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IALA Journal Vol.11, No.2 July - Dec 2023 AI-POWERED LIBRARY [AIB]: TRANSFORMING TEACHING-LEARNING AND RESEARCH ~ A STUDY. Dr. P.J. Rosario Vasantha Kumar Librarian, St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Palayankottai — 627 002. Email: Abstract Academic libraries (ALB) even during this digital eon consumes extended stay on serving essential resources for graduates and scholars. Starting from books and journals to archives or online databases, they provide an invaluable wealth of knowledge — and information. Through the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), academic libraries (ALB) are undergoing transformation in their service delivery mechanism. AI revolutionizing not only the process of Jeaming but also the way research is conducted. Its machine leaming (ML) and deep learning (DL) approaches makes research as well as teaching - learning easier and more effective than earlier. This work reconnoiters the deportments in which Al is restyling academic libraries (ALB), including its impact on research, and other library services. Being an interlinked and undetachable components AI & ALB can also be expressed as ‘AI powered ALB’ written as AIB. This paper deliberates the most exciting tools are Al tools currently available to scholars and graduates. Highlighting few customs in which libraries use these tools to enhance their offerings and better support their users. This work also discloses few research issues that affect the growth of AIB, therefore scholars working in the relevant area will have this article as a lending hand for their research findings. Dr. Y. Sunil Raj Assistant Professor Department of Data Science St. Xavier's College (Autonomous) Palayankottai ~ 627 002 Email: Keywords: ‘Natural Lar Artificial Intelligence (AI), 1¢ Processing (NLP), Digital Libraries, Chatbots, Predictive Analytics 1. Introduction Academic libraries (ALB) have been regarded as the reserves of knowledge benefiting huge variety of leamers. It houses a vast collection of books, journals, and other resources. Traditional educational institutions knows ALB, are strict at their operational ready to incorporate the advent of artificial intelligence (AD. libraries in procedures not ee it arning Penne recta Al Tools Decision Maki pete Figure 1.1. Structure of ALB’s in transforming the Teaching Learning Process Academic Library Association 2 ISSN 2319-1392, IALA Journal To make transformation in their operations it requires an innovative leader to take advantage of the opportunity to artificialize the great education zone [I]. After the COVID-19 crisis ALB’s have largely learned to develop procedures to extend their services in future if such situation arises. With the advent of Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Mobile Applications (MA) and Web Applications it prepares library staff and scholars future uncertain situations. With the help of predictive analytics, it presents predictability which establishes hope [2, 3]. Thus, during this AT age, the scenery of ALB is rapidly evolving, with the advent of Al tools, Now ALB’s are undergoing a revolutionary transformation; reshaping the way research and learning are conducted [4]. Reducing the burden of researchers, physically through innumerable shelves and catalogs to discover relevant information, AT tools enable access to a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips. Components that support Al, starting with intelligent search algorithms to Natural Language Processing (NLP), have made it easier to. navigate through information available in ALB [5]. Asin figure 1.1, Al tools are closely associated with ALB’s in such a way that it transforms the teaching learning more efficiently. AL-powered ALB with the capability of analyzing and processing big data, it also allows efficient organization of resources. This ensure ease in access to the scholars based on their discipline as they are organized based on a specific category [8, 9, 10]. This not only saves time and effort but also enhances the overall user experience within the ALB. search Vol.11, No.2 July = Dec 2023 Avsuenae Apts fe Mabe Ss BoM! £2 £2 a yess Figure 1.2, Architecture of AI in ALB’s Services Al-powered recommendation systems in ALB with the efficiency of NLP and efficient search algorithms guide scholars towards relevant resources quickly [6]. As in figure 1.2, these systems analyze user preferences, search patterns, and previous interactions to suggest personalized recommendations [7]. AI tools have revolutionized the way information is discovered and accessed within academic libraries. The landscape of academic libraries undergoes a remarkable transformation with the integration of AI tools [13]. These tools are revolutionizing the way research and learning are conducted, making information more accessible, personalized, and efficiently managed. As delving deeper into the world of AI, ALB’s are poised to become more dynamic and indispensable in supporting the scholarly pursuits of students and researchers alike. even, Further the work is organized in to subsections; where the review of the existing works are presented in section 2. Followed by an analysis is conducted based on the study conducted in the section 3. The work is concluded by interpreting the usefulness and issues that persists in AIB and its growth, with the help of insights gained from the results generated. ‘Academic Library Association 23 ISSN 2319-1392 IALA Journal Vol.11, No.2 July - Dec 2023 Il. Review of Literature preferences. This personalized approach . . fosters amore engaging and effective learning Use of Al in ALB’s is increasing largely, the eR ie ee es study is further classified based on the following aspects such as; i) role in