). Cerebrovascular dry mouth, dyspepsia, GI conjunctivitis,
acid bleeding; Advanced pain. GU: oliguria, renal hepatitis and/or
renal impairment or at toxicity, urinary eosinophilia.
risk for renal failure frequency. Derm:  Monitor BP during
due to volume EXFOLIATIVE initiation and
depletion; Concurrent DERMATITIS, periodically during
use of pentoxifylline STEVENS-JOHNSON therapy. May cause
or probenecid; SYNDROME, TOXIC fluid retention and
EPIDERMAL edema leading to
NECROLYSIS, pruritus, new onset or
purpura, sweating, worsening
urticaria. F and E: hypertension.
hyperkalemia.  Pain: Assess pain
(note type, location,
and intensity) prior
to and 1– 2 hr


BRAND NAME; Prescribed and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
GENERIC NAME; Recommended dosage;
CLASSIFICATION frequency; route of
Generic: Prescribed: Bind to bacterial cell wall Indications Treatment of the Contraindicated in: CNS: SEIZURES (high  Assess for infection
membrane, causing cell following infections caused by Hypersensitivity to doses). GI: (vital signs;
Cefoxitin death. Therapeutic Effects: susceptible organisms: cephalosporins; CLOSTRIDIUM appearance of
Recommended: Bactericidal action against Respiratory tract infections, Skin Serious DIFFICILE- wound, sputum,
Brand: IM, IV (Adults): Most susceptible bacteria. and skin structure infections, hypersensitivity to ASSOCIATED urine, and stool;
infections—1 g every 6– 8 Spectrum: Similar to that of Bone and joint infections (not penicillins. DIARRHEA (CDAD), WBC) at beginning
Mefoxin hr. Severe infections—1 g first-generation cefaclor or cefprozil), Urinary and during therapy.
diarrhea, cramps, nausea,
every 4 hr or 2 g every 6– cephalosporins but have tract infections (not cefprozil).  Before initiating
vomiting. Derm: rashes,
Classification: 8 hr. Life-threatening activity against several other Cefotetan and cefoxitin: Intra- therapy, obtain a
infections—2 g every 4 hr gram-negative pathogens abdominal and gynecologic urticaria. Hemat:
history to
Therapeutic: anti- or 3 g every 6 hr. including: Haemophilus infections. Cefuroxime: agranulocytosis, bleeding determine previous
infectives Perioperative prophylaxis influenzae, Escherichia coli, Meningitis, gynecologic (q with cefotetan and use of and reactions
—2 g 30– 60 min before Klebsiella pneumoniae, infections, and Lyme disease. cefoxitin), eosinophilia, to penicillins or
Pharmacologic: second- initial incision, then 2 g Morganella morganii, Cefaclor, cefprozil, cefuroxime: hemolytic anemia, cephalosporins.
generation every 6 hr for up to 24 hr. Neisseria gonorrhoeae Otitis media. Cefoxitin and neutropenia, Persons with a
cephalosporins IM, IV (Children and (including penicillinase- cefuroxime: Septicemia. thrombocytopenia negative history of
Infants ≥ 3 mo): Most producing strains), Proteus, Cefotetan, cefoxitin, cefuroxime: penicillin
infections—13.3– 26.7 Providencia, Serratia Perioperative prophylaxis. sensitivity may still
mg/kg every 4 hr or 20– marcescens, Moraxella have an allergic
40 mg/kg every 6 hr. catarrhalis. Not active against response.
Perioperative prophylaxis methicillin resistant  Obtain specimens
—30– 40 mg/ kg within 60 staphylococci or enterococci. for culture and
min of initial incision, then Cefotetan and cefoxitin: sensitivity before
30– 40 mg/kg every 6 hr Active against Bacteroides initiating therapy.
for up to 24 hr. fragilis. First dose may be
given before
receiving results.
 Observe patient for
signs and
symptoms of
anaphylaxis (rash,
pruritus, laryngeal
edema, wheezing).
Discontinue the
drug immediately if
these symptoms
occur. Keep
epinephrine, an
antihistamine, and
equipment close by
in the event of an
 Monitor bowel
function. Diarrhea,
cramping, fever,
and bloody stools
should be reported
to health care
promptly as a sign
of Clostridium
diarrhea (CDAD).
May begin up to
several wk
following cessation
of therapy.


BRAND NAME; Prescribed and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
GENERIC NAME; Recommended dosage;
CLASSIFICATION frequency; route of
Generic: Prescribed: Bactericidal; interferes with Indicated in complicated intra- Contraindicated with CNS: headache,  Urge patient to
DNA replication in abdominal infection. Nosocomial allergy to dizziness, insomnia, finish full course of
Ciprofloxacin susceptible bacteria pneumonia, acute uncomplicated ciprofloxacin, fatigue treatment, even is
Recommended: preventing cell reproduction. cystitis, severe or complicated norfloxacin or other symptoms improve.
Brand: bone or joint infection, severe fluoroquinolones, CV: arrhythmias,  Tell patient to
200mg/ 100ml IV q6 hours respirator tract infection, severe pregnancy, lactation. hypotension, angina avoid excessive
Ciloxan Uncomplicated UTIs: 100- or skin structure infection. exposure to
200 mg PO q12 hr foe 3 EENT: dry eye, eye pain
sunlight or
Classification: days or 500 mg PO daily GI: nausea, vomiting, dry ultraviolet light.
(ER tablets) for 3 days.  Use drug only for
mouth, diarrhea,
Therapeutic: infections caused
abdominal pain
Antibacterial/ by susceptible
Antibiotic Hematologic: elevated bacteria.
BUN, AST, ALT  Don’t exceed
Pharmacologic: recommended
Fluoroquinolone dosage because of
increased risk of
prolonging the QTc
 Serious,
occasionally fatal,
reactions may
occur. Stop drug
immediately if
reaction occurs.


BRAND NAME; Prescribed and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
GENERIC NAME; Recommended dosage;
CLASSIFICATION frequency; route of
Generic: Prescribed: Binds to mu-opioid receptors Management of moderate to Hypersensitivity. Nausea, dizziness,  Assess patient’s
and inhibits the reuptake of severe pain. Acute intoxication somnolence. pain before starting
Tramadol HCl norepinephrine and serotonin; with alcohol, therapy and
Recommended: causes many effects similar to hypnotics, narcotics, CNS: headache, tremor regularly thereafter
Brand: Adults and children ≥ 16 the opioids – dizziness, centrally acting to monitor the
GI: abdominal pain,
years: maximum single somnolence, nausea, analgesics, opioids or drug’s
Dolcet dose - 1 to 2 tabs every 4-6 constipation – but does not psychotropics, severe constipation, diarrhea,
hrs as needed for pain have the respiratory hepatic impairment. dyspepsia
 Assess patient’s
Classification: relief up to maximum of 8 depressant effects. Skin and Appendages: therapy:
tabs/day. hypersensitivity to
pruritus, rash, increased
Opioid agonist drug, acute
intoxication with
alcohol opioids.
 Monitor V/S.
 Monitor the
patient’s mental
 Inform the patient
that she or he may
experience side
effects such as
dizziness, sedation,
impaired visual
acuity: nausea and
loss of appetite.
 Give the drug
before the onset of
intense pain


BRAND NAME; Prescribed and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
GENERIC NAME; Recommended dosage;
CLASSIFICATION frequency; route of

Generic: Prescribed: Stimulates collagen formation Used to treat vitamin C Tartrazine sensitivity, CNS: faintness, dizziness  Check urine pH to
and tissue repair, involved in deficiency, scurvy, delayed a high amount of ensure efficacy.
Ascorbic acid oxidation-reduction reactions. wound and bone healing, urine oxalic acid in urine GI: diarrhea, heartburn,  Protect solution
Recommended: acidification, and in general as an iron metabolism nausea, vomiting from light and
Brand: Adult and teenage females antioxidant. It has also been disorder causing refrigerate ampule.
GU: acid urine, oxaluria,
– 50 to 60 mg/day suggested to be an effective increased iron storage  Ask the patient if
Ascorbic acid antiviral agent. sickle cell anemia renal calculi
she is pregnant
To treat deficiency: from pyruvate kinase because high doses
Classification: Adult and teenagers – and G6PD deficiencies of vitamin C are
treatment dose is and hypersensitivity. not recommended
Therapeutic: determined by prescriber during pregnancy.
Vitamins for each individual based  Monitor for S/S of
on the severity of acute hemolytic
deficiency. The ff. dose anemia, sickle cell
has been determined for crisis.
scurvy: 500mg a day for at  Inform the patient
least 2 wks. about the possible
side effects of the
 Instruct the patient
about the
contraindications of
the drugs.


