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GED ELECT-B: Integrative Training and Seminar

Chapter 4: The Personality Parade: Training All Different Types of People

This chapter talks about the different kinds of trainees which include the "Loner,
Amiable, Discouraged, Enlightener, Joker, Reliant, and the Sniper." These are the personalities of
the individuals who might attend a training program. With this, understanding their personalities
would lead you to use some effective methods and strategies in delivering learning, skills, and
values to the attendees in achieving the learning outcomes of the said training.
The article of Vignoli and Depolo entitled, "Transfer of training process. When
proactive personality matters? A three-wave investigation of proactive personality as a trigger
of the transfer of training process" states the role of a proactive characteristic in the
development of transfer of training. This aims to understand the factors in considering an
effective training program which include the positive personality, motivation to acquire learning,
and the environment.
In this study, the model of Baldwin and Ford in the process of transferring training, a
trainee with a proactive personality relates to the motivation of an individual. Additionally, the
environment and the facilities also give the factors in the effectiveness of the training program
(Vignoli & Depolo, 2018).
According to Ford,, 2018, for many years, industrial and organizational
psychologists have been interested in training transfer. In understanding the transfer of training,
it is about the learning of an individual from a certain training experience which would be
applied to their effective performance.
As this article stated, aside from the environment of the training program, and the training
design, but also the characteristics of the trainees, particularly their personalities are significant.
In a training program, there are trainees with different personalities, so the persons who conduct
the training must use strategies to achieve the learning outcomes. As analysis, there are
personalities of trainees who tend to lose interest leading to difficulties in achieving the goals and
outcomes of the training. As to its result, a proactive personality has a greater influence on the
transfer of training.
Understanding the content can give positive feedback as it helps the trainers and program
owners know more about participants in personality manners as factors in its success. It is
beneficial because it opens up more learning strategies in engaging the participants in the
training. It led them to conceptualize ideas to deliver the needed learning for the trainees. Though
it gives only the idea that a trainee must be proactive, it can be used and applied to other kinds of
trainees as it only generalizes the motivation of a participant.
In that study, the trainee's personality played a greater part in the success of the training,
even after the training when applied to real-life scenarios. Nearly every skill, knowledge, habit,
and attitude that is acquired during the educational process is formed during the process of
learning. Getting successful learning results consists of multiple elements, including talents,
hobbies, sound psychological characteristics, aptitudes, drive, dispositions, maturity, self-control,
and others (Herpatwiwi, 2022).
Through this article, knowing the psychological influences of trainee's training transfer,
there might be a strategic plan to engage them more in the said activity. Moreover, appropriate
methods must be applied in every training activity to not just cater to the diversified trainees as
to their personalities, but also enhance their interests and efficacy for the betterment of the
program and the trainees. In addition, technological advancement can be done for more active
and engaging discussions (Brown, 2021).
With this, there are several recommendations to have an effective training program
amidst the diversified individuals in the training activity. One of these is called the "PACFI".
This stands for P for Personalization, A for Active Engagement, C for Clear Objectives, F for
Feedback Mechanism, and I for Inclusivity. For personalization, training must be anchored to the
styles and inclinations of individuals engaged with the training (Brown, 2018). With this, the
topics, activities, assessments, and evaluation would not trigger the training's effectiveness since
the way it could be delivered is according to their needs and wants. Next, for active engagement,
trainers must use interactive and hands-on activities for the participants (Smith, et. al, 2019).
Instead of just letting them sit there and listen, let them do what they have learned on the topic.
In addition, game-based activities can also be done as they extend fun at the same time learning.
Then, there must be a clear objective in which trainers should have clear communication with the
audience as to the outcomes to increase the motivation and understanding of the trainees
(Johnson, 2020). Through this, trainees can pay attention as the communication is clear and not
vague. Next to it is the feedback mechanism. At this point, there must be a system in feedbacking
for the continuity of learning (Wang & Chen, 2021). One of the examples of these is asking your
participants questions if they could hear the speaker if they understand the explanation, or if they
could also ask questions. Lastly, inclusivity is about the accommodation and recognition of
varied backgrounds and skills throughout the whole training program.
Another recommendation is the 3 C's which include cultural sensitivity, collaborative
learning, and continuous assessment. Though the chapter deals with the personality of the
individuals, we can include cultural sensitivity as some of the personalities are based on the
culture that they live in. Talking about cultural sensitivity is about crafting material that considers
the cultural differences of the participants (Chen & Lee, 2018). Then, collaborative learning
encourages the trainees as they exchange ideas with one another. Then, the last one is the
continuous assessment which emphasizes the utilization of trackers as to the progress of their
learning (Smith & Jones, 2021).
To conclude, in conducting training as experts in delivering the content, must also be
experts in understanding the differences of the trainees. The trainers and program owners are not
just given the responsibility to deliver the kind of knowledge based on a set of outcomes, but also
to cater to them according to their characteristics. In this case, it must not stop there, but apply
appropriate techniques, methods, and strategies.

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