Physics Final Capsule 30

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1. (i) Define an equipotential surface ?
(ii) Write any two properties of an equipotential surface.
[ Ans. (i) Equipotential surface : A surface drawn in an electric field at which
every point has the same potential, is known as equipotential surface (ii)
Properties : (a) No work is done in moving a test charge from one point to
another over an equipotential surface (b) Electric field is always normal to the
equipotential surface at every point
2. State the conditions for the phenomenon of total internal reflection to occur.
Ans.(i) Light ray must travel from a denser to a rarer medium.
(ii) Angle of incidence must be greater than the critical angle.

3. Why do the electric field lines never cross each other ?

Ans. Because ,if they do so, at the point of intersection two tangents can be
drawn, which would represent two directions of electric field at that point, which is
not possible.
4. Why are the electrostatic field lines always normal to the surface of a
conductor ?
Ans. If the electrostatic field lines are not normal, then electric field would
have a tangential component which will make electrons move along the surface
creating surface currents and the conductor will not be in equilibrium.
5. Give two uses of eddy currents.
Ans. Magnetic breaking in electric trains.
To produce heat in induction furnaces
6. What is meant by mutual induction?
Ans. When a changing current is passed through a coil an emf is induced in the
neighbouring coil due to change in magnetic flux passing through it.This
phenomenon is called mutual induction.
7. Define the term wattless current.
Ans. The current which flows in a circuit without consuming any electrical
power is called wattless current.
8. Can the voltage drop across the inductor or the capacitor in series LCR circuit
be greater than the applied voltage of the a.c. source ?
Ans. Yes,because in series LCR circuit, V L or V C are not in same phase, hence
cannot be added like ordinary numbers.
9. Describe briefly any two energy losses, giving the reason of their occurrence in
actual transformer. How are these reduced ?
Ans. a ) copper loss- Energy loss due to resistance of primary coil and secondary
coil is called copper loss and can be minimised by using thin copper wires.
b) Iron loss - Energy loss as heat due to eddy current in the iron core is called
iron loss and can be reduced by using a laminated iron core.
c) Hysteresis loss- Magnetisation of iron core is repeatedly reversed by the
alternating magnetic field and energy is lost in the form of heat in the core. This is
called hysteresis loss and can be minimized by using a core of a material having low
hysteresis loop.
d) Flux leakage- There is always some flux leakage that is all of the flux due to
primary does not pass through the secondary. It can be minimized by winding
primary and secondary coils one over the other.
10. How is the transformer used in large scale transmission and distribution of
electrical energy over long distances ?
Ans. a) Output voltage of power generator is stepped- up so that current is reduced
and as a result line loss I 2 R is also reduced.
b) It is then transmitted over long distances to an area sub-station, where voltage
is stepped down.
c) It is further stepped down at local sub-stations and poles before a power supply
of 220 V reaches our homes.
11. What are electromagnetic waves ? Are these waves transverse or longitudinal ?
Ans. The waves produced by accelerated charged particles, in which there are
sinusoidal variations of electric and magnetic field vectors at right angles to the
direction of propagation of wave, are called electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic
waves are transverse in nature.
12. i) How are electromagnetic waves produced ? Expain.
ii) What is the source of energy of these waves ?
Ans. i) Electromagnetic waves are produced by accelerated/oscillating charges.A
charge oscillating with some frequency, produces an oscillating electric field in
space, which produces an oscillating magnetic field perpendicular to the electric
field ,which in turn is a source of electric field,this process goes on repeating,
producing em waves in space perpendicular to both fields.
ii) Source of energy of electromagnetic waves is the energy of
accelerated/oscillating charge.
13. When can a charge act as a source of em wave ?
Ans. When the charge is either oscillating or accelerated.
14. What is meant by the transverse nature of electromagnetic waves ?
Ans. Transverse nature means , ⃗E and ⃗B are perpendicular to each as well as
perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave.
15. How are the directions of the electric and magnetic field vectors in an em wave
are related to each other and to the direction of propagation of the em waves ?
Ans. ⃗E and ⃗B are perpendicular to each as well as perpendicular to the direction of
propagation of the wave.
16. What is the frequency of electromagnetic waves produced by oscillating charge
of frequency ?
Ans. Frequency of electromagnetic wave = frequency of oscillating charge
17. When monochromatic light is incident on a surface separating two media , the
reflected and refracted light both have the same frequency as the incident frequency.
Why ?
Ans. Reflection and refraction arise through interaction of of incident light with
atomic constituents of matter which vibrate with the same frequency as that of
incident light. Hence frequency remains unchanged.
18. Define refractive index of a transparent medium. What is minimum and
maximum value of refractive index ?
Ans. Refractive index of a medium is defined as the ratio of velocity of light in
vacuum to the velocity of light in that medium.
Minimum value of refractive index is 1 for air and maximum is 2.42 for diamond.
19.A comb run through one’s dry hair attracts small bits of paper. Why ? What
happens if the hair is wet or if it is a rainy day ?

