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Table of Contents

ECONOMY ...............................................................................................................................4

Economic Crisis – Safina waala ............................................................................................4

The Economic Crisis of Pakistan: Issues, Challenges, and Way Forward - 1.......................4

The Economic Crisis of Pakistan: Issues, Challenges, and Way Forward - 2.......................4

The Economic Crisis of Pakistan: Issues, Challenges, and Way Forward - 3.......................5

The Economic Crisis of Pakistan: Issues, Challenges, and Way Forward - 4.......................5

Stance and Support ................................................................................................................5

EDUCATION ............................................................................................................................7

Issues with the Pakistan Education System ...........................................................................7

The Education System in Pakistan: Issues, Challenges, and Way Forward -1......................7

The Education System in Pakistan: Issues, Challenges, and Way Forward -2......................7

Meaning purposive education (CSS 2021) ............................................................................8

CORRUPTION ..........................................................................................................................9

Corrpution in Pakistan: Causes, Challenges and Recommendations ....................................9

DEMOCRACY ........................................................................................................................10

Democracy and Illiteracy do not move together..................................................................10

The Future of Democracy in Pakistan .................................................................................10

Democracy in Pakistan: Hopes and hurdles – 1 ..................................................................10

Democracy in Pakistan: Hopes and Hurdles – 2..................................................................11

Democracy in Pakistan: Hopes and Hurdles........................................................................11

NATIONAL INTEGRATION.................................................................................................12

National integration: Issues and Challenges – 1..................................................................12

National integration: Issues and Challenges – 2..................................................................12

ISLAMOPHOBIA ...................................................................................................................14

Islamophobia: cause and consequences (1+1) – 1 ...............................................................14

Islamophobia: Causes and Consequences (1+1) – 2............................................................14

FOREIGN POLICY.................................................................................................................15

Pakistan Foreign Policy: Prospects and Challenges – 1 ......................................................15

Pakistan Foreign Policy: Prospects and Challenges – 2 ......................................................15

GLOBALIZATION .................................................................................................................16

Globalization – Pros and Cons In Pakistani Perspective .....................................................16

Pros and Cons of Globalization ...........................................................................................16

ENERGY .................................................................................................................................17

Energy Crises in Pakistan ....................................................................................................17

Energy Crisis in Pakistan: Issues, Challenges, and Way Forward ......................................17

Energy Crisis in Pakistan .....................................................................................................17

Stance and Support ..............................................................................................................18

FOOD CRISIS .........................................................................................................................19

Food Crisis in Pakistan: Challenges and Way Forward ......................................................19

Food crisis in Pakistan: Challenges and Way forward ........................................................19

WATER CRISIS......................................................................................................................20

The Water Crisis in Pakistan: issues, challenges, and way forward....................................20

CLIMATE CHANGE AND GLOBAL WARMING ..............................................................21

The Threat of Global Warming and the Ways to Counter it. – 1 ........................................21

The Threat of Global Warming and the Ways to Counter it (CSS 2018) – 2......................21

SOCIAL MEDIA .....................................................................................................................23

The Emerging Power of Social Media: Prospects and Problems ........................................23

The Emerging Power of Social Media: Prospects and Problems ........................................23

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY .........................................................................................24

Expanding Information Technology; A Curse or Blessing .................................................24

NEW PROVINCES .................................................................................................................24

Making of New Provinces: Challenges and Prospects – 1 ..................................................24

Making New Provinces in Pakistan: Prospects and Challenges – 2 ....................................25

Making of New Provinces: Challenges and Prospects ........................................................25

GENDER EQUALITY ............................................................................................................27

Gender Equality: A Popular Slogan.....................................................................................27

MEANING PURPOSIVE EDUCATION................................................................................30

ISSUES WITH THE PAKISTAN EDUCATION SYSTEM ..................................................31


FOREIGN AID: A BLESSING OR A CURSE – 1.................................................................33

FOREIGN AID: A BLESSING OR A CURSE – 2.................................................................35

FOREIGN AID—BLESSING OR CURSE – 3.......................................................................36


ISLAMOPHOBIA: CAUSES & CONSEQUENCES – 1* .....................................................39

ISLAMOPHOBIA: CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES – 2*................................................41

NEW WAR FRONTS LIE IN THE ECONOMIC ZONES ....................................................42

THE FUTURE OF DEMOCRACY IN PAKISTAN...............................................................43

PERSONALIZATION OF PAKISTANI POLITICS..............................................................44


GENDER EQUALITY – A POPULAR SLOGAN.................................................................46

Introductory Paragraphs (38)
Economic Crisis :

Economic stability is the base upon which a country's sovereignty, political might, and
international image stands still. Without any doubt, it is the economy, not politics alone, that
manifests the fate of a nation worldwide. For instance, China, once struggling to have its say
internally, has successfully challenged American hegemony by just having a stable and
inclusive economy. However, it has been proven that countries with dwindling economies
always lag socially and, above all, politically. Ironically, Pakistan, being no exception, has
been counted among those states that have done very little to stabilise its economic affairs.
Consequently, overshadowing and, for sure, overpowering all other concerns Pakistan faces
today, the economic crisis has undoubtedly straddled the entire country into its shackles,
making the country dance to the tunes of foreign donors.

The Economic Crisis of Pakistan: Issues, Challenges, and Way Forward - 1

Economic growth ensures the socio-political and economic development of a country. With a
strong economic footing, countries worldwide experience stable socio-economic indicators
and achieve unsurpassable development. The fastest growing economies are holding the
crown and ruling the global market. On the other hand, the economic crisis can slowly burn
many countries socially, politically, and economically. Unfortunately, the situation in
Pakistan is no different. Its shambling economy has overpowered all other concerns the
country faces today. Historically, the country has made significant economic achievements
but has a disappointing record of social development. The fundamental structural and
institutional problems and poor governance have led the country into an economic recession.
Besides the frequent changes in political regimes, successive governments with shorter life
spans have remained unable to reform the economic sector; as a result, the situation has
confronted Pakistan with serious challenges: low foreign direct investment, loans and debts,
leading the country into hot water. Similarly, high imports financed by the little export
earnings increased indebtedness. Owing to the trade imbalance, its share in world trade has
been shrinking. Despite this, Pakistan has proved to be the home of the most resilient nation.
With a robust check and balance mechanism, building up human capital and utilizing its
young labour force can help the country beat the economic crisis.

The Economic Crisis of Pakistan: Issues, Challenges, and Way Forward - 2

No nation can rise to the height of glory by turning a blind eye to its economic development.
On the other hand, a country reeling under a volatile economy cannot safeguard its prestige
and project its powers in the comity of nations. Being a developing country, Pakistan has
seen the unaddressed long-standing economic issues since its inception. However, the
outbreak of Covid-19 has rubbed salt on the economic wounds of the country. It has pushed
the country into the swamp of massive accumulation of foreign debt, making its economic
revival complicated. Moreover, it is saddening to note that the political instability, excessive
import of expensive luxury goods, loss-making SOEs and lack of progressive taxation have
dropped the economic graph of the country. As a result, the country has started facing dire
economic challenges, impacting the already deprived youth and poverty-stricken citizens
living in the lower economic strata of the country. Despite the myriad of economic
challenges, building an investment-friendly culture and bringing reforms in systematic
taxation can attract foreign direct investment to the country. Besides, it is equally important
to encourage local investors to build domestic industry to support Pakistan's export portfolio.
Similarly, the country's political elite has to realize the potential of the country's youth by
investing in technical and vocational training. This essay discusses the challenges faced by
Pakistan due to the economic crisis and suggestions to overcome the problem.

The Economic Crisis of Pakistan: Issues, Challenges, and Way Forward - 3

A country’s economic might determine its international standing in the fast-advancing and
competitive world. Countries, such as America, China, and South Korea, have risen to
prominence on the back of their sound economic growth. Yet, in Pakistan’s case, the
economic crisis has overshadowed all other concerns the country faces today. Not only has
the crisis impaired the country's socio-economic fabric but also it has brought it to the verge
of complete extinction. Moreover, it is worrisome that none of the successive governments
has taken concrete steps to arrest the ongoing economic declivity. As a result, huge fiscal
deficit, current account deficit, high cost of doing business, and monstrous circular debt have
overshadowed the prospects of economic stability in the country. In addition, many factors,
such as inefficient government economic policies, outdated export infrastructure, low human
capital development, and a narrow tax base, have multiplied the country's economic woes.
However, if something is difficult, it does not mean it is impossible. Hence, building up
human capital, developing export infrastructure, lowering the cost of doing, and broadening
the tax base can help the country pull itself out of the troubled water. And, for something
overarching and cross -cutting, the government needs a timely course correction.

The Economic Crisis of Pakistan: Issues, Challenges, and Way Forward - 4

One of the determinants of a country’s international standing is its economic strength. It is a

proven fact that a country which is economically strengthened has a better say in the
international political arena, as compared to the one whose economic growth has hampered.
Countries like USA, UK, China, and Canada, are politically active internationally due to the
gigantic sizes of their economies. In contrast, a country whose economy is crippling faces a
nightmare, nationally and globally. In case of Pakistan, economic instability has impaired the
country's socio-economic fabric and has brought it to the verge of bankruptcy. The country is
in shambles due to vast energy crisis, high cost of doing business, and burgeoning current
account and fiscal deficit. Additionally, Covid-19 has proved to be the Achilles heel for the
already crumbling economy. There are various challenges faced by Pakistan refraining it
from coming out of the economic crisis. These include, inefficient tax regime, outdated
export infrastructure, lack of human capital development, inadequate Research and
Development, and inefficient economic policies of the successive governments. Nevertheless,
all is not gloomy for Pakistan, it can come out of this economic quagmire by building up
human capital, developing export infrastructure, lowering the cost of doing business, and
broadening the tax base. Moreover, the consistent economic policies to increase exports and
strengthen the local industry, can help the country achieve sustainable growth.

