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English Assignment 3

James and the giant peach by Roald dahl is about

a lonely boy whose parents passed away at a
young age, he lives with his aunt sponge and aunt
spiker On top of a hill overlooking a wonderful
forest and view of the beach
He is withdrawn from the world but he has a high
point to see what is happening around him,
Birds eye view, as it shows more of the
surrounding that James is now living on, in the
first picture you can see over the top of the house
aunt sponge and aunt spiker’s house and down
the hill is the wonderful forest that James can see
James describes his days as gazing wistfully at the
lovely but forbidden world of woods and fields
and ocean that was spread out below him like a
magic carpet and the image is showing what he
describes in a bird’s eye view.
Wide angle, the birds eye view plus a wide angle
you can see a bigger shot
In that shot you can see the ocean the house the
fields and the forest all in one shot from high
above the ground

At aunt sponge and aunt spikers place they have a peach tree that doesn’t grow
peaches anymore and it sits on top of the hill with aunt sponge and aunt spikers
house the image is a tree on the edge of the cliff that is the same one the house is on,
Vectors, the main idea of the photo is the peach tree and the hill it’s on, it shows the
importance of the tree and where it is located. The tree is a peach tree from aunt
sponge and aunt spikers backyard it sits on a cliff, the tree is located in the middle of
the image as it is the vector of the photo. The peach tree doesn’t grow any peaches as
we know of in the extract of James and the giant peach
The extract of James and the giant peach is a page and a bit long and with that there was the two
images with the explained visual techniques, the page and a bit is only a little bit of writing but with
that there can be multiple images made with visual techniques that enhance the quality of the book,
take Hugo Cabret for example the book would be very short and not as engaging if there was no
images to guide the reader just that little bit more so with the images it makes the book feel longer
and more exiting, same with this extract. The extract can add images to make the book feel more
alive and more engaging, example with the vector of the tree shows the importance of the tree and
would make it known that it is a key part in the story.

The extract of James and the giant peach has visual techniques added to it and with them it makes
the text more interesting, with it the text can be more engaging for the reader and help more with
the story development, the birds eye view shows a representation of where aunt sponge and aunt
spiker live, on top of a hill over looking the ocean and forest. Then the vector of the tree shows the
importance of it and how it could possibly lead to into further parts of the story. The extract is only
just a short part of the text but it Is very simple to make just that small part of the text even better
and enhance the book so the reader would catch on quicker or be more engaged.

The extract of James and the giant peach is a lot less engaging without the pictures and the visual
techniques, with the pictures the reader can be more into the story and feel more connection to the
book and real-world experiences. Or other book and movies that have the same thing but different
places and worlds. With the help of visual techniques, the book can come more alive than without
pictures. The book is a simple book only needing few pictures and visual techniques to make the
reader feel like they are in the story with James, but with that little bit extra to enhance the book it
makes it a whole lot better to read and feel a part of.

James and the giant peach is a book by Roald dahl that is about a boy whose parents got eaten by a
rhino at the city, he then goes on to live with his aunt sponge and aunt spiker which treat him very
badly, the way he passes the time is by over looking the forest that is forbidden by his aunts, the
ocean and the fields. He says he over looks all of them like they are on a giant flying carpet, and with
that bird’s eye view you can understand what he is over looking to pass the time.

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