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WEEK 3 Visual receiving area

- Occipital lobe
CHAPTER 4 - Place where signals from the retina and LGN first
The Visual Cortex and Beyond reach the cortex
Tatsuji Inouye - Also called striate cortex bc it has a striped
- Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 appearance when viewed in cross section, or area V1
- Treated soldiers who survived gunshot wounds to to indicate that it is the first visual area in the cortex
- The area of the head that was injured was correlated Receptive Fields of Neurons in the Visual Cortex
with the area of vision that was lost David Hubel and Thorsten Wiesel
- Ex. bullet on right side = visual impairments on left - Made substantial contributions to the study of
side of visual field receptive fields
- Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1981
From Retina to Visual Cortex - Instead of shining light directly to animal’s eye, they
Pathway to the Brain had animals look at SCREEN on which they projected
o Advantage bc it is easier to control, sharper,
and easier to present complex stimuli (faces)

The receptive field is always on the receptor surface (no matter

where the neuron is) because that is where the stimuli are

Optic chiasm
- Location where visual signals from both eyes meet
after leaving the back of the eye in the optic nerve
- X-shaped bundle of fibers on the underside of brain
- Where some fibers cross to the opposite side of the
brain they came from
o This crossing results to = all fibers
corresponding to the right visual field end up
on the left hemisphere and vice versa

Contralateral The cells in striate cortex with center-surround receptive fields

- Opposite / pertaining to the other side have excitatory and inhibitory areas.

Simple cortical cells

- Cells with side-by-side receptive fields
- Respond best to a vertical bar (firing increases when
bar illuminates the excitatory area, but decreases
when tilted to inhibitory)
- Many respond best to moving barlike stimuli with
specific orientations

Both eyes can see both visual fields

Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) Orientation tuning curve

- Where approximately 90% of signals from retina - Relationship between orientation and firing
proceed - Determined by measuring responses of a simple
- Neurons here have center-surround receptive fields cortical cell to bars with diff orientations
- Located in thalamus of each hemisphere
o Relay station where incoming sensory info Complex cells
makes a stop before reaching cerebral - Most respond only when a correctly oriented bar of
cortex light moves across the entire receptive field
- (simple cells respond to small spots / stationary
Superior colliculus stimuli)
- Where other 10% of fibers travel to - Their receptive fields are indicated by outlining the
- Structure involved in controlling eye movements area that, when stimulated, elicits a response in the
neuron (not + and -)
Characteristics of LGN:
1. The signal sent from the LGN to the cortex is smaller End-stopped cells
than the input the LGN receives from retina; thus, it - Another type of cell in visual cortex
regulates neural info as it flows from the retina to the - Fires to moving lines of a specific length or to moving
cortex corners or angles
2. It receives more signals from the cortex than retina - Responds best to a medium-sized corner that is
moving up
- “backward” flow of info that can be involved in As we travel farther from the retina, neurons fire to more
regulation of information complex stimuli.

Retinal ganglion cells

- Respond best to spots of light

Cortical end-stopped cells

- Respond best to bars of a certain length moving in a
particular direction
The selective adaptation experiment is measuring how a
physiological effect (adapting the feature detectors that
respond to a specific orientation) causes a perceptual result
(decrease in sensitivity to that orientation).

Selective Rearing
Selective rearing
- If an animal is reared in an environment that contains
only certain types of stimuli, the neurons that respond
best to these stimuli will become more prevalent

Neural plasticity or experience-dependent plasticity

- The response properties of neurons can be shaped by
perceptual experience
- Ex. rearing an animal in environment that contains
only vertical lines should result in them having simple
cells that respond predominantly to verticals
Feature detectors
Adaptation is a short-term effect; selective rearing is a longer-
- Simple, complex, and end-stopped cells
term effect.
- Bc they fire in response to specific features of the
Colin Blakemore and Grahame Cooper
- Placed kittens in striped tubes to expose them with
The Role of Feature Detectors in Perception
only 1 orientation for 5 hrs a day
Stimulus-physiology relationship
- They sat in a Plexiglas platform, so the tube extended
- Neurons responding to oriented lines
above and below them
- They paid attention to either vertical/horizontal rod

