12 Wisdom For Young Ministers - Emmanuel & Grace Mimshach-1

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‘Early Journey for lasting impact and relevance’

2|1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
Grace and I appreciate the divine inspiration of the

Holy Spirit, who gave us the enablement to serve

our generation with timely applicable revelations.

Our gratitude goes to our Father and mentor

Apostle Joshua Selman, the editorial team and

Kathizo Global family. God bless you all. Jesus

Christ be praised.

3|1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
This book is dedicated to Late Pa Elton, T.L &

Daisy Osborn, Arch. Bishop Benson Idahosa,

Apostle Babalola and all Gods Generals alive and

Dead, We love and celebrate you all.

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Mathew 25:1-3

Then shall the kingdom of Heaven be likened

unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went

forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them

were wise, and five were foolish, they that were

foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with


incerity alone in ministry is not the guarantee

for impact and relevance but sincerity and

the ability to access wisdom of the Holy spirit

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through the genuine study of God's Words,

relating well with men and women who are ahead

of you in wisdom, knowledge and confirmed

sincerity is a great advantage.

On our little journey with God and our few years

of close mentorship with our father, Apostle

Joshua Selman, we have gathered 12 wisdom in

this book for every hungry young minister with

vision, who desire impact and relevance in their


Jesus Christ be Praised!

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Wisdom Note
Proverb 4:18

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that

shineth more and more unto the perfect day.

I grew up as a young boy passionate for

intimacy at the age of 12 years. My greatest

passion was to love God genuinely and become the

greatest lover of the Holy spirit, the greatest reward

I looked forward to as a young evangelist at the age

of 12 was that, God will one day announce to the

earth how beloved I am, I became a preacher at a

young age, controlling a small fellowship behind

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my house, saved money to buy biscuits for people

in the fellowship, gave my best without any desire

for fame or money, I had no idea what it meant to

be a pastor, all I knew was the voice of my love and

the genuine heart to see people delivered and

come to the knowledge of the one my heart beats

for. But while growing up, I discovered that many

seem to struggle with what I never struggled with, I

discovered that many young ministers come with

complaints of them ministering to someone for

baptism yesterday only to discover that today they

couldn’t baptize another person, even when they

didn’t sin, some come to complain of an accurate

word of knowledge but another time it looks as

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though it wasn’t there at all, many ministers are

faced with this pain of why do they experience

growth this Sunday and the very next Sunday looks

like a fresh start, after so many fasting, prayer, seed

sowing and the likes.

Many have been frustrated and pained

believing those that had this result consistently

were not open to tell the younger generation the

truth, so in a bid to accept the defeat, they criticize

the existence of such dimension and growth, many

young ministers have faced depression and

realized on their journey to find growth and power,

because it looks very easy to see them occur once,

to happen massively in a meeting but hard for

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them to live a continuous life of that atmosphere,

revival comes to a territory and after some years it

disappears like it never happened, the move of

God comes on a sanctuary and never stays after

five years, I might be a young man, but the wisdom

God taught me includes the need to understand

the wisdom that brings lasting impact in ministry, it

is very easy to get but hard to retain, very easy to

cast out demons but what is the assurance of that

casting in the next two services, after the massive

evangelism the church will be filled up, but how do

you maintain the growth, only to discover you

come to church believing they will be present, only

to see the normal members and just few persons

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that just strolled in and never return. I understand

how frustrating it is giving your best but having no

result, the pain of pursuing a grace, manifesting it,

only to believe it’s there and then it becomes a

struggle on the pulpit, you sow to a mentor and see

the manifestation in the next meeting and never

see it again until after another season of crying for

it, how do you keep repeating this testimonies in

ministry and in your life?

I have walked and still walking with my

mentor and father Apostle Joshua Selman, I ask

questions and learnt that there is a need to know

how to access the wisdom that preserves, than that

gathers, the best of farmers are not those that plant

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and harvest, but those that preserve. The

agricultural system depends on the storage system

than the planters, heaven depend on your

knowledge of preservation.

Isaiah 49:8

Thus saith the LORD, In an acceptable time have

I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I

helped thee: and I will preserve thee, and give thee

for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth,

to cause to inherit the desolate heritages;

God brought a great help to the children of

Israel, but didn’t stop at the help, He brought

provision for the preservation of that help, any

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breakthrough in ministry must not be celebrated

until you know the wisdom required for

preservation, never seek power and graces if you

are not sure of the system that brings its continuity,

any harvest in ministry you are trusting God for,

make provision for wisdom of maintenance of that

harvest, God is a father of continuity, He believes

in posterity that’s why He created Adam and

placed in him a reproductive system to reproduce

His kind and place all ability in the sperm to

produce organs and systems to make the new child

survive after conception, if God can take out time

to arrange such level of posterity then ministry is

not exceptional.

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Matthew 5:13

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost

its savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is

thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out,

and to be trodden under foot of men.

The ability of God in a minister or a believer is

dual, it comprises of the light and salt dimension,

God sees us as light but above all requires we

become salt the preserver, meaning the day you

heard God, he also made provision for the wisdom

to preserve it .

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Proverbs 22:12

The eyes of the LORD preserve knowledge, and

he overthroweth the words of the transgressor.

Bible explained that God's system of preservation

is not in works or flesh, or in prayer points, but His

preservation comes through knowledge and

wisdom, your access to wisdom and knowledge is

your greatest path to preservation, once you can

access this wisdom and knowledge your ministry

enjoys continuity of power, revival and growth, a

farmer has the energy but the knowledge for

preservation is needed than the strength needed to

farm, knowledge they say is power, but I discover

knowledge serves as preservative tool, proverb

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explained that knowledge is a structure.