ALB’s, ii) enhancing discovery and access to resources, iii) use of recommendation systems, iv) Al in the service of ALB’s and v) improved decision making. revolutionizing 2.1, Role of AI in revolutionizing ALB's ‘The role of AT in revolutionizing ALB cannot be overstated. Al tools have transformed the way research and learning take place within the institution, making the research process efficient and outputs more effective, as the resources are accessible, and personalized [4, 6]. Enhancing the research process in ALB is one of the key contributions of Al. With Al- powered algorithms, scholars comprehensive literature reviews efficiently and faster. Also, these intelligent systems in AIB analyze scholarly articles in huge amount with the help of faster search algorithms provide up-to-date information [7]. This saves the time taken for the completing the research but also ensures access to the most relevant and reliable sources. conduct Moreover, AI tools have revolutionized the way ALB’s organize and retrieve information. Traditional library cataloging systems have been replaced by Al-powered algorithms that can classify and categorize resources more accurately and efficiently [11, 12]. This enables students and researchers to quickly locate the materials they need, enhancing the overall research experience, Al has also made significant strides in personalized learning within ALB’s. Intelligent tutoring systems can adapt to individual students' needs, providing support based on their learning styles and tailored recommendations and progress at their own pace [14]. Additionally as a part of AI, [5, 12] chatbots have become invaluable resources in ALB’s. These virtual assistants provide immediate assistance to teachers and leamers of HEL The tasks such as answering queries, guiding through the library's resources, and even offering research suggestions [15], The availability of these Al-powered support systems ensures that users have access to help and guidance at any time, further enhancing the overall learning experience. By streamlining the research process, improving information retrieval, enabling personalized leaming, and providing on- demand assistance, AI tools have revolutionized the way these institutions ‘operate, Embracing Al technology will undoubtedly continue to enhance ALB’s ability to support and empower students and researchers in their quest for knowledge. 2.2. Enhancing Discovery and Access Al-powered research tools have emerged as a game-changer in the ALB landscape, revolutionizing the way scholars’ access and discover valuable resources as in the figure 2.1. The search document component helps. finding the necessary resource for the user. It helps fixing the journal/ book by identifying the location and presenting it to the user. Such tools as a component of AT streamline the research process, saving time and effort for users. One of the key benefits of AT-powered research tools is their ability to enhance discovery. Traditional library catalogs and databases often require users to navigate ‘Academic Library Association By ISSN 2319-1392 JALA Journal through numerous search results, making it challenging to find relevant resources. However, with Al, these tools can analyze user preferences, search patterns, and contextual data to provide personalized recommendations [18]. By understanding the user's research interests and needs, AI- powered tools can surface highly relevant resources, ensuring that users can quickly access the information they require. Additionally, AI tools can significantly improve access to resources. Many ALB’s have vast collection of resources that is overwhelming for users to navigate. However, Al-powered tools automatically categorize and tag resources, making them easily searchable and accessible [17, 18]. This categorization enables users to explore specific subjects or topics of interest, helping them find the most relevant resources quickly. can Furthermore, Al-powered tools can also provide advanced search capabilities, allowing users to refine their queries based on specific criteria, Natural language processing (NLP) algorithms enable users to ask complex questions in simple terms, and machine leaming algorithms continually improve search results based on user feedback [19, 20]. These capabilities make the research process more efficient and effective, enabling users to uncover valuable resources that may have previously been overlooked. Overall, Al-powered research tools are reshaping the ALB landscape by enhancing the discovery and access to resources. With their ability to provide personalized recommendations, streamline the search process, and improve access to vast collections, these tools are empowering students and researchers to delve deeper into Vol.11, No.2 July - Dec 2023 their subjects of study and make remarkable breakthroughs in their respective fields. 2.3, Intelligent Recommendation Systems Intelligent recommendation systems are transforming the ALB landscape by personalizing the leaming experience for students and researchers [42]. Gone are the days of tirelessly flipping through bookshelves or scrolling through endless search results. With the power of Al, ALB’s now offer tailored recommendations that match the specific interests, needs, and earning styles of individuals [21]. ‘These intelligent recommendation systems analyze vast amounts of data, ranging from users’ reading histories and preferences to the content of the resources available as described in figure 2.1. By leveraging ML algorithms, these systems can identify patterns and make accurate predictions about what materials are most likely to resonate with each user [22] This level of personalization not only saves time but also enhances the overall learning journey. For a learner, an intelligent