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Australis Institute of Technology and Education

Student Assessment 2

SITXCOM002 - Show social and cultural sensitivity

SIT30816 - Certificate III in Commercial Cookery

Version 1.1

Saif Abdul Moiz


25 George St, Parramatta NSW 2150

Phone: +61 2 9633 1222 Email:
ABN:17120701911 | RTO ID:91630 | CRICOS ID:03173K
Assessment Information
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to be socially aware when serving
customers and working with colleagues. It requires the ability to communicate with people from a range of social
and cultural groups with respect and sensitivity, and to address cross-cultural misunderstandings should they

To achieve competency in this unit learner must provide evidence of the ability to complete tasks
outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit

1. Communicate with customers and colleagues from diverse backgrounds

2. Address cross-cultural misunderstandings.

To achieve competency in this unit learner must demonstrated knowledge required to complete the
tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:

 key principles of fairness and equity in relation to interaction with colleagues and customers
 key cultural and religious protocols of main social and cultural groups in Australian society, including
Australian Indigenous people
 key cultural and religious protocols of main inbound tourist markets to Australia
 different types of disability and their implications for the workplace
 anti-discrimination policies for the industry and specific organisation
 basic aspects of state, territory and commonwealth laws covering anti-discrimination, including
requirements to:
 treat customers and colleagues fairly and equitably
 not discriminate, show partiality or grant any special favours on the basis of social and cultural
 not threaten, humiliate or intimidate people because of their social or cultural attributes
 sources of assistance in communicating with colleagues and customers from diverse social and
cultural groups:
 government agencies
 diplomatic services
 disability advocacy groups
 educational institutions
 interpreter services
 local cultural organisations
 approaches to overcoming language barriers in the workplace:
 communicating through the use of:
 gestures
 signs
 simple words in English or the other person’s language
 giving simple directions
 giving simple instructions.

To achieve competency in this unit learner must complete the following tasks outlined

 communicate in a non-discriminatory way with colleagues and customers from at least three
different social and cultural groups:
 demonstrating attempts to overcome language barriers
 communicating in line with appropriate social and cultural conventions
 demonstrating respect and sensitivity
 identify when assistance is required in the above communication, and seek help using the
appropriate channels.

Assessment Conditions
Skills must be demonstrated in an operational environment with colleagues requiring coaching. This
can be:

 an industry workplace
 a simulated industry environment.

For assessment learners have access to:

 current plain English regulatory documents distributed by the local WHS government regulator
 WHS information and business management manuals issued by industry associations or
commercial publishers
 current commercial policies and procedures, and hazard identification and risk assessment
template documents.
There are 2 Assessments for this unit

1. Knowledge Test-In class Activity test

Learners will be working in class to finish Knowledge Test. Learner should refer to learning resources
and any other information they have such as handouts, textbooks available in the classroom etc.
Learners can discuss the activities with assessor in order to make full and satisfactory responses. All the
work should be completed by using Microsoft word. All activities must be completed to gain
Satisfactory results in this assessment. Assessor will supervise learners, while they will finish these
activities in class. There will be different session in computer lab to work on this assessment.

2. Skill based Task:

The purpose of this practical task will help to demonstrate the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to be socially aware when serving customers and working with colleagues. It
requires the ability to communicate with people from a range of social and cultural groups with respect
and sensitivity, and to address cross-cultural misunderstandings should they arise.

Performance required
 complete all of the Knowledge Questions in Assessment 1
 complete all of the actions in Assessment 2
 For Assessment 2 Attach the copy of your Observation Check Sheets
 your responses to the questions must be relevant, accurate and specific
 your work must be in your own words
 where you use an external source of information, you must provide citation.

Please be aware that your Assessor is here to provide you with the necessary support throughout the
assessment process. If you have questions, then contact them for guidance

Assessment Outcomes
There are two outcomes of assessments: S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory (requires more
training and experience).

Assessor will be marking learner against a competency checklist to ensure learner have met the
requirements of each of the relevant competencies. These competency checklists are marked as
Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS). The final outcome of the unit will be “Competent” or “Not Yet
Competent”. Learner is required to attempt all questions. Learner is advised that they are likely to be
asked to personally demonstrate their assessment work to their trainer to ensure that the relevant
competency standards are being met. Learner will be provided with feedback throughout the course
to check their progress.