Stance and Support

The economy is a country's backbone, helping it march towards unsurpassable social and
political development. However, inefficient, inadequate economic policies serve as a
bottleneck to a state's socio-economic and political lifelines. Unfortunately, Pakistan also
stands among those states where a dismal economy has led the government towards

Introductory Paragraphs

Issues with the Pakistan Education System

Education lays the foundation for a country's political, social, and economic development.
Undoubtedly, a viable education system enables a nation to achieve its national goals.
Unfortunately, as a developing country, Pakistan has faced critical education problems since
its inception. Therefore, the education system has failed to deliver according to the nation's
aspirations. There are various factors responsible for this situation, including focusing on
theoretical rather than practical learning, ineffective teaching methodology and assessment
criteria, and absence of career counselling after the secondary level. Moreover, there is a lack
of policy implementation and poor supervision of the educational institutes. Additionally, the
education system has become a directionless profitable business aiming for profits rather than
true human resource development. As a result, the lack of human capital has led to the
nonexistence of technological innovations. Moreover, due to institutional issues, Out-of-
school children are increasing, paving the way for child labour in Pakistan. Nevertheless,
practicable measures, including inculcation of critical learning, 21st-century skills in the
curriculum and proper institutional check and balance, are required to cultivate an
environment of progress, prosperity, and peace. Similarly, implementing a uniform education
system via a Single National curriculum can eradicate the discrepancies among the children
of various education systems.

The Education System in Pakistan: Issues, Challenges, and Way Forward -1

Education, an agent of change, is a precondition for a country's peace, progress, and

prosperity. But, unfortunately, the nation that comprises its quality cannot keep pace with the
fast-developing world. Nonetheless, in Pakistan, the indifference and negligence of the
successive government have thrown the national education system into an extensive
education crisis, making it suffer economically, socially, and politically. Marked with a low
literacy rate, poor quality of education, education apartheid, and an unemployable army of
unskilled graduates, the country's education system has been in shambles for years. Apart
from them, rote learning, budgetary restraints, outdated curriculum and teaching methods,
and lack of research facilities are nurturing the crisis, impeding the country to carve out a
bright future for the coming generations. And, to live by the pledge of progress, prosperity,
and peace, practical measures, i.e., developing youths' critical and analytical skills, increasing
education investment, aligning national education with international standards, and
cultivating a culture of research, cannot be overlooked. Undeniably, the crisis cannot be
subsided overnight but coordinated, concerted, and sustained efforts would slowly but surely
help achieve desired results.

The Education System in Pakistan: Issues, Challenges, and Way Forward -2

Nothing helps a country socially, politically and economically, the way education does.
Education reaps the seeds of peace, prosperity and progress of a nation. Unfortunately, for
countries like Pakistan, spreading quality education has become an uphill task for the national
government, making it difficult to keep pace with the fast changing world. The negligent
attitude of the successive governments, poor implementation of the curriculum, ill-trained
teaching staff, rot-learning assessment techniques, and gaps in theory and practice of various
educational policies have created an education crisis in the country. Moreover, the challenges
faced by Pakistan in the way of imparting purposive education have further exaggerated the
crisis. These challenges include elite, feudal mindset that hampers gender neutral education,
budgetary constraints, and lack of implementation of Single National Curriculum in its true
spirit. Additionally, non-existent teachers’ training workshops, and dearth of the culture of
research and development are impeding the development of a rational and efficient human
capital. Nevertheless, in order to cultivate an environment of progress, prosperity, and peace,
practicable measures are needed to be taken. This includes, focus on imparting purposive
education, developing critical and analytical skills among youth, inculcating information and
communication technology in the concept building, and cultivating a culture of research.
Undeniably, the crisis cannot be subsided overnight but coordinated, concerted, and sustained
efforts would slowly but surely help achieve desired results.

Meaning purposive education (CSS 2021)

Education is indispensable for the socio-political and economic progress of a country.

Education without purposive is like a life without water. Nothing fosters the socio-economic
profile of a country more than purposive education. Besides this, it also broadens visions and
opens up minds. The human mind is vulnerable to myths, prejudices, jealousy and hatred.
Purposive education enables an individual to differentiate between a myth and a fact and
discern the truth from the false. It removes the baseless beliefs, irrational prejudices and
unwanted hatred from the minds. The growth and development of a society are directly
dependent on education that is purposive. All the scientific developments from computers to
other sophisticated gadgets would have been still a dream had it not been for education. All
the developed nations of the world have promoted purposive education. Hence, it has given a
significant boom to their socio-economic standings globally. However, the education system
in Pakistan is futile. It still inculcates the culture of rote-learning among students coupled
with incompetent faculty. Moreover, the frequent political interferences in the field of
education have marred its very purpose of educating mindsets to be fruitful for the socio-
economic development of the country. However, inculcating critical thinking skills, practical
learning, an up-to-date curriculum, and a special focus on the moral development of an
individual can yield the outcomes of purposive education.

Introductory Paragraphs

Corruption in Pakistan: Causes, Challenges and Recommendations

Corruption – the use of public office for private gain – is the moth that eats away at a
country's economic, social and political fabric. While it is detrimental to all countries,
corruption has had a far-more debilitating effect on developing nations, especially on
Pakistan. Although Pakistan's ranking of 140 out of 180 on the Global Corruption Perception
Index may seem shocking, the dire situation has not been borne overnight. In fact, decades of
moral regression through weak governance, low transparency mechanisms, and unaddressed
nepotism has brought Pakistan to this quagmire. Consequently, this has led to deficient
service delivery, poor healthcare access and inconstant administration of justice. However,
the situation seems un-nerving; the introduction of e-governance, reformation of public
administration systems, digital empowerment of citizens and autotomizing of law-
enforcement agencies can help Pakistan contain this menace. This essay sheds light on the
causes of corruption in Pakistan, its challenges and recommendations.

Introductory Paragraphs

Democracy and Illiteracy do not move together

Illiteracy is unquestionably the bane of democracy, an institution erected upon societal

participation. However, for democracy to flourish in a state where illiteracy is rampant is akin
to running after a shadow, uncatchable, untouchable, and unsustainable. So, it is a fact that
both cannot go hand in hand; the existence of one is the death of the other. It is saddening
that a significant portion of Pakistan's population is always swayed to vote for a particular
party without understanding its manifestation and ideology.

The Future of Democracy in Pakistan

Pakistan has miserably failed to evolve a true spirit of democracy despite being a democratic
state since its inception. The repeated onslaughts on the country's democracy and the passive
and unruly citizenry have never let the country embrace a genuine and functioning
democracy. Likewise, there are some hurdles in realizing a better future of democracy due to
the persistent domination of the state institutions over political institutions, the absence of a
fully autonomous judiciary, and the lack of a well-developed party system. Moreover,
political elites' contradictory and undemocratic behaviour, feudal dispensation, lack of
accountability, and massive corruption have proved the Achilles' heel for Pakistan. However,
all is not bleak, as the country has witnessed a series of successive events, consolidating the
view that democracy in Pakistan can have a bright future. The hopes for democracy,
indicating its probable future in the country, are the rising prospects of peaceful transfer of
power, return to the local body governments, favourable legislation about women
empowerment and the mounting people's political consciousness. Additionally, the vibrant
role of media, free and independent judiciary, and efforts to strengthen federation through
NFC awards and the 18th Amendment have proved to be indicators of a bright future for
democracy in the country. Nonetheless, pragmatic measures, such as enlightened education,
inclusivity through quotas and legislation, and transparency and accountability through an
empowered judiciary can help Pakistan reinforce democratic principles and ideals.

Democracy in Pakistan: Hopes and hurdles – 1

Pakistan has miserably failed to evolve a true spirit of democracy despite being a democratic
state. The repeated onslaughts on the country's democracy, combined with the passive and
unruly citizenry, have never let the country embrace a genuine and functioning democracy.
However, the country has recently witnessed a series of successive events, consolidating the
view that democracy in Pakistan encounters both hopes and hurdles. The hopes for
democracy in the country, indicating its probable future, are growing cooperative interaction
of the country's major institutions, rising prospects of peaceful transfer of power, mounting
people's political consciousness, and emerging free and independent judiciary. On the other
hand, there are still some hurdles in realizing true democracy in the country, including the
persistent apprehension of a hybrid power structure, illiterate and indolent people, political
instability, and feudalism. Nonetheless, pragmatic measures, such as politically active and
alert citizens, electoral reforms, enlightened education, and land reforms, can help Pakistan
reinforce democratic principles and ideals. Although it is not possible overnight, one must be
cognizant of how long and chaotic the democratization process in Europe was. Thus, if these
measures are implemented, there is no reason why Pakistan cannot turn around its fortune.

Democracy in Pakistan: Hopes and Hurdles – 2

It is a self-evident truth that people have a right to self-rule; Democracy embodies this
principle. While some nations have become the paragons of democratic styles of government,
most of the world is yet to reach this bar as they face many hurdles. According to the
democratic index, compiled by the economist intelligence unit, only 21 of the nations are
fully functioning democracies. Unfortunately, Pakistan the same index classified Pakistan as
a weak democracy.

