Family Preparedness Plan Sample

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(University of the City of Manila)

General Luna St., cor. Muralla St. Intramuros, Manila, Philippines


Civic Welfare Training Service
Tel. 8643 – 2563

Number 3

Name: Andrea Grace D. Collantes NSTP01 – Sec.: 59

______Collantes_____Family Preparedness Emergency Plan (FPEP)

(Family Surname)

I. Address: 3600 Mag. Arellano St., Bacood, Sta. Mesa, Manila

II. Family Members (include in the remarks whether Adult, Minor, Child, Senior Citizen, PWD,
and others, include pets)

Name Contact Number Remarks

Marc Adrian Collantes 09987649872 Adult
Joahn Marii Collantes 09995459284 Adult
Andrea Grace Collantes 09234189076 Adult
Cherry Pigar 09455353892 Adult
Scotty N/A Pet (dog)
Stuffy N/A Pet (dog)
Shamcey N/A Pet (dog)
Sammy N/A Pet (cat)
Snow N/A Pet (cat)
Pipay N/A Pet (cat)

III. Disasters Most Likely to Occur in our Household: Fire and Fall Risk

The two disasters most likely to occur in our household are fire and fall risk. Fire because
we own a lot of appliances that may overheat or short-circuit which may cause fire. We
also use gas stove that may contribute to it being a fire hazard. Majority of our house is
also made out of wood which is highly flammable. For fall risk, we have stairs that are
only wood screwed to metal. It also does not have any rails and is quite steep. There
may be a possibility for fall risk due to the screws loosening or accumulating rust.

IV. Cite at least two (2) Escape Routes from your House (be specific as possible):
1. One possible and sole escape route that we have here is our front door towards
the gate to the street. Frankly, other than this, we don’t have any more alternative
escape routes.
2. Another route that I could think of would be the door to our roof located near our
stairs. For temporary purposes, we can go there but I doubt that it can handle all
of our weight since it is rather vulnerable plus the pets are a hassle.

V. If separated during an emergency, cite two (2) meeting places outside your residence.
Consider safety, proximity and familiarity of the place to all the members of the family.
You may cite designated evacuation place by your local community officials, but include
a more specific location within the vicinity.

1. One meeting place would be the entrance gate to our barangay since it is an open
area and there is a shed near it where we can cover ourselves. The route is only near
our house straight ahead.
2. Another meeting place would be our parish church that is located only a block away
from our home.

VI. In the event that the household members are separated and due to some reasons unable
to meet in the designated meeting places and unable to communicate with each other,
determine an emergency contact person or agency which is NOT a member of your

Name: Roberto Jr. Collantes

Address/Location: 3572 Mag. Araullo St., Bacood, Sta. Mesa, Manila

Contact Number: 09964795221

VII. Include Plans in Case of Evacuation of Household Members with Special Need (Senior
Citizen, Children, Persons with Disability, Persons with Special Needs, Pregnant Women,
and others, include Pets)

Name Plan
Dogs Pet carrier
Cats Pet carrier

VIII. Specific Task for Family Members:

Name of Person Responsible

Nature of Task
(you may write more than one name)
1. Preparation and Storage of Disaster Joahn Marii Collantes
Preparedness Kit (Go Bag) – Stock the disaster Andrea Grace Collantes
kit and take during evacuation if necessary, Cherry Pigar
ensure that Go Bag contents are complete and
2. Household Members Medical Information – Joahn Marii Collantes
familiarity with the medical information Marc Adrian Collantes
including medications and other requirements
of ALL members of the household
3. Be Informed and Updated – maintain access to Marc Adrian Collantes
disaster related information via Early Warning Andrea Grace Collantes
Systems, SMS Messages, Radio or Television
information during times of disaster and
4. Financial Information and other important Marc Adrian Collantes
documents – store and obtain copies of Joahn Marii Collantes
financial and bank statements and cash in the
event ATMs and credit cards do not work.
Safekeeping of important documents like Land
Titles, Car and other Assets Certificates and
Documents, making sure they are placed in a
water-proof casing.
5. Sharing the information and Maintaining the Marc Adrian Collantes
Plan – Share the completed plan to others who Joahn Marii Collantes
may need to know. Set meeting with household Andrea Grace Collantes
members at least every six (6) months or as Cherry Pigar
need arises to update and change the plan.

IX. Emergency Preparedness Kit (Go Bag) Checklist:

Make sure that the Family Emergency Preparedness Kit (Go Bag) is stored properly and always
ready to be brought in case of emergency and evacuation if necessary.
Item Description Check if Present
Water – 1 Gal of water per person per day for at least 3 days ✔️
Food – chocolate, power bars, noodles, ready to eat and easy to open ✔️
canned goods, biscuits
First Aid Kit – absorbent compress dressings, adhesive bandages, adhesive ✔️
cloth tape, antiseptic, cold/hot compress, latex gloves, bandages and pads.
Medicines – Prescription medicines, maintenance medicines and other OTC ✔️
Bleach in case of water purification – 5 drops per 1 L of water
Blanket and Extra Clothes ✔️
Hygiene Kit – Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, insect repellant, baby wipes, ✔️
alcohol, sanitary napkins
Poncho or Raincoat ✔️
Special Needs for babies, pregnant women, and elderly
Flashlight or rechargeable lamp ✔️
Batteries, charger, power bank ✔️
Transistor Radio
Swiss Knife or multi-purpose tool ✔️
Black Bag and Re-sealable plastic bag ✔️
Duc Tape, Rubber Bands, Sewing Kit ✔️
Matchsticks, lighter, candles ✔️
Mirror ✔️
Paracord (at least 5 meters long) ✔️
Marker and pen ✔️
Extra Cash ✔️

X. Pledge and Conforme to the Collantes Family Preparedness Emergency Plan

We hereby conforme to the development of our Family Preparedness Emergency Plan (FPEP)

and pledge to follow the plan in case of disaster and emergencies.

Name and Signature of All Adult Members of the Household

Name Signature

Marc Adrian Collantes

Joahn Marii Collantes

Andrea Grace Collantes

Cherry Pigar

XI. Attach two (2) photos:

1. Family Preparedness Emergency Kit (Go Bag)

2. Household Members with the Signed Family Preparedness Emergency Plan (FPEP)

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