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Nur L.


Teaching for Young Learners

In teaching young learners, we have to pay attention to their background. In this

case, we will concern about how they acquire their first language so that it can help us to
teach them second language. In this unit, we also discuss about the use of English in
starting lessons, changing activities, and ending lessons. This will end up with differences
between teaching young learners and very young learners.
1) First language – second language
Basically, babies start learning first language by imitating what others say. Then,
it developes to the next steps, still, with guidance of the parents as caretaker talk. In the
early school, children will acquire English, as a second language, as the teacher is
When the children learn languages either at home or at school, it is found that;
a. Both mother and teacher talk a lot more than the children do.
b. They provide a secure and supportive environment which gives the children
confidence to try out language.
2) Starting your lessons in English
Either specialist or class teacher often uses English in the beginning of the
lessons. This is aimed to help them to acquire the language. Teacher must consider his
way in;
 Greetings and forms of address
Example; Good morning, children.
Good morning, everybody.
Hello, boys and girls.
 Checking attendance
Example; Let’s call the roll.
Let’s take the register.
Let’s check to see who is here, etc.
 Ways of starting lessons.
Example; Is everybody here? Is anyone missing? No? OK, so let’s start, etc.
3) Organizing your classroom
In organizing a class, teacher might use some sentences using their mother
tongue to clarify teacher’s intention. The teacher should also consider in; arranging the
classroom, changing from one activity to another, asking and giving permission, etc. He
should use appropriate expression to encourage the children to learn second language
more fun. In giving instructions, a teacher should be use appropriate expressions, and he
may also repeat or rephrase the instruction so the students could understand and get
familiar with those expressions.
4) Ending your classroom
Ending lessons also need to be considered. The way to finish a lesson may affect
the children’s activity after the lesson, whether they stop doing something with English
or remain fun with their lesson experiences. So, this will guide teachers to end up
lessons appropriately.
5) Very young learners (VYLs) and young learners (YLs)
Teaching a second language to very young learners is, of course, much more
different of that to young learners. What is meant by very young learners are those less
than 7 years old, while the young learners ranged between 7 to 12 years old. They show
different characteristics at different ages. This, in turn, requires different techniques to
teach them.

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