Assessment and appeals

Learner work will be assessed against the performance criteria outlined on this results sheet to ensure
you have met the requirements. Learner must put his/her name and learner ID number on the cover
sheet and make sure it is returned with Learner work. Learner will be provided with the opportunity to
make his/her own comments and sign the cover sheet along with assessor if Learner agrees on the

Should Learner be deemed not satisfactory by his/her assessor and require re-assessment learner will
be informed of the process. If the learner feel the decision made by his/her assessor was not correct
please refer to your learner handbook for information on the assessment appeals process and the
steps you are required to undertake to lodge an appeal.

Activity 1

In front of an audience of three people from different social and cultural backgrounds (including one or two
people for whom English is not their first language), produce a presentation (of between 10-15 minutes)

A. The basics of treating people from different backgrounds and cultures with respect and

B. Five non-discriminatory practices

C. Three pieces of Australian anti-discrimination legislation
D. How to resolve cultural conflicts and misunderstandings
E. Three appropriate persons/groups to whom you would refer a complex, longstanding social or
cultural dispute.

Learners must submit a power point slides

Activity 2

Task 1: Role play

As the learner, you are required to play the role of a waiter and deal with the misunderstanding/conflict
situations that have arisen.

The trainer or other colleagues or learners should take on the role of the customer(s) and act out the
following scenarios.
(a) A customer who speaks very limited English calls the waiter over and starts ordering a drink in a
foreign language. He points to the menu and makes hand movements to show that he wants
something to drink. How is the waiter going to determine that he wants a drink and the type of
drink he wants?

(b) A group of Chinese friends are enjoying a meal. There is a lot of loud conversation and laughter
coming from their table and the noise level is quite high. To add to this their mobile phones keep
ringing and the conversations are carried out over the existing noise level. Three tables nearby
have complained to the waiter about the noise and threaten to leave if something is not done
about it. How will the waiter handle this situation?

(c) A Japanese woman with no understanding of English has communicated to the waiter that she
wants to use the ladies room. The waiter points in the direction of the toilets and she makes her
way. Two minutes later she arrives back and conveys through non-verbal language that she can’t
find the toilet. She is now quite obviously distressed. How should the waiter handle this situation?

(d) An Indian man is waiting at the front door of the restaurant with his family. The waiter sees him
and says hello and points to a far corner of the restaurant. He has no idea what to do so he stands there
and waits, looking very timid, confused and uneasy about what to do next. The waiter returns and
abruptly says, “So, do you want a seat or not!” The man starts walking out the door. How is the waiter
going to handle this situation?

While these scenarios could occur within any cultural group, use the exercise to further discuss
each of the cultures identified. Discuss similar situations that you may have experienced in the
workplace or training environment.
(e) A group of customers with various disabilities have booked into your restaurant. There is a vision
impaired person, a hearing impaired person, a person in a wheelchair, and another with a mild
intellectual disability. How will these disabilities implicate your workplace?

Activity 3
Read the following Scenarios. Complete the table by providing guidelines and
approaches to overcoming cultural and language barriers
Scenario Which guidelines would help?
A. Harry works in a team with Anong but she rarely makes By finding with
eye contact with him. Gerry thinks that Anong is being researching ,Recognise and
rude and not interested in what he is saying. investigate the cultural differences
In Anong culture it is not polite to make eye contact. She at play in the use of body language,
is not being rude. She is interested in what Harry is saying emotions and problem solving.