Democracy in Pakistan: Hopes and Hurdles

Democracy is indispensable for a country’s social, political and economic development. The
autonomy for self-government to the people, ensured by democracy, is unprecedented among
other forms of government, like monarchy, aristocracy and dictatorship. It has become crystal
clear that democracy is an essential factor to ensure inclusivity, freedom of expression, rule
of law, and just, moral order in a country. Pakistan, however, is one of those countries which
has not been able to reap the true benefits of the democratic form of government. Despite the
founding father’s will to make Pakistan a true democracy, factors like unstable civil-military
relations, lack of political culture development, feudal system and practices, and passive and
unruly citizenry have never let the country embrace a genuine and functioning democracy.
Looking at the other side of the coin, peaceful transfer of power from one democratically
elected government to the other since 2008, rise in political consciousness of the people,
mushroom growth of many, private media channels, and independent judiciary show light at
the end of the tunnel. Additionally, these factors show that there is still hope for a functioning
democracy in Pakistan. Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten of how long and chaotic the
democratization process in Europe was. Indeed, pragmatic measures, such as electoral
reforms, enlightened education system, and true implementation of eighteenth amendment,
can help Pakistan enforce the democratic principles and ideals. Thus, if these measures are
implemented religiously, there is no reason why Pakistan cannot turn its fortune around.

Introductory Paragraphs

National integration: Issues and Challenges – 1

Nothing helps a country march toward unsurpassable development the way national cohesion
does. Not only does it ensure the country's bright future, but it also provides strength to it to
withstand the onslaughts of various odds, such as internal turmoil and hostile external
elements, which eventually lead it toward progress, prosperity, and peace. It is saddening that
Pakistan, being a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, and multi-linguistic state, is struggling to carve
out a sense of common nationhood out of varied ethnic, cultural, and linguistic identities.
Furthermore, the indifference and short-sightedness of the successive ruling regimes have
contributed impressively well in festering the issue, giving rise to impenetrable challenges.
These include managing religious differences, handling conflicts over resources, dealing with
separatist movements and deterring foreign elements from interfering in the country's internal
affairs, and, above all, ensuring national consensus on every matter of public importance.
Furthermore, unequal economic development, lack of visionary and capable leadership, poor
governance, dysfunctional education system, and political environment of hostility have
triggered the sense of deprivation and alienation, which are the main culprits behind the
growing peril of disintegration. However, it is heartening that Pakistan is still a united state
despite various periodic internal turmoil and external security threats. But, this should not be
taken for granted and needs to be nurtured with consistent efforts and care. For this, liberal
and professional education, socio-economic justice, religious harmony, and good governance
deserve to be on the top of the government's priority list. Since a well-knitted and well-
integrated state is more likely to take strides towards long-term development and peace, a
new plan to perpetuate national cohesion can no longer wait.

National integration: Issues and Challenges – 2

National integration pilots a country towards social, political, and economic progress;
providing it with a tendency to counter the internal turmoil and the hostile external elements.
The presence of national cohesion shows that a country is ready to move ahead with socio-
economic and political development. However, most of the countries with colonial past face
various challenges to their national integration, Pakistan is a case in point. It is a well-known
maxim that “If two fish are fighting in a river an Englishman must have passed by”. Pakistan,
a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, and multi-linguistic state, is struggling hard to keep its people
together, and to develop a sense of nationalism among them. However, due to lack of
national integration, Pakistan is facing a number of issues, including, secessionist tendencies
among the people of less developed provinces, growing dissatisfaction against government,
radicalism, volatile law and order situation, and political instability. Despite Pakistan’s
efforts to get over these issues, there are various challenges hindering its way towards
national cohesion and integration. These include the short-sightedness of the successive
ruling regimes, religious differences, inefficient management of resources, and tendency
towards a strong center rather than the autonomous federating units. Moreover, there is
unequal economic development of the provinces, poor governance, and apartheid education
system, triggering sense of deprivation and alienation among the people. In addition to these
internal challenges, external elements are also at a play, victimizing Pakistan through hybrid
and fifth generation warfare; employing proxies and exploiting the already fragile socio-
economic situation of the country. Despite all these challenges, Pakistan can climb the ladder
of national integration through the culture of socio-economic justice, religious tolerance, and
good governance. Since a well-knitted nation is more likely to attain long-term development,
a national plan to perpetuate national cohesion can no longer wait.
Introductory Paragraphs

Islamophobia: cause and consequences (1+1) – 1

In today’s multi-cultural societies, the spread of islamophobia proves the most contentious
phenomenon affecting the Muslim world. It has emerged as a new form of racism
characterized by xenophobia and stereotyping of Muslims and proved as the main threat
against Muslims in almost all walks of life. However, recent incidents in several European
countries have further affirmed the inevitable consequences of islamophobia. More precisely,
the gender aspect of Islamophobia is gaining prominence, like girls and women being
targeted due to the mode of their dress; India and France are the glaring examples of this fact.
What is worrisome is that islamophobia is gaining resonance in the political sphere,
particularly in the western block. It is also noted with grave concern that the role of media is
a dichotomy, spreading the issue like a hot topic among the general public all around the
globe. Moreover, the reasons behind the rising of islamophobia in western and non-western
countries are nothing but the incident of 9/11, poor understanding of Islam, rising terrorism in
the name of Islam, the vested interests of political parties, and, above all, the negative role of
media. However, the collective efforts of all the Muslim countries, the positive role of media,
and international peace organizations- mainly the Organization of Islamic Corporation- are
some of the measures that Muslim countries can opt to root out the issue of islamophobia.
The essay, therefore, discusses the consequences, causes, and possible remedial measures to
curtail the issue of islamophobia.

Islamophobia: Causes and Consequences (1+1) – 2

One of the gravest challenges confronting the Muslim world is the growing monster of
Islamophobia. Widespread hatred and an uninformed fear of the Islamic faith have unleashed
a slew of hate crimes against Muslims around the globe. However, an autopsy of the current
situation highlights that many factors have entangled Muslims in the quagmire of
Islamophobia. For instance, religious discrimination against Muslims due to the faulty belief
that Islam is a radical ideology justifies Muslims' exclusion from mainstream society.
Moreover, the politics of counter-jihad and the rise of populist leaders projecting Islam as a
threat to the West also shoulder the responsibility for leading anti-Muslim hysteria.
Furthermore, new counterterrorism policies after 9/11 have further singled out Muslims as
enemies of the West. Likewise, the double standard of the West's morality regarding freedom
of speech and the intensive media campaigns disseminating hateful material about Islam
intensifies anti-Islamic ideology. Not to speak of the mentioned facts, the response of the
Muslim community to every blasphemous act still remains deficient, aggravating the issue.
However, since Islamophobia rests in minds and is manifested through attitudes and violent
actions, its consequences are numerous. Rising anti-Islamic laws and policies, such as
banning the hijab and religious minarets' construction, growing incidents of faith-based
violence, economic exploitation of Muslims, and, above all, deteriorating health of
international peace are some significant consequences of anti-Islam sentiments, thrusting the
Muslim community towards horrific misery. Notwithstanding the magnitude and severity of
the problem, pragmatic measures, such as collective efforts of Muslims, awareness
campaigns, and Islamic counter-narrative can help shatter the bulwark of Islamophobia. The
essay deals with the causes, consequences, and pragmatic suggestions to tackle the festering
issue of Islamophobia.

Introductory Paragraphs

Pakistan Foreign Policy: Prospects and Challenges – 1

A sovereign country is known not by its size or economy but by its foreign policy, helping it
secure its national interests regionally and worldwide. The better the foreign policy, the better
the international standing. However, the worst the foreign policy, the greater the dependence
on superpowers. Unfortunately, it is a dilemma that developing countries like Pakistan fail to
understand the gameplay of the strong nations, eventually facing politico-economic
challenges due to tussle between superpowers. It has been a bumpy rollercoaster ride for the
country with multiple foreign policy challenges, including, on the one hand, internal political
and economic instability, while on the other hand, external challenges, like sensitizing the
world to the human rights violation in Kashmir, countering India's policy of isolating
Pakistan, encouraging the world to tackle the Afghanistan crisis, completing the China
Pakistan Economic Corridor, maintaining good relationships with the US and China, and
fighting hybrid warfare. In contrast, if Pakistan manages to overcome these challenges, a
number of prospects are attainable, including a well-integrated neutral foreign policy with
geostrategic location and human resources utilization, the welfare of Kashmiri people,
projection of the positive image of Pakistan, peace at the eastern and western fronts
enhancing business and trade opportunities, and fighting Islamophobia through an integrated
Islamic Bloc. Nevertheless, well-thought and well-planned steps, like overcoming external
threats through national integration and economic self-sufficiency, restraining from playing
subservient, and promoting fundamental objectives and narrative to the world can help the
country encounter formidable challenges. This essay saliently throws light on the prospects
and challenges of Pakistan's foreign policy.

Pakistan Foreign Policy: Prospects and Challenges – 2

At present, Pakistan’s foreign policy is determined by its geostrategic location and domestic
politics. Being at the juncture of South-, Central- and West Asia, Pakistan has remained a key
player in the larger Asia; however, foreign policy has seen various ups and downs due to the
prevailing internal politico-economic chaos. Despite sacrificing many lives during the War
on Terror, US President Donald Trump called out to Pakistan for “no more lies or deceit.”
Moreover, India, an exploitative hegemon to the east, utilizes all available options to defame
Pakistan, exploiting sectarian and sub-nationalist lines. EU DisinfoLab competently proved
that India has also utilized countries like Iran and Afghanistan to wage proxy war in Pakistan.
Recently, the takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban regime has opened another door of
foreign policy challenge for Pakistan. However, Pakistan is enjoying economic relations with
its regional ally, China, regarding CPEC, defending itself on various fronts at a time to put
the economy going smoothly. Fareed Zakarya aptly says, "Foreign policy is a matter of costs
and benefits, not theology.” Thus, a neutral and independent foreign policy is required to
overcome the current challenges.

