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t3tn 95oinQetcbriei r,3jteti 4en-alot maDts eDat 74'01
amrt 5zraD
st4 arly

Date: 15.02.2020 Max. Marks: 150

natot: 15.02.2020 rier4 WO&WO: 150

TIME: 02-30 pm to 05.30 pm

xitxxix gistet 02.30 Ooci 05.30 VW


eztiztprttOrl ,talericat:

1) The candidates should note Rule 5(19) of the Karnataka Judicial

Service (Recruitment) (Amendment) Rules, 2016 that reads as under:

Main Examination:
The Competitive Written Examination for recruitment of District
Judges shall consist of-
Written Examination of two papers each of three hours
duration with 150 mcvdmum marks of each paper-one in
Civil Law and another in Criminal Law.
It is compulsory for all candidates to answer at least one
of the paper in English language and in so far as the
other paper is concerned, it shall be optional for the
candidates to answer the same either in English or in
Kannada in which event the said paper shall be
answered entirely in the language in which option is
1) W,Torme tuica.te (1c&oa-D3) 60a8c-da) toatimit 2016d cOoi5&.) 5(2.9)a±44
eomoi taztewo4et Q.Doczo evrirgt iwicatgag:
dep., (sat-epee:I 'ctot-vealRic, 0,57DFle es,e etbeloix eAtfroo2ag:-
ewe atOyint.) cacti() esSattzolq eCTD toc:!) Mod eiz?pat
atAeckix 150 71005 eziotfst efvn - aeoz.± - Ciove a-Dctro,li thSsod
ezioDpe 5Dc.fD.)ovncost:f.
c.Dep, e94.10E-iist eaciatkvA ecDig criE &oater.'iS9at e e/opt p3c-rfatp .,
ervlatferai54at -z5ei 07:(1.,497, -9,5a -eict3
&op,' ceetioiv, erv10,TA.Vir: e94,15ornv efav eiavvtid,
afkaBF &c d 4,7De10±,c), empAiewq.

2) If there is any difference in the question in English language and

Kannada language, the question framed in English language shall
&oat) desf4n'Oer,9 cDed0tt9,5a ep3e1 #add Vozte.iocfp, tion
cresiatp, Actz' gle ato :44.3m4Vayi.1'd

3). Write your register number only on the cover page in the space
provided and nowhere else. You must not write your name or make any
kind of marks disclosing your identity on any part of your answer book or
additional answer book. Contravention of the above instruction will entail
pegro ‘VoeJoi‘ eztar 43a1P, &CAW t3D7rd5? e vS ao±daleA aged eVC135.10
WCiate.7POtt. ,OeJe 7f..)Chaic eJeodOlietathe en)Sti Zgeatqlie &ODD aztza &IV
idAgatere0 E4 dericio4 earfabeoprict oSa ata4de ri.)t±01 .22 iyacil'azeizzt. mdxe),DI
xvi vel,e e o4dd A°4 eicvsmira'n itbatroTOAeo.

1. Write a judgment on the basis of following facts by assuming that

you are the judge of a Court of First Appeal: 25 Marks

Note: a) The facts should be presumed and stated in brief and not
reproduced verbatim

b) It should be presumed that necessary witnesses have been
examined and necessary and relevant documents have
been produced to support the case.

The plaintiff filed a suit praying for a decree for Specific

Performance by directing the defendant to execute the registered
sale deed in his favour.

The defendant has admitted the sale transaction, execution

of an Agreement to sell and also receipt of the sale advance amount
from the plaintiff. The only contention of the defendant is that the
plaintiff is/was not ready to perform his part of the contract by
paying the balance sale consideration amount in time. Therefore,
plaintiff is not entitled for the decree for specific performance.
Hence, the defendant prayed for dismissal of the suit with costs.

