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System Requirements


QR Code Incorporation Version - December 31, 2021

[VI OAS] System Requirements
[QR CODE] [2021/12/31]


A QR (quick response) code is an electronic readable optical label that can contain information about the
item to which it is assigned and attached. It is a fast way with which unique and specific information can
be accessed digitally through optical scanning of the generated machine readable image.

An analysis of the Vehicle Inspection Online Application System (VI OAS) shows a promising room for an
upgrade involving QR code incorporation in its interfacing functions and process flow with increased
merits on time management through a reduced process flow as well as action processes required in
initiating inspection process and confirmation of relevant declared information.

Listed below is a detailed recommended system requirement specifications process by which the
incorporation of a QR code can be applied in VI OAS:

1. Generate QR code on approval of an Inspection Order which should be placed/attached on the

Inspection Order Form.
2. Client print out the inspection order form with generated QR code for access to inspection
procedures when cleared for inspection.
3. Client place the inspection form within the vehicle for inspection processing.
4. Vehicle inspector take the vehicle for inspection with the inspection order form to the inspection
5. Vehicle inspector initiate vehicle inspection procedure by Scanning the QR code embedded on
the inspection Job order for the specific vehicle.
6. On scanning the QR code, the vehicle inspector should be redirected to a URL link/website
interface with the declared details for the vehicle to be inspected as well as command access
interface for inspection initiation or room for remarks or editing in case the information declared
contrasts with the inspection observed.
7. Vehicle inspector should then proceed with confirmation of the vehicle’s declared information.
8. If the vehicle’s information declared is correct on inspection, inspector should proceed with
other inspection procedures by accessing inspection initiation command link interface.
9. If the vehicle’s information declared differs slightly or marginally due to declaration errors,
inspector should proceed with room for editing or adding remarks to the declared information
for the vehicle and then proceed with vehicle inspection.
10. Proceed with inspection procedures.
11. Issue COR with embedded QR code for vehicles which have passed inspection with which a
freeze frame digital data report of inspection data summary for the vehicle can be accessed
whenever needed.
12. Issue Conditional Release form with embedded QR code with a dynamic date countdown to
track vehicles which will default on the conditional release duration (21 days after date of
inspection) for enforcement when the trend observed is notably high.

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[VI OAS] System Requirements
[QR CODE] [2021/12/31]
13. To clients, QR codes for vehicles that are released Conditionally should provide an interface
that shows the active number of days remaining/countdown until the expiration of the duration
for the conditional release.
14. Alternatively in clients interface, QR codes embedded on conditional release forms for vehicles
that have defaulted on conditional release duration could be interfaced with a payment/control
number generation or request link as an enforcement measure on defaulting clients
15. To vehicle inspectors, QR codes should also show the active number of days remaining to
expiration of the conditional release duration, and extract the vehicle’s distinctive detail(s) (e.g.
Vehicle’s Chassis Number, associated) to a database of vehicles that have defaulted on the
conditional release.
16. Also, for vehicles that are Conditionally released, the embedded QR code can be used to
initiate re-inspection, and confirm declared vehicle details as well as confirmation of payments
made for defaulted clients.
17. On initiating or re-initiating inspection procedures from the accessed QR code redirected
interface, details for the signed in inspectors account should be captured as the assigned
inspector for clarity on who conducted the inspection procedure.

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