Activity On Autobiography Job

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Enrichment in English 8

Activity: Writing Autobiography

Autobiography is a biography of a person narrated by himself. It often includes

specific anecdotes and memories that reveal the writer’s character.

General Instructions:
1. Reread your composition on Personal Evolution (First Quarter).
2. You may take some of the information from that composition as you make your
3. Follow the given structure/format. (Note: ¶ means paragraph)
1st ¶ Introduction: Start it with your guiding principle or motto. Explain it briefly based
on your understanding. This paragraph must be in 3-5 sentences only.
2nd ¶ Body: Early Years—date and place of birth, family background, anecdote
about your self as a young child)
3rd ¶ (Body: Early School Years—schooling/achievements, development of interest,
friendships, hobbies, memorable family events/occasion)
4th ¶ (Body: Life Today—schooling/achievements, favorite teacher/s, favorite
subject/s, current interests, goals, ambition)
5th ¶ (Conclusion in not less than three sentences—State life lessons you have
learned now based on all the experiences, both easy and challenging, happy
and sad, failure and success. This paragraph must be in 3-5 sentences only.
4. Insert one to two relevant pictures to illustrate each paragraph. Add a short caption
below each picture.
5. Edit your whole composition. Revise if needed.
6. Submit a PDF file of your output on/before February 19, 2024 at 12:15PM through

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