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Termly Assessment 1 3.

Use <, > or = to compare the different

Name: Date:  7 + 6000 + 20 + 600

1. Complete all of the multiplication and division

6020 606
facts by filling in the missing numbers.

4×7= 72 ÷ 12 =
1000 less than six
1000s 100s 10s 1s
thousand, three
6×9= 48 ÷ 8 = 1000 1000 100 100 10 10 1 1

hundred and
1000 1000 100 10 10

11 × = 110 35 ÷ =7 2 marks
1000 10 10

10 10

2. Place these numbers in the correct parts of the

Venn diagram.
1000 more than two thousand, one
12, 63, 36, 81, 72, 42
hundred and thirty-four

Multiples of 6 Multiples of 9

2 marks
1 mark

Termly Assessment 1 Page 1 of 5 visit

4. Complete this calculation using the column addition 6. What factor pairs do these arrays for 20 show?
5 9 7 4
+ 2 2 3 5 ×

1 mark

5. Write the missing value for each of these

partitioned numbers.

482 = 400 + +2
6847 = 6000 + + 40 +
1032 = + +2

9105 = 9000 + + 2 marks

2 marks

7. Complete these sentences with the missing numbers.

There are hundreds in 1000.

There are hundreds in 3000.

There are hundreds in 1500.

There are 12 hundreds in . 2 marks

Termly Assessment 1 Page 2 of 5 visit

8. Ruby thinks she can find the area of the first 9. Complete these number sequences.
rectangle by working out 5 squares × 4 squares.
7, 14, , , 35,

, 5000, 4000, , 2000,

, , 75, 100, 125, 2 marks

10. Complete the rounding statements.

5955 rounded to the nearest 10 is .

area = squares area = squares
3489 rounded to the nearest is 3000.

Find the area of each rectangle and explain how 1270 rounded to the nearest 100 is .
Ruby’s strategy works.
8625 rounded to the nearest is 8630.

2 marks

11. Complete the calculation using the column
 subtraction method.
 5 8 6 3
 − 9 4 4

 2 marks
1 mark

Termly Assessment 1 Page 3 of 5 visit

12. Fill in the missing numbers on this number line. 15. Oli starts counting on in steps of 1000 from
381. Circle all the numbers Oli will not say.

1381 3831 8381

2381 8183 5318

1 mark
1 mark
-2 1 2

16. Ajani has estimated the answer to 1950 + 6780

13. Match these Roman numerals to the correct number.
1000 + 6000 = 7000
LX 24 He is incorrect.
Can you use rounding to give a better estimate?
C 26
+ = 1 mark
XXIV 100 1 mark

14. a) Circle the number statements that are true. 17. Circle the number whose position is incorrectly
positioned on the number line.
4×5×2=9×2 36 ÷ 1 = 1
7500 8000 8250
0 × 9 + 10 = 19 12 × 0 = 0 × 7

3×2×4=4×2×3 1 × 98 = 97 + 1 7000 9000 1 mark

b) Fill in the missing numbers in these number


65 ÷ = 65 497 × 0 =

× 6 = 6 × 34 2 marks

Termly Assessment 1 Page 4 of 5 visit

18. A board games cafe has takings of £9326 in January
and £8098 in February.

a) What is the total of their takings for January

and February? Show your working.

b) The board game cafe has bills of £12 562 across

January and February. How much of their
takings are they left with after they have paid
their bills? Show your working.

£ 2 marks

28 marks

Termly Assessment 1 Page 5 of 5 visit

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