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6 September 2021

“Telling the time”


Exercise 1 !

Tell these times in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

1. One O’clock
2. A half past three
3. Quarter past eight
4. Quarter to nine
5. Fifteen past ten
6. Ten to ten
7. 07.00 P.M
8. 03.00 A.M
9. 12.13
10. 06.45

Exercise 2 !

Count these times in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

1. Adi studies at a half past three. He finishes his lesson at five o’clock. How long does he

2. My mom cooks at six o’clock and prepare food at seven o’clock. She finishes cooking at
six thirty. How long does she cook?

3. They go to the park at a quarter past six. They arrive there at six forty. How long do they
have a trip to the park?

4. Mira cleans her house in thirty minutes. She starts cleaning at 04.00 P.M. what time
does she finish cleaning the house?

5. We start our English test at a half past seven in the morning. We have a speaking test in
an hour. Then, we have a breaktime at in fifteen minutes. We also have a writing test in
an hour.
a. What time do they start the test?
b. How long do they have a speaking test?
c. How long do they have a writing test?
d. How long do they have a breaktime?
e. How long do they have a speaking and writing test?
f. What time do they finish the test?

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