Psych135 Week 2 Notes

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WEEK 2 - Visual pigment

o Light-sensitive chemicals
CHAPTER 3 o React to light & trigger electrical signals
The Eye and Retina
Retinitis pigmentosa Optic nerve
- Genetic disorder of the eye resulting in total blindness - Where signals emerge from the receptors
- Conduct signals toward the brain
Bionic eye
- Array of electrodes implanted in the back of eye that
(through cam in glasses) sends signals to visual
system of what is “out there”

First 4 steps of visual process

Light, the Eye, and the Visual Receptors

The ability to see anything depends on the light being reflected.

Light: The Stimulus for Vision

Visible light
- A band of energy within the electromagnetic spectrum From the rod & cone distributions, we can conclude that
- Energy that humans can perceive 1. The fovea contains only cones. When we look directly
- Has wavelengths ranging from 400-700nm (1nm = 10- at an object, its image falls on this.
9 meters)
2. The peripheral retina (includes all retina outside of
- For humans & other animals, its wavelengths are fovea) contains both rods and cones
associated w different colors of spectrum (short = B, 3. The peripheral retina contains more rods than cones
middle = G, long = YOR) bc there are 120M rods and 6M cones in retina

Electromagnetic spectrum Macular degeneration

- Continuum of electromagnetic energy produced by - Most common in elders
electric charges and radiated as waves - Destroys the cone-rich fovea and a small area that
- Energy can be described by its wavelength surrounds it
o Distance between peaks of electromagnetic - Macula is usually associated with medical practice
waves that includes fovea + small area surrounding
o Short gamma rays (10-12 meters) to long - Ex. when looking directly at something, u lose sight of
radio waves (104 meters) it

The Eye
- Contain receptors for vision
- First eyes
o Appeared in Cambrian period (500-700
million years ago)
o Eyespots on primitive animals (ex.
flatworms) that can distinguish light from
Retinitis pigmentosa
- Degeneration of retina passed from 1 generation to
the next (but NOT always affecting everyone in fam)
- First attacks peripheral rod receptors, resulting in poor
- Light reflected from objects in environment enteres
vision in peripheral field
the eye through this
Blind spot
Cornea lens
- Place of absence of photoreceptors
- Focuses on the light to form sharp images of the
- Where the nerve fibers that make up the optic nerve
leave the eye
- Network of neurons that covers the back of the eye
and contains photoreceptors

- Receptors for vision
- 2 types
o Rods
o Cones Why are we not usually aware of the blind spot?
- Outer segments 1. It is located off the side of our visual field
o Rod- and cone-shaped 2. A mechanism in the brain “fills in” the place where
o Part of receptor that contains visual pigment image disappears
o Occurs in photoreceptors (rods & cones) and
Focusing Light Onto the Retina transforms light into electricity
2-element optical system of light being reflected and focused o ^ create electricity bc of millions of molecules
onto retina of light-sensitive visual pigment contained in
1. Cornea (transparent covering, 80% of eye’s focusing outer segments of photoreceptors
power, fixed place so cannot adjust focus)
2. Lens (remaining 20%, can change shape to adjust 2 parts of visual pigments
focus) 1. Opsin (long protein)
2. Retinal (smaller light-sensitive component; CRUCIAL
Ciliary muscles part bc when combined with opsin, the molecule
- Increase the focusing power of lens (its ability to bend absorbs visible light)
light) by increasing its curvature

More than 20 feet away

- Parallel light rays

- Change in the lens’s shape that occurs when the
ciliary muscles at the front tighten & increase the
curvature of the lens so it gets thicker
- Increased curvature = increased bending of light rays Steps in transduction
(focus is pulled from point B back to A) 1. When light hits retina, the visual pigment molecule
absorbs it
2. Retinal changes its shape from bent to straight
3. Isomerization creates chemical reaction, activating
thousands of charged molecules to create electrical
signals in receptors
4. The initial isomerization of 1 visual pigment molecule
can lead to activation of entire photoreceptor
5. Electrical signal is created

2 aspects of visual perception

1. How we adjust to darkness
2. How well we see light in diff parts of spectrum

Adapting to the Dark

Dark adaptation
- Process of increasing sensitivity in the dark

Dark adaptation curve

Refractive Errors
- Measures dark adaptation
Refractive errors
- Errors that can affect the ability of cornea and/or lens
Measuring the Dark Adaptation Curve
to focus the visual input onto the retina
1. Looking at small fixation point, while paying attention
to flashing test light at the side
2. Main image falls on the fovea, and test light image
- “old eye”
falls to the side: peripheral retina
- Age-related loss of ability to accommodate
- Can be dealt with wearing glasses