Introductory Paragraphs

Globalization – Pros and Cons In Pakistani Perspective

Globalization is one of the most dynamic features of the contemporary world. It is a

phenomenon that has created a multi-dimensional impact on the economy, culture and
politics alike. While it encourages trade integration, cultural dissemination, and information
exchange and is highly profitable, only a selected few can reap maximum benefits,
comprising mainly of the developed West. Moreover, problems like inequitable wealth
distribution, growing income inequality, labour and resource exploitation, and the spread of
infectious diseases are also the primary source of concern for many. Pakistan, in particular,
falls into the category of countries experiencing both the advantages and disadvantages of
globalization. Although it has provided access to a broader export market, increased foreign
investment and exposure to various technological advancements, behind the scenes, it is also
tainted by challenges and internal weaknesses hindering maximum utilization of the
opportunities provided. There is also an increasing loss of cultural identity and adaptation of
western ideology unsuitable for its hybrid society. Moreover, the growing sense of
materialism, which is rooted in capitalism exported by globalization, goes against Pakistan’s
traditional welfare mindset. Therefore, the need of the hour is to take both modernization and
traditional values of the country forward simultaneously by carefully choosing how to
interact with the growing globalized world.

Pros and Cons of Globalization

It is a truth universally acknowledged that the era of globalization has proved itself to be the
best of times as well as the worst of times. No one is immune from its impacts; it has a
tendency to affect the peace, prosperity and security of a nation, be it a developed or a
developing one. On the bright side, globalization has paved the way for integration and
interconnectedness of the whole wide world, eased the way of doing of business abroad,
helped in dissemination of cultural values, and accelerated the spread of information age.
Additionally, globalization also has the tendency to alleviate poverty by ensuring universal
cooperation through open borders for trade and travel. Whereas on the pessimistic side,
globalization has enhanced the monopoly of big business giants over labor and income,
increased tendency of organized crime like money-laundering, and heightened the capability
of terrorist organizations for cross-border activities. Moreover, the gap between global North
and South has increased, paving way for exploitation of natural resources of third world
countries by the Western world. Additionally, the global village, where the borders have
become a sort of antiquated, has eased the transference of pandemics like Covid-19 around
the globe, threatening the lives of many. Nevertheless, globalization has become the need of
time, so, in order to reap maximum benefits from it, global leadership must enforce
international rules for balanced trade agreements, and security of the developing world
against the monopoly of multi-national companies. Hence, globalization is like an
overwhelming wave, so whosoever wants to survive needs to learn how to swim.

Energy Crises in Pakistan

The Energy sector of a country, undoubtedly, is the powerhouse that fuels its economic and
social development. Energy security, thus, has remained and still is the agenda of many
developed country's domestic and geopolitical schemes. Pakistan's energy sector,
unfortunately, is in a crisis, robbing it, and consequently millions, from socio-economic
growth. Furthermore, the failure of consecutive governments-both civil and military- to
develop a solid energy framework has made a bad situation worse. Moreover, the absence of
a coordinated energy policy has created an overcapacity in production that cannot be
transmitted using current transmission lines. Additionally, the over-reliance on fossil fuels for
energy production and line losses has created an overwhelming circular deficit, aggravating
the crises, and overburdening the government. That said, Pakistan can still revive its energy
sector if it develops a solid energy framework that will bring certainty to Pakistan's energy
policy. Furthermore, improving collaboration between different segments of the energy
sector, a shift towards nuclear and renewable energy, and cutting line losses and theft can
help solve the crises that have sucked the soul of economic development from Pakistan.

Energy Crisis in Pakistan: Issues, Challenges, and Way Forward

Pakistan faces an acute energy crisis that indubitably has grievous aftermaths for all and
sundry. The imposing tower of the energy crisis has its sole foundation in the inept policies,
high cost of fuel, the building of no new dams, demand-supply gap, failure to exploit coal
reserves, wastage of energy, circular debt and negligence in availing renewable sources of
energy. Though the country allocates a significant chunk of its budget every year for the
generation of power, due to continuously increasing demand, the country has failed miserably
to cope with the nagging issue. Nevertheless, to curb the burgeoning energy crisis some
pragmatic steps that includes building of new dams, up gradation to modern methods of
production, bridging demand-supply gap, energy conservation awareness campaigns,
regressive structural reforms in the energy sector and systematic distribution of the energy
resources is a critical necessity. The flippant attitude shown on the part of political leadership
and the delinquent usage of electricity by the masses is adding fuel to the burning flames of
energy crisis. Henceforth, an earnest and practical approach should be taken to address the
issue before the situation enters an irreversible state.

Energy Crisis in Pakistan

The energy sector of a country is the foundation of its socio-economic development. In fact,
being an energy-secure country is one of the top agendas of the developed countries of the
world ensuring prosperity of their economic sectors. However, in developing countries like
Pakistan, the energy crisis is the talk of every day, robbing millions of people of social,
political and economic wellbeing. The inept energy policies of consecutive governments,
reliance on the foreign energy donors, lack of adequate energy infrastructure, and the years of
unending political instability are the main culprits behind the imposing tower of energy crisis.
Moreover, the over-reliance on imported fossil fuels for energy production has created an
overwhelming circular deficit. Consequently, industrial shutdowns, transference of industries
abroad, current account deficit, and increased inter-provincial disharmony have become
Achilles heel for Pakistan. Additionally, the foreign direct investment has also decreased
resulting in more economic nightmares. Thus, if the energy related issues remain unchecked,
there would be dire repercussions. Nevertheless, there is still light at the end of the tunnel;
Pakistan can come of its energy crisis quagmire with formulation and implementation of
consistent energy policy, reliance on renewable energy resources and tackling the issue of
political instability. Thus, an earnest approach is required to address the issue before the
situation enters an irreversible state.

Stance and Support

Energy security is indispensable for the prosperity of a nation. The uninterrupted energy
supply is probably among the most critical factors needed to ensure a modern economy's
economic and political stability and thriving human culture. However, an energy crisis can
rob a country socially, politically and economically without rational policies. Unfortunately,
Pakistan also stands among those states where a dismal economy has led the government
towards shambles.

Introductory Paragraphs

Food Crisis in Pakistan: Challenges and Way Forward

Robbing and shattering all kinds of development Pakistan possesses, the food crisis has
overpowered the country's peace, prosperity, and stability. For instance, according to the
International Food Security Assessment by the US Department of Agriculture, 38% of the
total population in Pakistan is food insecure, which destabilizes the political structure and
peace of the country. Moreover, the food crisis has been a daunting challenge for Pakistan
since its inception. The shortage of water resources, shrinkage of arable land, the augmented
supply-demand gap, burgeoning population, and increased inflation have given impetus to
the quandary of the food crisis. In addition, lack of pragmatic measures, ignorance and
inexperience of the farmers, and absence of advanced technology in cultivation have thrust
the country into the quagmire of food insecurity. Nonetheless, it is aptly said, “Where there is
a will, there is a way”. Resorting to advanced technologies, cultivation of idle land, zoning,
and training for farmers can help overcome the menace. Moreover, the incumbent
government has taken some commendable measures, such as introducing the Kisan card and
giving direct subsidies, giving an interest-free loan to the farmers, and approving the
Agriculture Transformation Plan to augment the national agriculture output and livelihood of
farmers. Needless to say, the malaise cannot be rooted out overnight, but it entails sheer
tenacity and hard work to achieve the desired goals.

Food crisis in Pakistan: Challenges and Way forward

Nothing seems to hamper a country’s socio-economic development and political progress

more than food insecurity in today’s world. Overshadowing and, to some extent,
overpowering all other concerns Pakistan faces today, the food crisis has devastated the
country, rupturing its economic fabric, crippling its political standing and augmenting
poverty to incredible heights. Marked by a demand-supply gap, inadequate arable land, and
water scarcity, the food crisis in the country is critical. Additionally, the absence of modern
farming techniques, inadequate farmer training and outdated cultivation methods have
aggravated the situation ten-fold. Consequently, this has resulted in a rise in malnutrition
borne diseases, raised hunger and caused inflation. Moreover, food shortages have
radicalized the populous re-igniting flames of ethnic disharmony and extremism.
Nonetheless, pragmatic steps, like the introduction of the Kisan Card and the inauguration of
food shelters, indicate that the government is on the right track. However, farmer-friendly
measures, such as direct subsidies, interest-free loans and legislation on the Agricultural
Transformation Plan can also help Pakistan escape this quagmire.

Introductory Paragraphs

The Water Crisis in Pakistan: issues, challenges, and way forward

Raising apprehensions to upend all types of development Pakistan possesses, the water crisis
has overpowered the country's peace, prosperity, and progress. For instance, according to the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Pakistan's per capita annual water availability has
slumped to 1,017 cubic metres from 1,500 cubic metres in 2009, which has not only jolted its
socio-economic stability but also robbed its peace. Since water availability is of paramount
importance for the country's overall health, the water crisis has unleashed innumerable
challenges for it. Economic injuries, food insecurity, intra- provincial disharmony, and, more
importantly, social unrest have been triggered by the menace of the water crisis. Furthermore,
the rapidly increasing population, rising global temperature, deteriorating water
infrastructure, and faulty agricultural practices have entangled the country into the quagmire
of water scarcity. As every cloud has a silver lining, prioritising the construction of dams,
repairing the existing water infrastructure, and launching public awareness campaigns can
help the country encounter the festering issue of the water crisis. The government has taken
many steps to resolve the problem; yet, these are not enough to subside the imminent danger
of water shortage. Undeniably, the malaise cannot be rooted out overnight, and doing so calls
for consistent efforts and firm political will.