Knowledge has the ability in itself to retain; what

you attract by fasting and prayers you maintain by

wisdom and knowledge, both can house your

growth and not lose any, knowledge can preserve

that manifestation to become a continuous

happening, despise knowledge and get a spoilt

harvest, the wisest in Egypt called Joseph was given

the greatest reward and applause, not because he

farmed, or harvest the crops, but because he had

the wisdom that preserves, the quality of a project

is not in the estimation or how good it looks, but

it's in the sustainability structure set towards that

project, if the world system values sustainability,

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how come we young minister and pastors don’t

seek heaven’s system of sustaining growth,

impartation, grace, revival and supernatural

manifestations we experience, learn always not to

ask but inquire on the preservative means of what

you received, how do you start a year with a great

growth and still round that year with same or

fluctuating level of growth.

John 17:12

While I was with them in the world, I kept them

in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept,

and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition;

that the scripture might be fulfilled.

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Jesus demonstrated a great model for us by that

statement, to an extent he told us how perfect his

sustainability structure was, that he preserved all

that he was given. Can that be our testimony? Can

we look back and find out that the prophet on fire

for God yesterday is still the same fire carrier man

of God today? The deliverance during the mid-

week is still same happening every day, can you

look back and say to yourself I have learnt

sustainability of results and have maintain the grace

to preserve it. The growth around me now can

become predictable and I have no fear of ups and

down, let’s check the 12 wisdom that brings lasting

impact and relevance.

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Wisdom One

Mark 9:34

But they held their peace: for by the way they had

disputed among themselves, who should be the


here seems to be rising questions in our

generation bordering around the quest for

fame, wealth and growth, every young minister has

a burning desire to be known and reach the spot

light. During our fathers era, they were driven by

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the desire to see souls saved, the blind see and the

lame walk, they challenged themselves into days of

fasting and prayers so as to produce high level of

results, but this generation is driven by sudden

quest for fame, wealth and riches, magnificent

halls, and frequency of ministrations. Knowingly

or unknowingly, they join the arguments of who

will be the famous apostle, who will be the next

prophet, who will be the most invited, so they sow

seeds, pray for hours and fast for days, listen to

messages, and give loyalty to their spiritual fathers

and parents so as to carry the mantle to become

the greatest among the brethren. We're in the

generation that values fame more than the Lord

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who is the giver, to an extent that we believed that

the death of a General in Faith is the passage to our

limelight in ministry, gone are the days where we

weep for father’s exit. We now press for their

mantles, all because of the argument of who will be

the richest pastor, who will have the biggest

cathedral and who will be the father of the younger

generation, who will the campus invite the most?

Which relationship will be the most blessed and a

model to the younger generation, this argument of

desire have made many gone on spiritual routine

for power, believing it’s their way out of friend

zone to father zone, so much so that the greatest

desire of young minister is to carry the grace for

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influence than to press to hear God's voice, so we

move from one meeting to another in search for

endorsement so as to fuel our desire for the

greatness we seek.

Jesus Christ saw that same problem amidst the

disciples, He saw their desire to be the greatest,

there was a hidden argument amidst them about

who will be the one sitting with Jesus when He

becomes King, to the point where even the mother

of two of Jesus' disciples had that burning desire to

see her sons become great amidst others. Do you

see that in this generation, parent seems to put

their young minister under pressure, they also want

to walk into a big hall smiling and been celebrated

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as the parents of that famous minister, not minding

the whereabouts of the sudden fame. They gave

them a picture of fame and wealth, motivate them

to remain patient, but not on the vision but on the

result of another father of faith, which fuels a

young sincere pastor to join the train of the


Mark 9:34

And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith

unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same

shall be last of all, and servant of all.

Jesus Christ gave them the condition for been

great, He made known to them that the person that

will be great in a generation, that will be used

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mightily by God must leave the argument and the

table of competition, he must leave the desire for

greatness among his peers.

The path to greatness is service. The path to be

useful is to leave the arguments and serve, not

serve in church, but your heart must see yourself

privilege to be called and you must humble

yourself among your peers and serve them by

praying for their growth, sowing into their lives and

giving them information that will make them grow.

The desire to see others grow and succeed more

than them were also among the passions our

fathers of faith possess. The greatest people in the

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palace are not prince and princesses, but are slaves

serving, because they know the ways of the king.

John 2:8

And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear

unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it.

The disciples were with Jesus Christ, the servants

were instructed to carry the wine to the wedding

guests. A Servant heart knows what God our

Father wants per time, willingly do them and still

want to be sent on other errands without

grumbling. Many in the argument, after some years

will become silent but the ones with the hearts of

servants will be the fathers. Leave the argument,

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step out from the competition, serve your

colleagues in the secret place, be free to receive

advice and counsel from your sons and daughters,

kill unnecessary protocols, sow no matter how little

you have to your friends meeting, don’t withhold

love and attention from your protégés. Despite

God being our father, he still comes visiting us

whenever we praise or pray. We go to him in

praises and prayers, he comes to meet us with our

answers, and he has never lost his greatness or

honour. Leave the argument this generational

ministry brings and God will rise you up mightily.

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Wisdom Two

he only perfect man is God and the

Trinity, even Jesus Christ almost missed

his perfection when he wanted to reject the death

on the cross, before the man of God became a

pastor, apostle and prophet, he was once a man

and he still remains a man, he still eats, take his

bath and rest like every human being, our fathers

are not perfect, the errors we may see in the

revelation of the nature of a man, some doctrines

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we kick against were the deformity of their depth

in God, but still never take their fatherhood nature

from us, seeing the nakedness of a father is not a

sin, but it becomes a sin when you didn’t cover it

and it becomes a public opinion, remember the

story of Noah, he was not angry towards the son

because he saw his nakedness, but his anger was

the dishonor of not covering his nakedness and

laughing at the father's mistake. The same father

that constructed the ark, the same one that saved

their lives.

Have you forgotten so soon that you once attended

their crusades, you were baptized under them,

gave your life to Christ under their ministration,

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have you forgotten how your parent ran to their

meetings when you were sick and how you became

healed, have you forgotten how they fed you with

God's Words while growing up, just that at their

resting stage they became naked never means they

are not with God. Why don’t we cover our father’s

nakedness? Why don’t we stop this evil doctrine

of pointing out faults and errors, and allow love

corrects? Why don’t we seek to protect our own

and preserve the dignity of the body of Christ, why

set a whole meeting with hundreds of people in

attendance, only to make a father the central point

of the message, our fathers have labored, let’s give

them the respect and cover there nakedness.

