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Khulna University of Engineering and Technology

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Course Code
MSE 4214

Course Title
Failure Analysis Sessional

Technical Report

Quality Assessment of a TMT B500DWR Steel Rebar

Submitted by

Name: Nadim Mahmood Nayeem

Department: MSE
Roll: 1827041
Group: 11
Year: 4th
Term: 2nd

Date of submission: 23 November, 2023

 To assess the quality of a TMT B500DWR steel rebar
 To form a judgement on the quality of the product on the basis of ISO 6935-2:2007

Quality assessment is a systematic process of evaluating the characteristics and attributes of a product,
service, or process to determine its level of quality. The goal of quality assessment is to ensure that a
particular product meets specified standards, requirements, or expectations. This evaluation can
encompass various dimensions, depending on the nature of what is being assessed [1].

Quality assessment methods can vary widely depending on the context. They may include inspection,
testing, auditing, surveys, and other evaluation techniques. The specific parameters and metrics used for
assessment depend on the type of item being assessed and the goals of the assessment process [1].

Quality assessment is necessary for several important reasons across various industries and contexts.
Here are some key reasons why quality assessment is crucial:

 Customer Satisfaction
Meeting or exceeding customer expectations is fundamental for business success. Quality
assessment ensures that products and services align with customer needs, leading to higher levels of
satisfaction and loyalty.

 Product and Service Reliability

Assessing quality helps ensure the reliability and consistency of products and services. Reliable
offerings contribute to a positive reputation and build trust among customers.

 Compliance with Standards and Regulations

Many industries have specific standards and regulations that must be adhered to. Quality assessment
ensures that products and processes meet these standards, helping organizations avoid legal issues
and penalties.

 Risk Management
Quality assessment is a proactive approach to risk management. By identifying and addressing
potential issues early in the process, organizations can mitigate risks related to defects, errors, or
safety concerns.

 Cost Reduction
Assessing and improving quality can lead to cost savings in the long run. By identifying and
addressing quality issues early in the production or service delivery process, organizations can avoid
costly rework, recalls, or customer complaints.

 Competitive Advantage
Consistently delivering high-quality products or services can be a significant competitive advantage.
It can differentiate a business in the market, attract customers, and contribute to brand loyalty.

 Continuous Improvement
Quality assessment is a key component of continuous improvement processes. By regularly
evaluating and analyzing the quality of products or services, organizations can identify areas for
enhancement and implement changes to increase overall efficiency and effectiveness.

 Enhancing Organizational Reputation
A commitment to quality can enhance an organization's reputation. Positive reviews, word-of-mouth
recommendations, and a strong brand image are often associated with consistent quality.

 Supply Chain Management

Quality assessment is crucial in managing the supply chain. Organizations need to ensure that the
materials and components they receive from suppliers meet the required quality standards to
maintain the overall quality of the final product.

 Regulatory Compliance
Many industries are subject to regulations that require certain standards of quality. Compliance with
these regulations is not only necessary for legal reasons but also for maintaining ethical business

 Employee Morale and Efficiency

Employees often take pride in producing high-quality work. Quality assessment contributes to a
positive work environment by recognizing and rewarding quality achievements. Moreover, a focus
on quality can improve overall efficiency and reduce frustration related to rework or errors.

In short, quality assessment is essential for ensuring that organizations deliver products and services that
meet standards, satisfy customers, and contribute to overall business success and sustainability. It is a
proactive and strategic approach that helps in continuous improvement and risk management [1].

In this study, we have assessed the quality of a supplied PSRM B500DWR steel rebar sample. Visual
inspection, physical properties measurements, rib specifications analysis, mechanical testing i.e. tensile
test, bending test, and microstructural analysis have been carried out to assess the quality of the sample
provided by the course teachers.

