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orthographic view-
2d view (top front left right)
axonogragphic view- presp.

title bar and menu.-

file edit group view create modifiers animation.

view- hide display

create- create light camera geomaetry
modifier-bend, taper twist ffd box loft etc.
animation- track view, curve editor dope sheet.
rendering-(f10,f9 for single frame render)
civil view menu-
scripting-(MEL for maya)(C++ for max) (sphere() script.
content menu- preset assests.

Main Toolbar-undo redo linking , space wrap. select and link,

scale into 3 type-
uniform nonuniform squash.

in seelection two types.

Local axis
World axis.

2dSnap-2d snap.
2.5dsnap 3Dsnap-presp.

press H for outliner.-Object by list.

Alt W to switch panels.

how to change the user interface.-

costomize> show UI> Command pannel.

to change the units-

Costomize> unit setup


standard primitives are simple object which require only one drag(one click)
extended require two drags(base and height)
they are 3d objects

they are 2d objects.

to make 2d object into 3d use extrud from modifiers list>(e) extrud.

three types
2.standard- spot,direction,omni,skylight,target,free.

physical- used for light and arnold mainly.
free- used for walkthroughs.

(non redereable)

for wireframe mode-(f4)

gravity is only appicable to particles.

Rigging.-bones, biped.

(+,- for size of the pivot)
adjust > affect pivot.
IK- inverse kinematics

(press 8 for environmet and effects)

hotkeys in maya, Quad menu in 3dsMax(the options after right clicking).

What the uses of 3DS Max in the production??

production Pipeline-
project planning
bidding and billing
signing copyright
non disclosure aggrement.
getting approval
fullscape production
delivaring first draft
final content
billing the client
ending the contract
getting the recognition.


select the shape > modify > enable render.

T F B P - shortcuts for views.

Shapes shopuld be paralle.
Press Z to Zoom.
Adaptive to smooth.
Attach the objects first.
right click > convert to > edit to spline.
Geometry > on vertex > on Attach.

Select the objects > convert the object > bollean.
convert the object to poly.

to change the vertex of the line-


What is primitive?
the objects in geometry.

Text and Text Plus-

Text is 2d ( In shapes)
Text Plus is 3d (in Primitives).

Loop(left and right)- vertical selection
ring- horizontal selection
sink- Min selection
Crtl(+ selection) Shift (- selection).
Shrink and grow- + - sellection.
Soft selection- Select the object>


Fill hole in Maya - Cap in 3ds Max

Select the border > right click.

cordinate system-

hirarchy > pivot > turn off pivot > to change the axis rotation.

linking- select child and parent > link > click the child and drag to parent to

CRTL+C = target camera.

Press C to activate the camera.
apply Noise modifier to create the water texture.
(f9) to render.

Press M (Material slots) 24
search standard legacy > down in the option box > maps > bump map.
drag drop thr material to apply to the object.

to import the texture-

map > diffuse > general > bitmap.
press (show shaded material viewport) to see the texture in viewport.
modifier > Uv double map.

Light > spotlight > intensity and color attonation > far attonation.
maretial > reflection > ray trace and choose reflection.

Press(f10) > render setting > render setup > scanline render > location setup >

Getting reference Image in 3DSMax-

get a plane > materail editor(m) > select the first slot > physical materail(in
render setting press f10)> change to scanline > standard legacy > diffuse >
general > bitmap > import the image. and drag drop the material on the plane.
To modify the map > modifiers > UVW map.
(f4) for the outline.

Applying diff. materails on the same object ( MultiSub object)-

select the object > right click > convert to poly > select polygon > get the
polygon materail ID( down in the attribute box) > materail editor > new slot .
physical materail > MultiSub Object > set number > set materail > diffuse >
standard legacy > bitmap.
Max doesnt support MP4 format..Use AVI format.

Use displace materail to imprint the image on the plane.

BLEND MATERAIL- Materail editor > physical materail > blend.

three types of light _
1 photomatic
2 arnold
3 standard.

Shift+f3 to show light.