recommendation system, suggests related books or research articles that they may have never come across otherwise. These recommendations can be based on their previous reading habits, the popularity of resources among their peers, or even emerging trends in their field of study [23]. The Al-powered system becomes a Virtual assistant, guiding students towards Academic Library Association 25 ISSN 2319-1392 ad IALA Journal valuable resources that align with their unique academic goals. Furthermore, these ALB’s recommendation systems foster exploration and serendipitous discoveries. By introducing users to materials outside of their comfort zones, they broaden their horizons and gain new perspectives. This particularly benefits those researchers constantly secking innovative ideas and fresh insights [10]. Intelligent recommendation systems are revolutionizing the ALB experience by empowering learners with personalized, relevant, and diverse resources. As Al continues to advance, we can expect these systems to become even more sophisticated, offering users an increasingly tailored and enriching learning journey. 2.4, Al in Services and Support of ALB’s In this digital age, the role of academic libraries has evolved significantly. With the advent of Al tools, libraries have been able to revolutionize the way they provide services ‘and support to students and researchers. One of the most transformative AI applications in this context is the implementation of AI chatbots [23]. AI chatbots have become virtual assistants, available round the clock, to enhance the user experience and provide immediate assistance {6, 9]. These chatbots are programmed to understand and respond to user queries, offering personalized recommendations, guidance, and even troubleshooting. help. Whether searching for resources, accessing databases, or navigating the library's website, AT chatbots offer real-time support and streamlining the research process [24] The benefits of Al chatbots in ALB’s are multifold. Firstly, they alleviate the pressure on library staff by handling routine inquiries, Vol.11, No.2 July - Dec 2023 allowing librarians to focus on more complex, specialized tasks. Secondly, they ensure consistent and accurate responses, eliminating the possibility of human error. Additionally, ‘Al chatbots can learn and adapt over time, continuously improving their performance and enhancing the user experience. Moreover, AI chatbots contribute to creating an inclusive and accessible __ library environment, They can assist users with disabilities, providing equal access to resources and services. These chatbots can also communicate in multiple languages, breaking down language barriers and catering to the diverse needs of the library's user base. Furthermore, Al chatbots can gather valuable data on user preferences, behavior, and frequently asked questions. This data can be analyzed to identify trends, improve services, and make data-driven decisions for enhancing the overall library experience. As AT continues to advance, the potential for chatbots in academic libraries is immense. With natural language processing and machine learning capabilities, these chatbots can become even more sophisticated, offering advanced research guidance, personalized recommendations, and even supporting collaborative learning initiatives. AI chatbots have transformed library services and support in academic institutions. They provide round- the-clock assistance, streamline research processes, and contribute to creating an inclusive and accessible environment. As -s continue to embrace Al technologies, chatbots are reshaping the way users interact with library resources and services, ultimately enhancing the overall research and leatning experience. ‘Academic Library Association 26 ISSN 2319-1392 JALA Journal 2.5. Improving Decision Making The ability of the Librarian in successfully managing «1 making decision is critical. Here it also important that the librarian as a leader have to be certain while being flexible and adaptable in such situation. Such crisis will be helpful for goal-driven and strategic leaders because it opens up new opportunities [36, 37]. It may also require abandoning regular types of decision hierarchy and adopting shared or distributed leadership [38, 39, 40, 41]. In the digital age, ALB’s are experiencing a revolution, thanks to the integration of AI tools and technologies. One significant way in which Al is reshaping research and leaming in ALB’s is through data analysis and predictive analytics [25]. With ALdriven algorithms, libraries now process vast amounts of data swiftly and efficiently. ‘These algorithms analyze patterns, trends, and correlations within the library's collection, user behavior, and scholarly resources [25, 26]. By harnessing the power of data analysis, libraries gain valuable insights into user preferences, popular research topics, and emerging tends. This information allows librarians to make data-driven decisions when it comes to acquiring new resources, optimizing collection management, and planning library services. Predictive analytics takes data analysis a step further by utilizing historical data to make predictions about future trends and user behavior [27]. By analyzing patterns and user interactions, Al algorithms can predict which resources will be in high demand, allowing libraries to proactively meet the needs of their users. This help libraries identify the research topics that are gaining popularity among researchers. Vol.11, No.2 July - Dec 2023 Armed with this knowledge, librarians can curate relevant resources, create targeted research guides, and offer personalized recommendations to users, enhancing their research experience [28]. Additionally, Al tools can assist librarians in identifying potential gaps in the library's collection. By analyzing user preferences and research patterns, algorithms can suggest areas where the collection may need expansion, ensuring that the library remains a valuable resource for its users. Overall, data analysis and predictive analytics are revolutionizing —_ decision-making processes in ALBs [29]. By leveraging Al technologies, librarians have _ informed choices for enhancing user experience, and stay ahead of the evolving needs of their academic community. This integration of Al tools is reshaping the landscape of research and learning, propelling ALBs into a new era of efficiency and innovation. 