Spatial Organization in the Visual Cortex

“neural maps”
- The organized form when objects are transformed into
electrical signals
- Thus objects near each other on the retina are
represented by neural signals near each other in the

The Neural Map in the Striate Cortex (V1)

Physiology-behavior relationship
- Necessary to demonstrate a link between physiology
and perception
- Ex. selective adaptation

Selective Adaptation
Selective adaptation
- Firing causes neurons to eventually become fatigued,
or adapt
- 2 physiological effects
o The neuron’s firing rate decreases
o The neuron fires less when that stimulus is Retinotopic map
immediately presented again - Electronic map of the retina on the cortex
- Ex. presenting a vertical line causes neurons to - 2 points close on the object & on the retina will
respond, but they eventually begin to fire less activate neurons that are close in the brain
- Adaptation is selective bc only the neurons that were
responding to verticals adapt, and neurons that were Cortical magnification
not firing do not adapt - Apportioning of a large area on the cortex to the small
Contrast threshold - More space is devoted to areas of the retina near the
- Minimum intensity difference between 2 adjacent bars fovea
that can just be detected - (the electrical signals associated with the leaves are
- Measured by changing the intensity difference allotted more space on the cortex than signals located
between the light & dark bars until they can barely be off to the side—in the periphery)
seen - Ex. distance between A & B
- Receives info about all possible orientations that fall
Cortical magnification factor within a small area of retina; thus it is well suited for
- Size of cortical magnification processing info from a small area in the visual field
- Fovea = 0.01% of retina’s area, but signals from fovea
= 8-10% of retinotopic map on cortex How V1 Neurons and Columns Underlie Perception of a
The cortical representation of a stimulus does not have to
resemble the stimulus; it just has to contain info that represents
the stimulus.

Robert Dougherty & coworkers

- Participants in fMRI scanner looked at center of
- Stimulus light was presented in 2 places: near the
center (red) which illuminated fovea; farther from
center (blue) which illuminated peripheral retina
- Stimulation of small area activated a greater area on
cortex (red) than stimulation of larger area in
periphery (blue)

- Effect where columns cover the entire visual field

Visual field
- Is served by adjacent (and often overlapping) location

The idea that each part of a scene is represented by activity in

many location columns means that a scene containing many
Cortical magnification means when you objects is represented in the striate cortex by a complex
look at a scene, the info if where you are pattern of firing.
looking at takes up a larger space on
your visual cortex than the are on the Beyond the Visual Cortex
side. After being processed in the striate cortex (V1), the visual
signal proceeds to other visual areas in the occpitial lobe.

Exastriate cortex
- Areas outside of the striate cortex
- V2, V3, V4, V5
The Cortex Is Organized in Columns
Location and Orientation Columns
Location columns
- Striate cortex is organized into this
- Perpendicular to the surface of the cortex
- Perpendicular to the surface of the cortex, so all
neurons within a location column have their receptive
fields at the same loc on the retina

Not only neurons had receptive fields of the same location, but
they preferred stimuli with the same orientation.

Orientation columns Heirarchy of exastriate cortex areas

- Each column contains cells that respond best to a - Builds up as we move up, adding more aspects of the
particular orientation visual scene such as corners, colors, motions, shape

Streams for Information About What and Where

Ungerleider and Mishkin
- Used a technique called ablation (lesioning) to better
understand the functional organization of the visual
- Presented monkeys with 2 tasks
o Object discrimintaion problem – shown 1
object (rectangle) and presented with 2-
choice task
o Landmark discrimination problem – remove
cover of food that was closest to the
One Location Column: Many Orientation Columns “landmark” (tall cylnder)
1-mm dimension Ablation
- Size of 1 location column - Destruction or removal of tissue in the nervous
- Means that 1 location column is large enough to system
contian orientation columns that cover all possible - Either by surjery or chemical that destroys tissue
What pathway
Hypercolumn - Ventral pathway (lower part)
- Location column with all of its orientation columns - Pathway from striate cortex to temporal lobe
- Responsible for determining the object’s identity
Where pathway
- Dorsal pathway (upper part)
- Pathway leading from striate cortex to parietal lobe
- Responsible for determining object’s location