The trial Court framed the issues and after considering the oral
and documentary evidence of both the parties, the trial court held
that the plaintiffs readiness and willingness to perform his part of
the contract was not proved and accordingly, partly decreed the
suit for refund of the sale advance by directing the defendant to
repay the sale advance amount to the plaintiff with interest at the
rate of 10% PA.

Being aggrieved by the said judgment, the defendant

preferred an appeal and challenged the legality and correctness of
the impugned judgment only on the ground that when the trial
court held that that the plaintiff's readiness and willingness to
perform his part of the contract was not proved, the trial court
should have dismissed the suit. According to the
Appellant/defendant, when the plaintiff has not specifically prayed

for the relief for refurid of the sale advance as an alternative relief,
the trial court could not have granted the same, as no court can
grant a relief which is not prayed for. It was further contended by
the appellant/defendant that even as per Sec.22(2) of the Specific
Relief Act, 1963, if the relief for refund of earnest money is not
claimed as an alternative relief, the Court shall not grant the same.
On these _grounds, appellant/defendant prayed to set aside the
impugned judgment and to dismiss the suit of the plaintiff.

Where as, in justifying the impugned judgment, the

respondent/plaintiff contended that though the plaintiff has not
specifically claimed the relief for refund of sale advance amount as
an alternative prayer, even then the trial Court is empowered to

---grant-the--same - by-invoking -Ordet__T__Rule_7 of Code of Civil

Procedure 1908, by moulding the relief, as the relief for refund of
Sale advance is a lesser relief than the relief for Specific


tOn ;torarteri tegadd thd e4.) droduee dpee.)pa metzextri

25 eborit+
otaQetcb orSD ;nab 3S wdaDO:
g eibtUtbara dcd
RiaSe: ca) xion),V(vtt)4 4.7aLA Arkyrie-joaieesig4,

89) -gedraz42 FA- Jo& cDsp, &nil; xvoryff,14 eDz5videl dzaovcroci)

rov.Ve.z3ficitt 0-112Aataidodo
e -D 9 a ev=b

mon-in ,00e0 th izigp e5zpacti dxe5 coc ,DDoen itgAD,at

tadtot2da) elijj &sOi t73erZ5 &Dee al ,..TadzSeto aod OE


gamnalap aDben 5s md ferldo4c3.11, oDden tozth adg

udtttfaldp4,43.1 & 0=od .).)on'uS P2,1c0Pod.)44.11

auttraoad3V. s'amDat nt0 Zuodocid oanain ?sot trocd aDoen tte ct

iiO ,-ritypthdizchl &Qua ai,Ez2odd ,$)41 cD;)--ozipcz ar&io ci,pdc,c2).
tic:tot:100d Za303.13 LIFEr.61 MCD-D ay enns.,). 4 dratbod .-.3
csam-Dp.t tathrtact&2&tmcgcz trzeOcioda.

Q2,5Dds-WD 250.-3a00,134 =DC5DOtile,M34. diaA mat mirs6dd ,.31.esDt

tpa matera ,vqdviD4 adOritlh me:3(th) 2.a..L'iodal -67zeD •

,z)depd.)44.)4 ci=z-6.6.5 ar'Jam.,), eaotth aerW4 mOr3 d).)orir: sDben

6e&:g 10 malF1 aiticator5' ep

- Jam
, -DO71 cs-Dm.)4
2. 18 tel

zdaz-onctim e SeCiF t-J..fa32..)totg 7,100-tU:J0..t ez Z.J0C3C es,orio

uDdia0ot is'both dpVZatpcz ,terD.,ht3.1 gaz-osat pdmocrtyi Legat

c. F-Zote..1) Podopd34r.134. d.)=z-a) Fdam.,) QdayodraD

--66at-De..)ot* ae.TOMAJCSOTI CTOZ-0)4. th-acklenha'a

etfflad maain al)orIc =cm trapcz .DzipQ;