Ans. When a comb is run through dry hair, it gets charged due to friction.
Molecules in the paper gets polarized by the charged comb resulting in a net
force of attraction. If the hair is wet or it is a rainy day, friction reduces,
comb does not get charged and thus it will not attract small bits of paper .
20. Define electric line of force/electric field line.
Ans. An electric field line may be defined as the imaginary straight or curved
path, along which a unit positive, isolated charge would tend to move if free to
do so.
21. Define current density. Write its S.I. unit. Is it a scalar or vector quantity ?
Ans. Current density : Electric current flowing normally per unit
area of cross section is called current density .It is a vector quantity . Its S.I. unit is
A/ .
22.(a) Define resistance of a conductor. Write its S.I. unit.
(b) What are the factors on which the resistance of a conductor depends ?
Ans. (a) Resistance : It is the ratio of potential difference applied across the ends
of a conductor to the current flowing through it .
Its S.I. unit is ohm .
(b)Factors : (i) Length of the conductor
(ii) Area of cross section of the conductor (iii) nature of material &
23. (a) Define resistivity of a conductor. Write its S.I. unit.
Ans. (a) Resistivity : Resistivity of the material of a conductor is defined as the
resistance of conductor of that material of unit length and unit area of cross
section . Its S.I. unit is ohm metre .

24. Nichrome and copper wires of same length and same radius are connected in
series. Current I is passed through them. Which wire gets heated up more ? Justify
your answer.
Ans. Nichrome
Reason : (Resistivity of Ni > Resistivity of Cu)
25.Define the term conductivity of a conductor. On what factors does it depend ?
Ans. Conductivity : It is defined as the current flowing per unit area per unit
electric field .
It is also defined as the reciprocal of resistivity .

Factors : (i) nature of material and (ii) temperature

(relaxation time)
26.Resistance of a conductor increases with the rise in temperature. Why ?
Ans. Due to increase in frequency of collision of electrons with ions/atoms in the
27 . If a wire is stretched to double its original length without loss of mass, what
will be its new-
(a) Resistivity (b) resistance ?
Ans. (a) Resistivity will remain same
(b) Resistance will be 4 times the original resistance .
28. Explain, why alloys like constantan and manganin are used for making standard
resistors ?
Ans. Because they have
1. High resistivity 2. Very small temperature
coefficient of resistivity
29. Define internal resistance of a cell. Write any two factors on which it depends.
Ans. Internal resistance : It is the resistance offered by the electrolyte of a
cell to the flow of current between its
Factors :(i) nature of electrolyte
(ii) concentration of electrolyte

