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Nursing 202 Anatomy & Physiology

Lecture Guide January 24, 2019

Blood & Coagulation

Today’s Objectives
1. List three functions of blood.
2. Outline the importance of pluripotent stem cells and diagram the blood cell lineages.
3. Explain the process of hematopoiesis.
4. Differentiate between the structure and function of white blood cells, red blood cells, and
5. Relate the structure of hemoglobin to the function of oxygenation.
6. Identify the structures that are used to classify red blood cells as A, B, AB, or O and Rh+ or
7. Describe the process of hemostasis

Lecture Outline

1. Functions of blood

a. Transport

b. Regulation

c. “Repair”

2. Components of blood

a. Plasma

i. Water

ii. Solutes

b. Formed Elements

i. Erythrocytes

ii. Leukocytes

iii. Thrombocytes

3. Formation of blood cells

a. Pluripotent Hematopoietic stem cells

Nursing 202 Anatomy & Physiology
Lecture Guide January 24, 2019

i. Myeloid stem cells

ii. Lymphoid stem cells

b. Hemopoietic Growth Factors

i. Erythropoietin

ii. Thrombopoietin

iii. Cytokines

4. Characteristics and Functions of Blood Cells

a. Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes)

Nursing 202 Anatomy & Physiology
Lecture Guide January 24, 2019

i. Characteristics

ii. Function

b. White Blood Cells (Leukocytes)

i. Characteristics

ii. Function

c. Platelets

i. Characteristics

ii. Function

5. Red Blood Cells

a. Hemoglobin

i. Structure

ii. Function

b. Erythropoiesis (Production of red blood cells)

i. Location

ii. Stimulation of Erythropoiesis

iii. Reticulocytes

c. Blood Groups

i. Blood Group Antigens

ii. ABO System

iii. Rh System

6. Hemostasis
Nursing 202 Anatomy & Physiology
Lecture Guide January 24, 2019

a. Vascular Spasm

b. Platelet Plug Formation

i. Platelet clumping

ii. Fibrin

c. Blood Coagulation

i. Clotting Cascade

ii. Clot Retraction

iii. Fibrinolysis (Dissolution of the clot)

iv. Clot Regulation

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