Three point lights-

*key light.100% - The key light as the name suggests shines directly upon the
subject and serves as its principals illuminator; more than anything else. the
strength color and the angle of key determines the shoots overall lighting design.

*fill light.50%- The fill light also shines on subject, but from a side angle
relative to the key and is often placed at a llower position than the key light
( about at the level of subject face). it balances the key by illumknating the
shaded surfaces and by lesseing or eliminating chiroscuro effects such as the
shadow cast by a persons nose upon the rest of the face. it is usually less softer
and less brighter than the key light (upto half) and more to a flood. not using a
fill at all can result instrack contrasrs across the subjects face. depending upon
the key lights harshness. Sometimes as in low key lighting this ais a delibirate
effect but shots intended to look more natural and less stylistic require a fill.

*backlight.20%- the backlight (a.k.a. the rin, hair, or shoulder light) shines on
the subject from behind, often (but not necessarily) to one side or the other. It
gives the subject a rim of light, serving to separate the subject from the
background and highlighting contours.
Back light on rin light is different from a kick in that a kick (or kicker)
contributes to a portion of the shading on the visible surface of the subject,
while a rin light only creates a thin outline around the subject without
necessarily hitting the front (visible) surface of the subject at all.

Photomatic Light- (select and drag)

modifier > light distribution > photomatic wave. > choose photomatic files > call
IAS light.
Sun positional light(physical sky)
Arnold light -

to add sky-
press 8 > environment map > call the file.(JPG) > Bitmap

Mirror instance __ modifier > symmetry

Plane > increase points > modifier > Refill.

N - for auto key
Time configuration - animation setting( timeline setting)
Framerate- PAL (for India) Phase alternating line.
NTSC- national television standard community.

Animation > graph editor > curve editor.

GReater than and less than >< for moving single frame.
/ for play.
Ghosting- Preview of pervious frames in Animation.
Veiw > ghosting.

Tools > preview > graph viewport > 1st option ( for raw animation )


standard > particles

There are two types of particles

1. Event particle- Can change accordingly (PH source)

2. Non Event particle- can not change acc. ( all other are non event)

Adding gravity -
space wrap > Forces > gravity.
Binding the space wrap to the particles.

(for a collider plane for bounncing of particless)
Forces > deflector. > simple defelctor > drag in veiwport.


System > Bones (for joints)

Right click after done
Animation > bones tool (for adding bones)
Refine tool for adding bone.
delete and Subtract (for deleting bones)
Turn on bone edit mode for navigating bones.


Select bone > animation > bones > HI server

Select and link the ik and last bone of reverse foot by draging it on it.
Shift A to Align the controller (V)
Select IK > go to motion panel > IK solver > shovel angle > pick target
ALT press and right click > freeze transfrom.
Select and link the controller and leg.

Alt A - quick align
Freeze controller > select bone > animation > orient> orientation contranit > keep
initial offset (in motion panel)

Set Driven key In Maya...

Reaction Manager in Max-
Finger bone > controller > freeze > Animation > reaction manager > Click the first
option (reaction driver)
click the circle > transform > rotation > frozen rotation > Y rotation.
Go to driven > select the first bone > trasnform > roation > frozen roatation > Y
Repeat the process for all the bones.
Roatate the driver and driven > select all the components > create state > all

Blend Shape In MAYA~

Morph something in MAX-

Hirarchy > affect pivot only > center to the object.

Make copies of the the faces with different expressions (Eye blink, mouth open,
To import sound > Animation > curve editor > Sound >
dope sheet > sound > properties > addc> close.
Select the main face > modifires > morpher >
select slots and click from scene.
hide all faces.

Skining -

select the object > modifiers > Skin > add bones > select bones.
Skining_ ( red for 100% white for 0%).

Biped -

Figure mode (chnge the skeleton)

Walk step mode ( for walking )

Helpers > manipulator > Slider.

right click on slider > wire parameter > value > drag to face > modiddfy object >

modifiers > hair n fur . > cut length > bitmap.

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