30.The emf of a cell is always greater than its terminal voltage. Give reason.
Ans. Because there is a potential drop across the internal resistance of the
cell, when cell is in a closed circuit .
31. Can the value of terminal potential difference be greater than the emf of a
cell ?
Ans. yes During the charging of the cell
32. Graph showing the variation of current versus voltage for a material GaAs as
shown in figure. Identify the region of
(i) negative resistance (ii) where Ohm’s law is obeyed.
Ans. (i) Region DE because current decreases on increasing
Region AB because current increases linearly on increasing voltage
33. Define the term drift velocity of charge carriers in a conductor and write its
relation with the current flowing through it.
Ans. Drift velocity :The average velocity acquired by free electrons of a
conductor in a direction opposite to the applied electric field is called drift
34.How does the random motion of free electrons in a conductor gets affected when
a potential difference is applied across its end.
Ans. Random motion is partially directed towards positive end of conductor .
35.When electrons drift in a metal from lower to higher potential, does it mean that
all the ‘free’ electrons of the metal are moving in the same direction?
Ans. By no means, the drift velocity is superposed over the large random velocities
of electrons.
36.The electron drift speed is estimated to be only a few for currents in the range
of a few amperes ? How then is current established almost the instant a circuit is
closed ?
Ans. When the circuit is closed, electric field is setup in the entire circuit
instantly with the speed of em waves which causes electron drift at every portion
of the circuit. A current starts flowing in the circuit almost instantly.
37. If the electron drift speed is so small, and the electron’s charge is small, how
can we still obtain large amounts of current in a conductor ?
Ans. because the electron number density is very large
38.The electron drift arises due to the force experienced by electrons in the electric
field inside the conductor. But force should cause acceleration. Why then do the
electrons acquire a steady average drift speed ?

Ans. Each ‘free’ electron does accelerate, but due to frequent collisions with ions
they acquire only an average speed known as drift speed.
39. What happens if the galvanometer and cell are interchanged at the balanced
point of the Wheatstone bridge? Would the galvanometer show any current ?
Ans. Balanced condition still remains satisfied, hence
galvanometer does not show any current.

40. Explain giving reasons, how the internal resistance of a cell

changes in the following cases :
(i) When concentration of the electrolyte is increased
(ii) When area of the anode is decreased
(iii) When temperature of the electrolyte is increased
Ans. (i) Internal resistance increases
Reason : inter ionic attractions increase and the
movement of the ions become difficult (ii) Internal
resistance increases
Reason : lesser area of the anode decreases its tendency to
attract its oppositely charged ions (iii) Internal resistance
Reason : Both inter ionic attractions and viscous
forces decrease at higher temperature

41. A potential difference is applied across a conductor of length and diameter .

How is the drift velocity , of charge carriers in the conductor is affected when (i)
is halved (ii) is doubled and (iii) is halved ? Justify your answer in each case.
Ans (i) will become half as (ii) will become half as (iii) will remain
same as it does not depend on diameter
42. State Biot – Savart law .
Ans. Biot-Savart’s law : It states that magnetic field due to a current
element, at a point, having a position vector relative to the current
element, is found to depend
(i) directly on the length of current element,
(ii) inversely on the square of the distance,
(iii) directly on the sine of angle between the current
element and the position vector
(iv) directly proportional to the current

43. What is the source of magnetic field (or magnetism) ?

Ans. The electrons revolving in atoms behave as current loops. These current
loops give rise to magnetism.
44. Does a magnetic monopole exists ? Justify your answer.
Ans. No, a magnetic monopole does not exist. The reason is that magnetic
field is produced by a current loop and not by monopole of a magnet .
45.Draw the magnetic field lines due to a circular wire carrying current .
46.How are the magnetic field lines different from the electrostatic field lines ?
Ans. The magnetic field lines form closed loops while the electrostatic field
lines originate from positive charges and end at negative charges .
47.Why do magnetic field lines for continuous closed loops ?
Ans. because a magnet is always a dipole and as a result, net magnetic flux is
always zero
48.Can two magnetic lines of force intersect each other. Justify your answer.
Ans. No, because if they do so then at the point of intersection two tangents
can be drawn which would represent two directions of magnetic field, which
is not possible.
49.Magnetic field lines can be entirely confined within the core of a toroid, but
not within a straight solenoid. Why ?
Ans. Magnetic field lines can be entirely confined within the core of a toroid
because toroid has no ends. But a straight solenoid has two ends. If the entire
magnetic flux were confined between these ends, the magnetic field lines will
no longer be continuous.
50. Depict magnetic field lines due to two straight, long, parallel conductors
carrying steady currents and in the
(i) Same direction, (ii) opposite direction.
Ans. (i) (ii)

51.How is the magnetic field inside a given solenoid made strong ?