BRAND NAME; Prescribed and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
GENERIC NAME; Recommended dosage;
CLASSIFICATION frequency; route of

Generic: Prescribed: Omeprazole irreversibly - Gastroesophageal Reflux - Hypersensitivity to - Common: Headache,  - Assess patient's
inhibits the H+/K+ ATPase Disease (GERD) Omeprazole or any nausea, abdominal pain, medical history,
Omeprazole Recommended: enzyme system, also known - Peptic Ulcers (duodenal and component of the diarrhea, flatulence allergies, and
- Dosage varies as the proton pump, in the gastric) formulation current
Brand: based on the gastric parietal cells. This - Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome - Severe hepatic - Uncommon: Rash, medications.
condition being inhibition reduces gastric acid - Erosive Esophagitis impairment dizziness, constipation,  - Educate patients
Omesec treated and secretion, making it effective - Helicobacter pylori vomiting about proper
whether it's for in treating acid-related Eradication (in combination with administration,
Classification: adult or pediatric disorders. antibiotics) - Rare but Serious: potential side
patients. Typical Hypomagnesemia, effects, and the
Proton-pump inhibitor adult doses range vitamin B12 deficiency, importance of
from 20 mg to 40 osteoporosis-related compliance.
mg once daily. fractures, acute interstitial  - Monitor for
Dosages for nephritis adverse reactions
children are and signs of
weight-based. complications,
especially with
long-term use.
 - Watch for
potential drug
especially in
patients on multiple


BRAND NAME; Prescribed and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
GENERIC NAME; Recommended dosage;
CLASSIFICATION frequency; route of

Generic: Prescribed: Cefuroxime inhibits bacterial - *Respiratory Tract *Hypersensitivity:* - *Common:* Diarrhea,  - Assess patient's
cell wall synthesis by binding Infections:* Cefuroxime is nausea, rash. medical history,
Cefuroxime Recommended: to specific penicillin-binding - Cefuroxime is effective against contraindicated in especially for
- Dosage varies proteins, leading to cell lysis pathogens commonly causing patients with known - *Uncommon:* allergies to
Brand: based on the type and death of susceptible respiratory infections, such as hypersensitivity to Vomiting, abdominal antibiotics.
and severity of the bacteria. Streptococcus pneumoniae and cephalosporins due to pain, headache.  - Monitor for
Ceftin, Zinacef infection, as well Haemophilus influenzae. the risk of severe signs of allergic
as the patient's age allergic reactions. - *Rare but Serious:*
reactions, such as
Classification: and renal function. - *Skin and Skin Structure Clostridium difficile- rash, itching,
- Usually Infections:* - *Severe Allergic associated diarrhea swelling, or
Therapeutic: administered It covers a range of bacteria Reactions: * (CDAD), severe allergic difficulty breathing.
Antibiotic orally with or associated with skin infections, Patients with a history reactions (including  - Educate patients
without food. For including Staphylococcus aureus of severe allergic anaphylaxis), renal about the
Pharmacologic: severe infections and Streptococcus pyogenes. reactions to penicillins impairment. importance of
Second-generation or when oral or other beta-lactam completing the full
cephalosporin antibiotic administration is - *Urinary Tract Infections:* antibiotics should course of
not feasible, Cefuroxime is active against avoid cefuroxime due antibiotics even if
intravenous or Escherichia coli and other to the potential for symptoms improve.
intramuscular bacteria frequently causing cross-reactivity and  - Encourage
routes can be used. urinary tract infections. severe allergic adequate fluid
responses. intake to prevent
- *Otitis Media:* crystalluria
Effective against common (presence of
pathogens causing middle ear crystals in urine)
infections, including associated with
Streptococcus pneumoniae and some
Haemophilus influenzae. cephalosporins.
- *Gonorrhea:*
Cefuroxime is used to treat
uncomplicated cases of
gonorrhea, primarily caused by
Neisseria gonorrhoeae.


BRAND NAME; Prescribed and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
GENERIC NAME; Recommended dosage;
CLASSIFICATION frequency; route of

Generic: Prescribed: - *Calcium Supplement:* - *Calcium Supplement:* - *Hypercalcemia:* - *Common:*  - *Assessment:*

Calcium carbonate provides Used to prevent or treat calcium Patients with high Constipation, flatulence, Assess the patient's
Calcium Carbonate Recommended: elemental calcium essential deficiencies, particularly in levels of calcium in belching. medical history,
*Calcium Supplement:* for various physiological individuals with osteoporosis, the blood should avoid especially for
Brand: Dosage varies based on functions, including bone rickets, or malabsorption calcium carbonate - *Uncommon:* kidney problems,
age, gender, and specific formation, blood clotting, and syndromes. supplements. Nausea, vomiting, loss of history of kidney
Tums, Caltrate, Os-cal calcium needs. Typically nerve transmission. Adequate - *Antacid:* appetite, unusual stones, allergies,
taken with meals for better calcium intake is crucial for Provides relief from symptoms of - *Hypercalciuria:* tiredness. and current
Classification: absorption. maintaining bone density and acid indigestion, heartburn, and Individuals with medications,
preventing osteoporosis. upset stomach due to excess excessive urinary - *Rare but Serious:* especially other
Mineral and electrolyte *Antacid:* Taken as stomach acid. calcium excretion Allergic reactions such as supplements or
replacement/supplemen needed, usually after meals - *Antacid:* As an antacid, should use calcium rash, itching, swelling, medications that
t or at the onset of calcium carbonate neutralizes supplements severe dizziness, and may interact with
symptoms. Chewable gastric acid by reacting with cautiously and under difficulty breathing. calcium carbonate.
tablets should be chewed hydrochloric acid in the medical supervision.  - *Patient
thoroughly before stomach. This reaction forms
swallowing. calcium chloride, water, and Education:*
carbon dioxide, thereby Educate the patient
raising the gastric pH and about the correct
providing relief from acid dosage, timing, and
indigestion and heartburn. duration of calcium
Advise patients to
take the supplement
with food to
enhance absorption.
Inform about
potential drug
interactions and
side effects.
 *Administration:*
Administer with
care, especially to
patients who have
swallowing. Ensure
they can chew or
crush the tablets if
applicable. Provide
water or juice to aid
 - *Monitoring:*
Regularly monitor
calcium levels in
patients at risk of
imbalances, such as
those with kidney
problems, to
hypercalcemia or
 - *Special
Assess the need for
supplementation in
pregnant or
women, elderly
patients, and
individuals with
Monitor elderly
patients closely, as
they are more prone
to calcium
deficiency and
related conditions
such as


BRAND NAME; Prescribed and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
GENERIC NAME; Recommended dosage;
CLASSIFICATION frequency; route of

Generic: Prescribed: Pantoprazole is a proton - *Gastroesophageal Reflux - *Hypersensitivity:* - *Common:* Headache,  *Assess Symptom
pump inhibitor that Disease (GERD):* Pantoprazole Patients with known diarrhea, nausea, Relief:*
Pantoprazole Recommended: suppresses gastric acid is indicated for the short-term and hypersensitivity to abdominal pain. - Monitor the
- The dosage and secretion by specific maintenance treatment of erosive pantoprazole or any patient’s response
Brand: duration of inhibition of the H+/K+- esophagitis associated with component of the - *Uncommon:* to Pantoprazole
pantoprazole ATPase enzyme system at the GERD. formulation should Dizziness, rash, therapy. Evaluate if
Protonix, Pantolox, treatment depend secretory surface of the - *Peptic Ulcers:* It is used for avoid this medication. flatulence. symptoms such as
Somac on the specific gastric parietal cell. This the treatment of active duodenal heartburn, acid
condition being action leads to a reduction in and gastric ulcers, as well as for - *Rare but Serious:* reflux, or
Classification: treated. Typical gastric acid production, maintenance therapy after healing Clostridium difficile- abdominal pain are
doses range from making it effective for acid- of erosive esophagitis. associated diarrhea improving.
Proton-pump inhibitor 20 mg to 40 mg related disorders such as - *Zollinger-Ellison (CDAD), severe allergic Document any
daily, usually gastroesophageal reflux Syndrome:* Pantoprazole is reactions (including changes in the
taken before a disease (GERD) and peptic indicated for the long-term anaphylaxis), vitamin frequency and
meal. ulcers. treatment of pathological B12 deficiency with severity of
hypersecretory conditions, long-term use. symptoms.
including Zollinger-Ellison
syndrome.  *Vital Signs and
General Health:*
Regularly check
vital signs,
especially if the
patient has a history
of hypertension.
Monitor for any
signs of
dehydration or
imbalance, such as
dizziness or
irregular heartbeat.

 *Electrolyte
Pantoprazole can
affect magnesium
levels in the body.
magnesium levels,
especially in
patients at risk of
Symptoms of low
magnesium include
muscle spasms,
irregular heartbeat,
and seizures.

 *Bone Health:*
Long-term use of
proton pump
inhibitors (PPIs)
like Pantoprazole
has been associated
with an increased
risk of
related fractures.
Monitor patients,
especially elderly
individuals, for
signs of decreased
bone density or
 *Kidney Function:*
Evaluate kidney
function regularly,
as PPIs might affect
renal function.
Monitor serum
creatinine levels
and assess for signs
of kidney
impairment, such as
changes in
urination patterns
or edema.

 *Clostridium
difficile Infection:*
Watch for signs of
diarrhea (CDAD),
which can be
associated with the
use of
Symptoms include
severe diarrhea,
abdominal pain,
and fever.