- Nearsightedness
- Inability to see distant objects clearly
- Affects more than 70M Americans
- Optical system brings parallel rays of light into focus
in front of retina, so the image that reaches retina is
- Caused by 2 factors
o Refractive myopia – cornea/lens bends light
too much
o Axial myopia – eyeball is too long
- Corrective lenses
Hyperopia - Sensitivity = 1/threshold
- Farsightedness - High threshold = low sensitivity
- Have trouble seeing nearby objects
- Focus point for parallel is located behind the retina (bc Light-adapted sensitivity
eyeball is too short) - Sensitivity measured in the light (while the eyes are
- Young people = accommodating, older people = adapted to the light)
corrective lenses
Photoreceptor Processes
Transforming Light Energy Into Electrical Energy
- Transformation of 1 form of energy into another form
- Visual transduction
- Bleached pigment’s separated retinal & opsin can no
longer be recombined

Spectral Sensitivity
Spectral sensitivity
- Eye’s sensitivity to light as a function of the light’s
- Measured by spectral sensitivity curve
o Relationship between wavelength and

Spectral Sensitivity Curves

Monochromatic light
- Light of single wavelength
- Created by special filters or spectrometer

Cone spectral sensitivity

- Measured by making participant look directly at test
2 phases that sensitivity increases
light, so it stimulates only cones in fovea
1. It increases rapidly for first 3-4 minutes after light is
extinguished, then levels off
Rod spectral sensitivity
2. It increases again at 7-10 minutes until he has been in
- Measured by presenting test flashes in peripheral
the dark for 20-30 minutes
Dark-adapted sensitivity
- Sensitivity at the end of dark adaptation
- 10,000 greater than the light-adapted sensitivity
measured before dark adaptation

The first part of dark adaptation is caused by cones, the

second is rods.

- More sensitive to light at beginning of dark adaptation,
so they control our vision during early stages
Rods vs Cones
Rod monochromats - R more sensitive to short-wavelength light 500nm; C
- People who have no cones bc of rare genetic defect more sensitive to light of 560nm
- R more sensitive in dark; C more sensitive in light
Dark adaptation process - Cone pigment regenerates faster than Rod pigment
1. When light is extinguished, the sensitivity of both
cones and rods increase As vision shifts from cones to rods, our vision shifts to become
2. But bc the cones are more sensitive, we see with more sensitive to short-wavelength light—near blue & green.
cones right after the lights are turned out
3. After 3-5 minutes, cones have reached maximum Purkinje shift
sensitivity - Johann Purkinje
4. By 7 minutes, the rods’ sensitivity finally catches up, - Enhanced perception of short wavelengths during
becoming more sensitive than cones dark adaptation
- Ex. blue flower being brighter than red in your dark-
Rod-cone break adapted eye
- Place where rods begin to determine dark adaptation
curve instead of cones Rod- and Cone-Pigment Absorption Spectra
Absorption spectrum
Visual Pigment Regeneration - Plot of the amount of light absorbed vs wavelength of
Visual pigment bleaching light
- Change in shape & separation from opsin
- Causes molecule to become lighter in color 3 absorption cone pigments
- Thus, no longer useful for vision 1. Short-wavelength pigment (S) – absorbs light at 419
Visual pigment regeneration 2. Medium-wavelength pigment (M) – 531 nm
- Process of reforming the visual pigment molecule 3. Long-wavelength pigment (L) – 558 nm
- Occurs more rapidly in cones than rods
- Cone pigment = 6 minutes, rod pigment = more than
30 minutes

2 important connections between perception & physiology

1. Out sensitivity to light depends on concentration of
chemical – visual pigment
2. The speed at which out sensitivity increases in the
dark depends on chemical reaction – regeneration

Pigment epithelium
- Layer containing enzymes necessary for pigment
regeneration The increase in sensitivity occurring in the dark (dark
adaptation) and the sensitivity to diff wavelengths across the
Detached retina spectrum (spectral sensitivity) are determined by the properties
- Occurs due to traumatic injuries of eye or head of rod & cone visual pigments.
What Happens as Signals Travel Through the Retina
Rod and Cone Convergence
Neural circuits
- Interconnected groups of neurons

Bipolar cells (B)

- Where signals generated in receptors (R) travel to

Ganglion cells (G)

- Where signals travel to after ^
- Have long axons
o They transmit signals out of retina in the
optic nerve