Ans. (i) by increasing number of turns in the solenoid
(ii) by increasing current flowing through the solenoid

(iii) by inserting soft iron core inside the solenoid.

52.What is the function of soft iron core, in a moving coil galvanometer ?

Ans. It increases the sensitivity of the galvanometer and make the magnetic
field to be more radial
53.What is the importance of radial magnetic field in a moving coil
galvanometer ?
Ans. It always keeps the plane of the coil parallel to the magnetic field in every
orientation .
54.What is meant by figure of merit of a galvanometer ?
Ans. Figure of merit : It is defined as the amount of current which
produces one scale deflection in the galvanometer.
55. Explain giving reasons, the basic difference/ underlying principle used, in
converting a galvanometer into-
(i) an ammeter, and (ii) a Voltmeter.
Ans. (i) A galvanometer is converted into an ammeter by connecting a
shunt in parallel with it, so that when ammeter is connected in series, it
does not reduce the current in the circuit .
(ii) A galvanometer is converted into voltmeter by connecting high
resistance in series with it, so that when voltmeter is connected in
parallel a negligible current flows through it and the potential
difference across the given component is not affected .
56.What is shunt ? Write its S.I. unit. Why is it used in a galvanometer ?
Ans. Shunt : Shunt is a very small resistance used in parallel with a
galvanometer. S.I. unit of shunt is ohm.
Use : It is used to protect galvanometer from high currents/ to convert
galvanometer into ammeter/ to increase range of ammeter .
57. State Lenz’s law.
Ans. Lenz’s law : The direction of induced current is such that it opposes
the change in magnetic flux responsible for its production .
58.Illustrate by giving an example, how Lenz’s law helps in predicting the
direction of the current in a loop in the presence of a changing magnetic
flux ?
Ans. Illustration :
When north pole is moved towards loop, due to
Lenz’s Law loop will repel it by inducing current in
anticlockwise direction. Similarly, when north pole
is taken away current will be induced in
clockwise direction.
59. Why is the use of a.c. voltage is preferred over d.c. voltage ? Give two
Ans. 1. A.C. voltage can be stepped up & stepped down by using a
transformer, but same is not true for d.c. voltage.
2. A.C. voltage can be converted in to d.c. voltage by using rectifier
but d.c. voltage cannot be converted in to a.c. voltage .
60.These days most of the electrical devices we use require a.c. voltage. Why
Ans. (a) It can be stepped up or stepped down.
(b) It can be converted in to direct current. (c)
line loss can be minimized
61.In India, domestic power supply is at 220V,50Hz, while in U.S.A. it is
110V,50Hz. Give one advantage and one disadvantage of 220V supply over
110V supply.
Ans. Advantage – power loss at 220V supply is less than that at 110V.
Disadvantage- 220V is more dangerous than 110V because its
peak value (311V) is more than peak value (155.5V)
for 110V supply .
62.Why is the core of a transformer is laminated ?
Ans. to minimize the energy losses due to eddy current
63.Mention the two characteristic properties of a material
suitable for making core of a transformer.
Ans. (i) Low coercivity/ Low retentivity (ii) High
64. In which situation there is a displacement current but no conduction current ?
Ans. Between the plates of capacitor during charging/discharging or in the regions
of time varying electric field
65.The charging current for a capacitor is 0.25 A. What is the displacement current
across its plates ?

