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Course & Year: MAED-ENGLISH-1 Date: JANUARY 20, 2024

Instructions: Answer the given questions. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Paraphrase your answers
and make sure to place proper citations. All the cited authors must be reflected also in the
Reference page. Any plagiarized work will gain NO POINT at all. Each question will be rated
with the given criteria:
▪ Content : 10pts

▪ Citation : 5pts

▪ Correctness of Grammar and Spelling : 5pts

20pts per item

1. Discuss advanced oral interpretation with author citation. (cite at least 3 authors) a
Advanced oral interpretation is type of performance art wherein an individual tends to
go beyond reading aloud and showcases a wider analysis of a literary piece. This is
incorporated with the essential features of expressions such as vocal variety, body
movements or gestures, facial expressions to give to the audience of what is really the
literary text all about (Miller, 2001). In understanding this, an individual will try to interpret the
literary piece to what the meaning is embedded on it through creativity, mastery, and
appropriateness. In addition, it is the intensified way of providing an interpretation of the
literature chosen as it connects the ability and skills of the one who performs guided with its
analysis towards the themes of the material (Smith, 2005).
Furthermore, this involves not just its excellence towards the techniques in vocal
expression, but also the immense connection with the emotions and intellects as aspects of
the text. In other words, a performer must not just master the delivery of the text through the
vocal strategies, but also gives the connection when in terms of the emotional aspect of the
material. As stated by Johnson (2010), there should be a navigation towards the subtle of
the language, subtext, and tone that allows the spectators to encounter a varied dimensions
in terms of engagement with the piece. This tends to elevate the interpretation level as it
goes more than what the words are but moves to the purposes or intentions of the authors.
To conclude, this course is multifaceted form of art that needs in-depth
comprehension with the literary text, embedded with the vocal features and innovative
techniques of performance. Additionally, it is the expression of the meaning of a literature in
a multidimensional as it includes not just getting the meaning of the text, but also
experiencing what the text is through visual, audio, and others. This gives an extreme
encounter with the audience as they will immerse with the piece.
2. Select a literary piece you have read and delve into a detailed textual analysis. Explore
how the author approached character development and how the author could convey
character’s emotions, motivations, and conflicts through oral interpretation.
The literary piece entitled “God Stealer”, a short story which was written by F.
Sionil. This story highlights the themes about the clash of culture, and the disadvantages
of modernization. Actually, this piece revolves with the two characters namely Philip
Latak, and Sam Cristie. Each of them has different emotions conveyed in the story.
Philip Latak has this personality which changed him from being a culture-oriented to
being modernized and forgot where he came from. The emotion filled by him in the story
expressed the strong individual who tend to be independent, yet regretful at the end as
his grandfather passed away, due to what he did to the god cultured by his grandfather.
At the end, it showed how emotionally Philip was after he lost his grandfather. In
addition, there was so much anger he has for himself and for Sam Christie. On the other
hand, Sam an American who has the personality to understand more how indigenous
Igorot that lead him to get the god of the Ifugaos. Their interactions as characters and
the dynamics of their evolvement give us the differences of culture.
Through this story, there is an expression of culture based on the personalities of
the characters portray in the story. Through the emotions expressed, let us understand
more to the propose an intention of the author. It reminds us to have limitations, and
must preserve our identity through our traditions despite modernization comes. With how
the characters show their emotions engage us more to how the story is all about and
could make us realize and reflect the essence of its theme.

3. As a language educator, how will you integrate topics in literature and grammar to
improve the oral interpretative skills of the students?
As a language educator, I will consider the interests of the students in choosing
the literary piece that aligns with the competency. I will be integrating varied strategies
that will enhance their oral interpretative skills embedded with literature and grammar.
With this, there will be strategies that I will be using including selection of related
texts wherein I will choosing literary pieces that are relevant to my learners’ interests.
Then, I will also be using Thematic Approach. With this, for them to learn more about
grammar, they will be learning its rules through connecting to the real-world scenario.
Just like for example, if the theme of a story is all about “Cook”, then grammar lessons
on past tense as they will be sharing their personal experiences. Also, letting the
students engage in collaborative activities. As they will be having constructive feedback
with one another. This way, it helps them build a community with a supporting
mechanisms in improving skills in oral and abilities in applying grammar knowledge.
4. How will you evaluate the oral interpretation performance of your students in your
literature class?
There will be an assessment towards their understanding, skill in expressing the
content, and the ability to showcase the significance of the text in evaluating their
performance in a literature class.
There will be different approaches that I will be using in the evaluation. This
includes their comprehension about the text they have read including the significant
events, the plot, or even the characters and setting of the story. This aspect checks how
they intend the meaning of the piece. Next to it is their expression and delivery. This
evaluates their intonation, tone and pacing. The way how they effectively convey the
emotions, or even tension in the text will be given emphasis in this area. Then, also the
nonverbal communication which includes their gestures and facial expressions that
would give more impact towards their understanding about the text. Then, next is the
audience impact which shows how they engage with their audience or how they connect
with them. Additionally, their innovative and creativeness which can be shown in their
props and visual aids that would also give more beauty to their presentation.
Those are just examples aspects I consider in terms of evaluating their oral

5. What teaching strategies will you employ in your literature class to motivate your
students to do oral interpretative performances?
I will be employing technology to their activities as it gives them interest in doing
the whole task in our literature class. There would be audio-visual presentations like
letting them watch video, listen to music, or even letting them do it in their performances
through role-playing and dramatizing.
Based on my experience as a teacher, game-based activities and strategies are
also good in motivating the students. Through using Kahoot, quizizz or any web
applications let them more engaging in the class. Through those activities, they will be
eager to do their best just like using game-based assessments that motivate them to
answer will the questions as they will be motivated to win and top the assessment as
there will ranks that will be show every after the questions.
All in all, strategies that will find interest for my students will be applied in my
class. Integrating materials that enhance their motivation to engage more in the class.

Valencia, S. W., Smith, A. T., Reece, A. M., Li, M., Wixson, K. K., & Newman, H.
(2010). Oral reading fluency assessment: Issues of construct, criterion, and
consequential validity. Reading Research Quarterly, 45(3), 270-291.
Reynolds, G. F. (1950). Oral interpretation as graduate work in English. College
English, 11(4), 204-210.
Bacon, W. A. (1974). Oral Interpretation and the Teaching of Literature in
Secondary Schools.
Graves, A. W., Plasencia-Peinado, J., Deno, S. L., & Johnson, J. R. (2005).
Formatively evaluating the reading progress of first-grade English learners in multiple-
language classrooms. Remedial and Special Education, 26(4), 215-225.
Flowerdew, J., & Miller, L. (2005). Second language listening: Theory and
practice. Cambridge university press.

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