Perception & action are served by diff mechanisms

Higher-Level Neurons
Responses of Neurons in Inferotemporal Cortex
Inferotemporal (IT) cortex
- Area in temporal lobe
- The incease in receptive field size (when moving to
higher levels) continues through the what stream so
that neurons in IT cortex have the largest receptive
o large enough to encompass whole objects in
It is important to note that one’s visua fields
1. The pathways are NOT totally separated but have
connections between them
2. Signals flow not only “up” the pathway from the
occpitial to parietal & temporal but “BACK” as well

Streams for Information About What and How

Dorsal stream
- Provides information about how to direct action with
regard to a stimulus

Evidence that dorsal stream is involved in how to direct action:

1. The discovery of neurons in parietal cortex that
respond when a monkey looks at an object
2. “ when it reaches toward the object

The Behavior of Patient D.F.

- A 34 year old woman who suffered damage to her
ventral pathway from carbon monoxide poisoning
caused by a gas leak
- Unable to match the orientation of a card to diff
orientations of a slot
- But when she was asked to “mail” the card through
the slot, she could
- Thus she performed poorly in static orientation-
matching task but did well as soon as action was
involved Charles Gross
- Discovery of IT neuron specificity—an idea later
supported by studies finding face-selective neurons
grouped together in IT cortex

How pathway or action pathway Hippocampus

- Dorsal pathway - Area associated with forming & storing memories
- Bc it determines how a person carries out an action
Where Perception Meets Memory
The Behavior of People Without Brain Damage Medial temporal lobe (MTL)
Ganel & coworkers presented 2 tasks: - Parahippocampal cortex, entorhinal cortex,
1. Length estimation task – indicate how they perceive hippocampus
the lines’ length by spreading their thumb & index - Some signals leaving the IT cortex reach these
finger structures (which are important for memory)
2. Grasping task – reach toward the lines & grasp each
line by its ends
Perceiving Objects and Scenes
Object recognition
- Process where the computer had to detect the objects
in the image and match those objects to existing
stored representations of what those objects are
- Ex. boy with toothbrush = boy with baseball bat

Why Is It So Difficult to Design a Perceiving Machine?

The Stimulus on the Receptors Is Ambiguous
Inverse projection problem
- Task of determining the object responsible for a
particular image on the retina
- Bc it involves starting with the retinal image and
extending rays out from the eye

But it is possible that the 2D image on the retina may NOT

accurately reflect what is “out there” in the environment.

Objects Can Be Hidden or Blurred

People easily understand that the part of an object that is
covered continues to exist, and they are able to use their
knowledge of the environment to determine what is likely to be

People are able to recognize objects that are not in sharp

focus, like blurred faces, but computers perform poorly in this

Objects Look Different From Different Viewpoints

Viewpoint invariance
- Ability to recognize an object seen from different
- This task is difficult for computers
- Ex. eraser in diff angles na example ni maam ana

Perceptual Organization
Perceptual organization
- Process where elements in a person’s visual field
become perceptually grouped and segregated to
create a perception
- Incoming stimulation is organized into coherent units
such as objects

2 components of perceptual organization process:

1. Grouping – process where elements in a visual scene
are “put together” into coherent units or objects
2. Segregation – process of separating 1 area or object
from another

The Gestalt Approach to Perceptual Grouping

Gestalt psychologists
- Gestalt means “configuration”; How are configurations
formed from smaller elements?
- Rejected the idea that perceptions were formed only
by “adding up” sensations