 *Vitamin B12
Long-term use of
PPIs like
Pantoprazole may
lead to vitamin B12
deficiency. Monitor
vitamin B12 levels
in patients on
extended therapy.
Symptoms of B12
deficiency include
fatigue, anemia,
and neurological

 *Liver Function:*
Assess liver
function regularly,
especially in
patients with pre-
existing liver
conditions. Monitor
liver enzyme levels
to detect any

 *Patient
Compliance and
Ensure patients are
taking Pantoprazole
as prescribed.
Monitor for adverse
reactions such as
rash, itching, or
difficulty breathing.
Encourage patients
to report any
unusual symptoms

 *Follow-Up and
Schedule regular
appointments to
assess the patient's
progress and adjust
the treatment plan
if needed. Provide
ongoing education
about the
importance of
compliance, dietary
and lifestyle
modifications, and
potential risks
associated with
long-term PPI use.


BRAND NAME; Prescribed and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
GENERIC NAME; Recommended dosage;
CLASSIFICATION frequency; route of
 Monitor the
Generic: Prescribed: Domperidone acts as a - *Gastrointestinal Motility - *Hypersensitivity:* - *Common:* Dry patient’s
dopamine receptor antagonist, Disorders:* Patients with known mouth, headache, gastrointestinal
Domperidone Recommended: primarily on the D2 receptors Domperidone is used to treat hypersensitivity to dizziness, diarrhea. symptoms,
- The typical oral in the chemoreceptor trigger conditions characterized by domperidone or any of including nausea,
Brand: dose for adults is zone (CTZ) and the gastric delayed gastric emptying and its components should - *Uncommon:* Rash, vomiting, and
10 mg taken 15-30 muscles. By blocking impaired motility, such as avoid this medication. breast tenderness, abdominal
Motilium, minutes before dopamine, it increases gastric gastroesophageal reflux disease irregular menstrual discomfort. Assess
Domperidone Maleate meals and, if motility, promotes gastric (GERD), gastroparesis, and - *Prolactinoma:* periods. the frequency and
necessary, before emptying, and prevents functional dyspepsia. Patients with a history severity of
Classification: bedtime. The nausea and vomiting. It does of pituitary prolactin- - *Rare but Serious:* symptoms to
maximum daily not readily cross the blood- - *Nausea and Vomiting:* secreting tumor QT interval prolongation, evaluate the
Dopamine receptor dose should not brain barrier, reducing the It is prescribed for the prevention (prolactinoma) should ventricular arrhythmias medication's
antagonist, Prokinetic exceed 30 mg. likelihood of central nervous and relief of nausea and vomiting, not use domperidone (torsades de pointes), effectiveness.
agent system side effects. including that caused by due to its potential to neuroleptic malignant
chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and increase prolactin syndrome-like reactions  Evaluate the
anti-parkinsonian medications. levels. (in high doses). patient's medical
history, allergies,
and current
especially those
that may interact
with domperidone.
Consider conditions
such as liver or
kidney impairment,
which might
require dosage
 Monitor blood
pressure and heart
rate regularly,
especially in
patients at risk of
issues, as
domperidone can
prolong the QT

 Monitor electrolyte
levels, particularly
potassium and
magnesium, as
domperidone may
affect these levels,
leading to potential

 Watch for signs of

(involuntary muscle
movements) that
can occur,
especially at higher

 Be vigilant for
signs of
arrhythmias such as
dizziness, or
fainting, as
domperidone may
prolong the QT

 Ensure the patient

understands the
purpose of the
medication, correct
potential side
effects, and the
importance of

 Confirm that the

patient is taking the
medication as
prescribed. Non-
compliance can
affect treatment


BRAND NAME; Prescribed and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
GENERIC NAME; Recommended dosage;
CLASSIFICATION frequency; route of
Generic: Prescribed: - *Mucolytic Action:* - *Respiratory Conditions:* - *Hypersensitivity:* - *Common (inhaled  Monitor lung
Acetylcysteine is a mucolytic Acetylcysteine is indicated for Patients with a known form):* Bronchospasm, sounds regularly to
Acetylcysteine Recommended: agent that works by breaking patients with thick, viscous hypersensitivity to nasal congestion, assess changes in
- The typical dosage down disulfide bonds in mucus in conditions such as acetylcysteine or any rhinorrhea. respiratory status.
Brand: for adults is 600 mucus, reducing its viscosity. COPD, asthma, and cystic component of the Note the presence
mg to 1200 mg This action makes it easier for fibrosis, facilitating mucus formulation should - *Common (oral of wheezing,
Mucomyst, Parvolex, taken once or patients to clear mucus from clearance and improving airflow. avoid this medication. form):* Nausea, crackles, or other
Acetadote twice daily. The their airways, aiding in the vomiting, stomatitis. abnormal sounds.
dosage for treatment of respiratory - *Acetaminophen Overdose:*
Classification: children is weight- conditions like chronic It is used as an antidote for - *Uncommon  Monitor respiratory
based and usually obstructive pulmonary acetaminophen overdose, (intravenous form):* rate and pattern. An
Mucolytic agent, lower. disease (COPD) and cystic particularly in cases of acute Hypersensitivity increase in
Antidote (for - The typical dosage fibrosis. ingestion or when an overdose is reactions, rash, fever, respiratory rate or
acetaminophen for adults is 600 suspected. bronchospasm. signs of respiratory
overdose) mg to 1200 mg - *Antidote Action:* distress could
taken once or Acetylcysteine serves as an indicate worsening
twice daily. The antidote for acetaminophen lung function.
dosage for (paracetamol) overdose. It
children is weight- replenishes hepatic stores of  Monitor the color,
based and usually glutathione, a key consistency, and
lower. antioxidant, preventing or amount of mucus
reversing liver damage produced by the
caused by the toxic patient. Changes in
metabolite of acetaminophen. mucus
characteristics can
indicate the
effectiveness of the

 Monitor vital signs

especially during
therapy. Changes in
blood pressure,
heart rate, or
oxygen saturation
levels may indicate
respiratory distress.

 Watch for signs of

reactions, such as
rash, itching,
swelling, or
difficulty breathing.
Be prepared to
intervene promptly
if an allergic
reaction occurs.

 Monitor for nausea,

vomiting, or other
especially in
patients receiving
oral acetylcysteine.

 For patients
acetylcysteine as an
antidote, monitor
liver function tests
regularly to assess
hepatic function
and the resolution
of acetaminophen
BRAND NAME; Prescribed and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
GENERIC NAME; Recommended dosage;
CLASSIFICATION frequency; route of
Galactosemia: Assessment: Nurses should
Lactulose contains assess the patient's medical
Generic: Prescribed: Lactulose is a synthetic sugar - Lactulose is commonly galactose and should - Gastrointestinal history, allergies, current
that is not absorbed by the prescribed to treat constipation by not be used by Distress: This can medications, and overall
body. When taken orally, it softening stools and increasing individuals with include cramps, gas, health status before
Lactulose Recommended: reaches the colon unchanged. bowel movements. It is also used galactosemia, a rare and bloating. administering lactulose.
In the colon, lactulose is to treat hepatic encephalopathy, a genetic metabolic They should also assess the
Dosage: The usual adult broken down by bacteria into condition where the liver is not Diarrhea: Lactulose can
disorder that affects patient's bowel patterns,
dosage for lactulose to organic acids. These acids able to remove toxins from the cause loose stools,
Brand: the body's ability to including frequency and
treat constipation is 15-30 lower the pH in the colon, blood, leading to confusion, especially when taken in
process galactose, a consistency.
milliliters (ml) (or 2-4 creating an osmotic effect. tremors, and decreased level of excessive amounts.
sugar found in
tablespoons) once a day. This osmotic effect draws consciousness. In this case,
Duphalac, Enulose, lactulose.
For hepatic water into the colon, lactulose helps by reducing the Electrolyte Imbalance:
Kristalose, and encephalopathy (a liver softening the stool and absorption of ammonia, a toxin Prolonged use or high Education: Provide clear
Generlac, disorder), the dosage increasing bowel movements. produced in the intestines, and doses of lactulose may and comprehensive
might be higher and is By increasing the water promoting its excretion from the Intestinal Obstruction: education to the patient and
lead to electrolyte
determined by the content and softening the body, thereby improving Lactulose should not their caregivers about the
be used if there is a imbalances, such as low medication, including its
Classification: healthcare provider. stool, lactulose helps to symptoms associated with hepatic potassium levels in the
relieve constipation and encephalopathy. suspected or known purpose, dosage,
intestinal obstruction, blood. administration instructions,
promote regular bowel
as it may worsen the potential side effects, and
Osmotic laxative Frequency: Lactulose is movements. condition Dehydration: Excessive what to do in case of
usually taken once a day. diarrhea can lead to missed doses or adverse
However, the frequency dehydration if not reactions.
and dosage can be adjusted Allergy: Individuals managed properly.
by the healthcare provider Administration: Administer
with a known allergy lactulose according to the
based on the individual's or hypersensitivity to Hypokalemia: Lactulose
needs and response to the can cause low levels of prescribed dosage and
lactulose should avoid schedule. Ensure that the
medication. using this medication potassium in the blood,
patient understands how to
which can affect heart
take the medication,
function and other whether it should be taken
Route of Administration: Diabetes: People with bodily processes. with food or on an empty
Lactulose is taken orally. diabetes should use stomach, and any specific
It can be taken with or lactulose with caution instructions provided by the
without food. The syrup as it contains sugar healthcare provider.
form of lactulose should and can affect blood
be measured with a proper sugar levels. They
measuring device, and it's should consult their
important to follow the Monitoring: Regularly
healthcare provider for monitor the patient's bowel
dosing instructions appropriate dosing and
provided by the healthcare movements and assess the
monitoring. effectiveness of lactulose in
provider or pharmacist.
Unexplained relieving constipation.
Abdominal Monitor for signs of
Symptoms: If the dehydration, electrolyte
cause of abdominal imbalances, or other
symptoms is not adverse reactions.
diagnosed, lactulose Hydration: Encourage
should not be used patients to maintain
until the underlying adequate fluid intake while
cause is determined. taking lactulose to prevent
dehydration, especially if
diarrhea occurs as a side