tuDdipot FriotzFat idomdpot C3Fmh teck3 'QV nuadER m2satzeiat*

z-de -add.)4 uot7A edandcrofls'a atDtodd at-64gie m6alme.)o.1)* teeolde

adt3md34 tedez e:3714ne.,), eapod.4.)eicIszdize

saa-DE:3 s'uad
rzi0i-Dd 6-Dax3, 1963d e..x) 22(2)d 7:36-Dd ori =ea mat-,thr, etcSaix
a.biatzrato-oh teeide ramorl az8atDoat4 exi ct v;kt ert)40_,)

cam-ma-Md. thcautp, ndivicod .Dee.)t Ztrad/FJ,'SD-DOotn 0=C:it ac7.3F-;

clociinVA, n-Dno.) c:3-6z- Dcz th-Ddez (:),BAltr,aoacmod.

tycid eattd3cazd/z-onat3 z'at2d Seeflcz 7,1CprheJ7eobv,1 mt)atn apeen

t.1.)orld tiz; tract ation:J34- ado.tzFatzal are-r610.oh teciide

,Qciodsz tdd Omt-3 ettatz -t808, 1908d uded 7cl.tth

erocelegM asti=Dclacz dab it& e9Qt-Dzi ez. d.GoOtto Of-zr'6

idowDdtodthior CiDe•-.7Dtaat et.JOW-od atied °add) ,--7Dosz5-05.

2. Frame proper issues on the basis of the following pleadings. 15 Marks

The plaintiff is the daughter of defendant No.1 and elder sister,

-of -defendant No_2 and _3._The _defendant No.4 is the_purchaser of
the suit item No.4 and 5 properties. The suit properties are the
ancestral and joint family properties of the plaintiff and defendant
Nos.1 to 3. The plaintiff has got 1/4th share over the suit
properties. The defendant No.1 to 3, without the knowledge of the
plaintiff, have effected partition of the suit property between
themselves,-which is not binding-on the plaintiff. Subsequent to the
partition, the defendant No.1 has sold the suit item No.4 and 5 in
favour of the defendant No.4, which is also not binding on the

On all these grounds, plaintiff claimed a decree to declare that

the partition effected on 04.04.2015 between defendant No.1 to 3
through the registered partition deed and sale deed dated
17.07.2015 executed by defendant No.1 in favour of defendant No.4
in respect of suit item No.4 and 5 are null and void and not binding
on the plaintiff and to pass a decree for partition and separate
possession of the plaintiff's 1/4th share over the suit properties and
also for mesne profits.

The defendant No.1 to 3 were placed exparte. The defendant

No.4 filed the written statement and denied the relationship of the

plaintiff with defendant No.1 to 3 and other plaint averments.
According to the defendant No.4 the suit properties are the joint
family properties of the defendant No.1 to 3 and through a
registered partition deed dated 04.04.2015, they have partitioned
the suit properties between them, in which suit item No.4 and 5
have fallen to the share of the defendant No.1. The defendant No.1,
for his legal necessities, sold the suit item No.4 and 5 in favour of
the defendant No.4 vide registered sale deed dated 17.07.2015. The
defendant No.4 is the bonafide purchaser of suit item No.4 and 5
for valuable consideration. The defendant No.4, after purchase, has
invested huge amounts and has converted the purchased land into
a non agricultural land. Even if the plaintiff has got any share, her
share has to be allotted in suit item No.1 to 3. There are other joint
family properties belonged to the family of defendant No.1 to 3,
which were not included in this suit. The suit is bad for non-joinder
of necessary parties. The suit is not properly valued and the
requisite court fee is not paid on the plaint. This court has no
jurisdiction to try the suit. The suit is barred by Limitation. On
these grounds, defendant No.4 prayed for dismissal of the suit with

tom mscs arignsi atindri eDee3 zmanziriei t ctrae4ze:

15 teOtlict
-aOnt 1e as'amtbat tuleolDhCii) 2 tm).20 33e...ri, amscd) &eat ;leaned°

ufldpa-2,4. gamarrit ra-Dm pt 5d aDd etrodD-Md)V. czm

*o.4 t

7,2;da me2, t)da s'Szon 1 Odd 3 ,Q&I tukaii tokapozid aetuar_i

ehataut,td.mOT3 mz-D ett,Ipt Dec.5 1/43c ao-,S cdci)45. 1 Odd Me

s'80a0o..ixi) mbc:LID rtthq rsad2:3 th

eat mOn ea:40-384;c543e.,). 1azar3ot.) asam mew

-ts tics aic leSe c73, )d.20

dfe gan-a321 t923) tae:4 z-D0f3 utioada,-;b4pee),.

Qace-o, ndratcod za;) MacS 04.04.2015doct 1 Dot Me Ff._18z-o0o.33d

- n.) 8072 aidd thio dc 80,73
OD-Dot 17.07.2015dod) 1e

it2,'SzoOn-en zWe if.,,am-a7)23 COEE Dis() o.4 t)da 5d 2.4 za323)&rai3j. =ea et4

eieth ts-o83d )d.)C373 EiqatarAt4CZ) ee,) ezo23) 0.rzet,433S3 )da ma73

azzD 2:3,220a4) dpec.3 raCi) 1/4e 22)--a123 843..1); Zegh exid

&fa:423So ezodo t , debt:bald.

1 bod 3eagaza3atd) mz-a4s9., nthttealasahdpdac3. :

27Jamno.1)) dql

8za3 2.3Ve?, zzO athth 1 Ood 3e& -4,8z-eacthd pd.20

od racl t9oElapct ir.3amOcx.1)--rod 2:2m e72,1)003-1) 1 Odd

3e s'..8D-a)atziaa2 tok.3Doza:i Cia-aS 04.04.2015d .f-oorzaW,.d tO

F.f'44 tafact etCb CYOZD 2:9,1)2.4Az ,3Datr..fDonzto eddc, adm

..),d2o 5 Me a.s18z-anot 80,73,r3 to0:42,. 1e s'aua80.t.) tra..razacia t2:9t ist,t rleM

£3€3o c).4 & 5 4e gam-a3ri C3D-DO 17.07.2015d .2eors-o=)d s.D0e0

Kop thS aa a3oa 0th. 44e cip,'an-DOod).) com mk3o eo.4 ath 5 23d

23e3T3 aDbenhemag)-DoiS ADOeOcradD-orid335. &AS 4e apz-a)

drag diz53,4 f).3.rzeM aDt5eD,bd tat atet:1 pe7-6?) 238Fh2:30d.).

mOr3 airo4z3e 84 rads, e-.92:4 4 csta 3 i3.1 0o23 3dc, Sr

c_73, a z-D 1 bod 3 rQd te..)4 e.A.323 ta3)02.4 rzEtC.)4 ayleut e

CDMdc, ahd34ner.l. di mop 2:2dEst Frian-odd t 73eD7k3 ep-D2:321 th

23-Dmt; 3d.2D AidD30)-Docktd td 3

aridcanotiTi -etma thaad.)409,. di moairaexthtdirzaz-D.).1. Znzdea

et;sad &cact4nee.),.di - c)-az-D.)4 ne.)Z)ao.S..viri;45.,

,hcb4nek €3.3 caup,

nckarlcori 4c c)-Dt.11 ‘ 7,1)Ra ai-D
teOtrzoact) upp.

3. Translate the following passage as extracted from a

Judgment to Kannada language: 15 Marks

tOtocd ,Sear tqzdzpztZñel9.)manz. 15 esotrict

It is a well settled proposition of law that the Court cannot

add words to a statute or read words which are not therein. Even if

there is a defect or omission in the statute, the Court cannot

correct the defect or supply the omission. Therefore, Section 38 of

the Karnataka Court-Fees and Suit Valuation Act, 1958 (In short,
Act) when it uses the words 'value of the subject matter of the suit' it

is the subject matter of the instrument i.e., the consideration

mentioned in the instrument which is to be taken into

consideration while valuing the suit for the purpose of Court fee

under Section 38 of the Act and not the market value of the

In so far as the argument that Section 38 has to be read with

Section 7 of the Act is concerned, it has no substance because the

opening words of Section 7 of the Act starts with a caveat 'save as

otherwise provided'. It makes it clear that Section 7 comes into play

only in the absence of a special provision provided under the Act.