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Exodus 2:14

And he said, who made thee a prince and a judge

over us? Intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst

the Egyptian? And Moses feared, and said, Surely

this thing is known.

Moses Killed an Egyptian because of an

Israelite, and made sure that no one saw him, so it

means the Israelite that he helped was the one that

made that statement, and betrayed a father that

killed for his sake, the level of betrayal of sons to

fathers are on a raising scale, some fathers gave

their endorsement, love, resources and time only

to gain betrayals from a son who looked loyal but

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was a deceit. Let's become loyal to our fathers with

a pure conscience, not in weary heart but with

singleness of heart, love them with our hearts

despite the error, talk about them for good,

celebrate them among your gatherings, borrow

quotes from them and reference them.

Ephesians 4:16

From whom the whole body fitly joined together

and compacted by that which every joint supplieth,

according to the effectual working in the measure

of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the

edifying of itself in love.

The lack of the ability to admit the fact that in every

father's possession; are possibilities you need is the

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earlier the better. You need favour, wisdom,

wealth, power and influence, these possibilities are

not in one man, but are in different men and

women in your locality. Your genuine honour to

them will attract such graces to you, learn to listen

to them despite differences, drop the difference

and receive the need and knowledge, your lack of

church growth might be in because you spoke

against a prophet whom multitudes rush to. Your

lack of finance might be because you criticize the

jet of a pastor, learn to leave the room of strife and

criticism, they destroy mandates and callings.

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Wisdom Three

2Kings 4:1

Now there cried a certain woman of the wives of

the sons of the prophets unto Elisha, saying, Thy

servant my husband is dead; and thou knowest

that thy servant did fear the LORD: and the

creditor is come to take unto him my two sons to

be bondmen.

E lijah had a prophet who was very faithful,

sincere and pure but lacked the ability to

control his spending, he was anointed but was in

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debt, because he was poor, the source of poverty

is primarily the system of spending, lack functions

due to living above your income. You need money

and resources as ministers but you sustain increase

by spending wisely, many ministers complain of

money always, but when you look around them

you notice unnecessary spending in ministry,

everything is needed in ministry but not for all

season, you spend according to seasonal needs, the

prophet borrowed money for many things but

failed to have vessels at home, he might have

bought new clothes, staffs and jewelries, infact the

other sons of the prophet might have looked at

him and felt he was prospering, not knowing he

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was in debt, he spent money but not wisely, when

the prophet needed vessels(Jar), the wife needed

to borrow them. He died leaving them with a

cruise of oil, many young ministers are very

extravagant, they buy microphone that are very

expensive, which they should use the money for

publicity and get a cheaper one, they rent halls that

will be a prayer point at the 10th month, why are

you wearing clothes on debt, why borrow money

to sow seed to a father so it will look like you are

successful, why the show off? God knows your

season, so he sends money base on that, if you

spend beyond your capacity, you will cover it up

by yourself, some kind of instruments are not

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needed for a starting ministry, get a small level of

speakers and manage till you increase, its not how

well you start, but your sustainability.

Matthew 14:19

And he commanded the multitude to sit down on

the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two

fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and

brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the

disciples to the multitude.

Watching Jesus life, you will notice wise

application of resources, He didn’t demand that

they go to the city and buy food for all of them, He

needed to make use of the capital system of

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ministry before money, anytime you need

something, spend wisdom, relationship with

people and the supernatural before spending

money and resources, people can do what you

want to spend money for, sometimes money saved

gives more room to do some important things

better, why buy a camera at this level when you can

use a good phone, why pressure your people for

your birthday, when you know you don’t have

enough money in the ministry purse, them that

spend wisely end wisely.

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Proverbs 11:24

There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and

there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it

tendeth to poverty.

As a minister, your ability to scatter wisely

brings the increase you desire, to every resources

that comes your spending must be scattered wisely,

because some resources come to open season, but

your inability to discern is the reason behind so

many delays, some money were meant for some

programs, but you diverted it for wears not

knowing your lack of discernment have place a

hold upon a fresh season in ministry.

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After Jesus did the miracle of multiplication,

He instructed them to pack the remaining and take

them along. What a wise master! He spends wisely

and hates wastage. He believes in the system of

resources management, to the extent that he

became poor so we will be rich. Why can’t you also

die to some personal needs so your work will grow,

add those money you spend on coke and pay

people transport fare, kill some outings to safe

money for peoples welfare, fathers are

discomforted to comfort others.

Jesus Christ needed to have a treasurer so

that he can manage the resources Heaven sends,

remember the story of the tax collectors that

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stopped Jesus Christ and Peter, the question I kept

asking myself (Emmanuel Mimshach) whenever I

read that passage is that where was Judas and the

money with him, but I discovered that Jesus and

Peter went somewhere, Judas was not with them to

give the money, Jesus needed a supernatural

provision, this means that He didn’t carry the

ministry money about, He believed God for his

own life than the ministry account, what a perfect

savior to learn from, learn to stay clear from

church money, only if you're on salary, never carry

church money to buy things after service not even

pure water without the accountant or usher's


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You are a minister of the gospel with a prophetic

office, you are in Abuja, God said He will send you

help, but be patient. Contact us via:


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Wisdom Four

1Samuel 18:1

And it came to pass, when he had made an end

of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan

was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan

loved him as his own soul.

T o have a lasting impact we need men to

love us, supply our needs and protect us

with their influence, the world is a place of spirits

but in need of men, in as much as you have a great

vision, with accurate dispensation of gift you need

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men to hold your hands, the problem is not about

understanding the need of men but discerning

them. Peter the great preacher was seen as a mere

fisher man until Jesus discerned his worth. He

would have just remained a fisher man, and in the

long run Jesus Christ would have been affected by

not discerning what he carries, there won’t have

been a man to come and address the people in the

day of Pentecost as good as Peter said it. The

Church leadership won't have been given the right

person as him. Some books in the New Testament

were written by Peter through the help or

inspiration of the Holy Spirit. There are many

people you will start with, they are weak and poor,

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but in them are the wealth of the kingdom locked

up in them. The Spirit of apostolic vision bearers,

running around for the rich, going to write

applications for need of pastors are not needed, in

as much as they are good, but build the little men

around you, give them time and see greatness. You

might be running in lack today with this men but

build them, you might be scared of the longevity of

the assignment, but build them, men are not fools,

they remember their cave of adullam.

