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Arief Armedi

Intermediate Writing

I. Introduction
A. General Statement – cats has a bonding relationship with us humans, since
both are such distant creatures. Cats now are well known as a human
companion, a sweet little friend that seeks care and affection.
B. Thesis Statement – the origins of how cats to become this way reach about 30
million years ago. The evolutionary journey of cats and their transition of
becoming domesticated showcase a magnificent theory of evolution—
highlighting series of events in natural selection, mutual bonding, and
selective breeding.
II. Body Paragraph One
A. Topic Statement – In terms of natural selection
B. Supporting Details –
a) Around 30 million years ago a wild felidae roam around the world not
far different as of stray cats today.
b) Felidae’s size is known to be smaller than modern cats.
c) 5 million years afterwards they evolve into pseudaelurus, their size
enlarged due to survival requirement in hunting prey and defense
againts any agressive pressure.
III. Body Paragraph Two
A. Topic Statement – In terms of mutual bonding
B. Supporting Details –
a) 15 million years forward from pseudaelurus, they evolve into felis
silvestris and scatter across Africa, Asia, and Europe.
b) Around 7500 BCE, humans start to associate with wild cats in order to
handle pest such as rodents, since humans at that time rely heavily on
c) Humans used to let their back door open, allowing cats to enter and
seek rodents that feeds on stored grains.
IV. Body Paragraph Three
A. Topic Statement – Selective breeding came as a role for cats to display a more
docile and friendly behaviour.
B. Supporting Details –
a) Around 4000 BCE, the egyptians domesticate these cats because they
believe it has a connection to their goddess Bastet, and start to spread
them across other Civilization.
b) After around the 5th century, cats become fimiliarize with the whole
humans across the world—becoming a tool to handle pests as well as a
friendly company for people.
V. Conclusion
A. Recite Thesis – The journey of cats becoming domesticated presents an
example for the theory of evolution.
B. Summation of three body paragraphs -- a magnificent history of how cats
create a bond with humanity with a lot of various breed.
How Cats Become Domesticated
Its a wonderous that animals such as cats has a bonding relationship with us humans,
since both are such distant creatures. Cats now are well known as a human companion, a
sweet little friend that seeks care and affection. However, – the origins of how cats to become
this way reach about 30 million years ago. The evolutionary journey of cats and their
transition of becoming domesticated showcase a magnificent theory of evolution—
highlighting series of events in natural selection, mutual bonding, and selective breeding.
In terms of natural selection, around 30 million years ago a wild felidae roam around
the world not far different as of stray cats today. However, their size is known to be smaller
than modern cats. Untill 5 million years afterwards they evolve into pseudaelurus, their size
enlarged due to survival requirement in hunting prey and defense againts any agressive
In terms of mutual bonding, 15 million years forward from pseudaelurus, they evolve
into felis silvestris and scatter across Africa, Asia, and Europe. This generation of cats are
believed to be the start of domesticated cats. Around 7500 BCE, humans start to associate
with wild cats in order to handle pest such as rodents, since humans at that time rely heavily
on agriculture. Humans used to let their back door open, allowing cats to enter and seek
rodents that feeds on stored grains. After generations this mutual bond grew into a
relationship between humans and cats.
Selective breeding came as a role for cats to display a more docile and friendly
behaviour. This happened around 4000 BCE, the egyptians domesticate these cats because
they believe it has a connection to their goddess Bastet, and start to spread them across other
Civilization. After around the 5th century, cats become fimiliarize with the whole humans
across the world—becoming a tool to handle pests as well as a friendly company for people.
The journey of cats becoming domesticated presents an example for the theory of
evolution, and as a magnificent history of how cats create a bond with humanity with a lot of
various breed.

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