When the statute provides for valuing the property for the purpose
of Court fee, Section 7 of the Act has no application. Secondly,

Section 7 is attracted only where the court fee payable under the

Act depends on the market value of any property. In other words, if
the court fee is not payable on the basis of market value, Section 7
of the Act has no application.

4. Translate the following passage as extracted from a

IS- Marks -
deposition to English language:
te,Aori ,r,zt dectat zptñ 4.7Dati
is uottht
,-91M tradrt o.9 rad °acid) ±ded)d earX unit airo4de

ed--ocitith eQd34.PeeZ. MD M-0 ;-54‘5 qd.)aO4D Zuan udri

73p3 gJOat a-"O•D acithg.G0a9,. 2:5DM 72'45 dadrt eaciid go3D

e:scizD ded oiso4de ezott e acadi tizon9,. ds 7,1cDhd odd ted

cs-Dz-z nindr Qta-Doh e3dd o. DE3Qat°

accttnots_9,. ni-oza -,-2713V dadFtracipd Vateep., d..) rad .A14.4)

-r-15 Aep.) c).5 cad ea.)44)d3 a dar-ou 5306:3 ctg, -,7E0Q-ze aboi
end gaDczd Taciret-Dp odQbi 2.J€0 cad ,zonic3 e:9C334

nazt,GoCadoe otpd a-Dbc=od ot-Dd Foricatdttn daze.)

aDoe0 @Jig faeP eada eacd eeñ crtOqt taaci a)ben

itisidDcz at-Dual nahtizoadoe &AI maDe.7Dariett cad. e

aiDaDe.3o-tict a-Dasatzeickipd dnod wmcbata -Altie:ocip. dpac) &Deed gig

twice)stzieot?'.7 tdebiats?, .s;cpciEickluDtIdl aeateEet dedatdboal Drin

tbe.e4 d)Jac &DOM Erigd.11 2.9aAraoads -kijoarl zio% &tdactii

atact daiod &pc/A% ca.)44tt eñ .00eri zerigns died d©

cDtii DO dipa ce-roa th-on4emnda did.% 24s2 eactij eTiDd a thzdevi

&C) la ea;44

eii &ti,pb ty,c13 dbeD qz zaC eadatc gaocio

dObeeDh 8ee,h3etwtDV. tad) ,-uppaue thei zauDddip, ttz:3 e_tdrad
t9t± aCTOF -DCZI at0C433

5. Which specific 'Provisions of law have to be invoked to claim the
following relief: 2x 5 = 10
To add the necessary party to the suit as a defendant.
To set aside the exparte decree passed against the
To strike out a wrongly framed issue.
To stay the execution of an appealable decree by the Court
which passed the decree.
To set aside the sale of immovable property in execution of
a decree on the ground of irregularity or fraud.
kit'd adomddit &gal= aDdzDf) oth JDc:LiDtprici;
tros..3,cs.TAIa3eth: 2 X 5 = 10
ea) urid6 ata7radd.)4 -gaz-onatztl caz-ai

z„,) gaz-onat dDd uhd3d nthtleat ajtat.)4 dtoc, eta,-tz.

A) dem-ppd2131z-Dnd3d Zz-aczot.)4 2.2ici„)

ajlat.).4. droad D-D6o3eotc t9 et)e at ktatDopo..1))4 eidaonatex.