The Threat of Global Warming and the Ways to Counter it. – 1

Never has humanity faced an existential crisis before as it exists today in the form of Global
Warming. The rise in atmospheric temperature, the melting of caps, rising sea levels, and
recent floods in Germany and China are all proof of a looming disaster. This disaster will
impact humanity by creating food insecurity, displacing millions, destructing human
infrastructures, and water shortages. Unfortunately, some of these threats have already started
to materialize- millions of Africans are already facing food insecurity and water shortages.
Moreover, the situation can further aggravate if humans start fighting for the resources that
are becoming scarce. These threats, if properly materialized, will act like a tidal wave that
will sweep humanity with it. Fortunately, there is still time for humanity to mollify the tide
before it hits. To mollify the tidal wave, it must increase investment in green energy-
batteries, renewable, and electric cars, internalize the costs of environmental pollution,
increase efforts for afforestation, help developing nations move to greener energy, promote
environmental justice, consider environmental engineering options. Furthermore, as a clean
environment is a common good, a framework is a must so that each nation bears the cost of
its pollution and be penalized if it tries to freeride.

The Threat of Global Warming and the Ways to Counter it (CSS 2018) – 2

Global warming, an existential threat, has materialized itself in a variety of ways jeopardizing
the future of the only inhabitable planet of the solar system, earth. It has become a fact now
that global warming can disrupt peace, prosperity and stability of the comity of nations.
Amidst various developing countries to its east and north, Pakistan is on the verge of such
global chaos threatening its very existence. The surge in heat waves, extreme weather
conditions, retreating of Himalayan glaciers, and rise in sea-level paint a dismal picture of the
negative effects of global warming for the country. Moreover, warming of globe brings with
it other bad tides, including food and water insecurity, destruction of infrastructure,
displacement of hundreds of people, and economic hardship, among other things. The main
culprits behind the menace of global warming includes, but are not limited to, increasing
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, release of chlorofluorocarbons from refrigerators and
aerosols, deforestation, combustion of fossil fuels in the industries and factories, and
emission of nitrous and sulfur oxides from the exhaust of the industries and vehicles.
Consequently, these threats will engulf developing and developed countries alike, and sweep
the humanity with it. Fortunately, there is still time for humanity to soothe the tide before it
hits. The increase in the usage of renewable energy resources like solar and wind energy,
utilizing electric cars, doing forestation, and a collective action at national, regional and
international level will help mitigate the hazards of global warming. As Greta Thunberg,
young environmentalist, said, “Now or Never-It is time to take action now”. So, there is a
dire need to generate worldwide awareness about the issue, which is undoubtedly intractably
linked with billions of lives and the future.

Introductory Paragraphs

The Emerging Power of Social Media: Prospects and Problems

Every human invention is a two-blade sword: while it has many advantages, it also has
unintended consequences. From the invention of coal engine to the global financial system,
this premise holds. Social media is no different. It has converted the world into a global
village and has a plentiful of prospects, but at the same time, it has also created many

The Emerging Power of Social Media: Prospects and Problems

Just as no one is outside or beyond geography, none is completely free from the influence of
social media. For some it acts as a spring of hope, while for others, a winter of despair. It is a
fact that growing prowess of social media can no longer be ignored; it has affected the world
socially, politically and economically. Pakistan, the home to one of the youngest population
of the world, has also experienced growing power of social media at various domestic and
national levels. Although there are some problems in relation to its emerging dynamics, like
exploitation by the terrorist networks, threat of losing personal data due to hacking,
surveillance by governmental organizations, and cyber fraud markets; nevertheless, social
media has enhanced connectivity, strengthened democratic principles, empowered women,
and provided opportunity for online learning. So, in order to reap maximum benefits from its
emerging prowess, social media needs to be regulated legally via anti-cyber fraud laws, its
strict implementation, and creating awareness among the people of its safe usage. Indeed,
social media has made its way into every country and nation, be it an autocratic state or a free
democratic republic, and it is here to stay. Thus, states, now, need to utilize it to ensure
informed public opinion and promote inclusivity in the governance.

Expanding Information Technology; A Curse or Blessing

Information technology has already transformed the way people think about distance and
communication. It has converted the world into a global village. And it is still expanding. It is
proliferating in fields from medicine to entertainment. Although this expansion will create
new challenges, the benefits will out ways its costs.

Making of New Provinces: Challenges and Prospects – 1

Despite being a federal state, Pakistan has failed to evolve a true spirit of the federation. The
demand for greater provincial autonomy and distribution resources continues to preoccupy
the successive ruling regimes. The recent clamour for new provinces, an instrument to
address the grievances of the backward and neglected areas, has further injected volatility
into the current situation, giving rise to numerous impregnable challenges. These include
making constitutional amendments, managing conflict over resources, handling severe
economic implications, and dealing with the rise in ethnic and linguistic identities. On the
other hand, given the fact that small provinces strengthen federation, better governance, equal
employment opportunities, fair distribution of resources, and national solidarity are some
noteworthy prospects of new provinces in Pakistan. Nevertheless, a well-thought and well-
planned scheme for carving out new provinces without giving rise to heaps of problems
-whether centrifugal forces or administrative challenges- can help the country encounter the
approaching formidable challenges. Since salvation of a federal state lies in peace prevailing
between the federation and federal units and even among the federal units themselves, the
government should treat the matter with care and caution- not as a political stunt.

Making New Provinces in Pakistan: Prospects and Challenges – 2

The making of new provinces in Pakistan is undoubtedly among the pressing challenges the
country faces these days. Indeed, the creation of new provinces has persistently remained a
meticulous and herculean task since 1951. Currently, Pakistan consists of four provinces,
which is considerably low compared to modern nations, like the USA with fifty
administrative states, India with twenty-eight, Turkey with eighty-one, and China with thirty-
four. These countries have been doing well economically and politically with more
administrative units. Similarly, if Pakistan is to be governed efficiently, then the country's
distribution into smaller provinces is the critical need of the hour. The debate of creating new
provinces resurfaced after the passage of the eighteenth amendment, which has bestowed the
provinces with maximum autonomy. The prospects of the new provinces include better
governance, efficient division of labour, equitable distribution of service, equal opportunities,
and a flourishing democratic process. These prospects, above all, is an administrative
necessity of Pakistan. Notwithstanding, the challenges confronting the creation of new
provinces include lack of consensus, hegemonic designs of the elite, and reluctance of Punjab
to allow power-sharing with other sister units. Unfortunately, because of the mentioned
challenges, the dream of new provinces has not been materialised. Nevertheless, although the
current situation paints a dismal picture, pragmatic steps such as political awareness,
promotion of democratic norms, enhancement of national solidarity, and an earnest practical
approach on the part of political leadership can help the country achieve this colossal,
gigantic task. This essay sapiently throws light on the prospects and challenges of the
creation of new provinces in Pakistan.

Making of New Provinces: Challenges and Prospects

The beauty of federation lies in the unity in diversity which cannot be attained without
devolving power to the various federating units. It can be said that decentralization of power
and better administration can be attained by making new provinces. Pakistan, despite being a
federal state, has not been able to garner true spirit of the federation. The excessive powers in
the hands of central government and misdistribution of national resources have become the
bone of contention among the central administration and that of the federating units.
Moreover, the demand of making new provinces has further exaggerated the current
situation, giving rise to a number of new challenges at central as well as provincial level. At
national level, the challenges of introducing constitutional amendments, managing the
distribution of already volatile natural resources, and dealing with devolution of
administrative powers are hard nut to crack. Similarly, at provincial level, dealing with the
rise in ethnic and linguistic identities, and sharing of provincial assets would prove to be the
daunting challenges for the making of new provinces. In contrast, as beauty of federation lies
in number of administrative units, so, there will be some noteworthy prospects of the new
provinces in Pakistan. These include, but are not limited to, strengthening of federation,
increase in inclusivity, mitigation of ill-feelings against the federation, and enhancement of
national solidarity. Moreover, all these prospects will lead to better governance and efficient
administration in Pakistan. Thus, there is a need for a well-articulated scheme for carving out
new provinces, countering the centrifugal forces and, thus, improving the federation of the

Gender Equality: A Popular Slogan

Over the years, women's status has been observed and studied in diverse contexts and is
debated frequently on the international and national forums that equality is a human right,
without which no society can flourish healthily. However, gender inequality refers to unequal
action or insights of persons based on their gender, which exists worldwide, but is most
common in under developing nations like Pakistan. According to the United Nations, the
world population is currently estimated at 7.9 billion, and the world sex ratio is 101 males to
100 females. In simple words, females comprise 49.58% of the world population, which
faces many discriminatory actions against them just because they are women, such as
femicides, rape, cruel customs and traditions, discriminatory laws, etc. Unfortunately, it
paints an ugly picture of the world in shaping the relationship between the two genders. Third
world nations faced these issues more often than the developed nations, e.g., the USA, UK
etc., and developing nations like China and India. Pakistan, being the worst place for women
to live, belongs to a third world nation. According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2021
published by the World Economic Forum (WEF), the country is ranked 153rd out of 156
countries on the gender parity index. However, the pragmatic steps, such as increasing
women's representation in legislature and judiciary, creating Political will among political
leaders to protect women's rights, and the positive role of international organizations like the
United Nations Organization (UNO), can help the countries achieve gender equality. The
essay comprehensively discusses the world's current situation in terms of gender equality,
how gender equality is the popular slogan and practicable measures to attain it.