Documentation: Accurately
document the
administration of lactulose,
including the dosage given,
the time of administration,
the patient's response, and
any observed side effects.
Proper documentation
ensures continuity of care
and provides essential
information for healthcare

Patient Safety: Ensure that

lactulose is stored properly,
and check the expiration
date before administration.
Verify the patient's identity
before giving the
medication to prevent
Communication: Maintain
open communication with
the healthcare team,
including physicians and
pharmacists, regarding the
patient's response to
lactulose, any concerns, or
changes in the patient's

Follow-Up: Schedule
follow-up assessments to
monitor the patient's
progress, adjust the dosage
if necessary, and address
any concerns or questions
the patient may have.

BRAND NAME; Prescribed and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
Recommended Dosage: Tamsulosin is an alpha- Tamsulosin is indicated for the Hypersensitivity: Dizziness: Tamsulosin can Assessment: Conduct a
The typical starting dose adrenergic blocker that treatment of signs and symptoms Tamsulosin is cause dizziness, thorough patient
Generic: for tamsulosin is 0.4 primarily acts on alpha-1A of benign prostatic hyperplasia contraindicated in especially when standing assessment, including
milligrams (mg) once and alpha-1D adrenergic (BPH). Specifically, it is used to individuals with a medical history, allergies,
up from a sitting or lying
daily. receptors in the prostate improve symptoms associated known current medications, and
Tamsulosin gland, the prostatic capsule, with urinary obstruction caused position, due to a drop in
hypersensitivity or blood pressure. any existing conditions,
prostatic urethra, and bladder by an enlarged prostate gland, allergic reaction to especially related to kidney
Frequency: Tamsulosin is neck. Its mechanism of action such as:
tamsulosin or any of and liver function.
Brand: usually taken once daily, involves selective blockade of
its components.
approximately 30 minutes these receptors. Orthostatic Hypotension:
after the same meal each Urinary Hesitancy: Difficulty in A sudden drop in blood
Education: Provide clear
Flomax, Urimax, day. This consistency initiating the urinary stream. pressure upon standing,
Severe Liver and detailed instructions to
Contiflo, Omnic, and helps maintain the drug's By blocking alpha-1 leading to
Weak Urinary Stream: Reduced Impairment: the patient about the
Flomaxtra. effectiveness. adrenergic receptors, lightheadedness or
strength of the urinary flow. Tamsulosin is medication, including
tamsulosin inhibits the effects fainting.
Classification: contraindicated in dosage, timing, potential
of norepinephrine and other Straining During Urination: patients with severe side effects (especially
Alpha Blockers Route of Administration: neurotransmitters that Needing to push or strain to start liver impairment as the dizziness and orthostatic
Tamsulosin is taken orally, normally cause smooth urination. pharmacokinetics of Retrograde Ejaculation: hypotension), and the
with a full glass of water. muscle contraction in the
Frequent Urination: Increased the drug may be Tamsulosin may cause importance of compliance.
It's important not to crush, prostate and bladder neck.
frequency of urination, significantly altered in semen to travel backward Advise patients about the
chew, or open the This blockade leads to
particularly at night (nocturia). these individuals. possibility of retrograde
capsules, as they should be relaxation of the smooth into the bladder instead of
swallowed whole. muscles in these areas, being ejaculated out of
Urgency: Sudden and urgent need
reducing the dynamic the body during sexual
to urinate. Orthostatic
component of urinary Hypotension: climax. This is usually Administration: Administer
obstruction caused by benign Tamsulosin can cause harmless but can affect tamsulosin as prescribed,
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). orthostatic fertility. ensuring the correct dosage
As a result, tamsulosin hypotension (a sudden and route. Monitor the
improves urinary flow rates decrease in blood patient's response and
and decreases BPH-related pressure upon observe for any adverse
symptoms, such as difficulty standing), especially Headache: Some people reactions, especially during
urinating, frequent urination, during the initiation of may experience the initial doses when
and nocturia. therapy. It should be headaches while taking dizziness is more common.
used cautiously in tamsulosin.
patients with a history
Tamsulosin's selectivity for of orthostatic Monitoring: Regularly
alpha-1A and alpha-1D hypotension and Nasal Congestion: monitor vital signs,
receptors in the prostate and avoided in individuals Tamsulosin may cause especially blood pressure
bladder neck, without prone to significant nasal congestion or a and heart rate. Keep an eye
significant action on alpha-1B blood pressure drops. on the patient for signs of
runny nose.
receptors in blood vessels, dizziness, lightheadedness,
helps minimize the potential or fainting, especially when
for side effects related to Intraoperative Floppy changing positions.
blood pressure changes. This Iris Syndrome (IFIS): Fatigue: Feeling
targeted mechanism makes Tamsulosin use is unusually tired or weak.
tamsulosin particularly contraindicated in Hydration: Encourage
effective in relieving urinary patients who are patients to maintain
symptoms associated with undergoing or Abnormal Ejaculation: adequate fluid intake,
BPH. planning to undergo Apart from retrograde especially if they
cataract or glaucoma ejaculation, some experience dizziness or
surgery due to the risk individuals might lightheadedness, to prevent
of intraoperative dehydration.
experience other changes
floppy iris syndrome.
in ejaculation, including
reduced semen during
ejaculation. Patient Interaction: Address
Combination with any concerns or questions
Strong CYP3A4 the patient might have
Inhibitors: Concurrent regarding the medication.
use of tamsulosin with Infection: Tamsulosin can Monitor for signs of
strong cytochrome increase the risk of compliance and
P450 3A4 inhibitors respiratory tract understanding, especially
(such as ketoconazole, infections. regarding the importance of
ritonavir) is continuing the medication
contraindicated due to even if symptoms improve.
the potential for
increased tamsulosin
levels, which can lead Disturbances: Such as
stomach pain, nausea, Medication Reconciliation:
to adverse effects. Ensure that tamsulosin does
vomiting, and diarrhea.
not interact negatively with
other medications the
Combination with patient is taking.
Alpha-Adrenergic Hypersensitivity
Antagonists: Reactions: Rarely,
Tamsulosin should not allergic reactions such as Documentation: Accurately
be used concomitantly rash, itching, and document the
with other alpha- swelling of the face, administration, patient
adrenergic antagonists tongue, or throat can response, and any observed
due to the increased occur. side effects. Document any
risk of hypotension changes in the patient's
(low blood pressure). condition and report them
to the healthcare team.
Cataract Complications:
Intraoperative floppy iris
syndrome (IFIS) has been
Fall Prevention: Due to the
observed during cataract
potential for dizziness and
surgery in patients taking orthostatic hypotension,
tamsulosin. implement fall prevention
measures, especially in
elderly patients. Advise
patients to stand up slowly
to minimize the risk of

Patient Follow-Up:
Schedule follow-up
assessments to monitor the
patient's progress, check for
resolution of symptoms,
and assess for any side
effects or complications.