2 types of neurons that connect neurons across retina

1. Horizontal cells
2. Amacrine cells The cones’ lack of convergence causes cone vision to have
higher acuity than rod vision. (bc 2 separate ganglion cells fire)
Perception Is Shaped by Neural Convergence
Neural convergence High convergence = high sensitivity but poor acuity (rods)
- Occurs when a number of neurons synapse onto a Low convergence = low sensitivity but high acuity (cones)
single neuron
- Occurs in retina (bc each eye has 126 million Ganglion Cell Receptive Fields
photoreceptors but only 1 million ganglion cells, thus Hartline’s Discovery of Receptive Fields
each ganglion cell receives signals from 126 H. Keffer Hartline
photoreceptors) - Isolated 1 ganglion cell axon in the opened eyecup of
frog by teasing apart the optic nerve
The signals from the rods converge more than the signals from
cones. 120 rods send signals to 1 ganglion cell, but only 6 Receptive field
cones send signals. - Region of retina that must receive illumination to
obtain a response in any given fiber
2 differences in perception - Area that caused the neuron to fire the ganglion cell
1. The rods result in better sensitivity than cones - Ganglion cell’s receptive field covers greater area
2. The cones result in better detail vision than the rods than single photoreceptor
- Ex. football field (retina) analogy with spectators
Convergence Causes the Rods to Be More Sensitive Than the (ganglion cell) having binoculars and viewing small
Cones areas (receptive fields) each
Greater sensitivity of rods
- Bc it takes less light to generate a response from an Kuffler’s Discovery of Center-Surround Receptive Fields
individual rod receptor than cone receptor Stephen Kuffler
- Bc rods have greater convergence than cones - Measured ganglion cell receptive fields in cat
- Cat and other mammals’ (monkeys & humans)
ganglion cells have center-surround receptive fields

Center-surround receptive fields

- Arranged like concentric circles in a center-surround
- The area in the “center” of receptive field responds
differently to light than area in the “surround”

Unit of excitation
- When a photoreceptor is stimulated by 1 spot of light
- It takes 10 units for ganglion cell to fire
- 10-unit threshold
- Ex. spots of light with 1 intensity = rod ganglion cell
receives 5 units of excitation (1 from each rod
receptor); cone ganglion cell receives only 1 (1 from
each cone receptor) BUT not enough to fire
Excitatory-center, inhibitory-surround receptive field
It takes less light to stimulate a ganglion cell receiving inputs - Excitatory area
from rods. (bc they converge) o Presenting spot of light to center increases
Less Convergence Causes the Cones to Have Better Acuity - Inhibitory area
Than the Rods o Stimulation of surround causes decreases
Visual acuity firing
- Acuity refers to the ability to see details
- Cones have better/high visual acuity bc of less Inhibitory-center, excitatory-surround receptive field
convergence - Inhibition when center is stimulated, excitation when
- Ex. scanning for an item with cone-rich fovea (used surround is stimulated
when u need to look directly at something), not clear
in periphery Center-surround antagonism
- Ex. bookshelf turning dark at the bottom (color vision - Effect where response begins to decrease when the
and detail depends on the cones) size of the spot is increased so it stimulates part of the
inhibitory surround (c) and (d)
Foveal cones vs Peripheral cones
- FC tightly packed; PC widely spaced
- Stimulation of inhibitory surround counteracts the - Although the intensity is same, the perception of light
center’s excitatory response, causing a DECREASE is NOT
in neuron’s firing rate
Chevreul illusion
- Michel-Eugene Chevreul
o Became interested in how placing colors side
by side can alter their appearance
- Perceived light and dark bands at the borders which
are NOT present in the actual physical stimuli

Mach bands
- Ernst Mach
- Borders where light and dark bands are created at
Lateral inhibition
- Inhibition transmitted across the retina (literally)

Lateral Inhibition Underlies Center-Surround Antagonism

- Horseshow crab
- The structure of its eye makes it possible to stimulate
individual receptors
- Its eye is made up of hundreds of tiny structures
called ommatidia
o Each ommatidium has small lens on eye’s
surface located directly over single receptor
o Each lens & receptor is diameter of a pencil
point (larger compared to human receptors)

Perception is the outcome of neural processing – neural

processing that occurs in the center-surround receptive fields
in retina.

Lateral plexus
- Transmits signals laterally in the Limulus

Center-Surround Receptive Fields and Edge Enhancement

Edge enhancement
- Increase in perceived contrast at borders between
regions of the visual field
- Helps make edges look more distinct so we can see
them more easily

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