Traditional Malaysian Houses - Architectural Diversity and Cultural Heritage

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Traditional Malaysian Houses: Architectural Diversity and Cultural Heritage


This paper investigates the architectural styles and cultural significances of traditional
Malaysian houses, emphasizing their diversity across different ethnic groups and
regions. It explores the historical influences, construction techniques, and the role of
these houses in preserving Malaysian cultural identity.


 Overview of traditional Malaysian houses, highlighting their unique

architectural features.
 The historical and cultural influences that shaped the various styles of
traditional houses in Malaysia.
 The importance of studying traditional houses in the context of cultural
heritage and architectural history.

Literature Review:

 Examination of existing literature on traditional architecture in Southeast Asia,

with a focus on Malaysia.
 Studies on the impact of geographical, climatic, and cultural factors on
traditional house designs in Malaysia.
 Analysis of the role of traditional houses in community life and cultural rituals.


 Description of the research approach, including architectural analysis and

ethnographic study.
 Outline of the study's geographic scope, covering key regions known for
distinct styles of traditional houses.
 Data collection methods, such as field visits, interviews with local craftsmen
and residents, and archival research.


 Presentation of findings on the architectural characteristics and materials used

in traditional Malaysian houses.
 Insights into regional variations, such as the Malay Kampung houses, the
Chinese shop houses, and the longhouses of Borneo.
 Discussion of the symbolic elements and cultural meanings embedded in the
designs of these houses.


 Interpretation of how traditional Malaysian houses reflect the country's

multicultural identity.
 Comparison of traditional house preservation efforts in rural versus urban
 Exploration of the challenges and strategies in conserving these architectural
heritage in the face of modernization.


 Summary of the key contributions of traditional Malaysian houses to the

country's architectural and cultural heritage.
 Reflection on the importance of preserving traditional architecture in
maintaining cultural identity.
 Suggestions for future research on sustainable preservation and adaptation of
traditional architectural practices.


1. Ahmad, S. (2016). "Cultural Expression in Traditional Malay Architecture: A

Study of Old Houses in Kelantan and Terengganu." Journal of Architectural
Heritage, 10(4), 457-470.
2. Rajendran, P., & Nasir, N.A.M. (2018). "Traditional Bornean Longhouses:
Architecture and Social Organization." Indigenous Architecture Journal, 5(2),
3. Wong, T.C. (2017). "Heritage Conservation in Malaysia's Urban Areas: The Role
of Public Awareness and Community Engagement." Urban Heritage
Management Journal, 3(1), 55-68.

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