BRAND NAME; Prescribed and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
For Androgenic Alopecia Finasteride is a 5-alpha- Androgenic Alopecia (Male- Pregnancy and Sexual Dysfunction: Assessment: Conduct a
(Male-Pattern Baldness): reductase inhibitor. It works Pattern Baldness): Finasteride is Breastfeeding: Including erectile thorough patient
Generic: by inhibiting the enzyme 5- used to treat male-pattern Finasteride is dysfunction, decreased assessment, including
alpha-reductase, which baldness, a hereditary condition contraindicated in medical history, allergies,
libido, and reduced
Dosage: The typical converts testosterone, a male that leads to hair loss in men. It women, especially and any existing conditions,
Finasteride sex hormone, into promotes hair regrowth and those who are ejaculatory volume. In
dosage for androgenic to ensure the medication is
dihydrotestosterone (DHT). prevents further hair loss in pregnant or may some cases, these effects
alopecia is 1 milligram safe for the individual.
(mg) of finasteride once DHT is a potent androgen individuals experiencing thinning become pregnant. It may persist after
Brand: daily. that contributes to the hair or baldness at the top of the can cause harm to a discontinuation of the
development and enlargement scalp. developing male fetus medication.
Frequency: Finasteride is of the prostate gland (in if a pregnant woman is Education: Provide clear
usually taken once a day, benign prostatic hyperplasia) exposed to it. It should and detailed instructions to
Propecia and Proscar..
with or without food. and is also a factor in the Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia not be handled or the patient about the
Classification: miniaturization of hair touched by pregnant Breast Enlargement or medication, including
Route of Administration: (BPH): Finasteride is also
follicles in androgenic indicated for the treatment of women, and women Tenderness: Some dosage, timing, potential
5-alpha-reductase Finasteride is taken orally
alopecia (male-pattern benign prostatic hyperplasia, a should not take it. individuals may side effects (especially
inhibitor; antiandrogen with a full glass of water.
baldness). condition in which the prostate experience breast sexual dysfunction), and
For Benign Prostatic gland becomes enlarged. It helps enlargement or the importance of
Hyperplasia (BPH): reduce symptoms associated with Children: Finasteride tenderness, a condition compliance. Inform
In the context of benign an enlarged prostate, such as is not intended for use known as gynecomastia. patients, particularly
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH): difficulty urinating, by shrinking in children and should women of childbearing age,
Dosage: The usual dosage the prostate gland, improving be kept out of their about the risks of exposure
for BPH is 5 mg of urinary flow, and decreasing the reach. to finasteride during
finasteride once daily. risk of urinary retention and the Allergic Reactions: Such
By inhibiting the conversion pregnancy.
of testosterone to DHT, need for surgery related to BPH.. as rash, itching, swelling
Frequency: Finasteride is of the lips and face, and
finasteride reduces the levels Hypersensitivity:
typically taken once a day,
of DHT in the prostate gland. Individuals with a difficulty breathing. Administration: Administer
with or without food.
This results in a decrease in known Severe allergic reactions finasteride as prescribed,
Route of Administration: prostate volume, hypersensitivity or are rare but can be ensuring the correct
Finasteride is taken orally improvement in urinary flow, allergy to finasteride serious. dosage and route. Monitor
with a full glass of water. and reduction in symptoms or any of its
associated with an enlarged components should the patient's response and
prostate, such as difficulty not use this observe for any adverse
urinating. medication. Depression: Some reactions.
patients have reported
In the context of androgenic
feelings of depression
alopecia (male-pattern Prostate Cancer: and anxiety while taking Monitoring: Regularly
baldness): Finasteride is finasteride. monitor vital signs and
generally not used in assess for signs of adverse
individuals with reactions, especially
Finasteride decreases DHT prostate cancer. It may related to sexual function.
interfere with the Testicular Pain:
levels in the scalp, which Encourage patients to
detection of prostate Discomfort or pain in the
helps to reverse the report any unusual
miniaturization of hair cancer during testicles.
symptoms promptly.
follicles and increases hair screenings due to its
regrowth and prevents further effect on prostate-
hair loss in men experiencing specific antigen (PSA)
Urinary Tract Infections: Hydration: Encourage
male-pattern baldness. levels.
Some individuals may patients to maintain
By inhibiting the action of 5- experience urinary tract adequate fluid intake.
alpha-reductase and reducing Liver Dysfunction: infections.
DHT levels, finasteride Individuals with
addresses the underlying severe liver Patient Interaction:
causes of both benign impairment should use Address any concerns or
Palpitations: Some
prostatic hyperplasia and finasteride cautiously, patients have reported questions the patient might
androgenic alopecia, leading if at all, as the drug is irregular heartbeat or have regarding the
to improved symptoms and metabolized in the
hair regrowth, respectively. palpitations. medication. Monitor for
liver. signs of compliance and

Urinary Tract Muscle Weakness or

Obstruction: Fatigue: Unusual
Medication Reconciliation:
Finasteride should be weakness or fatigue can Ensure that finasteride
used cautiously in occur. does not interact
individuals with a
urinary tract negatively with other
obstruction, as it can medications the patient is
affect the evaluation of taking.
the obstruction during
diagnostic tests.
Documentation: Accurately
document the
Genetic Deficiency: administration, patient
Finasteride is not response, and any
effective in individuals observed side effects.
with a genetic Document any changes in
deficiency of 5-alpha- the patient's condition and
reductase enzymes. report them to the
healthcare team.

Patient Counseling:
Counsel patients about the
importance of regular
follow-up appointments
with their healthcare
provider and adherence to
the prescribed medication

Pregnancy Prevention: For

healthcare providers
involved in women's
health, it's crucial to
educate women of
childbearing potential
about the potential risks of
finasteride exposure during
pregnancy and the
importance of effective
contraception during the
treatment period.
BRAND NAME; Prescribed and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
Dosage: The usual dosage Cellular Electrolyte Balance: Potassium chloride is indicated Hyperkalemia: Potassium Gastrointestinal Assessment: Conduct a
of potassium chloride Potassium is a key for the treatment and chloride is Disturbances: Such as thorough patient
Generic: supplements ranges from intracellular cation, meaning prevention of potassium contraindicated in nausea, vomiting, assessment, including
20 to 100 mEq it is primarily found inside deficiency (hypokalemia). individuals with high medical history, current
diarrhea, or abdominal
(milliequivalents) per day, cells. It helps maintain the Hypokalemia can occur due to levels of potassium in the medications, kidney
Potassium Chloride divided into several doses. electrochemical balance various factors, including blood (hyperkalemia). discomfort. These
symptoms are more function, and potassium
The specific dosage across cell membranes, which certain medical conditions, Using potassium levels, to determine the
depends on the severity of is critical for normal cellular medications, or an inadequate supplements in the likely to occur with solid
appropriate dosage and
Brand: the potassium deficiency function, including nerve diet. Potassium chloride presence of elevated or liquid oral potassium
monitor for potential
and the patient's medical impulse transmission and supplements are used to restore potassium levels can lead supplements.
condition. muscle contraction. or maintain normal potassium to further complications, contraindications or
levels in the body. Maintaining including dangerous interactions.
K-Dur, Micro-K, and
Klor-Con proper potassium levels is heart rhythm
essential for the normal disturbances. Ulceration or Stenosis:
Frequency: Potassium Nerve Signal Transmission:
Classification: chloride supplements are Potassium ions are involved functioning of cells, nerves, Potassium chloride Education: Provide clear
typically taken multiple in the generation and muscles, and organs, including tablets or capsules may and detailed instructions to
Electrolyte supplement the heart. the patient about the
times a day to maintain transmission of nerve Acute Dehydration: cause ulcers or strictures
consistent potassium levels impulses. They help maintain Potassium chloride (narrowing) in the medication, including
in the blood. The the resting membrane should be used with gastrointestinal tract if dosage, timing, and the
frequency of potential of nerve cells, caution, or avoided, in they lodge in the importance of taking the
administration will be allowing them to respond to individuals with acute supplement with food or a
esophagus before
determined by the stimuli and propagate signals. dehydration. Adequate full glass of water to
healthcare provider based fluid status should be reaching the stomach.
minimize gastrointestinal
on the individual's needs. restored before potassium discomfort. Educate
Muscle Contraction: supplementation. patients about signs and
Potassium ions are essential Hyperkalemia: Excessive symptoms of hyperkalemia
Route of Administration: for muscle contraction. They potassium levels in the and the importance of
Potassium chloride interact with sodium ions to Chronic Kidney Disease: blood (hyperkalemia) can reporting them promptly.
supplements are usually regulate muscle contraction Individuals with severe occur, especially in
taken orally with a full and relaxation. Proper kidney impairment or individuals with impaired
glass of water or with food potassium levels ensure end-stage renal disease
kidney function. Administration: Administer
to minimize stomach normal muscle function, may have difficulty
upset. Extended-release including the contraction of excreting excess Hyperkalemia can lead to potassium chloride
forms of potassium the heart muscle (cardiac potassium and are at an dangerous heart rhythm supplements as prescribed,
chloride should be muscle) and skeletal muscles. increased risk of disturbances and other ensuring the correct
swallowed whole, without hyperkalemia. Potassium dosage and route. Ensure
crushing or chewing, to chloride should be used complications. that potassium
ensure gradual release in cautiously, if at all, in supplements are not
the digestive system. Acid-Base Balance: these patients. crushed or chewed,
Potassium ions play a role in
maintaining the body's acid- Cardiac Arrhythmias: Too especially extended-release
base balance, helping to much potassium in the forms, to prevent irritation
regulate the pH of bodily Addison's Disease: or ulcers in the esophagus.
blood can lead to
fluids. Potassium chloride may
interfere with potassium abnormal heart rhythms,
levels in individuals with which can be life-
Monitoring: Regularly
Addison's disease, a threatening.
Fluid Balance: Potassium, as monitor serum potassium
condition where the
an electrolyte, contributes to levels to assess the
adrenal glands do not
the balance of fluids and produce enough effectiveness of the
electrolytes in and out of Muscle Weakness or supplementation and to
hormones, including
cells. This balance is crucial aldosterone, which Paralysis: High potassium prevent hyperkalemia.
for maintaining normal blood regulates potassium levels can affect muscle Monitor for signs and
pressure and preventing levels. Caution is needed function, leading to symptoms of hyperkalemia,
dehydration. in these cases. including irregular
weakness or even
paralysis. heartbeats, muscle
weakness, or numbness,
In the context of potassium Untreated Adrenal and report any changes
deficiency (hypokalemia), Insufficiency: Potassium promptly.
potassium chloride Numbness or Tingling:
chloride should be used
supplements are used to with caution in Elevated potassium levels
replenish low potassium individuals with may cause numbness or
levels in the body. By Hydration: Encourage
untreated adrenal tingling in the patients to maintain
providing the body with the insufficiency, a condition extremities.
necessary potassium ions, adequate fluid intake
where the adrenal glands unless contraindicated due
potassium chloride helps do not produce enough
restore normal cellular and to an underlying medical
hormones, including
physiological functions, Confusion or Mental condition. Proper hydration
particularly in nerve and Impairment: Severe supports kidney function
muscle cells. hyperkalemia can affect and potassium excretion.
Severe Hemolysis: brain function, leading to
Potassium supplements confusion, mental
should be avoided in Dietary Counseling: Advise
cases of severe hemolysis impairment, or seizures. patients to follow a
(destruction of red blood potassium-balanced diet
cells), as this condition and to avoid excessive
can release excess consumption of high-
Low Blood Pressure
potassium into the potassium foods, especially
bloodstream. (Hypotension): In some
if they are on potassium
cases, potassium
supplements can cause a
Potassium-Sparing drop in blood pressure.
Diuretics: Concurrent use
Patient Education: Educate
of potassium-sparing
patients about the
diuretics (e.g.,
spironolactone, importance of regular
amiloride, triamterene) follow-up appointments
can lead to excessive with their healthcare
potassium levels and provider for potassium
should be done level monitoring and
cautiously, if at all, under adjustment of the dosage if
close medical necessary. Instruct them
supervision. about the risks of taking
too much or too little