B. Sarah was organising a party but she was not sure about By Respect the other person’s point
inviting Fatima. of view ,thought and opinion.
Fatima is a Muslim and Sarah thought Muslim girls
couldn’t go out on their own or be in places where there
was alcohol.
Actually, Fatima loves barbeques, drives her own car and
goes out a lot. She does not drink alcohol but she does
not have a problem with others drinking alcohol.
C. An Indian guest in the hotel spoke English but did not By Deliver a thorough clarification
understand Australian accents. He did not understand and enlightenment of the dispute
Michael listing the specials on the menu, so Michael spoke resolution process; never simply
really slowly. The guest felt insulted and said he was ‘not assume that what you are saying is
stupid’. being understood

D. James was taking an order in the restaurant but he wasn’t Be calm,patient, flexible,valuable
quite sure what the customer was saying because she had and diplomatic at all times with
a very strong accent. being certainty on pointed things
He politely asked her if she could repeat the order. He
then checked with her that he had got it right.
E. Pete wanted to know which of the Indonesian customers See the sights of the cultural norms
wanted the chocolate dessert. He pointed his finger at of the people that are involved and
each of them and asked, ‘You chocolate?’, ‘You engaged in the disagreement; this is
chocolate?’ also useful for checking the validity
His customers seemed upset. He did not realise that of cultural claims
pointing a finger is considered very rude in Indonesian
culture. Indonesians use their thumb to point.


Trainer to indicate “S” Needs
Did the learner or “NS” Improveme
Assessment 1st 2nd
Task S / NS
1.Communicate Respect customers and Activity 1,2
with customers colleagues from different social
and colleagues 1.1 and cultural groups and treat
from diverse
them with respect and
Consider social and cultural
1.2 Activity 1,2
differences in all verbal and
non-verbal communication.
1.3 Respond to others in a non- Activity 1,2
discriminatory way.

1.4 Make attempts to overcome Activity 1,2

language barriers.

1.5 Seek help with communication Activity 1,2

when necessary.
2. Address Identify social and cultural Activity 2
cross-cultural 21. issues that may cause conflict
misunderstandi or misunderstanding in the
Address difficulties and seek Activity 2
2.2 assistance from others when
Consider social and cultural Activity 2
2.3 differences when difficulties or
misunderstandings occur.
Make efforts to resolve Activity 2
2.4 misunderstandings, taking
account of social and cultural
Escalate problems and Activity 2
2.5 unresolved issues to
appropriate supervisor or
manager for follow-up.

Assessment 1st 2nd

Task S / NS
Knowledge Evidence

 key principles of fairness and equity in relation Activity 1,2,3

to interaction with colleagues and customers
 key cultural and religious protocols of main Activity 1,2,3
social and cultural groups in Australian society,
including Australian Indigenous people
 key cultural and religious protocols of main Activity 1,2,3
inbound tourist markets to Australia
 different types of disability and their Activity 1,2,3
implications for the workplace
 anti-discrimination policies for the industry and Activity 1,2,3
specific organisation
 basic aspects of state, territory and Activity 1,2,3
commonwealth laws covering anti-
discrimination, including requirements to:
 treat customers and colleagues fairly and
 not discriminate, show partiality or grant any
special favours on the basis of social and
cultural attributes

not threaten, humiliate or intimidate people

because of their social or cultural attributes
 sources of assistance in communicating with Activity 1,2,3
colleagues and customers from diverse social
and cultural groups:
 government agencies
 diplomatic services
 disability advocacy groups
 educational institutions
 interpreter services
 local cultural organisations

approaches to overcoming language barriers in the Activity 1,2,3

 communicating through the use of:
 gestures
 signs
 simple words in English or the other person’s
• giving simple directions Activity 1,2,3

• giving simple instructions. Activity 1,2,3

Assessment 1st 2nd
Task S / NS
Performance Evidence

 communicate in a non-discriminatory way with Activity 1,2,3

colleagues and customers from at least three
different social and cultural groups:
 demonstrating attempts to overcome
language barriers
 communicating in line with appropriate
social and cultural conventions
 demonstrating respect and sensitivity

•identify when assistance is required in the Activity 1,2,3

above communication, and seek help using the
appropriate channels.
Assessment Feedback

Assessor’s Name Mazharul Islam

Date of assessment 03-06-2020

Assessments Learner Result

Assessment 2 □ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □ Not Completed

Feedback to student:

Is re-assessment required?  Yes  No

Re- Submission 1 S  NS
Re-Submission 2 S  NS
Assessor signature: Date:

Student Name: Saif Abdul Moiz ID: 91635829

Student signature:

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