Current Situation Paragraph
At present, the economic crisis issue has become a matter of great concern for Pakistan. It has
bound the country in shackles by hampering its growth and developmental activities. Since
its inception, the country has been under economic declivity due to various factors: the recent
pandemic has proved the last nail in the coffin. Consequently, problems like foreign debts,
growing fiscal and trade deficit, high business costs, and inflation impede the country's socio-
economic development. According to Asian Development Bank economic forecast data, the
country's economic growth of 4.0% for the fiscal year 2021-22 is just above Nepal, Sri
Lanka, and Afghanistan compared with its Asian counterparts. Despite taking several
monetary and fiscal measures, the successive governments have failed to pull the country out
of this predicament. As a result, Pakistan is ranked as the 153rd freest economy in the 2022
economic freedom index.

Causes Likhnay K Liye Phrase
In order to treat an ailment, it is of high importance to diagnose the causes behind it. Start
mentioning causes.

Concluding Paragraph
Dancing around the fire is not the solution to any problem. Instead, one should try to see
beneath the surface to grasp an idea about the basic issue. Despite a stream of strong words
by successive governments, nothing concrete has been done to fight corruption with iron
hands. Corruption lies at the heart of Pakistan’s multiple challenges. The state must begin to
see transparency as a right and not a favor to the nation. The dire need of the hour is to hold
the political, social, and bureaucratic elite accountable. Similarly, religious education and
research should be strengthened to make the youth morally and ethically strong. Hoping for a
stable and moderate polity without transparency and accountability. Although the suggested
policy measures cannot bring change overnight, the challenge must be accepted. Progress
will likely be frustratingly slow, but these steps will ensure accelerated and visible
improvement if executed properly. Thus, by the collaborative efforts of concerned
authorities, Pakistan will surely make its way to the heights of economic development and

Outlines (14)
· Outline
· Introduction

Purposive education means liberal, pluralistic, professional, and progressive education. Not
only does it polish man's mind to work efficiently, but it also enables him to fulfil his social,
economic, and intellectual needs.

· Understanding the term purposive education

· What is the meaning of purposive education?
o Making people tolerant by developing their intellectual maturity
o Instilling critical and analytical skills in the minds of the masses
o Promoting social justice by providing equal opportunities for upward mobility
o Laying a strong foundation in science, technology, engineering,
o Nurturing a skilled and trained workforce to meet the requirement of the
knowledge-based economy
o Enabling people to take a rational interest in political affairs
o Perpetuating national cohesion
o Creating awareness in people about their rights and duties
· Suggestions for ensuring a meaningful and purposeful education
o To upgrade research institutes
o To provide trained and skilled teaching faculty
o To eliminate the practice of content memorization
o To align with international education standards
o To expose pupils to the challenging learning environment
· Critical analysis
· Conclusion

· Introduction
· Importance of education system for a country
· Pakistan's Education system- A Critical overview
· Current situation of the education system in Pakistan (SNC)
· Issues faced by the education system of Pakistan
o Learning-based issues
Focus on theoretical rather than practical education
Ineffective Teaching methodology and assessment criteria
No career counselling after the secondary level
o Institutional issues
Lack of policy implementation
Poor management and supervision of the schools and the staff
Lack of adequate budget and poor physical facilities
Education has become a directionless Profitable Business
· Impacts of the ineffective education system on Pakistan
o Lack of human resource development; nonexistence of inventions
o Out of school children and, eventually, child labour
· How to overcome the challenges and move towards an effective education system?
o Inculcation of critical learning, 21st-century skills in the curriculum
o Proper institutional check and balance
o Implementation of a uniform education system via SNC
· Critical analysis
· Conclusion

· Introduction
· Economic profile of Pakistan
o Economic standing of Pakistan in the world
o Major industrial sectors of Pakistan
o Imports and exports of Pakistan
o Taxation culture of Pakistan
· Current situation of Pakistan's economy
· Contemporary challenges faced by the economy of Pakistan
o Consumption oriented economy rather than production-oriented
o Uncertainty and unpredictability in economic affairs due to political instability
o Excessive imports of expensive luxury goods with very few exports
o Rising internal and external debt
o Threat of balance of payment crisis
o An increasing imbalance of fiscal accounts
o Loss-making State-Owned Enterprises
o Energy and water shortages
o Crisis of governance and implementation of policies
o Lack of progressive taxation culture
· Steps needed to overcome the woes of the economic crisis in Pakistan – The way
o By building an investment-friendly culture to attract foreign direct investment
o By encouraging domestic investments through flexible taxation policies to
support SMEs
o By building domestic industry to expand the country's export portfolio
o By overcoming the water and energy crises and ensuring law and order
o By equalizing the economic prospects for all citizens
o By digitalizing the economy to overcome the issue of the black economy
o By investing in Human resources and human development
o By establishing a transparent, broad and effective enabling policy environment
for investments
o By developing a knowledge-based economy to utilize the human capital of
o By Making free trade zones like UAE
o By Applying the "Financial Technology Model" - use of IT to make the
financial activities transparent
· Critical Analysis
· Conclusion

· Introduction

The role of foreign aid in a state's economic development is a debatable issue. Besides
helping a few states in their development, it has disturbed many developing nations' socio-
economic and political fabrics, including Pakistan. However, stringent measures can help
countries, especially Pakistan, attain financial independence.

o The role of foreign aid in a state's development is an arguable issue.

o It has hampered the socio-economic development of the developing world,
including Pakistan.
o It has pushed the state into a debt trap and social instability.
o Corruption is the major culprit behind the country's dependence on external
o Strengthening accountability can help the country get rid of the curse.
· Current Trend of Foreign Aid in Pakistan
o The country has received 23 bailout packages from IMF.
o The total debt of the state is around 50.5 trillion rupees.
· What are the negative impacts of foreign aid, making it a curse for Pakistan?
o Economic Impacts
Pushing the country into a debt trap
Intensifying the crisis of the economy
o Political Impacts
Affecting political sovereignty
Intensifying political instability
o Social Impacts
Hindering initiation of welfare programs
Affecting service delivery to the citizens
o Security Impacts
Giving birth to new enemies for the state
Intensifying aggression of India
· What are the causes keeping the state dependent on the curse?
o Economic Factors
Inconsistent economic policies
Ineffective economic policies
Political Factors
Political instability
Incompetent political leadership
o Social Factors
Poor law and order
Terrorism and extremism
o Administrative Factors
Poor accountability mechanism
Institutional non-cooperation
· How can Pakistan attain financial independence?
o Economic Measures
Revenue generation through initiating development projects
Improvement of the tax collection system
o Political Measures
Implementing a local government system
Ensuring cooperation between politicians
o Social Measures
Implementing balanced welfare programs
Ensuring the rule of law in society
o Administrative Measures
Strengthening accountability mechanism
Ensuring strict separation of powers
· Critical Analysis
· Conclusion

· Introduction
o Foreign aid is a key source of income for developing nations.
o A mantra for economic growth and development
o Proof to be the economic exploitation of the receiver state with structural
adjustment programs
o Pakistan, being no exception, has been among those countries that are
exploited in the name of foreign aid
o Foreign aid’s implications have been observed in social, political, economic
and security spheres.
· What is foreign aid? How is it different from a foreign loan?
o Foreign aid is the inflow of goods, services or monetary help from the
international community, including international and regional organizations,
with specified terms and conditions regarding its utilization.
o The foreign loan is the inflow of money usually borrowed from the Breton
wood institutions (IMF and WB) and international communities on the
negotiable terms. It has to be returned to the lenders according to the pre-
decided schedule of repayments.
· Importance of foreign aid for a country
o Helping in bridging the gap between imports and exports
o Meeting revenue and expenditure account of a country by mitigating negative
o Foreign aid, if used properly, can bring economic stability to a country
· Current situation in Pakistan
o According to the economic survey of Pakistan 2021, Pakistan's debt to GPD
ratio is 72 per cent.
o Twenty-three bailout packages from IMF
o Pakistan is in debt of RS.50.5 trillion
· What are the factors making foreign aid a curse for Pakistan?
o Irrational management of aid (poor economic policies)
o Aimed at funding to anti-state actors
o Strategical adjustment programs (attached terms and conditions)
o Dependent on foreign aid for its economic stability and economic growth
(Afghanistan economy collision- more than 80% economy dependent on
foreign aid from USA)
o Exploitation strategy of developed countries to secure their vested interests
· Way forward to dealing with the curse of foreign aid and making it a blessing for
o To take initiatives for self-reliance
o To spend foreign money on the development projects
o To build strong accountability and monitoring framework
o To reform the taxation system
o To enhance exports initiatives
o To take steps to enhance foreign direct investment (FDI) from diaspora
Pakistanis - (Roshan digital account app)
· Critical analysis
· Conclusion

· Introduction

The role of foreign aid in promoting economic growth is still an elusive and debatable issue
worldwide. Despite helping the countries dealing with the economic crisis, foreign aid has
failed to bring prolific outcomes throughout the history of developing nations of the world.