2.6. Ethical Considerations and Challenges As AI tools continue to revolutionize ALBs, it is crucial to address the ethical considerations and challenges that come with their implementation [30]. While Al offers immense potential for enhancing research and learning experiences, it also raises concerns that must be carefully navigated. One of the primary ethical considerations is privacy and data security. Al tools often rely on vast amounts of data, including personal information and browsing history. Academie libraries must ensure that proper measures are in place to protect user data, comply with privacy regulations, and obtain informed consent from individuals for data usage [31]. Another crucial aspect is transparency and accountability. Al algorithms can sometimes Academic Library Association 27 ISSN 2319-1392 IALA Journal be complex and opaque, making it challenging to understand how they arrive at certain recommendations or decisions [31]. ALB must prioritize transparency, ensuring that users are aware of how AI tools operate and have access to meaningful explanations for the results generated. Bias and fairness are also critical concems. AI systems inadvertently perpetuate or amplify existing biases present in the data they are trained on. Libraries must be vigilant in identifying and addressing these biases to ensure fair and unbiased access to and opportunities for all users. can resources While AI tools automate tasks and streamline processes, it is essential to strike a balance between automation and the human touch. Libraries should focus on retraining and upskilling library staff to adapt to the evolving roles and responsibilities brought about by Al Furthermore, the ethical implications of Al extend beyond the library itself [33]. Collaboration and information sharing between academic institutions and vendors developing AI tools are crucial in establishing ethical guidelines and standards for their use. It is essential to engage in implementation, Vol.11, No.2 July - Dec 2023 ongoing conversations. and debates surrounding Al in ALBs to address emerging ethical challenges and ensure responsible implementation [34]. As ALBs embrace Al tools mobile applications that transform research and learning experiences, it is imperative to navigate the ethical considerations and challenges they bring [35]. By prioritizing privacy, transparency, fairness, staff integration, and collaborative discussions, libraries can hamess the full potential of Al while upholding ethical principles and providing a and enriching environment for their users. seamless IIT, Analysis on the Impact of AI The future prospects of AI in the realm of research and leaming are incredibly promising. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, AI tools have the potential to revolutionize the way academic research is conducted and enhance the learning experience for students. The table 3.1,, reveals the facts on the involvement of Alin ALB’s, Table 3.1. Analysis of Pro’s and Con’s of the involvement of Al in ALB’s _ Section Use of AL ‘Advantages Disadvantages Alin ALBs | Reduction in literature | Streamlined Dependence on AT may review time research process. _| hinder development of critical thinking skills. Increase in resource Efficient access to | Initial implementation retrieval efficiency. relevant materials. _| cosis for Al integration. Improvement in Personalized Privacy concerns related personalized leaming —_| learning to Al handling user data. outcomes. experiences. Al chatbots handle of Immediate and routine inquiries. round-the-clock stipport. Academic Library Association 28 ISSN 2319-1392 (inn JALA Journal Vol.11, No.2 July - Dec 2023 Enhancing Increase in relevant Tailored resource Over-reliance on AI may Discovery and | resource suggestions. limit exploration of Access: recommendations. diverse resources. Users save an average of | Efficient access to Technical glitches could 1S minutes per search. | vast collections. __| result in incorrect recommendations. High user satisfaction on | Enhanced user ALpowered search, satisfaction, Intelligent Rise in user engagement | Enhanced user Potential for Recommendation | with recommended engagement and recommendation bias Systems —_| resources. retention. based on past user behavior. Discover new research Facilitates ‘Users may miss out on interests through AI serendipitous serendipitous Suggestions. discoveries. discoveries, Find recommendations | Improved alignment | Initial user resistance to align with academic with user Al-driven suggestions. goals. preferences and goals. Alin Services | AT chatbots reduce Round-the-clock Limited ability of Al to and Support of | average query response _ | user support. handle complex, nuanced ALBs time. inquiries. Increased user Consistent and Al chatbots cannot satisfaction rate for AI teliable assistance. replace human expertise chatbot interactions. in certain situations. Human staff workload Efficient utilization | Al chatbot reduced. of human staff. implementation may face resistance from users. Improving | High accuracy in Proactive collection | Reliance on historical | Decision Making | predicting