Patient Safety: Be aware of

potential drug interactions,
especially with medications
such as potassium-sparing
diuretics or angiotensin-
converting enzyme (ACE)
inhibitors, which can
increase the risk of
Documentation: Accurately
document the
administration, patient
response, serum potassium
levels, and any observed
side effects. Document any
changes in the patient's
condition and report them
to the healthcare team.


BRAND NAME; Prescribed and

recommended dosage;
Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
frequency; route of
Brand Name: PRESCRIBE:
Blocks the effects of Prevention of Contraindicated: CNS: headache, dizziness,  Assess the patient for
ONDANSETRON serotonin at 5-HT, - nausea and hypersensitivity; orally drowsiness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, ab-
PO (Adults and dominal distention.
receptor sites (selective vomiting associated disintegrating tablets weakness.
Children >: And bowel sounds
antagonist) located in with chemotherapy contain aspartame and
Prevention of prior to and follow-
Generic Name: vagal nerve terminals or radiation should not be used in
chemotherapy-induced ing administration.
and the chemoreceptor therapy. patients with
Zofran nausea/vomiting- 8mg  Assess patient for ex-
trigger zone in the phenylketonuria.
30 min prior to GI: constipation, diarrhea, trapyramidal effects
chemotherapy and abdominal pain dry mouth, (involuntary move-
IM,IV; prevention ments, facial grimac-
Therapeutic repeated 8 hr later; 8 increased liver enzymes.
and treatment of Pharmacokinetics: ing, rigidity, shuf-
Classification: mg q12hr may be given
postoperative fling walk, trembling
for 1-2 days following
antiemtics nausea and of hands)
vomiting A: IV administration  Lab test considera-
Prevention of
radiation-induced results in complete NEURO: extrapyramidal tions: may cause
bioavailability; 50% reactions. transient increase in
nausea/vomiting- 8mg
absorbed following oral serum bilirubin,
1-2hr prior to radiation; AST< and ALT lev-
may be repeated q8hr, administration.
depending on type, D: unknown
location, and extent of
radiation. Prevention M&E: extensively
of postoperative metabolized by the liver;
nausea/vomiting- 5% excreted unchanged by
16mg 1 hr before the kidneys.
induction od Half-life: 3.5-5.5hr
PO (Children 4-11yr): Route: PO, IV
Prevention of
Onset: rapid
nausea/vomiting: 4mg Peak: 15-30 min
30 min prior to
chemotherapy and Duration: 4 hr- 8 hr
repeated 4 and 8 hr
later; 4mg q8hr may be
giver for 1-2 days

IV (adults):
prevention of
0,15mg/kg 15-30 min
prior to chemotherapy,
repeated 4 and 8 hr
later, or 32mg single
dose 30 min prior to
chemotherapy (lower
doses have been used).

prevention of
nausea/vomiting- 4mg
before induction of
anesthesia or

IV (Children 4-18yr):
prevention of
nausea/vomiting- 0.15
mg/kg 15-30 min prior
to chemotherapy,
repeated 4 and 8 hr

IV (Children 2-12yr
and < 40kg):
prevention of

IV (Children >40kg):
prevention of
nausea/vomiting- 4mg.

BRAND NAME; Prescribed and

recommended dosage;
Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
frequency; route of
Brand Name: ANALGESIA:

NALBUPHINE Binds to opiate receptors in Moderate to severe pain. Hypersensitivity to nalbuphine CNS: dizziness, headache, sedation,  Assess type, location, ad
the CNS. Alters the Also provides; analgesia or bisulfites; patients who are confusion, dysphoria, euphoria, intensity of pain before
IM, SUBCUT, IV perception of and response during labor, sedation physically dependent on opioid floating feeling, hallucinations, and 1hr after IM or 30
(ADULTS): usual dose is to painful stimuli while before surgery, and have not been detoxified unusual dreams. min (peak) after adminis-
Generic Name: 10mg q3-6hr (single dose producing generalized CNS supplement to balanced (may precipitate in tration.
NUBAIN not exceed 20mg; tota; daily depression. In addition, has anesthesia. withdrawal)  An equianalgesic chart
dose not to exceed 160mg). partial antagonist should be used when
EENT: blurred vision, diplopia, changing routes and or
properties, which may miosis (high doses) when changing from one
Therapeutic result in opioid withdrawal
opioid to another.
Classification: SUPPLEMENT TO in physically dependent
 Assess blood pressure,
RESP: respiratory depression pulse, and respiration’s
ANESTHESIA: before and periodically
Opioid analgesics CV: hypertension, orthostatic during administration. If
A: well absorbed adter IM and hypotension, palpitations. respiratory rate is <10/
IV (ADULTS): Initial – subcut administration min, assess level of seda-
0.3-3 mg/kg over 10-15 tion.
Pharmacologic: D: probably crosses the placenta  Assess previous analgesic
min. maintenance- 0.25- GI: dry mouth, nausea, vomiting,
0.5mg/kg as needed. and ebters breast milk history. Antagonistic
constipation, ileus properties may induce
M&E: mostly metabolized by withdrawal symptoms
Opioid agonists/
the liver and eliminated in the (vomiting, restlessness,
feces via biliary excretion. GU: urinary urgency abdominal cramps, and
Minimal amounts excreted increased blood pressure
unchanged by the kidneys. and temperature) in pa-
tients physically depen-
HALF-LIFE: 5hr DERM: clammy feelings, sweating. dent to opioids.
MISC: physical dependence,  Lab test considerations:
may cause increase
psychological dependence,
serum amylase and lipase
tolerance. concentrations.
Route: IM
Onset: <15min

Peak: 60 min

Duration: 3-6hr

Route: subcut

Onset: <15 min

Peak: unknown

Duration: 3-6hr

Route: IV

Onset: 2-3 min

Peak: 30 min

Duration: 3-6 hr

BRAND NAME; Prescribed and recommended

GENERIC NAME; dosage; frequency; route of
CLASSIFICATION administration Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities

Brand Name: Prevention of Chemotherapy- Blocks dopamine receptors Prevention of Contraindicated in:
Induced Vomiting in chemoreceptor trigger chemotherapy-induced Hypersensitivity; Possible GI
zone of the CNS. emesis. Treatment of obstruction or hemorrhage; CNS: drowsiness, extrapyramidal ● Assess for nausea, vomiting,
Stimulates motility of the postsurgical and diabetic History of seizure disorders; reactions, restlessness, abdominal distention, and
PO, IV (Adults and Children): 1– 2 upper GI tract and gastric stasis. Pheochromocytoma; bowel sounds before and after
accelerates gastric Facilitation of small Parkinson’s disease. SYNDROME, anxiety,
mg/kg 30 min before chemotherapy. administration.
emptying. bowel intubation in depression, irritability, tardive
Additional doses of 1– 2 mg/kg may dyskinesia.
be given q 2– 4 hr, pretreatment with radiographic procedures. ● Assess for extrapyramidal
Generic name: diphenhydramine willpthe risk of Management of Pharmacokinetics side effects (parkinsonian—
extrapyramidal reactions to this dose. gastroesophageal reflux. difficulty speaking or
Metonia, Metozolv Treatment and CV: arrhythmias swallowing, loss of balance
ODT, Reglan prevention of (supraventricular tachycardia, control, pill rolling, mask-like
postoperative nausea and Absorption: Well absorbed bradycardia), hypertension,
Facilitation of Small Bowel face, shuffling gait, rigidity,
vomiting when from the GI tract, from hypotension.
Intubation tremors; and dystonic—
Therapeutic: nasogastric suctioning is rectal mucosa, and from IM
undesirable muscle spasms, twisting
antiemetics sites. Distribution: Widely
motions, twitching, inability to
distributed into body tissues GI: constipation, diarrhea, dry
IV (Adults and Children 14 yr): 10 mouth, nausea.
move eyes, weakness of arms
and fluids. Crosses blood-
mg over 1– 2 min. or legs) periodically
brain barrier and placenta.
throughout course of therapy.
IV (Children 6– 14 yr): 2.5– 5 mg Enters breast milk in
(dose should not exceed 0.5 mg/kg) concentrations greater than Endo: gynecomastia. May occur wk to mo after
over 1– 2 min. plasma. initiation of therapy and are
IV (Children 6 yr): 0.1 mg/kg over reversible on discontinuation.
Metabolism and Hemat: methemoglobinemia,
1– 2 min. Dystonic reactions may occur
Excretion: Partially neutropenia, leukopenia, within minutes of IV infusion
metabolized by the liver; agranulocytosis and stop within 24 hr of
25% eliminated unchanged
Diabetic Gastroparesis discontinuation of
in the urine.
metoclopramide. May be
Half-life: 2.5– 6 hr. treated with 50 mg of IM
PO, IV (Adults): 10 mg 30 min diphenhydramine or
before meals and at bedtime for 2– 8 diphenhydramine 1 mg/kg IV
weeks. Route: IV may be administered
prophylactically 15 min before
Onset: 1–3 min metoclopramide IV infusion.
Gastroesophageal Reflux
Peak: immediate

Duration: 1–2 hr ● Monitor for tardive

PO, IM, IV (Adults): 10– 15 mg 30 dyskinesia (uncontrolled
min before meals and at bedtime (not rhythmic movement of mouth,
to exceed 0.5 mg/kg/day). A single face, and extremities; lip
Route: PO
dose of 20 mg may be given
smacking or puckering;
preventively. Some patients may Onset: 30–60 min puffing of cheeks;
respond to doses as small as 5 mg.
uncontrolled chewing; rapid or
Peak: unknown
worm-like movements of
Duration: 1–2 hr tongue). Usually occurs after a
PO, IM, IV (Neonates , Infants, and
Children): 0.4– 0.8 mg/kg/day in 4 year or more of continued
divided doses. therapy; risk of tardive
Route: IM dyskinesia increases with total
cumulative dose. Report
Onset 10–15 min immediately and discontinue
Postoperative Nausea/Vomiting
metoclopramide; may be
Peak: unknown
IM, IV (Adults and Children 14 Duration: 1–2 hr
yr): 10 mg at the end of surgical
procedure, repeat in 6– 8 hr if needed.
● Monitor for neuroleptic
IM, IV (Children 14 yr): 0.1– 0.2 malignant syndrome
mg/kg/dose, repeat in 6– 8 hr if (hyperthermia, muscle rigidity,
altered consciousness,
irregular pulse or BP,
tachycardia, and diaphoresis).
Treatment of Hiccups

● Assess for signs of

PO, IM (Adults): 10– 20 mg 4 times
daily PO; may be preceded by a depression periodically
single 10-mg dose IM (unlabeled) throughout therapy.
● Lab Test Considerations:
May alter hepatic function test
● May causeqserum prolactin
and aldosterone concentrations



recommended dosage;
frequency; route of Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities

 Drug compatibility
should be monitored
Brand Name: Intravenous (IV) : 20mg Hyoscine-N-butylbromide
closely in patients requir-
in 1ml (solution); Dilute (HNBB) acts by interfering
Buscopan Tablets are Buscopan Tablets should not ing adjunctive therapy
required dose to 10ml with with the transmission of CNS: dizziness, anaphylactic
indicated for the relief be administered to patients  Avoid driving & operat-
Buscopan normal saline. Inject nerve impulses by reactions, anaphylactic shock,
of spasm of the genito- with myasthenia gravis, ing machinery after par-
slowly over 3-5 minutes. acetylcholine in the increased ICP,
urinary tract or gastro- megacolon and narrow angle enteral administration.
Compatible with the parasympathetic nervous disorientation, restlessness,
intestinal tract and for glaucoma. In addition, they  Avoid strict heat
following IV fluids: system. irritability, dizziness,
Generic Name: Hyoscine-N- the symptomatic relief should not be given to patients  Raise side rails as a pre-
Normal saline, 5% glucose drowsiness, headache,
butylbromide Buscopan exerts a of Irritable Bowel with a known hypersensitivity caution because some pa-
glucose and sodium
spasmolytic action on the Syndrome to hyoscine-N-butylbromide or confusion, hallucination, tients become temporar-
chloride; May be given
into the side arm when the smooth muscle of the any other component of the delirium, impaired memory ily excited or disoriented
Classification: Antispasmodic; gastrointestinal, biliary and product. and some develop amne-
above IV fluids are being CV: hypotension, tachycardia,
urinary tracts. As a sia or become drowsy.
Anticholinergic infused. Store at room
quaternary ammonium palpitations, flushing  Reorient patient, as
temperature. Protect from
light. derivative, hyoscine-N- needed, Tolerance may
GI: Dry mouth, constipation,
butylbromide does not develop when therapy is
enter the central nervous nausea, epigastric distress prolonged
system. Therefore, DERM: flushing, dyshidrosis  Atropine-like toxicity
IM or SC: Inject anticholinergic side effects may cause dose related
undiluted into a large at the central nervous GU: Urinary retention, urinary adverse reactions. Indi-
muscle mass or system do not occur. hesitancy vidual tolerance varies
subcutaneously Peripheral anticholinergic greatly
Per-orem effects result from a Resp: dyspnea, bronchial  Overdose may cause cu-
ganglion-blocking action plugging, depressed respiration rare-like effects, such as
Buscopan 10mg (white) within the visceral wall as respiratory paralysis.
well as from anti- EENT: mydriasis, dilated Keep emergency equip-
Gastro-Soothe 10mg pupils, blurred vision,
muscarinic activity. ment available.
(white) photopobia, increased
intraocular pressure, difficulty
of swallowing.

BRAND NAME; Prescribed and

GENERIC NAME; recommended dosage;
CLASSIFICATION frequency; route of Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities

Brand Name: Contraindications and cautions for the use

of NSAIDs include:
Ponstel Oral Inhibition of Relief of signs and CNS: headache, dizziness,  Assess patients
prostaglandin symptoms of rheumatoid Allergy to NSAIDs or salicylate. Prevent somnolence, fatigue
Give with meals, who develop se-
synthesis thereby arthritis and osteoarthriti adverse effects.
food, or milk to CV: hypertension
Generic Name: exerting its anti- s vere diarrhea and
minimize GI adverse Allergy to sulfonamides. Contraindicatio
Mefenamic Acid effects. inflammatory, vomiting for de-
Relief of mild to n with celecoxib.
analgesic, and hydration and
moderate pain GI: nausea, dyspepsia, GI
Do not use drug for a antipyretic effects. CV dysfunction or hypertension. Varying
period exceeding 1 Treatment of primary effects of prostaglandins pain, constipation, diarrhea, electrolyte imbal-
Classification: wk (manufacturer’s dysmenorrhea flatulence ance.
NSAID’s warning) Peptic ulcer or known
Fever reduction GI bleeding. Potential to exacerbate  Lab tests: With
GI bleeding. long-term therapy
Hema: bleeding, platelet
Pregnancy or lactation. Potential adverse inhibition, bone (not recom-
effects on the neonate or mother. marrow depression mended) obtain
Renal or hepatic dysfunction. Can alter periodic complete
metabolism and excretion of the drug. blood counts, Hct
Any other known allergies. Indicate and Hgb, and kid-
increased sensitivity.
ney function tests.

