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Nauwakhap alounja khurd
final examination 2023 -24
Class -6th
Subject –S ST
Time : 3 hour F.M.80
A. Short answer type question 3x5=15
i) Name deffrence types of maps?
ii) What is the location of Africa
iii) Why did the early people begain to live along the banks of rivers?
iv) What are the two main kinds of sources of history?
b) Long answer types question 5x5=25
i) What is a sketch ? give a sketch of your locality?
ii) What is the important of oceans?
iii) Describe any two archaeogical source of history ?
iv) Why did the early people have to travel?
c) Match the columms 2x5=10
Archaeological Sources Arctic ocean
Sahara Dessert Agriculture developrd
Garo Hills Remains of building
Icebergs Australia
Island continent Africa

D) state true or false 2x5=10

i) Symbol or sign in a map are very usefeel .

ii) Europe is also called white countinet .
iii) In india acident people lived along the banks of the River Narmda .
iv) Coin aften bear image of gods and godess.
v) Animal rearing was not taken up by early people in india .

E) Fill in the blank 2x5=10

i) The early people began a to grow crops such as_______and _______ .

ii) About 500 BC a number of cities came of in india and the _______.

iii) _______ is a largest countinet in the world .

iv) Tropic of cancer passes through ________ countinet .

F) These states are shown in the india map : 2x5 = 10

a) Jharkhand
b) Gujrat
c) Rajstan
d) Aasam
e) Karnatka

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