1Samuel 22:2

And every one that was in distress, and every one

that was in debt, and every one that was

discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and

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he became a captain over them: and there were

with him about four hundred men.

The Bible told us how David hosted a lot of weak,

dejected and poor men into his ministry, he would

have been angry and frustrated. How can he

actualize destiny with such men and women? He

took his time to build the poor, weak, depressed,

dejected people, only to see them emerge great

and mighty. Weak but strong men.

John 5:7

The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no

man, when the water is troubled, to put me into

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the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth

down before me.

The man in the pool, has been there for the

past thirty eight years. He had opportunity to be

healed but each time the healing comes, no man

to bring him to that experience, but the question

is, who brought him to the pool, definitely not him

but someone took him there. What made the

person not to stay, I believed it was his desire to be

helped at that level and not to be healed.

Remember Lazarus and the rich man (desiring

Lazarus) died not because it was his time but

because his desire in the face of his helpers was for

crumbs not the real bread. He had a wound the

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rich man could cure him but he desired only food

not healing, he could not discern that his helper

was the rich man, the man was not bad, he was

lovely, infact, whenever he eats, he allows Lazarus

to come near his table with the wound, he was

perceiving the smell but he couldn’t do anything

because Lazarus’ desire was to eat the crumbs.

Discern men and women and be open to them

about the work of the ministry, tell them about the

mandate, tell them how they can come in, always

learn to seek for counsel, help and blessings.

As a person, you must learn to value

relationships with the rich, despite God gives you

the rich and influential as a blessing, you must

50 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
learn to accord them respect of their space, many

young men will keep asking and asking, calling and

calling, because they were helped, learn to add

value in the presence of your helpers, when people

give you their best of service, you must learn to

appreciate them, they have where to go and serve

but because they love you, they stayed so give them

your love, commitment and integrity. Do not play

around with their gaminess, don’t ask for tithe and

money, don’t bill them up and down, allow them

give according to knowledge, don’t force your

workers to celebrate your birthday online and

offline, let knowledge allow them grow into

honour, don’t insult them, allow your helpers to

51 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
express their faith in you freely. It brings honour

when its done out of love and not compulsion.


You are called by God, but you have a major

challenge with lust, please contact us via:


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Wisdom Five

Proverbs 23:23

Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and

instruction, and understanding

Proverb 23:23

Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and

instruction, and understanding.

t takes sufficient truth to command freedom

over delay and hardship in ministry. Until we

access the truth, everything will still be in the dark

in ministry. Truth is not dreamt about but is

54 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
acquired with time. Money or service; the

revelation of ministry growth is not discussed as a

film show. It is searched for, the path to favour is

not gotten by prayer only but by your level of truth

accessed and applied, you don’t pick truth on the

street, you buy them, you buy them with the

currency of time, money and strength(service), the

money you have reserved for wears, invest it in

buying materials that will shapen your ministry,

I’m not talking of irrelevant books, where you just

buy because you need something to move around

with, buy books according to your desired search

for results, let your books be tailored on the kind

of authors that have possession of what you need,

55 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
get relevant audio messages, don’t just listen to

them because you just want to feel spiritual, get

accurate audio and literatures and get your desire

results (get the following messages on our telegram

channel: Study to Shew part 1,2 and 3).

You need to know what certain men of God

represent and how to place them in the knowledge

you seek, so you can have vast access to knowledge

and get speed on time. I will give you a catalog of

some ministers and what they represent for young

ministers, so that when searching for some certain

truths you know where to get it from.

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Wisdom Six

Deuteronomy 28:1

And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken

diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God,

to observe and to do all his commandments

which I command thee this day, that the LORD

thy God will set thee on high above all nations of

the earth:

he Greatest assets you have as a minister of

God is not the anointing or excellence but

the rare privilege to access His voice. The

58 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
direction from Heaven determines life's reaction

towards you. No matter how small as a man is, if

he gets access to the voice of God, give him time

he shall become great and mighty. Men that hear

God, get the attention of the world to hear them.

God is only committed to what he commands, you

can't enjoy signs and wonders in ministry until you

walk by direction. It takes direction to walk in the

Anointing, wealth, fame and growth.

The greatest of the saints, Generals and the

prophets of old had access to His voice, why

should they be a program when His voice have

not commanded it, the greatest of us is those that

heard. Never wake up as a minister when you not

59 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
sure of God's Voice, Signs and Wonders are on

the Validation of What God say,

Mark 16:20

And they went forth, and preached everywhere,

the Lord working with them, and confirming the

word with signs following. Amen.

The Apostles of Old saw signs and wonders

through the validation of what Jesus Told them.

Any sermon without the direction of God's voice

have no signs and wonders as an occurrence. You

want Angelic assistance, it takes the direction of

God's voice. We have a generation of ministers

who have replaced the voice with Google search,

intellectual ideas, courses and mere planning and

60 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
thinking. No wonder we have few people in

Church and meetings, because God's sheep won't

hear you until you hear GOD.

John 10:27

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and

they follow me:

The voice you hear affects the multitude you

attract, our generation is growing with a lifestyle of

mere calculation, people chose territory for

themselves and not God choosing for them, they

determine halls and meeting venues without

hearing God, the root of struggle is lack of the

voice of God.

61 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
My Lady and I have covenanted with God, nothing

we do will ever be based on mere calculation, it

comes from an Encounter. You will continuously

struggle for growth, anointing and Influence due to

negligence of His voice, until you are detailed in

God's direction for your life; there is no impact.

Who told you the cloth to wear as a minister?

Who instructs you on the pulpit or do you just

have them planned out on your own Accord?

