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The Ultimate Guide to RTL Design fro

This article provides an overview of Register Transfer Level (RTL) Design, it describes the
fundamentals of RTL design and the process of RTL design. The article will also discuss RTL
synthesis, RTL for synchronous and asynchronous design, RTL simulation, RTL in FPGA and
ASIC and RTL design tools.

What is RTL Design?

Register Transfer Level (RTL) is a representation of the digital circuit at the abstract level.
There are two elements in digital circuits: Sequential Circuit (Flip-Flop) and Combinational
Circuit (Gates), with the help of these two elements, a digital designer can implement any
circuit, i.e., adder, multiplier, counter, memories, and state machines. There are two commonly
used variants of the RTL — namely: Verilog and VHDL, which a digital design engineer can
represent their logic/functionality of the design in a simple text entry language.

Before the RTL invention, engineers designed a complete functionality as a circuit — schematic
entry. You could imagine if someone had to design a 32-bit adder, he had to design all the logic
in gates, this made the design a cumbersome job with high level of errors. RTL design convert
this self-designing job to an easy automated process, in which a designer can write functionality
of the design in the language of his choice, and a tool convert all of his design into the
equivalent combinational and/or sequential circuit. 1/6
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Figure 1: Code Snippet for D Flip-Flop

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Figure 1 shows the code for the single-bit flip flop and one-bit inverter. An RTL synthesizer tool
can easily convert the above code into the following one-bit D Flip Flop.

Figure 2: Alternative logic for the D-FF RTL with Reset

Figure 2 shows the combinational and sequential logic of the circuit explained in Figure 1.
Similarly, one can implement the alternative digital circuit by writing a small piece of the code,
quickly increase the size of the datapath and increase the number of inputs and outputs
connections, make the control logic with the help of RTL design with the zero effort requires at
the gate level/ circuit-level design.

The most crucial element in RTL design is the synthesizer’s role in translating your design into
the respective circuit. Design a synthesizer itself is big domain companies like Xilinx and
Synopsys invested millions in designing their synthesizer. This article will talk about the
synthesizer briefly to understand the synthesizer’s role and how it converts the code into the

RTL Synthesis

RTL synthesizer primary responsibility is to convert the code into the gate-level netlist. This is a
automated process; a tool has all the standard libraries definitions that can manipulate the
respective gate-level netlist, which is an equivalent of your design in RTL. Synthesize tools can
also do circuit optimization, power estimation, as well as timing analysis.

RTL Timing Analysis

For digital design, timing analysis can be performed at three different levels of abstraction:

RTL level
Gate level
Layout level 2/6
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Performing timing analysis at the RTL design level is a faster and cost-effective approach than
waiting to find the same problems during timing analysis at the gate-level, layout-level, or

Timing analysis at the layout level will always be more accurate, but it is an expensive and
tedious job. Designers always try to avoid making timing changes at the layout level because of
the cost. The iteration at the layout level is an expensive process.

The bests stage to timing analysis and quickly identify the path that causes timing problems is
at the RTL level. Modern synthesize tools can perform the Static Timing Analysis (STA) of the
design to find the potential timing issue that later causes the design’s metastability and negative

RTL for Synchronous vs Asynchronous Logic

RTL can be used to design any digital circuit, either combinational or sequential. Similarly, RTL
logic can also implement the asynchronous (event-based) or synchronous (clock) based logic.
Figure 3 shows TL logic for the asynchronous logic where the circuit can be reset based on the
event-based reset logic in that code that is independent of any other event. Figure 4 shows
synchronous logic in which events depend on the clock synchronization. So, the RTL can be
used for designing any circuit from asynchronous to synchronous.

Figure 3: Asynchronous RTL Logic 3/6
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Figure 4: Synchronous RTL Logic

RTL Simulation

A good design that can meet the timing requirements is one part of the flow, and the design’s
verification is the second part. There are RTL design simulators like Modelsim used for the
verification of the design through simulation and debugging. These tools support mixed-
language: VHDL, Verilog, SystemVerilog Simulator, support for the latest Verification Libraries,
including Universal Verification Methodology (UVM), supports the latest Xilinx, Intel, Microsemi
FPGAs. These tools can use UVM Toolbox, UVM graph, Class Viewer, Transaction streams and
data to allow visual mapping and debugging designs based on OVM/UVM class libraries. They
have built-in debugging tools that provide code tracing, waveform, dataflow, FSM window,
coverage, assertion, and memory visualization capabilities and have advanced code and
functional coverage capabilities.

RTL Usage in FPGA/ASIC Design Flow

The advancement in the RTL languages RTL design flow is also part of the ASIC design flow.
Instead of designing the ASIC from scratch, which also involves writing the libraries, the
designer can write the functionalities of these circuit in RTL and generate the gate-level netlist,
that further used to make the layout for the ASIC design. Figure 5 shows the design flow for
ASIC and FPGA design. Both have the same initial design flow starting from the design
specification and RTL. Either you want to do the RTL for FPGA and ASIC, the RTL design will
remain the same. The difference starts after synthesizing FPGA does not require designer
efforts to do floor planning and place and route instead done by the tool. ASIC designer needs
to do the floor planning and route to optimize the design for better performance. 4/6
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Figure 5: RTL design flow for FPGA & ASIC

RTL Design Tools

The major players in the area of RTL tools are the following:

Xilinx/AMD ─ Vivado
Intel/Altera ─ Quartus
Synopsys ─ RTL Architect
Cadence ─ Genus (RTL synthesis tool) 5/6
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