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2Q) Authentic leadership?

A) Authentic leadership is a management style for professionals who are aware of

themselves, including their emotions, strengths and weaknesses. They emphasise
transparency, sincerity and honesty when working with their team. Authentic leaders build
genuine relationships and inspire trust and motivation in their members.
Authentic leadership requires three key elements: authenticity, empathy, and vulnerability.

Authenticity means showing others our real selves—our true feelings, values, beliefs, hopes,
dreams, fears, and attitudes. Empathy means understanding others' perspectives .

3Q)Organisatinal culture?

A) Organizational culture is generally understood as all of a company’s beliefs, values and

attitudes, and how these influence the behaviour of its employees.
Culture affects how people experience an organization—that is, what it’s like for a customer
to buy from a company or a supplier to work with it. It shows up in company policies such as
dress code and office hours. It also informs things such as workspace design and employee
dress code and office hours. It also informs things such as workspace design and employee
perks. Culture is usually set by a company’s leaders.

Top 7 elements of great organizational culture

● Core values.
● Unified purposes.
● Efficient leadership.
● Effective communication.
● Accountability.
● Proper recognition.
● Healthy environment.

4Q) Organisational conflict?

There are several sources of conflict. However, these sources depend on the mode (mindset)
of the parties involved in a situation. Their mutual understanding, trust and openness
determine the mode. The mode influences their perception which may cause conflict. For
example, a difference in the goals of two individuals in a group of a potential source of
conflict. One member's goal may be to turn out the maximum number of product; the goal of
other member may be to ensure quality of the product. Different researches have shown or
identified different sources of conflicts.

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