Before starting out in Ministry, the core lesson to

learn is not prayer, anointing or leadership it's to

hear him, you must master His voice.

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Wisdom Seven


Matthew 6:10

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as

it is in heaven.

he success of any Church or ministry is

directly linked to its ability to align itself

with the culture, language, laws, resources, and

goals of the kingdom of God. In order to impact a

territory for God, the representatives of the

kingdom, which includes pastors and leaders, must

64 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
have a clear vision of God's plan for that area. This

vision must be common among all representatives,

regardless of their location, in order to effectively

carry out the mission of the kingdom. The Church

is a tool that God uses to bring Heaven to earth

and fulfill His vision for each territory, and it is

only through alignment with His kingdom that true

impact can be made.

John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and

the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by


Our Lord and Savior defined the global vision of

a representative, which is the sole essence of your

65 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
church - to reveal Jesus to thousands of souls as the

Way, Truth, and Life.

The WAY, the first vision of the kingdom of God,

is to bring salvation to individuals and thousands

of people. If your church meetings and services are

not achieving the global vision of salvation, it

means you are failing in your work as a

representative and minister of God. When was the

last time you made an altar call or sent out workers

for soul-winning? You may be targeting likes on

social media, but if you are not targeting souls, you

are not fulfilling your purpose.

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Romans 12:2

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye

transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye

may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and

perfect, will of God

The TRUTH, as the second global vision of every

five fold minister, is to bring people to the

knowledge of God’s Word and to transform their

minds. If all you do is get them excited without

sharing the truth that transforms, then you are

failing in the global vision. Every believer in a

ministry must experience true transformation

through the power of the Word of God.

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Acts 10:38

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the

Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing

good, and healing all that were oppressed of the

devil; for God was with him

The third global vision is the LIFE, which involves

bringing about miracles, empowerment, and

charity to help thousands of people find healing,

deliverance, and hope for their basic needs such as

food, clothing, and shelter. As a fivefold minister

of the gospel, these three global visions should be

your focus. We will explore the three missions

necessary for achieving this global kingdom vision

as we continue on this journey.

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Mark 6:12

And they went out, and preached that men should


Every mission in the Kingdom of God has a

specific message attached to it.

While the overarching message is to preach the

gospel of the Kingdom. God has a unique way of

bringing it to pass through each person's distinct

method of communicating their message. Some

people are sent to preach faith, others to share

hope in God, while some reveal mysteries of the

Kingdom. Some focus on love, others on the

reality of the new creation, and some on

69 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
consecration. However, all of these messages are

centered on the preaching of Jesus Christ.

And the king said unto him, Turn aside, and stand

here. And he turned aside, and stood still.

2 Samuel 18:31-33

And, behold, Cushi came; and Cushi said,

Tidings, my lord the king: for the LORD hath

avenged thee this day of all them that rose up

against thee. Note

And the king said unto Cushi, Is the young man

Absalom safe? And Cushi answered, The enemies

of my lord the king, and all that rise against thee to

do thee hurt, be as that young man is.

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And the king was much moved, and went up to the

chamber over the gate, and wept: and as he went,

thus he said, O my son Absalom, my son, my son

Absalom! would God I had died for thee, O

Absalom, my son, my son!

Simply being sent is not enough. As a

minister, you must also carry a message that is

specific to your generation and your calling. Even

in the New Testament, each book was written with

a particular message in mind, despite the fact that

they all preach Jesus Christ.

For example, Paul's epistles centered on the

redemptive work of Jesus Christ after his death and

71 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
resurrection. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark,

Luke, and John all tell the story of Jesus' time on

earth, but each has its unique take on who Jesus

was. John emphasized that Jesus was the Son of

God, while James focused on prayer and its role in

our relationship with God. First and Second John

emphasized God's love. When my wife, Grace,

and I were called to ministry, we knew we needed

to understand our specific message.

We preached on many topics, but our focus was

always on the renewal of the mind, as we believe

that the limitations of men come from a lack of

faith, which comes from not having God's hand on

our lives. When we are born again, everything we

72 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
receive from Christ is dependent on the renewal of

our minds. Our message complements the faith

message rather than replacing it, Until JESUS BE


your unique message. It is not what you preach that

will reward you but what you were sent to preach.

Sometimes God will give you the same message as

another minister; embrace it. God is not tired of

raising up multiple people to preach His Word.

The harvest is plentiful.

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Matthew 10:6

But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of


Every assignment has a location, media is an

extension of your location, but not the location,

God's agenda is first territorial before it becomes

global. My generation is after the globe than the

territory. Anytime God calls a man, He sent him

to a territory, even your own savior had a territory

of his calling, not knowing your territory leads to


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Act 18:9-10

Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a

vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy

peace: For I am with thee, and no man shall set on

thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this


Every assignment needs helpers, laborers and true

burden bearers, which will never be seen outside

your divine territory, every territory God assigned

you to, is where your labour becomes easy, don’t

assume a territory because you working there, or

because you finished your institution from there

and you believe it will be easy for you to run your

75 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
ministry there, your ease in ministry is base on

divine direction on your location.


I Corinthians 3:10

According to the grace of God which is given unto

me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the

foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let

every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.

The strength of every building is based on the

architectural plan drawn, there will never be a

beautiful house if not structurally designed,

ministry is strengthen by structure, as you continue

to run the Church many structure will change as

76 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
some will be added, but there are some vital

structures you must know to start well.


You must ask the Lord to know if the ministry is

meant to start out as a Sunday service,

interdenominational, an evangelical meetings, or

to work under a commission.


God wants to save the old and young, but every

man is not sent to every age range, there are four

major age range, you must ask God to know which

you are called to.

77 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
0-14 Years,14-35 years, 35-60 years, 60 years

upward, sometimes you find a mixture of these in

your call, but there is a major audience you must

be called to among them, that is what will define

many operations in your ministry, trying to have

everybody leads to confusion and frustration, grow

with those you are called to.