Ans. same as the convection current ID = 0.25 A

66. Write two main limitations of refracting telescopes. Explain how these
can be minimized in a reflecting telescope.
Ans. Limitations of refracting telescope:
(i) Suffers from spherical aberration . It can be corrected by
using parabolic mirror objective
(ii) Suffers from chromatic aberration. It can be corrected by
using mirror objective instead of spherical lens
67. (i) Draw a schematic diagram of a reflecting telescope. State the advantages of
reflecting telescope over refracting telescope.
(ii) What is its magnifying power ?
Ans. Advantages of reflecting telescope
(i) No chromatic aberration
(ii) No spherical aberration
(iii) Brighter image
(iv) large magnifying power
(v) High resolving power

68. Explain, why is the objective of a compound microscope be of short

aperture ? Ans. to minimize spherical aberration and to collect all
the reflected light from object to produce brighter image
69.Explain, While viewing through a compound microscope, why should our
eyes be positioned not on the eye piece but a short distance away from it for
best viewing ?
Ans. To collect complete light refracted by the objective and to
increase field of view
70.How is the focal length of a spherical mirror affected, when the
wavelength of light used is increased ?
Ans. No change as focal length of a spherical mirror does not depend on
71.How is the focal length of a spherical mirror affected, when it is
immersed in water/Glycerin ?
Ans. No change as focal length of a spherical mirror does not depend
on medium
72.Write the main considerations required in selecting the objective and
eye piece lenses in order to have large magnifying power and high resolution
of the telescope
Ans. (i) to have large magnifying power
Hence, focal length of objective should be large,
while focal length of eye piece should be small .
(ii) to have high resolving power D should be large.
Hence aperture of objective should be large
73.What is interference of light ? Give one example of interference in daily
Ans. Interference of light : It is the phenomenon of non-uniform
distribution of resultant intensity when two light waves from two
coherent sources superimpose on each other.
Example in daily life : colours in bubbles of soap solution/ in thin
oil films in white light
74. What are coherent sources of light ? Why are coherent sources
necessary to produce a sustained interference pattern?
Ans. Coherent sources : Two sources producing light waves of same
frequency and zero or constant initial phase difference are called coherent
sources of light .
Necessity : Coherent sources produce waves with constant phase
difference, due to which positions of maxima and minima does not change
with time and a sustained interference pattern is obtained .
75. What are the essential conditions for two light sources to be coherent ?
Ans. (i) Two sources must produce waves of same frequency/ wavelength,
and phase difference between the waves must be constant .
76. What happens to the interference pattern if phase difference between
two light sources varies continuously ?

Ans. Positions of bright and dark fringes would change rapidly hence the
interference pattern shall not be sustained
77. Why cannot two independent monochromatic sources produce
sustained interference pattern ?

