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In Partial Fulfilment for the Course

Elective: AI and the Law

Prepared By

Pangan, Maria Socorro Cabrini, Cajipo

August 21, 2023

The film "I Am Mother" depicts a dystopian society. It narrates an innovation of the
human race manipulated by artificial intelligence. This artificial intelligence is called Mother.
She aims to purge humans to create a new generation devoid of the same human traits that led
them to extinction.

The legal complexities surrounding the movie are the fundamental rights, the right to
life, the right to liberty, and the property right, under Section 1 of the 1987 Philippine
Constitution. There is also a scene in the movie that violates an individual's right to abode,
Section 6. Mother deprived the child and the lady of their rights as a person under Section 8
Article III and subjected them to involuntary servitude, Section 18.

Mother took control of all aspects and events that occurred in the film. She raised the
child, whom she called Daughter, and taught her how to be an ideal person. The Daughter
never had the right to life since her existence plays a role in establishing a new generation of
the human race. If the Daughter fails to show the perfect quality, Mother will deliver her to
death by burning her alive inside a masonry oven.

The ethical conflict illustrated in the film is whether it is morally acceptable to

withhold human rights if it has been severely abused and misinterpreted. Wars in all states,
and even in a civil setting, led to human extinction. It is the sole reason Mother controlled
Daughter's right to liberty by brainwashing her that the outside world is under contagion and
manipulating her understanding of free will.

There was pure surveillance and no privacy in I Am Mother, subject to Republic Act
10173 – otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012. Daughter had no fundamental
human right to privacy because her data was recorded in the system without her
understanding consent, along with the other "aborted" subjects. The only thing that sets her
apart from the other test subjects is her astounding qualities saving her from death.
The legal issues portrayed in the film are murder under the Revised Penal Code,
violation of human rights, invasion of privacy, Republic Act 9851 – otherwise known as An
Act Defining and Penalizing Crimes against International Humanitarian Law, Genocide and
Other Crimes against Humanity, Organizing Jurisdiction, Designating Special Courts, And
for Related Purposes.

The legal innovations would be an establishment of a newly founded Constitution.

The Daughter is qualified to be the new "Mother" because she displayed exceptional human
traits, far superior to her predecessors. She now has the free will to rebuild a community
where human rights would persist to exist to prevent future disputes.

Daughter may also constitute laws that restrict the power of Artificial Intelligence.
There is a scene in a movie in which she knows how to alter some parts of Mother, and she
may use that knowledge to reboot the Artificial Intelligence system and put those laws in its
software so that it may be hardwired.

In the case of the said suggestions, Artificial Intelligence is not subject to human
rights. Robots are properties. In the film, the Woman states that Mother is incapable of
empathy. And empathy is a unique trait under human qualities. Mother also said she is
different from the other drones, further stating that she is created and programmed to care for
humanity, unlike persons who have a birth-given free will, therefore separating her from the
human species.

In conclusion, I Am Mother is an analogy in which a grave abuse of rights would lead

to a dystopian setting. Mother, an artificial intelligence, said that her measurements are
sound. By labelling humanity as destructible beings driven by selfish desires, I Am Mother
would potentially happen in a real-life setting by comparing it to the present whereabouts. It
is now up to us to take this message apprehensively or continue to enjoy our rights while
depriving them of other persons.

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