T1/2: -1.8 – 2.5 hrs.
Metabolism: liver
Excretion: urine

Route: PO

Onset: 30 min

Peak: 1-2hr

Duration: 4-6 hr

Route: IV

Onset: start of infusion

Peak: minutes

Duration: 4-6 hr

BRAND NAME; Prescribed and recommended

GENERIC NAME; dosage; frequency; route of
CLASSIFICATION administration
Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities

 Assess BP, pulse, and

respirations before
Brand Name:
and periodically dur-
HYDROcodone/ibuprofen PO (Adults): Analgesic—2.5– 10 Bind to opiate Extended-release Hypersensitivity to CNS: confusion, dizziness, ing administration. If
mg q 3– 6 hr as needed; if using receptors in the CNS. product: hydrocodone (cross- sedation, euphoria, respiratory rate is
combination products, Alter the perception Management of sensitivity may exist to other hallucinations, headache, 10/min, assess level
Generic Name: acetaminophen dosage should not of and response to pain that is severe opioids); Significant unusual dreams. of sedation. Physical
exceed 4 g/day and should not painful stimuli while enough to warrant respiratory depression; stimulation may be
Reprexain EENT: blurred vision, sufficient to prevent
exceed 5 tablets/day of ibuprofen- producing generalized daily, around-the- Paralytic ileus; Acute or
diplopia, miosis. significant hypoventi-
containing products; Antitussive— CNS depression. clock, long-term severe bronchial asthma or
lation. Dose may need
5 mg q 4– 6 hr as needed; Suppress the cough opioid treatment hypercarbia; Congenital long Resp: respiratory to be decreased by
Extended-release (Zohydro ER)— reflex via a direct where alternative QT syndrome (Hysingla depression. 25– 50%. Initial
10 mg q 12 hr; mayqas needed in central action treatment options only); Hypersensitivity to drowsiness will dimin-
Therapeutic: allergy, increments of 10 mg q 12 hr q 3– are inadequate acetaminophen/ibuprofen ish with continued
cold, and cough remedies 7 days; Extendedrelease (for combination products); CV: hypotension, use.
(antitussive), opioid (Hysingla)—20 mg once daily; Ibuprofen-containing bradycardia, QT interval  Assess bowel func-
analgesics mayqas needed in increments of products should be avoided prolongation (Hysingla tion routinely. Preven-
Pharmacologic: opioid 10– 20 mg/day q 3– 5 days. in patients with bleeding tion of constipation
agonists/nonopioid disorders or should be instituted
analgesic combinatio thrombocytopenia; with increased intake
Acetaminophen-containing of fluids and bulk, and
PO (Children): Analgesic (1– 13 GI: constipation, dyspepsia, laxatives to minimize
yr)—0.1– 0.2 mg/ kg q 3– 4 hr. products should be avoided nausea, choking, constipating effects.
Antitussive —0.6 mg/kg/day in patients with severe dysphagia, esophageal Stimulant laxatives
divided q 6– 8 hr; (maximum hepatic or renal disease; obstruction, vomiting. should be adminis-
doses 2 yr: 1.25 mg/dose; 2– 12 Ibuprofen-containing tered routinely if opi-
yr: 5 mg/dose; 12 yr: 10 mg/dose). products should be avoided oid use exceeds 2– 3
in patients undergoing days, unless con-
GU: urinary retention.
coronary artery bypass graft traindicated.
Endo: adrenal insufficiency.
surgery; OB, Lactation:  Pain: Assess type, lo-
Avoid chronic use; Products cation, and intensity
containing alcohol, of pain prior to and 1
Derm: sweating. hr (peak) following
aspartame, saccharin, sugar,
or tartrazine (FDC yellow administration. When
dye #5) should be avoided in titrating opioid doses,
patients who have Misc: physical dependence, increases of 25– 50%
psychological dependence, should be adminis-
hypersensitivity or
tolerance tered until there is ei-
intolerance to these
ther a 50% reduction
compounds in the patient’s pain
rating on a numerical
or visual analogue
scale or the patient
Pharmacokinetics reports satisfactory
pain relief. A repeat
dose can be safely ad-
ministered at the time
Absorption: Well absorbed of the peak if previous
following oral dose is ineffective and
administration. side effects are mini-
 Patients taking ex-
Distribution: Unknown. tended-release hy-
drocodone may re-
quire additional short-
acting or rapid-onset
Metabolism and Excretion:
opioid doses for
Mostly metabolized by the breakthrough pain.
liver; eliminated in the urine Doses of short-acting
(50– 60% as metabolites, opioids should be
10% as unchanged drug). equivalent to 10– 20%
of 24 hr total and
given every 2 hr as
Half-life: 2.2 hr; Extended-  An equianalgesic
release—8 hr. chart (see Appendix J)
should be used when
changing routes or
when changing from
one opioid to an-
 Prolonged use may
lead to physical and
psychological depen-
dence and tolerance.
This should not pre-
vent patient from re-
ceiving adequate
analgesia. Most pa-
tients who receive
opioids for pain do
not develop psycho-
logical dependence. If
progressively higher
doses are required,
consider conversion
to a stronger opioid.
 Assess risk for opioid
addiction, abuse, or
misuse prior to ad-
ministration. Abuse or
misuse of extended-
release preparations
by crushing, chewing,
snorting, or injecting
dissolved product will
result in uncontrolled
delivery of hy-
drocodone and can
result in overdose and
death. Hysingla ER
and Zohydro ER are
abuse deterrent for-
mulations that are
difficult to crush and,
if crushed, result in a
 Cough: Assess cough
and lung sounds dur-
ing antitussive use.
 Lab Test Considera-
tions: May causeq-
plasma amylase and
lipase concentrations.
 Toxicity and Over-
dose: If an opioid an-
tagonist is required to
reverse respiratory
depression or coma,
naloxone is the anti-
dote. Dilute the 0.4-
mg ampule of nalox-
one in 10 mL of 0.9%
NaCl and administer
0.5 mL (0.02 mg) by IV
push every 2 min. For
children and patients
weighing 40 kg, dilute
0.1 mg of naloxone in
10 mL of 0.9% NaCl
for a concentration of
10 mcg/mL and ad-
minister 0.5 mcg/kg
every 2 min. Titrate
dose to avoid with-
drawal, seizures, and
severe pain


BRAND NAME; Prescribed and

recommended dosage;
Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
frequency; route of
Brand Name:
CELECOXIB PO (Adults): Inhibits the enzyme COX- Relief of signs and Contraindicated in: CNS: dizziness, headache, ● Assess range of motion,
Osteoarthritis—200 mg 2. This enzyme is required symptoms of Hypersensitivity; Cross- insomnia. degree of swelling, and pain in
once daily or 100 mg for the synthesis of osteoarthritis, sensitivity may exist with affected joints before and
twice daily. Rheumatoid prostaglandins. Has rheumatoid arthritis, other NSAIDs, including periodically throughout therapy.
Generic Name:
arthritis—100– 200 mg analgesic, anti- ankylosing spondylitis, aspirin; History of allergic- CV: HF, MYOCARDIAL
CeleBREX twice daily. Ankylosing
inflammatory, and and juvenile type reactions to INFARCTION, STROKE,
spondylitis—200 mg once
daily or 100 mg twice
antipyretic properties. rheumatoid arthritis. sulfonamides; History of THROMBOSIS, edema, ● Assess patient for allergy to
Management of acute asthma, urticaria, or allergic- sulfonamides, aspirin, or
daily; dose may be hypertension.
Therapeutic: pain including primary type reactions to aspirin or NSAIDs. Patients with these
increase after 6 wk to 400 allergies should not receive
antirheumatics, dysmenorrhea. other NSAIDs, including the
mg daily. Acute pain, celecoxib.
nonsteroidal anti- aspirin triad (asthma, nasal GI: GI BLEEDING, abdominal
including dysmenorrhea
inflammatory — 400 mg initially, then a polyps, and severe pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia,
agents 200-mg dose if needed on hypersensitivity reactions to flatulence, nausea.
Pharmacologic: ● Assess patient for skin rash
the first day; then 200 mg aspirin); Advanced renal
COX-2 inhibitors frequently during therapy.
twice daily as needed. disease; Severe hepatic
Discontinue at first sign of rash;
dysfunction; Coronary artery Derm: EXFOLIATIVE may be lifethreatening. Stevens-
bypass graft (CABG) surgery; DERMATITIS, STEVENS- Johnson syndrome may develop.
Hepatic Impairment OB: Should not be used in JOHNSON SYNDROME, TOXIC Treat symptomatically; may
late pregnancy (may cause EPIDERMAL NECROLYSIS, rash. recur once treatment is stopped.
premature closure of the
PO (Adults): Moderate ductus arteriosus).
hepatic impairment ● Lab Test Considerations: May
F and E: hyperkalemia.
(ChildPugh Class B)— causeqAST and ALT levels.
decrease dose by 50%.

● May cause hypophosphatemia,

PO (Children >2 yr, >10 hyperkalemia, andq BUN
kg, <25 kg): Juvenile
rheumatoid arthritis—50
mg twice daily. PO
(Children >2 yr, >25 kg):
Juvenile rheumatoid Pharmacokinetics
arthritis—100 mg twice

Absorption: Bioavailability

Distribution: 97% bound to

plasma proteins; extensive
tissue distribution.

Metabolism and Excretion:

Mostly metabolized by the
hepatic CYP2C9 isoenzyme;
the CYP2C9 enzyme system
exhibits genetic
polymorphism; poor
metabolizers may have
concentrations and anqrisk of
adverse effects; 3% excreted
unchanged in urine and
feces. Half-life: 11 hr.

Route: PO
Onset: 24–48 hr

Peak: unknown

Duration: 12–24 hr†

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