- Approach before Gestalt
- Wilhelm Wundt
- Distinguished between sensations (elementary
processes that occur in response to stimulation of the
senses) and perceptions (more complex conscious
experiences such as awareness of objects)
Max Wertheimer - Ex. we see the display as 5 circles, not as more
- Provided an observation that led to rejection of idea complicated shapes
that perceptions were formed only by “adding up”
sensations; apparent movement

Apparent Movement
- Mechanical device that creates illusion of movement
by rapidly alternating 2 slightly different pics

Apparent movement
- Although movement is perceived, nothing is actually

Wertheimer’s 2 conclusions from apparent movement:

1. Apparent movement can’t be explained by sensations Similarity
alone, because there is nothing in the dark space Principle of similarity
between flashing lights - “Similar things appear to be grouped together”
2. The whole is different than the sum of its parts - Grouping can occur bc of similarity in color, shape,
(because the perceptual system creates the size, or orientation
perception of movement where there is actually none) - Grouping can also occur for auditory stimuli
Illusory Contours
Illusory contours
- There are actually no physical edges present
- Sensations can’t explain illusory contours because
there are NO sensations along the contours

Proximity (Nearness)
Principle of proximity
- “Things that are near each other appear to be
grouped together”
- Ex. 3 separate groups of candles

The idea that the whole is diff from the sum of its parts led
Gestalt psychologists to propose principles to explain the way
elements are grouped together.

Gestalt Principles of Perceptual Organization Common Fate

Principles of perceptual organization Principle of common fate
- Determine how elements in a scene become grouped - “Things that are moving in the same direction appear
together to be grouped together”
- Ex. flock of birds
Good Continuation - Can work even if objects in a group are dissimilar
Principle of good continuation (basta na move ha same direction)
- “Points that, when connected, result in straight or
smoothly curving lines are seen as belonging Additional principles proposed by modern perceptual
together, and the lines tend to be seen in such a way psychologists:
as to follow the smoothest path.” Common Region
- Ex. the path from A does not go to C or D because Principle of common region
those paths would violate good continuation by - “Elements that are within the same region of space
making sharp turns appear to be grouped together”
- “Objects that are partially covered by other objects are - Ex. (a) even though circles INSIDE the ovals are
seen as continuing behind the covering object.” farther apart than the circles next to each other, we
see the circles inside as belonging together
- This principle overpowers proximity (bc proximity
would predict that nearby circles will be perceived

Uniform Connectedness
Principle of uniform connectedness
- “A connected region of the same visual properties,
such as lightness, color, texture, or motion, is
perceived as a single unit”
- Ex. (b) the connected circles are perceived as
grouped together
- Connectedness overpowers proximity

- “good figure” in German
- Principle of good figure or principle of simplicity
- “Every stimulus pattern is seen in such a way that the
resulting structure is as simple as possible”
Perceptual Segregation The Role of Perceptual Principles and Experience in
Figure-ground segregation Determining Which Area Is Figure
- One approach to studying perceptual segregation Gestalt psychologists believed that although perception can be
- When we see a separate object, it is usually seen as affected by experience, built-in principles can override
a figure that stands out from its background, which is experience.
called the ground
- Ex. book/papers as figure, surface of desk as ground

Properties of Figure and Ground

Reversible figure-ground
- Edgar Rubin (1915)
- Ex. picture can be perceived alternately as either 2
dark blue faces in front of gray background or a gray
vase in front of dark blue background

The figure must stand out from the ground before it can be
recognized. Thus, the figure has to be separated from the
ground before we assign a meaning to the figure.