Acts 13:36

For David, after he had served his own generation

by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto

his fathers, and saw corruption:

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Wisdom Eight


Psalm 45:7

Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest

wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath

anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy


very Man you see that looks false to your

eyes, started more genuine with sincerity of

heart than most of us, they followed God not

because of what he would offer but they wanted to

80 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
contribute to God's Kingdom. They were after

seeing Jesus revealed and glorified, but as they

passed through the system of Ministry, the Church

system and ministry have accepted many corrupt

knowledge and principles that makes a sincere

heart become corrupted.

As the young minister grow in Ministry with

sincere heart, he/she will meet lot of systems that

seeks to corrupt a genuine heart. You will see

systems of Mammon where point comes your

drive for more counseling comes because of the

desire for money, you start online meetings

because of the lust for dollar, ungodly movements

becomes your greatest desire. The measure of

81 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
success in Ministry is the amount of invitation per

week, suddenly you start keeping relationships all

because of ministry success despite you are

disloyal in the heart, the corrupt system in Ministry

is more than politics, young men with sincere heart

but grows to become bitter, harden and unforgiven

because who you are submitting to does not attach

himself with them.

Messages are preached on the pulpit to reply

someone messages, we are becoming more

political than preachers, more economists than

Jesus Treasury, our welfare in church are to those

that gave than those that don't give, philanthropy

work in Church no longer jeer towards love but to

82 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
receive more partnership because you need a new

car and house, young sincere men loving God, but

the corrupt system in Ministry have stained them.

You reading this are either sincere right now or

you are around the web of the corruption, the

greatest of men are those that have guided their

hearts to fight this corruption in the body of Christ.

Season will come when you need money and you

will want to tie every blessing to a cost, another will

come when miracles must be seen in your ministry

and you will need to do many psychological things

to proof a point, seasons will come when you need

endorsement and you will have to lie against a

relationship to have acceptance, seasons will come

83 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
when you will only pray for favour and visibility

because you want to be known and invited in

churches than pray for souls. Seasons will come

when you will discover your people don't enjoy

your message so you will be forced to check the

trend and sound like them, seasons will come like

Judas because of the needs at home and family you

will use the money for the poor into your house

food stuffs and properties, seasons are coming

when you will want to have a larger population of

membership by all means, so you will look for a

day that is free for the bigger Ministry and set your

own there. When preachers become

psychologists, when pastors are economists, when

84 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
men of God are becoming a politicians, wisdom is

great with a pure conscience.

My dear young generation can we trust God to

maintain righteousness and purity by all means,

despite the corruption, the stain, the hurt from

members and mentees, can you still maintain the

initial love you have towards people even when

your pastors and mentees hurt you, can you still

invest into another person despite the hurt of

yesterday, by all means maintain a sincere heart, let

love flow continuously, give your heart a constant


85 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
John 1:38

Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and

saith unto them, What seek ye? They said unto

him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted,

Master,) where dwellest thou?

What are you seeking for in ministry, in Jesus there

are so many things you can find. The question you

need to ask your heart always is what is your heart

seeking for? A point comes in Ministry that your

search changes even without you been aware, you

begin to shift passion even without knowing,

suddenly you feel you are preaching the Bible only

to discover you are preaching your ideologies.

86 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
A point will come that your search changes

from souls to fame, from the anointing to

endorsement, from wisdom to trend, from favour

to seed preaching, from Jesus to your vision. The

greatest question you always need to ask yourself is

what am I seeking in Ministry? What are the

motives behind my prayers? Why am I submitting

to my spiritual father? Is it all because of

endorsement? Is it because I heard about the

power of fatherhood? Is it because he has money

and he will sponsor me? Is it because you will need

to be the first son he will raise base on every Father

as a notable son and you must not miss it, or was it

God that directed you?

87 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
The Truth is that all of us have one or two of this

web of corruption, let's ask God for Mercy and

hold forth a sincere heart, that Jesus only be

revealed and Glorified.

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Wisdom Nine

Galatians 4:1-2

Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child,

differeth nothing from a servant, though he be

Lord of all; Be under tutors and governors until

the time appointed of the father

mpact takes growth and willingness to be

guided in ministry, ministry is not for

suggesters but for decision makers, until you

understand that despite the great call upon your

90 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
life, you can still not achieve it, until you are under

a mentor, my dear Young minister.

Accountability is the greatest level of

submission, seed sowing and many strategy of

submission are great but not as powerful as

accountability. God knows your thought, but why

does He still seek accountability from you, why

does He still want you to tell Him about your plan

when He is aware about it. Many young ministers

are not accountable, we are loyal, genuine and

kind but accountability is far from us. Your

spiritual/Ministerial mentor does not know your

whereabouts, your ministerial plans are not talked

about, no one in your ministry knows how things

91 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
are going with your decision, your wife or fiancée

doesn't even know the head over you.

You have up to ten spiritual mentors who you call

your fathers/mentors. We can't pin point who you

are really submitting to. Every year we keep seeing

post of one man of God or the other, the moment

a new man of God embraces you, he becomes

your father, the moment he scolds you, he

becomes the old Prophet.

My dear young man, the wisdom to go far lies in

accountability, look at every Father you celebrate

and you will see a track record of accountability

mixed with true submission. Those your spiritual

92 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
fathers do they know about your programs, are

they aware of your yearly plan. How well have you

discussed your vision with him? The person you

put your plan under as a father or mentor has

wisdom. Are you always fond of informing him

about anything when it's almost late? How frequent

do you ask for spiritual assignment to grow your

spiritual life? Every discipleship needs a person to

also disciple him, never reach a point you can't be

discipled by the Word, it's the most dangerous

point of no return, a place that leads to the end of

the road of impact, how frequent do you allow him

question your flesh and lust of the eyes, how

frequent do you share your fear and worries, if you

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haven't done this please make haste and amend

that area of your life, you need accountability.

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Wisdom ten

Joshua 24:15

....but as for me and my house, we will serve the


ho you marry matters alot in Ministry,

the lady/man you agree to follow will

determine what follows you, if you want to go far

and become one of the greatest tool for an endtime

revival, then choose carefully who follows you.