Ans. Two independent sources do not maintain constant phase difference,

therefore the interference pattern will also change with time
78. In Young’s double slit experiment, the two slits are illuminated by two
different lamps having same wavelength of light. Explain with reason,
whether interference pattern will be observed on the screen or not .
Ans. Interference pattern will not be observed as two independent lamps are
not coherent sources .
79. Does the appearance of bright and dark fringes in the interference
pattern violate, in any way, law of conservation of energy ? Explain.
Ans. No , appearance of the bright and dark fringes is simply due to a
redistribution of energy .
80. What is diffraction of light ? State the essential condition for diffraction of
Ans. Diffraction : The phenomenon of bending of light round the corners of
small obstacles or apertures is called diffraction of light.
Essential condition : Size of slit/ aperture must be of the order of
wavelength of light
81.How would the width of central maximum in diffraction pattern due to a
single slit be affected, If the wavelength of the light used is
increased ?
Ans. Width of central maximum will be increased
82. How does the angular separation between fringes in single slit
diffraction experiment change when the distance of separation between the
slit and screen is doubled ?
Ans. remains unchanged as it does not depend on D
83. What is Photoelectric effect ?
Ans. Photoelectric effect : When an electromagnetic radiation (such as U.V
rays, x-rays etc.) of suitable frequency is incident on a metal surface, electrons are
emitted from the surface. This phenomenon is called photoelectric effect
84.Define the term Work function of a photoelectric surface.
Ans. (i) Work function (W) : The minimum energy required to by an electron to
just eject out from the metallic surface is called work function of that surface
85.Define the term (i) cut off frequency & (ii) Threshold wavelength in
photoelectric emission.
Ans. (i) Cut off frequency :The minimum frequency of incident radiation,
below which photoelectric emission is not possible, is called cut off frequency or
threshold frequency
(ii) Threshold Wavelength : The maximum wavelength of incident
radiation, above which photoelectric emission is not possible, is called threshold
86.Define the term ‘intensity of radiation’ in photon picture .
Ans. Intensity of radiation : Number of photons incident per unit area per
second normal to the surface, is defined as the intensity of radiation.
87.Define the term “stopping potential” or “Cut-off Potential” in relation to
photoelectric effect.
Ans. Stopping potential or Cut-off Potential :
The minimum negative potential of anode at which
photoelectric current becomes zero is called stopping potential.
88. Plot a graph showing the variation of photoelectric current with intensity of
(ii) Show the variation of photocurrent with collector plate potential for
different intensity but same frequency of incident radiation
(iii) Show the variation of photocurrent with collector plate potential for
different frequency but same intensity of incident radiation
(i) (ii) (iii)
89. How does the stopping potential in photoelectric emission depends upon-
(i) intensity of the incident radiation
(ii) frequency of incident radiation
(iii) distance between light source and cathode in a photocell ?
Ans. (i) stopping potential does not depend on intensity
(ii) stopping potential frequency
(iii) stopping potential does not depend on the distance between the light

source and the cathode in a photocell

90.A beam of monochromatic radiation is incident on a photosensitive surface.
Answer the following questions giving reasons :-
(i) Do the emitted photoelectrons have the same kinetic energy ?
(ii) Does the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons depend on the intensity of
incident radiation ?
(iii) On what factors does the number of emitted photoelectrons depend ?
Ans. (i) No, all the emitted photoelectrons do not have same K.E. The reason is
that different electrons are bound with different forces in different layers of metals.
More tightly bound electron will emerge with less K.E.
(ii) No, kinetic energy of the emitted electrons does not depend on the intensity of

incident radiation.
(iii) number of emitted photoelectrons depends on intensity of incident radiation

provided that energy h

91.Write two characteristic features observed in photoelectric effect which support
the photon picture of electromagnetic radiation.
Ans.(i) number of photoelectrons emitted is proportional to the intensity of
incident radiation
(ii) maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons increases with frequency of

incident radiation
92.State three important properties of photon which are used to write Einstein’s
photoelectric equation.
Ans. (i) for a radiation of frequency , the energy of each photon is .
(ii).During the collision of a photon, with an electron, the total energy of
photon gets absorbed by the electron
(iii) Intensity of light depends on the number of photons crossing per
unit area per unit time
93.Write three characteristic features in photoelectric effect which cannot be
explained on the basis of wave theory of light, but can be explained only using
Einstein’s equation. Ans. (i) Instantaneous emission of
(iii) Existence of threshold frequency

(iv) Maximum Kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons is independent of

intensity of incident light

94. Two nuclei have mass numbers in the ratio 1:2. What is the ratio of their
nuclear densities ?
Ans. 1:1 as nuclear density does not depend on mass number
95.What are nuclear forces ? State any two characteristic properties of nuclear
Ans. Nuclear Forces ; Very short range strongest attractive forces, which firmly
hold the nucleons together inside a nucleus, are called nuclear forces.
Properties: (i) very short range, strongest attractive forces.
(ii) charge independent.
(iii)non-central forces
(iv) do not obey inverse square law

96.Define the term mass defect.

Ans. Mass defect : The difference in mass of a nucleus and its
constituents, is called the mass defect.

97.Define binding energy of a nucleus.

