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1. Pursuing English as your field of specialization, how would improve your English
outside your class?

As a 1st-year BSED Major in English Student, I improve my skills in English

during classes. However, improving my English skills can't only happen in class but also
outside. There are many ways how I can improve my skills in English outside of class,
such as socializing or talking with a native English speaker either face to face or online
since many applications are already existing which able us to speak with people from
different countries, watching English films with my favorite genre, listening to the music
of my favorite pop artists, reading English stories, writing a diary and poems using the
English language, watching English documentaries and talking in English at least 1 hour
a day. These ways improve my skills and make me happy because they are all fun, and
some are actually my hobbies.

2. How do you find learning English Language?

English is the most used language in the world, especially in schools and
business transactions, and learning it is not easy. I love the English language even
though I'm not that skilled yet. Before entering college, I always thought that English
was just a language and talked about nouns, verbs, pronouns, etc., but it isn't just about
that. Being an English major made me realize that the English language has more to
offer. I am still in my way of learning it since I'm still a freshman, but as of the moment,
I'm enjoying it. I still find some things difficult, but I'm striving to understand those
because I want to learn more. I've still got a long way for me to know it, I'm scared but at
the same excited and determined to explore the English language.


1. Pursuing English as your field of specialization, how would improve your English
outside your class?

As a 1st-year BSED Major in English Student, I improve my skills in English

during classes. However, improving my English skills can't only happen in class but also
outside. There are many ways how I can improve my skills in English outside of class,
such as socializing or talking with a native English speaker either face to face or online
since many applications are already existing which able us to speak with people from
different countries, watching English films with my favorite genre, listening to the music
of my favorite pop artists, reading English stories, writing a diary and poems using the
English language, watching English documentaries and talking in English at least 1 hour
a day. These ways improve my skills and make me happy because they are all fun, and
some are actually my hobbies.

2. How do you find learning English Language?

English is the most used language in the world, especially in schools and
business transactions, and learning it is not easy. I love the English language even
though I'm not that skilled yet. Before entering college, I always thought that English
was just a language and talked about nouns, verbs, pronouns, etc., but it isn't just about
that. Being an English major made me realize that the English language has more to
offer. I am still in my way of learning it since I'm still a freshman, but as of the moment,
I'm enjoying it. I still find some things difficult, but I'm striving to understand those
because I want to learn more. I've still got a long way for me to know it, I'm scared but at
the same excited and determined to explore the English language.

1. Pursuing English as your field of specialization, how would improve your English
outside your class?

As a 1st-year BSED Major in English Student, I improve my skills in English

during classes. However, improving my English skills can't only happen in class but also
outside. There are many ways how I can improve my skills in English outside of class,
such as socializing or talking with a native English speaker either face to face or online
since many applications are already existing which able us to speak with people from
different countries, watching English films with my favorite genre, listening to the music
of my favorite pop artists, reading English stories, writing a diary and poems using the
English language, watching English documentaries and talking in English at least 1 hour
a day. These ways improve my skills and make me happy because they are all fun, and
some are actually my hobbies.

2. How do you find learning English Language?

English is the most used language in the world, especially in schools and
business transactions, and learning it is not easy. I love the English language even
though I'm not that skilled yet. Before entering college, I always thought that English
was just a language and talked about nouns, verbs, pronouns, etc., but it isn't just about
that. Being an English major made me realize that the English language has more to
offer. I am still in my way of learning it since I'm still a freshman, but as of the moment,
I'm enjoying it. I still find some things difficult, but I'm striving to understand those
because I want to learn more. I've still got a long way for me to know it, I'm scared but at
the same excited and determined to explore the English language.

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