,Q) tpc;incd e:9 d2etal eicrodd d.)ee.3 Cktat t9 cleats?, eid d
State the grounds for granting a decree for divorce under Section
10 Marks
13 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
Zoocf..) Zz-ot monc3 1955d, e.)c) 13d saotc), ckt-D ndtarlearaeici
z2teci appt cl. tpotscb tmdeatocto eacgt ScPA. lo e.yorich

Define a Will. How is a Will to be proved? Whether a Will

executed by a Hindu requires a probate? 10 Marks

zwoon,b. t3; et.),V; cbt..ozz a..da,tzeitxt?

Ltr Zoota eidnd.) t.),e5 QV.* etsdee31e:320d eu3o5x? 10 eotrili.)

Discuss the various types of transfer of property as

contemplated under the Transfer of Property Act, 1882. 10 Marks

4nrt ticGat.), 1882d enateel adOiiithtt -" eorie.t
t'sDri-ttOt.1 zst3rh.
9. As per the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, under what 10 Marks
circumstances could additional evidence be permitted by the
Appellate Court and if permitted, what is the further procedure to
be followed?

OZDit exaratZ xl'o80, 1908d c_Ind d)ee./Q D-Dotmat* at-a

6 10 aotrict
xiodgfric,4j3xioatstou ct;kz ?.-Jdz-DDr3 ede..)eDzio iddmM
at-D t.ton gitiotrzeiveicto?

10. Explain the Mode of Executing ANY TWO of the following 5x 2 =10
decrees: Marks

Decree for Payment of Money.

Decree for Specific Movable Property.
Decree for Specific Performance of Contract.

atz*mdcf• caddo CkyNtct e6i39t!)

4 5 x 2 =10
eZ) xiomain-V1
z.t) DO ro-bi z.thixgryDri
&rodprid e;)FQ.76' emeAryal

11. Briefly state the legal principles involved in

ANY FOUR of the
2 V3 X 4 =
following decisions: 10 Marks

a) S.R.Bommai Vs. Union of India

MR 19945C 1918
Vishakha and others Vs. State of Rajasthan
MR 1997 SC 3011
Justice K.S.Puttaswamy(Rtd.) and others Vs. Union of India
W.P.(Civil) No.494/2012, 2017 10 SCC 1
Salem Advocates Bar Association Vs. Union of India
(2005) 6 SCC 344
Prakash and others Vs. Phulavathi and others
(2016) 2 SCC 36

f) Simplex Infrastructure Limited Vs. Union of India
(2019) 2 SCC 455

terffi ;73 ct.ta*csackt a-D=4 ace..*-- 59, 2..Mtraoado ttra.) 23S X 4=

t s -oh 3fl:
Alolz lo e.torict
az) ea-,V.e:scf.dratne 3ctd9 atsazba-f cdoaat
nmeio-6 1994 eaTik 1918
t9) Q 3d2. rd,tdd) C5M",-V OD zs
nmeiti 1997 oar' h 3011
Werif te,);76.7-0)%3Ti2p.) ( e)D tdddct rin739
citteDatV• tsar' raoaat
d2Jageo.(hnce)o.494/2012, (2017) 10 ez-TIPA 1
a) Alevo uctraltat awe titace4a3DedD-1 ZdNd9 ataDatV'ep oacit
(2005) 6 eariAbb 344

ra) t)da edddth Qcbd9 Fp3t)a t),ta eaddth

(2016) 2 eZ76,2dh 36

caape) zo7.45: ran:of-W-6 tz.)itzt zthq citaata-6 tiafedoaat

(2019) 2ca,--1,2A 455

12. Write short notes on ANY TWO of the following: 2x5=10

a) Privileged Communication under the Indian Evidence Act, Marks

Caveat Emptor.

Directive Principles of State policy.

teoifl Fidt ota*rsadc:b adct OJ37c xe3 kieeg Eic30a)b:

ez) eimdaeat ;-7q6 eipatt), 1872d etto,14 gee-,s1 ttoict tiotieet
csa95 e‘; Dt5Ect ,tddiett.


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