Your marriage will reveal if you will last in

Ministry. Many ministers of God are meant to go

far in God's work but the lack of peace and storms

in marriage affected their love for God's work.

96 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
They love God but the strength and

encouragement from their spouse wasn't there, so

they lost passion for many things they needed to

push on.

My dear young ministers, settle down and

choose a good woman/man, don't go into that

relationship, courtship/marriage because he/she

has the money to finance your ministry. They

might have the finances for sponsorship but does

he/she have the heart for the people? Is they an

altar that will carry your global work into the realm

of the Spirit and travail until it is birthed in the


97 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
When you marry an Esther, you will enjoy favour

and relevance. When you marry a Deborah, you

experience victory, but when you meet a Delilah,

she will give you all the support romantically,

financially but will one day end your ministry

between two pillars of mockery. The day you allow

a Jezebel into your life all because she is

prophesying, she will help you to the throne and

kill your relevance. My dear one, prayers and

intelligence is not the only requirements, Jezebel

prophesied, Delilah was highly intelligent, Lot's

wife was a good investor and business woman so

much so that it was recorded of her having

precious jewels that she couldn’t leave behind, but

98 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
these women lacked genuine love for God and the


Some gifts don't reveal love but buys love, only to

find out because he/she sponsors all your

programs and crusades; you automatically feels

she's totally the miss right, because he takes care of

your needs as a lady in the ministry does not imply

that he is the right partner for you.

Before choosing a partner you must be able

to make the research Adam made when he

discovered that Eve was his flesh and bone,

meaning that she was his kind of beautiful (Flesh)

and was having similar passion and admirable

99 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
character (bone), he was careful to make his choice

with this characteristics in view.

A certain Father of faith stated that ‘your

eternity will be determined by the spouse you

marry’, and I'm totally in agreement, because who

you marry matters how much of peace you will

enjoy in life.

Lack of peace in marriage will often lead to

depression and frustration, then frustration will

lead you into adultery, alcoholism, anger, lies and

bitterness which eventually will destroy your

assignment and lead you into secret sins which has

a way of affecting your eternity, hell is set lose to

100 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
make you get a wrong woman/man, but I want you

to know that there are marriages that are lovely, but

they are those that are carriers of this Grace called

marital bliss and honour.

I declare that the grace upon us that makes

marriage beautiful will make yours beautiful, and I

declare your relationship shall be pure and

outstanding in the name of Jesus Christ.

Experience marital Bliss!

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Wisdom Eleven

he success and failures of today is the

product of your mindset of yesterday.

What you want to be in future will be a by product

of your mindset of today. How big do you think?

What do you see? What are your thoughts about

God's assignment in your hands, how far do you

see in your mind?

103 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
Proverb 23:7

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and

drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with


Every minister who ignores the power of the

mind cannot attract the growth they desire. The

ability of the mind is incredible because what you

desire and believe in your mind is an attractive

force in the physical world.

A growing church was first in the mind of the

pastor before it became physical. When we started

Kathizo, we were just three: Myself, Grace, and

Bro. Yahaya but while preaching, I would shout at

104 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
the top of my voice and people would wonder if

there were more than just the three of us there, in

my mind, I saw an overflow.

One day, I was sharing the grace with a

congregation of twenty, and mistakenly said that

‘anyone in the overflow who wanted to receive the

life of Christ should come out’. Everyone laughed

because there was no overflow, but in my mind, I

carried that image. Every morning, I saw an

overflow and each time I walked, I saw men

gathering in numbers. Just after six months, an

overflow came.

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The mind is the womb of your growth in

ministry tomorrow. I strongly believe that Kathizo

will build a global city where nations will come to

experience Pentecost. I believe a season will come

when presidents will attend our cells. I strongly

believe that Kathizo will be able to seat more than

thousands of people in a single meeting. I have no

doubt that the Word of Faith Weekly Devotional

will be used by youths all around the world. This

is my mindset today, and tomorrow must produce

these results.

Many young ministers dream of cars, houses,

lands, clothes, and traveling, and that will be their

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results tomorrow, but I choose to focus on impact

in my mind, rather than pleasure.

Proverbs 16:3

Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy

thoughts shall be established.

God does not just listen to the words of your

prayers, but He also looks at your heart to answer

them. When you gather with your friends or

workforce to pray for your ministry and Church,

He pays attention to the agreement of your minds

not just the words spoken.

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For instance, if you pray for a growth of 200

members, but your mind can only accept 50, then

God will respond to what is in your mind.

To achieve growth in your ministry/church, it is

important to expand your mind and increase your

capacity to believe. Visualize the growth you desire

and imagine the impact it would have on your

ministry. Go to places where such growth has been

achieved and learn by observation. Avoid the

environment of mediocrity and strive to expand

your mind.

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Wisdom Twelve

Psalm 110:3

Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy

power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb

of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth.

fter graduation from the School of

Ministry/Theological school, after the

impartation, when you finally get hold of the funds

to start ministry, the building is set and the sounds

are available and the graphic designer has created

a good logo for the ministry, then you proceed to

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register the ministry name and finally chose a day

to start up God's work, or as an evangelist you get

set for the crusade, maybe as an apostle you chose

a day for the meeting and get a venue, after all is

said and done, you must be able to answer this

question or else you will fail again and again, ‘how

will men fill the chair?’ How will you have loyal

and dedicated workers? How will you see

committed partners? How will the

Church/Ministry expand?

If the answer to the above questions is your

spiritual father, a notable music minister or

facebook ads, in as much as these things are part

of ministry system of reaching out, I submit to you

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that it will only take power, to gather hundreds and

thousands of men, to command a territory to love

God, to pour God's Spirit and healing upon men,

to command favour financially, it will only take

power, forget about the sound.

How come five thousand followed Jesus despite

they all won't hear him, despite they all have work

and are engaged, some of them were woman, they

had husbands at home waiting to be attended to,

but power brought the will of men under control,

they forgot their needs and followed Jesus.