Flexural Sample

Tensile Sample

Figure 1: Provided specimens for quality assessment

Visual Inspection:
Visual inspection is a non-destructive and cost-effective technique that relies on the human eye to
identify visible defects, irregularities, or deviations from specified standards. Visual inspection is
particularly valuable for assessing the surface quality, appearance, and overall condition of items [1].
Visual inspection in this study has revealed;

 Branding on the specimen (PSRM B500DWR 12)

 Severe rusting on the body and ribs
 Damaged ribs (might be damaged during transportation)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 2: Visual inspection observations; (a) Branding, (b) Branding, (c) Damaged ribs, (c) Rusting

Physical Properties Analysis:

Length, diameter, and weight of both the samples were measured, and cross-sectional area, volume, and
density were calculated. Results from the measurements and calculations are presented below in Table
1 and Table 2. Comments (whether alright or not alright) on diameter, cross-sectional area, and density
are given on the basis of allowable deviation in density (± 6%) [2].

Property Measured Standard Deviation Comment

Length (mm) 467 --- --- ---
Weight (g) 414.10 --- --- ---
Diameter (mm) 12.01 12 0.08% Alright
Area (mm2 ) 113.29 113 0.17% Alright
Volume (m3 ) 5.29x10 --- --- ---
Density (kg/m3 ) 7827.03 7850 0.29% Alright
Table 1: Physical properties of the tensile sample

Property Measured Standard Deviation Comment

Length (mm) 413 --- --- ---
Weight (g) 362.17 --- --- ---
Diameter (mm) 11.57 12 3.58% Not alright
Area (mm2 ) 105.14 113 7.04% Not alright
Volume (m3 ) 4.34x10 --- --- ---
Density (kg/m3 ) 8340.55 7850 6.25% Not alright
Table 2: Physical properties of the flexural sample

Linear Mass Density Analysis:

Linear mass density is a measure of mass distribution along a one-dimensional object, such as a string,
rod, wire, or cable. It is defined as the mass per unit length and is expressed in units of mass per unit
distance, typically kilograms per meter (kg/m) in the International System of Units (SI). It provides a
measure of how much mass is distributed along a given length and is a crucial parameter to understand
the behavior of a specimen in different aspects [1].

For the tensile sample;

• Weight : 414.10 gm
• Length : 467 mm
• Linear mass density : 0.887 kg/m
• Standard linear mass density : 0.888 kg/m
• Deviation found in linear mass density : 0.11%
• Permissible deviation : ± 6%
• Quality by this point of view : Alright

For the flexural sample;

• Weight : 362.17 gm
• Length : 413 mm
• Linear mass density : 0.877 kg/m
• Standard linear mass density : 0.888 kg/m
• Deviation found in linear mass density : 1.24%
• Permissible deviation : ± 6%
• Quality by this point of view : Alright

Rib Specifications Analysis:

Ribs are an essential feature of TMT bars as they serve several important purposes in reinforced concrete
structures i.e. enhanced donding with concrete, improved concrete encasement, and prevention of
slipping [1]. There are two types of ribs used in TMT bars, transverse and longitudinal ribs. Important
specifications of ribs include height, distance, and inclination angle.

(a) (b)

Figure 3: Ribs in TMT bars; (a) Types, (b) Specifications

For the tensile sample;

• Transverse ribs are of uniform height

• Transverse ribs height : 1.36 mm
• Maximum allowable height of transverse ribs : 0.05D (0.60 mm)

• Deviation in transverse ribs height : 126.67%
• Transverse ribs spacing : 8.17 mm
• Allowable spacing in transverse ribs : 0.05-0.7D (0.6-8.4 mm)
• Deviation in transverse ribs spacing : No deviation
• Transverse ribs inclination angle : 70°
• Allowable inclination angle in transverse ribs : 35° − 90°
• Deviation in transverse ribs inclination angle : No deviation
• Longitudinal ribs are also of uniform height
• Longitudinal ribs height : 0.78 mm
• Maximum allowable height of longitudinal ribs : 0.15D (1.80 mm)
• Deviation in longitudinal ribs height : No deviation
• Quality by this point of view : Transverse ribs height is not as per standard

For the flexural sample;