high-demand | curation, data might not account resources. for emerging trends. Increase in collection Data-informed Misinterpretation of data relevancy. resource acquisition. | could lead to suboptimal decisions. Resource acquisitions | Better user align with user satisfaction through preferences. relevant resources. From the above analysis in table 3.1. use of Al improvement. The key areas where Al make a. has increased its involvement in ALB’s significant impact is in data analysis, With the process to more than 75%, which also presents vast amount of information available today, us with a set of advantages and area of further researchers often struggle to sift through Academie Library Association 29 ISSN 2319-1392 TALA Journal ‘mountains of data to find relevant insights, Al-powered algorithms can quickly analyze and process large datasets, identifying patterns and correlations that may not be immediately apparent to humans. This can greatly expedite the research process, enabling scholars to uncover new knowledge and make groundbreaking discoveries. The figure below describes well the level of engagement of AL. Figure 3.1. Role of Al in Revolutionizing ALBs The figure 3.1., describes that the use of ATin ALB reduces the time required for literature review time by a scholar or research for up to 40%. While increasing the efficiency in retrieving the resources up to 30% and personal leaming outcomes have been improved up to 25%. . Tew anegers Figure 3.2. Enhancing Discovery and Access The figure 3.2., describes that the level of discovery and access of resources in ALBs of HEIs have been enhanced by the presence of ‘AL. This is because of the presence of better Vol.11, No.2 July - Dec 2023 recommendations of about 50% which leads to the time saving experience of up to 15 min. And therefore, the satisfaction rate of the ALB users could raise more than are equal to 85%. Figure 3.3. Intelligent Recommendation Systems The figure 3.3., describes that the usefulness satisfaction rate of intelligent recommender system provided by the Al in ALBs. As the timely recommendations helps the users to achieve their goals at a rate 60% at an average, research’s level of interests in research could be retained up to an average of 40%. This leads to the engagement in the research largely up to 70%, leading to providing novel discoveries in the chosen field. Figure 3. and Al in Services and Support of ALBs AI tools also play a crucial role in personalized learning. Figure 3.4, shows Al at the service and support of ALB reducing the work load of staff up to 50%, as the time for the response towards user enquiry or research assistance is reduced up to 2min. This also increased the satisfaction rate of academic ‘Academic Library Association 30 ISSN 2319-1392 Sv _e—ne IALA Journal library users or scholars up to 90%. Every student has unique strengths, weaknesses, and leaming styles. AI algorithms can analyze individual students’ performance data and tailor customized learning experiences. to ‘meet their specific needs. This adaptive leaming approach ensures that students receive targeted support and can progress at their own pace, ultimately leading to improved academic outcomes. Furthermore, Al-powered virtual assistants can provide immediate and personalized assistance to students and researchers. These assistants can answer questions, pro\ guidance, and offer relevant resources, saving valuable time and enhancing productivity. Students can benefit from instant feedback and support, while researchers can focus more on their core work instead of spending time on administrative tasks. Another exciting prospect of Al in research and learning is the potential for collaboration and knowledge sharing. Al tools can facilitate the discovery of related research papers, connect researchers with similar interests, and ‘even suggest potential collaborators, This can foster interdisciplinary collaboration and encourage the exchange of ideas, leading to innovative research and cross-pollination of knowledge. While the full extent of Al's impact on ALB’s, its immense potential on research and learning is Yet to be realized. By harnessing the power of Al tools along with the mobile and cloud computing, ALB can be at the forefront of this revolution. Thus, empowering researchers alike to push the boundaries of knowledge and achieve new heights in their academic Vol.11, No.2 July - Dec 2023 Conclusion Alrevolution is bringing about transformative changes in ALB’s, by embracing AI tools, enhance the overall experience for learners, researchers, and faculty members. Tools such as chatbots and virtual assistants provide instant assistance, helping users navigate through resources and providing personalized recommendations. Based on our analysis it is a fact that AI revolt re the process up to a maximum of 85% so far and the time taken for getting a request done is found to be as minimum as 2min, It is sure that Al improves the efficiency of the research process by reducing the time of review up to 40%, Moreover, AI algorithms analyzing the data and patterns, enables gaining valuable insights on user behavior and preferences. This data-driven approach helps librarians make informed decisions regarding resource acquisition, collection development, and even designing customized learning paths for students. By harnessing the power of AI tools, libraries can enhance accessibility, personalize user experiences, and streamline processes. This, in tu, empowers users to make more informed decisions, fosters academic success, and paves the way for innovation in the academic community. Itis an exciting time for academic libraries as they embrace AI and reshape the future of research and learning. References 1. L. 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