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Advanced English Worksheet: Taiwan

Election and Disinformation

Vocabulary List:
English Word Korean Definition

Disinformation 오보 - false information spread deliberately to


Narrative 서술 - a spoken or written account of

connected events; a story

Scepticism 회의주의 - a skeptical attitude; doubt as to the

truth of something

Propaganda 선전 - information, especially of a biased or

misleading nature, used to promote a political
cause or point of view

Unification 통일 - the process of being united or made into

a whole

Amplified 증폭된 - Increased in volume, scope, or


Bioweapon 생물학적 무기 - A harmful biological agent

used as a weapon

Conspiracy 음모 - A secret plan by a group to do something

unlawful or harmful

Credibility 신뢰성 - The quality of being trusted and

believed in

Diplomatic 외교의 - Relating to diplomacy or international

Comprehension Questions:
1. What is the central theme of the article?
2. How is disinformation used in the context of the Taiwan election?
3. What role does China play according to the article?
4. How are the United States and Taiwan portrayed in the disinformation campaigns?
5. What impact does disinformation have on public opinion in Taiwan?
6. Describe the various false narratives mentioned in the article.
7. How does the article discuss the broader context of disinformation?
8. What strategies are used to spread false narratives?
9. Discuss the impact of disinformation on Taiwan's relationship with the US and China.
10. What are the broader implications of disinformation in political processes?
Article Summary:
The article discusses the use of disinformation in Taiwan's election, focusing on China's
efforts to undermine faith in the United States. It highlights various false narratives to
influence Taiwanese public opinion and politics, exploring the broader context of
disinformation, its impact on Taiwan's relationship with both the US and China, and the
strategies used to spread such narratives.
Writing Prompt Instructions:
Write a brief essay discussing the impact of disinformation on political processes and public
opinion. Use phrases such as 'undermining trust', 'manipulating perceptions', 'shaping
political narratives', and 'influencing public opinion' to reflect the tone of the article.
Consider how disinformation can affect democratic processes and the importance of
credible information in political discourse.
Answers to Comprehension Questions:
11. 1. The central theme is the use of disinformation in Taiwan's election, focusing on
China's efforts to create doubt about the US.
12. 2. Disinformation is used to influence public opinion and political perspectives in
Taiwan, particularly regarding the US and China.
13. 3. China is portrayed as a key player in spreading disinformation to undermine the US's
credibility and influence in Taiwan.
14. 4. The US is often portrayed negatively in these campaigns, while Taiwan's political
stability and relations are targeted.
15. 5. Disinformation has the potential to mislead the public, create skepticism, and
influence political decisions and perceptions.
16. 6. False narratives include rumors about the US and conspiracy theories aimed at
creating distrust.
17. 7. The article explores disinformation's role in global politics and its impact beyond just
18. 8. Strategies include spreading rumors, leveraging social media, and creating misleading
19. 9. Disinformation affects Taiwan's international relations and public trust in global
20. 10. Disinformation can manipulate elections, erode trust in democratic institutions, and
affect geopolitical dynamics.

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