• Transverse ribs are of uniform height

• Transverse ribs height : 1.29 mm
• Maximum allowable height of transverse ribs : 0.05D (0.60 mm)
• Deviation in transverse ribs height : 115%
• Transverse ribs spacing : 7.56 mm
• Allowable spacing in transverse ribs : 0.05-0.7D (0.6-8.4 mm)
• Deviation in transverse ribs spacing : No deviation
• Transverse ribs inclination angle : 70°
• Allowable inclination angle in transverse ribs : 35° − 90°
• Deviation in transverse ribs inclination angle : No deviation
• Longitudinal ribs are also of uniform height
• Longitudinal ribs height : 0.71 mm
• Maximum allowable height of longitudinal ribs : 0.15D (1.80 mm)
• Deviation in longitudinal ribs height : No deviation
• Quality by this point of view : Transverse ribs height is not as per standard

Tensile Properties Analysis:

Uniaxial tensile test of the provided sample has been carried out using a 300 kN universal testing
machine with a pre-load of 0 N to determine the tensile properties of the product. The length, diameter,
and total gauge length of the sample used were 467 mm, 12.01 mm, and 200 mm respectively. The total
gauge length was divided into four sections to determine the elongation of each section which is listed
in Table 3. Cup and cone type fracture surfaces were observed after the testing (see Figure 4). Figure 5
shows the stress-strain behavior of the sample.

Gaugle Lengths Before Test (mm) After Test (mm) Elongation (%)
GL1 51.19 59.14 15.53
GL2 50.36 59.48 18.10
GL3 49.68 68.84 38.57
GL4 50.44 63.98 26.84
GL (total) 200 251.44 25.72
Table 3: Percentages of elongation of the tensile sample

Figure 4: Cup and cone fracture surfaces after tensile test

Figure 5: Stress-strain behavior of the sample

Experimental Results;
• Yield strength, 𝜎𝑦 = 415.90 MPa
• Ultimate tensile strength, 𝜎𝑢 = 541.64 MPa
• UTS/YS = 1.30
• Percentage of total elongation = 25.72%

Minimum Requirments [2];
• Yield strength, 𝜎𝑦 = 500 MPa
• Ultimate tensile strength, 𝜎𝑢 = 625 MPa
• UTS/YS = 1.25
• Percentage of total elongation = 14%

Quality by this point of view : Strength of the sample is not up to the mark

Bending Properties Analysis:

Three-point bending test of the provided sample has been carried out using a 300 kN universal testing
machine with a pre-load of 0 N to determine the flexural properties of the product. The length and
diameter of the sample used were 413 mm, and 11.57 mm respectively. Figure 6 shows the load-CHT
behavior of the sample. Compressive strength of the sample was found to be 67.34 MPa. No crack was
observed on the outer surface after bending (see Figure 7).

Figure 6: Load-CHT behavior of the sample

(a) (b)

Figure 7: Bending sample after test; (a) Bent condition, (b) Outer surface (no crack)

Microstructural Analysis:
The properties of a material is highly dependent on the microstructures present within it. Microstructural
analysis has been conducted to investigate the reasons behind the below standard performance of the
provided samples. Figure 8 shows a standard TMT bar with four cross-sectional zones and four different
microstructural zones. As per the standard, the martensitic ring area should be around 35% of the

nominal cross-section area of a TMT B500DWR rebar to achieve the desired yeild and ultimate tensile
strength of 500 MPa and 625 MPa respectively [3]. But, the provided sample had a martensitic ring area
way less than 35%, thus failed to perform as per the requirements in term of strength (see Figure 9).
Microstructure of the provided sample is shown in Figure 10.

(a) (b)
Figure 8: Standard TMT bar; (a) Cross-sectional zones, (b) Microstructural zones

(a) (b)
Figure 9: Martensitic ring; (a) Standard sample, (b) Provided sample

(a) (b)
Figure 10: Microstructure of the provided sample at the core; (a) MG-20X, (b) MG-40X showing
Ferrite (white regions) and Pearlite (black regions)

 Rusting and damaged ribs were observed in visual inspection
 Diameter and density of the tensile specimen were alright, but not alright for the flexural specimen
 Linear mass denisty for both the specimens were alright
 Height of the transverse ribs for both the specimens were not as per the standard

 Other rib specifications for both the specimens were alright
 Yeild strength and ultimate tensile strength of the supplied specimen were below standard
 No crack at the outer surface due to bending
 Area of martensitic ring is less than the standard requirement

2. ISO 6935-2:2007 (E) Manual

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