· What is the current trend of Foreign Aid in Pakistan?

o Pakistan’s debt has jumped to almost 80% of the total GDP
o Pakistan has taken almost 20 bailout packages from International Monetary
Fund (IMF)
o Every Pakistani is burdened with Rs. 0.2 million debt
· What are the major impacts of Foreign Aid that prove it a curse?
o Economic impacts
Hinders long term economic stability by putting the country into a
vicious cycle of dependency
A temporary way to move out of the economic crisis
o Political impacts
Acts as a threat to national interests
Donor agencies influence the government policies
o Social Impacts
Still poor social indicators
Unable to resolve the fundamental social issues
· Why does Foreign Aid consider a curse for Pakistan?
o Economic causes
Ineffective macroeconomic policies
Improper monitoring of aid utilising projects
o Political causes
Weak political structure / Political polarization
Poor governance and corruption
o Social causes
Expenditure of Foreign Aid on non-development projects
Tarnished the image of the nation at the global level
· What are the proposing policy prescriptions for navigating the menace of Foreign
o Foreign aid effectiveness policies
To introduce effective monetary, fiscal, and trade policies
To implement policies that prevent corruption, mis-utilisation, and
mismanagement of foreign aid
To monitor aid utilising projects
o Government should take appropriate steps to reduce the need for foreign aid
To keep inflation low
To document the informal economy
To increase the tax to GDP ratio
To adopt a sustainable methodology to stimulate economic growth
To utilise the available resources appropriately
To increase the export and attract more foreign direct investors
· Critical analysis
· Conclusion

o Foreign policy safeguards a country's national interests
o Pakistan's foreign policy has faced a bumpy road in changing the strategic
environment, relying upon external and internal actors
o Multiple Indian-centric, regional and international foreign policy challenges
for Pakistan
o Prospects include a positive, liberal image at the international level, economic
and business opportunities, and a peaceful neighbourhood
o Steps like overcoming external threats through national integration, restraining
from playing subservient, and promoting fundamental objectives and narrative
to the world can help the country encounter formidable challenges
· What is a foreign policy and its fundamentals?
· Understanding the importance of foreign policy for a country
· Pakistan foreign policy: A critical overview
· Current challenges of Pakistan's foreign policy
o Internal Challenges of the foreign policy of Pakistan
Internal political instability
Poor economic growth
Religious exploitation by extremist and right-wing political
Increasing Balochistan conundrum
o External Challenges of Pakistan's foreign policy
Indian Centric
Sensitizing the world to the emerging human rights violations
in Kashmir
Countering India's negative propaganda against Pakistan
Coming out of the political deadlock in relations with India
o Regional challenges of Foreign policy of Pakistan
Severity of Afghanistan crisis - after US withdrawal
Completion of CPEC with fully operational Gwadar port
Balancing ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia
o International challenges of Foreign policy of Pakistan
Maintaining good relationships with the US and China based
on equality
Shifting from security to socio-economic relations with the
Fighting hybrid and fifth-generation warfare
· Prospects for the Foreign policy of Pakistan
o A well-integrated and neutral foreign policy
o Foreign policy with geostrategic location and human resources
o Welfare of Kashmiri people by reducing radical elements
o Positive image of Pakistan and exposing India's true intentions
o Peace at the Eastern and Western front enhancing business and trade
o Regional consensus regarding Afghanistan - opening route to Central
o An integrated Muslim Bloc - fighting Islamophobia
o Amplifying the marine potential of Gwadar reaching the Indian Ocean
· Suggestions to improve Foreign policy goals
o Strengthening national integration through economic self-sufficiency
o Promoting fundamental objectives advancing narrative to the world
o Restraining from playing subservient enhancing independent foreign
· Critical analysis
· Conclusion

· Outline
· Introduction

The prejudice of the West against Islam has resulted in igniting the fires of Islamophobia
across the world. Insidious attacks on Muslims, socio-economic discrimination, and state-
sanctioned bias are rising, heading the Muslim community towards terrible suffering. Internal
Muslim divisions and intensive anti-Muslim media campaigns are prominent factors
triggering the phenomenon of Islamophobia. Nonetheless, building an Islamic counter-
narrative and raising global efforts can help counter the menace of Islamophobia.

· Understanding the term Islamophobia

· Current situation of Islamophobia
· Causes of Islamophobia
o Religious discrimination against Muslims
o The politics of counter-jihad in the West
o The double standard of the West's morality
o Negative propaganda through media
o New counterterrorism policies after 9/11
o Deficient response of Muslim Ummah
o The rise of populist leaders in the West
· Consequences of Islamophobia
o Rising anti-Islamic laws and policies
o Triggering violence and atrocities against Muslims
o Growing economic miseries of the Muslim community
o Intensifying anti-migration campaigns
o Deteriorating International peace
· Suggestions to counter Islamophobia
o To mount a collective response of Muslims
o To acquaint the West with Muslim sensitivities
o To build an Islamic counter-narrative
o To urge global action
· Critical analysis
· Conclusions

One of the gravest challenges confronting the Muslim world is the growing monster of
Islamophobia. Widespread hatred and an uninformed fear of the Islamic faith have unleashed
a slew of hate crimes against Muslims around the globe. However, an autopsy of the current
situation highlights that many factors have entangled Muslims in the quagmire of
Islamophobia. For instance, religious discrimination against Muslims due to the faulty belief
that Islam is a radical ideology justifies Muslims' exclusion from mainstream society.
Moreover, the politics of counter-jihad and the rise of populist leaders projecting Islam as a
threat to the West also shoulder the responsibility for leading anti-Muslim hysteria.
Furthermore, new counterterrorism policies after 9/11 have further singled out Muslims as
enemies of the West. Likewise, the double standard of the West's morality regarding freedom
of speech and the intensive media campaigns disseminating hateful material about Islam
intensifies anti-Islamic ideology. Not to speak of the mentioned facts, the response of the
Muslim community to every blasphemous act still remains deficient, aggravating the issue.
However, since Islamophobia rests in minds and is manifested through attitudes and violent
actions, its consequences are numerous. Rising anti-Islamic laws and policies, such as
banning the hijab and religious minarets' construction, growing incidents of faith-based
violence, economic exploitation of Muslims, and, above all, deteriorating health of
international peace are some significant consequences of anti-Islam sentiments, thrusting the
Muslim community towards horrific misery. Notwithstanding the magnitude and severity of
the problem, pragmatic measures, such as collective efforts of Muslims, awareness
campaigns, and Islamic counter-narrative can help shatter the bulwark of Islamophobia. The
essay deals with the causes, consequences, and pragmatic suggestions to tackle the festering
issue of Islamophobia.

· Introduction
o The emergence of Islamophobia has proved as the most threatening
phenomenon and reached a fevered pitch in recent years
o From blatant physical attacks to rhetorical violence, Muslims are facing social,
political, and religious challenges
o The disintegration of the Muslim societies and the negative role of media are
the most significant factors spreading islamophobia
o The collective efforts of the Muslim Ummah and the positive role of media
can curtail the issue of islamophobia
· Understanding the term islamophobia
· Islamophobia and the world
o Targeting women due to the mode of their dresses
o Rising Anti-Muslim campaigns for political gains
o Demolishing mosques regularly
o Drawing Caricatures in France
· What are the consequences of islamophobia?
o Social consequences
Attacking Muslims regularly
Vandalizing sacred places of Muslims
Deteriorating International peace
o Political consequences
Validating Anti-Muslim laws for political gains
Threatening the Muslim World
o Economic consequences
Rising discrimination against the immigrant Muslims in western
Exploiting the Muslim community in the international market
· What are the causes of islamophobia?
o The incident of 9/11
o Wrong interpretation of Jihad in Islam
o Lack of unity among the Muslim Ummah
o The negative role of media
o The vested interests of political parties
o Inefficient working of International Peace Organization- Organization of
Islamic Community (OIC)
· How can Muslim Ummah combat the issue of islamophobia?
o To unite the Muslim Ummah to halt the issue of islamophobia
o To understand the Islam thoroughly
o To spread the awareness among masses about the true meaning of jihad
o To ensure the positive and unbiased role of media
o To set international laws and policies to rule out political moves
o To ensure the effective and efficient role of the International Peace
Organization- Organization of Islamic Community (OIC)
o To educate the western society and particularly the Muslims living in the west
about the multi-culturism
· Critical analysis
· Conclusion

In today’s multi-cultural societies, the spread of islamophobia proves the most contentious
phenomenon affecting the Muslim world. It has emerged as a new form of racism
characterized by xenophobia and stereotyping of Muslims and proved as the main threat
against Muslims in almost all walks of life. However, recent incidents in several European
countries have further affirmed the inevitable consequences of islamophobia. More precisely,
the gender aspect of Islamophobia is gaining prominence, like girls and women being
targeted due to the mode of their dress; India and France are the glaring examples of this fact.
What is worrisome is that islamophobia is gaining resonance in the political sphere,
particularly in the western block. It is also noted with grave concern that the role of media is
a dichotomy, spreading the issue like a hot topic among the general public all around the
globe. Moreover, the reasons behind the rising of islamophobia in western and non-western
countries are nothing but the incident of 9/11, poor understanding of Islam, rising terrorism in
the name of Islam, the vested interests of political parties, and, above all, the negative role of
media. However, the collective efforts of all the Muslim countries, the positive role of media,
and international peace organizations- mainly the Organization of Islamic Corporation- are
some of the measures that Muslim countries can opt to root out the issue of islamophobia.
The essay, therefore, discusses the consequences, causes, and possible remedial measures to
curtail the issue of islamophobia.


· Outline
· Introduction

Economic globalization and the UN's restrictions on the use of force have set the stage for
the economy to dethrone the military as an element of power. The growing use of
protectionism, trade wars, embargoes, and economic sanctions have proved a shift in
avenues of warfare from traditional battlegrounds to new economic fronts, thereby
dragging the world into economically violent wars. Yet, pragmatic measures, such as
celebrating economies only as agents of development and ensuring the independence of
international institutions can check the economic warfare.