Recognition by Components
Recognition by components (RBC) theory
- Irving Biederman (1980s)
Some properties of figure and ground: - This theory states that objects are comprised of
1. The figure is more “thinglike” and more memorable individual geometric components called geons, and
than ground (ex. seeing vase as an object will more we recognize objects based on the arrangement of
likely make u remember it) these geons
2. The figure is seen as being in front of the ground o Building blocks of objects
3. Near the borders it shares with the figure, the ground o 3D shapes like pyramids, cubes, cylinders
is seen as an unformed material, without a specific - Biederman proposed that there are 36 geons
shape, and seems to extend behind the figure
4. The border separating the figure from the ground
appears to belong to the figure

Border ownership
- Property of border belonging to 1 area

Properties of the Image That Determine Which Area Is Figure

Figural cues
- Specified by Gestalt psychologists Important aspects of RBC theory:
- They specified a number of these within the image 1. It accounts for viewpoint invariance
that determine which areas are perceived as figure 2. It provides a simple & elegant way of approaching
object perception that included viewpoint invariance
While the principles of organizations determine how elements 3. But there are many aspects of object perception that
of an image are grouped together, figural cues determine how RBC theory can’t explain (ex. grouping, organization)
an image is segregated into figure and ground. 4. It does not allow for distinguishing between objects
within a given category (ex. 2 diff types of mugs with
Shaun Vecera and coworkers (2002) same shape)
- Confirmed experimentally the idea that areas lower in
the field of view are more likely to be perceived as Perceiving Scenes and Objects in Scenes
figure Scene
- Briefly flashed stimuli and determined which area was - View of a real-world environment that contains
seen as figure (red or green) o Background elements
- They concluded that there is a preference for seeing o Multiple objects that are organized in a
objects lower in the display as figure (bc it is typical of meaningful way relative to each other and
scenes we perceive everyday) the background

Objects are acted upon, whereas scenes are extended in

space and are acted within. (ex. if we are walking and mailing a
letter, we are acting upon the mailbox and acting within the

Perceiving the Gist of a Scene

Gist of a scene
- Despite the size and complexity, you can identify
important properties of most scenes after viewing
them for only a fraction of a second
- Ex. flipping TV channels
Mary Peterson and Elizabeth Salvagio (2008)
Mary Potter (1976)
- Demonstrated that figures are more likely to be
- Her observers can view 16 rapidly presented pictures
perceived on the convex side of borders (borders that
accurately even when they were only flashed for only
bulge outward)
250 ms = ¼ second)
- Segregation is determined not by just what is
- Ex. “girl clapping” description
happening at a single border, but by what is
happening in the wider scene
Li Fei-Fei and coworkers (2007)
- Presented pics of scenes for exposures ranging from
27 ms – 500 ms and asked observers to write
- Used procedure called masking to be sure they saw
pictures for exactly the desired duration

We cannot present a stimulus visible for only 100 ms because

of persistence of vision—the perception of a visual stimulus
continues for about 250 ms (1/4 second) after the stimulus is Helmholtz’s Theory of Unconscious Inference
extinguished. But the persistence of vision can be eliminated Helmholtz
by presenting a visual masking stimulus—a random pattern - Contributed on perception by his realization that the
that covers the original stimulus. image on retina is ambiguous

Global image features

- Aude Oliva and Antonio Torralba
- Enables observers to perceive the gist of a scene so
- Information that can be perceived rapidly & are
associated with specific types of scenes
- Holistic & rapidly perceived

Some of global image features:

1. Degree of naturalness (natural scenes = ocean,
His question was, “How does the perceptual system decide
forest, man-made scenes = streets)
that this pattern on the retina was created by overlapping
2. Degree of openness (ocean = visible horizon line & rectangles?”
only few objects)
3. Degree of roughness (smooth scenes = low
Likelihood principle
roughness like ocean, rough scenes = high roughness
- We perceive the object that is most likely to have
like forest with many elements) caused the pattern of stimuli we have received
4. Degree of expansion (the convergence of parallel
Unconscious inference
5. Color (ocean = blue, forest = green and brown)
- Our perceptions are the result of unconscious
assumptions, or inferences, that we make about the
Regularities in the environment
- Characteristics of the environment that occur
- Helmholtz’s theory has been reconceptualized to this
Regularities in the Environment: Information for
in modern research
- The idea that our past experiences help us make
Perception is influenced by 2 types of regularities:
informed guesses about what we will perceive
1. Physical regularities
2. Semantic regularities
Bayesian Inference
Thomas Bayes
Physical regularities
- 1763
Physical regularities - Proposed Bayesian inference
- Regularly occurring physical properties of the
- Our estimate of the probability of an outcome is
determined by 2 factors
- Ex. vertical & horizontal orientations
o Prior probability – initial estimate of the
probability of an outcome
Light-from-above assumption
o Likelihood – extent to which the available
- We usually assume that light is coming from above,
evidence is consistent with the outcome
because light in the environment usually does
Bayesian inference restates Helmholtz’s idea that we perceive
Humans can perceive objects & scenes better than computers
what is most likely to have created the stimulation. It provides a
bc our perceptual system is adapted to respond to physical
specific procedure for determining what might be out there.
characteristics of our environment, such as the orientation of
objects & direction of light. How the Brain Implements Prediction
Predictive coding
Semantic Regularities
- Theory that describes how the brain uses our past
experiences (or “priors”) to predict what we will
- Meaning of a scene / what happens in a scene perceive
- When new incoming visual input reaches the
Semantic regularities
receptors and sent upward in visual system, that
- Characteristics associated with activities that are
signal is compared to the predictions flowing
common in diff types of scenes
downward from higher levels
- Ex. office having desk, chair, computer
o In other words, the brain determines whether
what we’re seeing matches the higher-level
Scene schema
- Knowledge of what a given scene typically contains

“the multiple personalities of a blob”

- The blob is perceived as different objects depending
on its orientation and the context within which it is

The Role of Inference in Perception - Ex. walking across campus and everything is
Hermann von Helmholtz expected bc of the same path, but suddenly a chicken
- Proposed the theory of unconscious inference jumps and runs across your path; thus an error signal
is generated and sent to higher levels of the visual
system (so ur brain’s representation of the campus
has been updated)

Connecting Neural Activity and Object/Scene Perception

Brain Responses to Objects and Faces
Lateral occipital complex (LOC)
- Area that has been isolated in the ventral (“what”)
- Active when the person views any kind of object, but
not when they view a texture or an object with its parts
- Activated by objectes regardless of size, orientation,
position, etc
- It builds upon the processing that took place in low- Brain Responses to Scenes
visual regions like V1 Parahippocampal place area (PPA)
- It does NOT differentiate between types of objects - Region in temporal lobe that responds to places, but
(ex. face vs other objects) not objects or faces
- Indoor and outdoor scenes
- What is important here is information about spatial
- Some prefer parahippocampal cortex (PHC)

Spatial layout hypothesis

- Russell Epstein
- Proposes that PPA/PHC responds to the surface
geometry or geometric layout of a scene
- Bc scenes cause larger responses than buildings
(only “partial scenes”

The Relationship Between Perception and Brain Activity

Binocular rivalry
- Observer perceives either the left-eye image or right-
eye image, but NOT BOTH at the same time
- Activity in brain changes depending on what the
person experiences

The Neural Correlates of Face Perception Neural Mind Reading

Fusiform face area (FFA) Neural mind reading
- Located in fusiform gyrus on underside of brain, - Reverse process: measuring brain response and
directly below the IT cortex determining the stimuli that generated the response
- Damage to this area can cause prosopagnosia— - Refers to using a neural response to determine what
difficulty recognizing the faces of familiar people a person is perceiving or thinking

But other research suggests that FFA is not the only area Multivoxel pattern analysis (MVPA)
involved in face perception. - Technique that measures the pattern of activation
across multiple voxels
- Decoder predicts the most likely stimulus based on
the voxel activation patterns

Expertise hypothesis
- Idea that our proficiency in perceiving faces can be
explained by the fact that we have become “experts”
bc we have been exposed to them our entire lives

Neural Representation of Other Categories of Objects

Extrastriate body area (EBA)
- Activated by pics of bodies and parts, but not by faces
or other objects

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