Ans. Binding Energy : It is defined as the minimum energy required to separate
its nucleons and place them at rest at infinite distance apart
It is the equivalent energy of mass defect.
98.What is meant by the term binding energy per nucleon
Ans. Binding Energy per nucleon : It is the average energy per nucleon needed
to separate a nucleus in to its individual nucleons
99. What is meant by the term doping of an intrinsic semiconductor ? How
does it affect the conductivity of a semiconductor ?
Ans. Doping : Deliberate adding of desired impurity to a semiconductor
to increase its conductivity is called doping. Conductivity of a
semiconductor increases due to doping
100.How does the energy gap of an intrinsic semiconductor vary, when doped
with a trivalent impurity/ pentavalent impurity?
Ans. Decreases
101.How does the forbidden energy gap of an intrinsic semiconductor vary
with increase in temperature?
Ans. no effect
102.Name the two factors on which electrical conductivity of a pure
semiconductor at a given temperature depends.
Ans. (i) The width of the forbidden band
(ii) Intrinsic charge carrier concentration
103.The diagram shows a piece of pure semiconductor ’S’ in series with
variable resistor R and a source of constant voltage V. Would you increase
or decrease the value of R to keep the reading of ammeter (A) constant whe
semiconductor ‘S’ is heated ? Give one reason.
Ans. Increase the value of R
Reason : on heating, conductivity of the semiconductor

104. An n-type semiconductor has a large number of electrons but still it is

electrically neutral. Explain the reason.
Ans. because impurity atoms added to the semiconductor are electrically
105.Is the ratio of the number of holes and number of electrons in a p-type
semiconductor more than, less than or equal to 1 ?
Ans. 1
106.Why is the conductivity of n-type semiconductor greater than that of the
p-type semiconductor even when both of these have same level of doping ?
Ans.because mobility of electrons is higher than that of holes
107.How does the conductivity of a semiconductor change with the rise in its
temperature ?
Ans. Conductivity of a semiconductor increases exponentially with the
108. What are energy bands ? How are these formed ?
Ans. Energy bands : A group of large number of closely spaced energy
levels spread in a very short energy range, is called an energy band
Formation of energy bands :
Due to interaction of electrons in outermost orbits of atoms
in a crystal, different energy levels with continuous energy variation splits
and energy bands are formed.
109.What is a valance band & conduction band ?
Ans. Valence Band : The highest energy band filled with valence
electrons is called the valence band
Conduction Band : The lowest unfilled allowed energy band above
the valence band is called conduction band
110.Define forbidden energy gap ?
Ans. Forbidden energy gap :The energy gap between the valence
band and the conduction band in which no allowed
energy levels can exists is called the energy band gap ( )
111.Draw the energy band diagram of an intrinsic semiconductor.
Ans. Energy band diagrams of an intrinsic semiconductor

(a) at T = 0 K (b) at T >


112.Draw the energy band diagram of & semiconductor.

Ans. n-type semiconductor ( 1) p -type semiconductor (
113.Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors.
Intrinsic Semiconductor Extrinsic Semiconductor
1. It is a pure semiconductor. 1. It is a semiconductor with added
2. Low conductivity at room 2. High conductivity at room
temperature temperature
3. Its electrical conductivity depends 3. Its electrical conductivity depends on
on temperature only. temperature and the amount of
114.Distinguish between intrinsic and a p-type semiconductor.
n-type semiconductor p-type semiconductor
1. It is obtained by adding controlled 1. It is obtained by adding controlled
amount of pentavalent impurity to a amount of trivalent impurity to a
pure semiconductor. pure semiconductor.
2. Its electrical conductivity is due to 2. Its electrical conductivity is due to
free electrons. holes.

115.Name the two important processes that occur during the formation of a p-
n junction.
Ans. (i) Diffusion (ii) drift
116.What happens when a forward bias is applied to a p-n junction ?
Ans. p-n junction conducts current when a forward bias is applied to it

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