· Understanding new patterns of warfare

· Factors proving that new warfare fronts lie in economic zones
o Emerging major power's economic contestation
o Rising conflicts over natural resources
o The growing use of crippling economic sanctions against rival states
o Mounting politicization of International financial institutions
o Suspending trade with the hostile countries
o Hurling threat to labor exporting countries of expatriation of workers
o Use of the Financial Action Task Force listings for political
· Causes behind shifting war fronts
o Economic liberalization
o Nuclear deterrence to physical aggression
o GDP as a manifestation of national power
o Geopolitical rivalries
o Reliance of a powerful military on a strong economy
· Pragmatic measures for the prevention of economic warfare
o To promote the economy only as an agent of development
o To ensure the independence of financial institutions
o To depoliticize the FATF
o To improve governance at the domestic levels
o To foster international cooperation
· Critical Analysis
· Conclusion

· Introduction
· Why is democracy important for a country?
· Current situation of democracy in Pakistan
· Future of democracy in Pakistan looks dim: Hurdles for democracy in Pakistan
o Domination of state institutions over political institutions
o Absence of fully autonomous judiciary
o Lack of a well-developed party system and regularly held fair elections
o Contradictory and undemocratic behaviour of the political elites
o Lack of accountability and massive corruption
o Feudal dispensation
· The future of democracy in Pakistan looks bright
o Successful transition of democratic governments
o Return to local body governments
o Positive legislation about women empowerment
o Vibrant and dynamic role of media
o Efforts for strengthening federation via 18th Amendment and NFC award
o Merger of FATA with KPK
· How to strengthen democracy in Pakistan?
o Inclusivity through quotas and legislation
o Transparency and accountability through the empowered judiciary
o Effectiveness in the education system
· Critical analysis
· Conclusion

· Introduction
· What does personalization of politics imply?
· How is the personalization of politics a fate no country desires?
· The political situation in Pakistan
· Causes behind personalization of politics in Pakistan
o Distorted democratic history; Lack of political culture development
o Uneducated masses lacking political awareness
o Weak intra-party dynamics
o Prevailing feudal culture
o The influential role of media
· Impacts of personalization of politics in Pakistan
o Rise of populist competitors
o Lack of inclusivity in decision-making circles
o Defected political culture development
o Less growth of democratic principles
· How to end the personalization of politics in Pakistan?
o Educate people to look for actions rather than words
o Intra-party elections
· Critical analysis
· Conclusion

· Introduction
· What does purification of politics imply? How does politics influence a state?
· The political situation in Pakistan
· Why is the purification of politics an iridescent dream?
o Lack of political culture development
o Deficiency of good governance; (lack of transparency, corruption)
o Spread of political polarization
o (Usage of ideology, personal attacks, hyper-partisanship
o Merger of politics and religion
o Inadequate coordination among various government institutions
o Inaccurate distribution of resources
· How is the purification of politics, not an iridescent dream?
o Role of visionary leadership
o Strong and efficient institutions via check and balance
· However, purification of politics remains unrealistic
o Humans can be corrupted (Sociological theories)
o No ideal situation exists for an effective check and balance
· How can politics be purified?
o Commitment to national interest rather than individual interest
o Inculcation of content about good governance in the educational curriculum
o Efficient devolution of power to the grass-root level
· Critical analysis
· Conclusion

· Introduction
o Equality is a human right.
o Gender inequality refers to unequal action or insights of persons based on their
o Differences in opportunities and access to resources between men and women
exist all over the world, but they are most common in poor developing nations
like Pakistan
o Pakistan is ranked as worst place for women to live
o According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2021 published by the World
Economic Forum (WEF), Pakistan ranked 153rd out of 156 countries on the
gender parity index
o There are common problems, such as rape, harassment, physical abuse etc.,
faced by the women in the world
· Understanding the concept of gender and gender equality
o Construction of gender
o Gender equality
· Current situation in the world
o Developed nations
o Developing nations
o Underdeveloped nations
· How is gender equality a popular slogan?
o Femicides
o Cruel customs and traditions
o Rape cases and victim blame game
o Patriarchal mindset
o Objectification of women
o Economic dependence
o Negative role of clergies in underdeveloped Muslim countries
· Recommendations to make gender equality a popular slogan
o To increase women's representation in legislature and judiciary
o To make plans for women's empowerment
o Campaigning regarding awareness
o Legislating against inhuman customs
o Increasing quotas of women in every sphere of life
o Creating Political will among political leaders to protect women’s right
o Encouraging women to learn self-defence techniques
o Implementation of the outcomes of women's conferences
· Critical Analysis
· Conclusion


A humanitarian catastrophe threatening modern economies’ peace, prosperity, and stability
Goddard Institute of Space Studies at NASA declaring an increase of 1.5 degrees
Fahrenheit in global temperatures making 2021 the 6th warmest year in the continued trend
Triggering large-scale regime shifts politically, agriculturally, and, above all, economically
Prevailing threats of immense climate-collapse making global warming a formidable
challenge on global level
The dire need for pragmatic measures both at national and global levels



The excessive use of fossil fuels and nonrenewable energy resources
The burgeoning industrialization and rapid urbanization leading to the emission of high
Global Warming potential (GWP) gases


Melting glaciers daunting life-threatening scenarios for the humanity
The rising sea levels – an existential threat for human survival
The socio-economic threats, including increased poverty, migration, diseases, and socio-
economic injustice
Spawning multidimensional threats to the global community


According to the report by Global Climate Risk Index 2021, Pakistan is the 8th most
vulnerable country to global warming in the world

Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), such as Vienna Convention, Kyoto
Protocol, Montreal Protocol, and Paris Accord
Global awareness campaigns and documentaries


Ten Billion Tree Tsunami
Pakistan’s first ever electric vehicle policy

Action based strategies and immediate policy implementation
Participation of all stakeholders
Using sustainable and renewable energy resources
Making efforts for afforestation
Making climate diplomacy a priority


Global Warming: Causes, Challenges, and Way

1- Introduction

Changes in weather patterns and growing seasons around the world pose a threat to
peace, prosperity, survival, and stability of life on earth

The international governmental Panel of the United Nations report shows an

increase of 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit in global temperatures making 2022 the 6th warmest
year in the continued trend

The catastrophe effects shift agriculturally, politically, and above all economically

Disasters linked to climate and weather extremes make global warming a

formidable challenge on a national and international level

A desperate need for sagacious and pragmatic policies at a national and global level

2-Understanding the Global Warming

3- The Current situation of the Global Warming

At present, the global warming issue has become a matter of great concern at the
national and international level

It has bound the countries, especially low and middle-income countries in shackles
by hampering their growth and developmental activities

Global Warming from the perspective of Pakistan

4 - What are the factors that contribute to Global Warming

Earth's atmosphere significantly increased, causing worldwide temperatures to rise

Natural processes on Earth constantly create and destroy greenhouse gases

Human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and excessive use of
nonrenewable resources


Rapid urbanization, industrialization, and electrical transmission contribute to global


5- What are the challenges of Global Warming to Pakistan

Energy Security risks- disrupt electrical grid and power supply

Global Warming disrupts the agriculture sector, reduces food availability and food

Loss of infrastructure and capital

The severity of livelihood issues, poverty, and a large scale of unemployment

Livestock affected by Global Warming, stress lowers the production and


Extreme weather events like heavy precipitation lead to floods, droughts, and

Global warming vulnerable the forest ecosystem

6-How Pakistan tackles the curse of Global Warming

Building better batteries to store renewable energy and engineering a smarter electric

To strengthen inter-ministerial and inter-provincial decision-making and


mechanisms on climate change;

To take appropriate measures relating to disaster preparedness, capacity building,

and institutional strengthening

To develop climate-resilient agriculture and food system for all agri- ecological
zones in the country

To promote the country's transition to cleaner, lower emissions and less carbon-
intensive development

To promote tree plantation, conservation of natural resources, nature-based

solutions, and long-term sustainability

To build climate-resilient infrastructure

7-Critical Analysis

8o- Conclusion

Climate change and our preparedness

1. Introduction
2. Contextualizing climate change
3. What are the factors fabricating climate change?

a. Utilization of fossil fuels

During the 20th and 21st centuries, the level of carbon dioxide rose by 40%, IPCC
b. Excessive deforestation
Estimated that 25% of the world's total greenhouse gas production comes from deforestation
alone, UN Climate action
c. Generation of power
Over 40% of energy-related CO2 emissions are due to the burning of fossil fuels for
electricity generation, UN climate action

4. How mankind has been affected by climate change?

a. Rising temperature
Case in Point: Pakistan faces increases in average temperatures significantly above the global
average with a potential rise of 1.3°C over the 1986 baseline, Pakistan’s meteorological
b. Melting of glaciers
Case in Point Glaciers in Pakistan's Gilgit-Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa regions are
melting rapidly, creating more than 3,000 lakes, the UN Development Programme
c. Changing weather patterns
Case in Point Large-scale weather events such as La Niña main cause of the 2010 floods in
Pakistan, UNICEF

5. What are the preparatory measures at the national level to cope with climate change?

a. Initiating climate policies

Case in Point: National climate change policy
b. Participating in international forums
Case in Point: partners with world economic forum to fight plastic

c. Going green Pakistan move

Case in Point: Ten Billion Tree Tsunami

6. What are the preparatory measures at the international level to with cope climate change?

a. Introducing carbon credit

Case in Point: 46 countries are pricing emissions through carbon taxes or emissions trading
b. Efforts on consensus building
Case in Point: COP summits, reduction of carbon emission by developing and developed
c. Introducing climate summits
Case in Point: Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement

7. How the world can buckle down to the challenges of global warming?

a. To reduce saline resistance crops

b. To reduce greenhouse gasses
c. To start plantation drives at a large
d. To alter climate change through geoengineering
8. Critical analysis
9. Conclusion

Human Development and Economic Sustainability

Economic sustainability is a prism through which a country political, economic, and

sovereign might are seen worldwide and to achieve this investment in human development is
crucial. Countries like Norway, Switzerland and Iceland rank in the top three globally for
human development owing to their proactive measures in achieving economic sustainability


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