My dear young pastor, the reason why the

ministry is not seeing freshness is not because you

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don't have a spiritual father or because your

spiritual father is not known, who was Paul's

father? Who was Jesus’ spiritual father? Who was

John's spiritual father? Till an extent a whole city

and town came to wilderness to seek him. This is

not to in anyway downplay the impact of

mentorship and spiritual fatherhood.

Thank God for authority, thank God for my father

Apostle Joshua Selman, thank God for mentors

and grand Father's in ministry, but they are not an

excuse for laziness, take away that mindset and

pursue the ancient paths of Power, it takes power

to win souls, no matter your words and the

skillfulness of your instrumentalists, if power is not

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at play no one will come out to surrender their

lives. It takes power to fill up the chairs in your

church and meetings, it takes power to have

someone favour you financially you despite the

economic system in the world.

It takes power to experience overflow, I'm not

talking about the one we young men arrange now,

we space the chair arrangement inside so that the

building that should contain 200 people is made to

contain 80 people so that you can make others sit

outside, just to show your selfish ambition for

pictures of overflow one and two.

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During the days of revival, the building will

be jammed together to a point men and woman sit

near the podium. My young generation, who has

lied to us, who has drifted us from the genuined

pursuit for power and we are running towards

physical means to get spiritual result? How come

you want to use the cymbals as your system of

deliverance, who told you a keyboard in the

background is what will bring the presence? How

come we've learnt a wrong system to impact? Let's

get back to what Jesus said, when He was going,

He left the greatest system of power for us. By this

system, He assured us that ministry and impact will

be achieved. He gave us the access to the greatest

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force on earth, the access to His Name is the

greatest force of power!

Acts 4:18

And they called them, and commanded them not

to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. The

apostles were not stopped from preaching despite

their fear of the Jews. It was not just the miracles

that made the Jews afraid, but also the apostles'

preaching and teaching in the name of Jesus


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Act 4:30

By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that

signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy

holy child Jesus.

Nothing responds without the name of Jesus

Christ. Only through His name can we see

miracles, signs, and wonders. Only His name has

the power to command the entrance of God's


The greatest problem of our generation is

that we preach and teach, but we have stopped

representing the Name. We represent our

ministry, our spiritual father, and our office, but we

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have forgotten to represent the Name of Jesus. We

hardly preach the Name in Churches, we hardly

pray and end it with the Name of Jesus. The

spiritual has become too religious to the point that

it forgets the importance of the Name of Jesus

Christ. Without that Name, we cannot see the

healing power of God flow. The angels, the Holy

Spirit, and the Presence of God all respond to the

consciousness of the Name and its declaration.

John 12:32

And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all

men unto me.

To command a multitude, one must engage

the power of the name of Jesus. When the name

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is lifted up in prayer, preaching and in the heart,

people are drawn to it.

As a minister of God, if you desire growth

in your Church, then you must engage the name of

Jesus. The name has a magnetic effect on people

and draws them to you.

The name of Jesus is like honey, sweet and

attractive, and when it is declared, people must

come. Even the early apostles and God's generals

did not have the resources and technology we have

today, but they knew the power vested in the name

of Jesus. They relied on the name to bring growth

to their Churches and ministries.

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If Jesus Christ, during His earthly ministry,

attracted thousands of people, then His name can

do the same in your church. So, lift up the name

of Jesus in your ministry and see an overflow in

your Church. People will be drawn to the name

and to the message that is preached through it.

Remember, the power is not in our abilities or

resources, but in the name of Jesus.

Mark 2:1-2

And again he entered into Capernaum after some

days; and it was noised that he was in the house.

And straightway many were gathered together,

insomuch that there was no room to receive them,

no, not so much as about the door: and he

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preached the word unto them. And they come

unto him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was

borne of four.

The presence of Jesus in a house turned it

into a stadium, with people overflowing and unable

to find space inside. This was all because Jesus was

there. As a minister, you may have been preaching

your spiritual father's sermons or relying on the

bible school you attended or the fast you went on

for healing and power. However, you may not have

seen any results or growth. I suggest that you focus

on the name that never fails and build your

confidence in it. If you want to experience miracles

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and have an impact in your territory, then engage

the name.

I recommend that you read the books "The

Name of Jesus" by E.W Kenyon and "Name

Above Names" (Emmanuel & Grace).

This is the Link to download.


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Our Personal Correspondent email address:

Personal Gmail: kathizoglobal@gmail.com

WhatsApp Contact: +234-8027053436

122 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s

What a Great news, Just Confess Jesus Christ as

Your Lord and Savior, that he died and

resurrected, and that you receive His life into your

heart, and that's all, congratulations!

Stay consistent in a bible believing Church and

connected to our official Kathizo_THI Facebook

platform to download audio messages and

contents, which will keep your life burning for

God. Jesus Christ be praised!

123 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
To reach more destinies with this book, you sow a

kingdom advancement seed via any of these

accounts. God Bless You!!


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Emmanuel Mimshach Ologun
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124 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
An apostolic and prophetic
couple, sent with the mandate of
liberation through salvation,
transformation, empowerment
and miracles. They hold a weekly Wednesdays
interdenominational program called Kathizo
('Tarry' Luke 24 vs. 49), with a rising number of
prayer cells in Anyigba, Kogi state, Nigeria. God
has also given them the mandate to serve this
generation with the word of faith, weekly
devotional and life applicable E-books. The
liberation mandate has been a blessing to many
lives, churches, campuses and territories, as they
travel from one location to another, with
testimonies of transformation and miracles.

125 | 1 2 w i s d o m f o r y o u n g m i n i s t e r s
 Simple Ways To Communicate With The
Holy Spirit
 Name Above Names
 Let’s Grow That Church
 Why You Need Favour With Men
 The Coming West Wind (Nigeria’s
Prophetic Handbook VOL. 1)
 Word Of Faith Weekly Devotional
 Stepping Out of Addiction
 Breaking Patterns and limitations
 Experiencing Marital Bliss
 Breaking Marital Delay
All titles are available for free, contact via
whatsapp: 08125838438 or 09130162622

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You can connect with EMMANUEL & GRACE

MIMSHACH on their official online platforms,

most especially their Telegram Channel for life

transforming Messages and edifying contents







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