05 Temperance Script

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Temperance Exhibit these as drugs but they know that they must drink them to

have enough energy to get through the day.

Welcome to the Temperance Exhibit. In these exhibits we Let me tell you how caffeine works on your brain.
have shown you many things you can do to have better The surface of the cells in your brain are covered with
health as illustrated in these steps on the center panel. In receptors. When certain substances attach to these
this exhibit we will emphasize temperance which simply receptors they work like little switches turning the cell on.
means self-control. True temperance is avoiding those As more of them are turned on the activity level of the cell
things which are harmful and using that which is good in increases. This is how your body controls its level of
proper amounts. alertness and activity. When you drink a cup of coffee the
There are some things which were never meant caffeine binds tightly to every receptor in your brain turning
to be put into our bodies. Most poisons make us sick the cells on to high speed. You immediately feel alert and
immediately and we label these as poison and try to avoid awake and full of energy. Your imagination is more vivid.
them. But a few poisons make us feel good soon after taking Your mental ability is clear and active. You feel better. So
them and we can become addicted to them. Alcohol, what is the problem? The problem comes when you use
tobacco, narcotics, cocaine, and caffeine are drugs that ruin caffeine on a regular basis day after day. Your body reacts
the lives of millions of people. to this over stimulation. It does this by removing receptors
Most people want to feel good. This is normal. To from the cell surface. Gradually the cells of your brain
feel good one must have good health. But these substances become almost completely depleted of these receptors.
give you a good feeling which is only temporary while at the Now your normal body substances are not capable of
same time they are destroying your health. As you become keeping your cells turned on and alert. You must have a cup
addicted to them they no longer make you feel as good as of coffee to wake up in the morning. And you must have
they did and soon you must take more and more of them some tea or a Pepsi to give you the energy to keep going
just to feel normal or to keep from feeling awful. through the day. The person has become addicted and he
Alcohol has been the ruin of many. Look at this cannot enjoy normal work and activity without the regular
character here on the panel to your left. You can see use of this drug.
illustrated some of the damage which alcohol can do to So if you are in this condition how can you restore
your system. The most prominent is the immediate effect the receptors on the surface of your brain? You must stop
on the brain. It affects your frontal lobe first causing a loss the use of caffeine completely! This is the only way you can
of the normal inhibitions meant to protect us physically and stimulate the cells in your brain to make new receptors. If
socially. It also affects our judgment allowing us to do things you choose to do this let me tell you what will happen. For
we would not normally do. Personality can be altered the first three days you will have a terrible headache. But
resulting in much disruption and violence in our homes and during this time your brain is starting to make new
community. Our reflexes are slowed causing many receptors. And as new receptors are added the headaches
accidents. will decrease. For several weeks you will continue to feel
But there are many more subtle effects which weak and tired. But don’t give up even though you know
alcohol has on your body. Did you know that scientific that a cup of coffee would take away all your symptoms.
studies have shown that as you continue to use alcohol you This tiredness and the headaches will get less and less as
lose neurons from your brain? This loss goes on with your cells continue to make more receptors. Within a
continued drinking until the atrophied brain of the alcoholic month you will have enough that you will wake up
is much smaller than the size of a normal brain. Alcohol also refreshed with plenty of energy to make it through the day.
affects the stomach causing inflammation, gastritis and In fact you will have more energy than you ever had while
finally painful bleeding ulcers. Alcohol can affect the on caffeine.
pancreas causing severe pancreatitis with severe pain and I’m sure you must have some questions you
vomiting. The liver is also poisoned by alcohol. And would like to ask about what I have talked about so far. So
although the liver can survive much abuse finally cirrhosis maybe we can take some time to answer those now.
of the liver causes the body to swell with water and the skin
turns yellow with jaundice. It weakens the heart, the bones
and just about every part of the body can be damaged by
alcohol. And the final result of all this misery is an early
death. So if you really want to feel good don’t be deceived
by alcohol’s promise to feel good now.
Smoking tobacco causes much disease and death.
We will tell you about this in much more detail at the Air
Exhibit so I will not go into more detail about that at this
time. But now I would like to tell you about another drug
that affects many. This drug is named caffeine. It is found in
coffee, tea, Pepsi and Coca-Cola. Most people don’t think of

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